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Barrientos, Jomie Bea C.



CPD in other countries

 Singapore:
Professional development is very alive in this country where building a strong
mentorship is highly supported. Moreover, teachers are given 100 hour per year for their training
(optional) which enables teachers to develop their skills. Schools also in this country are
encouraged to give teachers 1 hour for curricular time per week so that teachers can be able to
attend Professional Development in school.

 Finland:
Teachers in Finland are encouraged to join forces to distribute materials and they meet
one afternoon per week together to plan and improve the curriculum.

 Japan:
This country implements Lesson Study Approach to Professional Development which
teachers make sure that they prepared a best lesson and demonstrates strategies to achieve a
certain goal. Other teachers are evaluating a particular teacher while discussing the lesson to
know its strengths and weaknesses.

 New Zealand:
The Education department in this country provides budget 20% for new teachers and
10% for secondary teachers to attend Professional Development activities, and observe
other teachers.

Characteristics of effective CPD:

The characteristics of an effective CPD are continuous, collaborative, focused on a specific

teacher need, job-embedded, given enough time, and funded. It should be continuous because when a
teacher is in the field, he or she should continue to explore, learn, and develop his or her skills. It should
be collaborative; teachers should join forces to achieve professional development together. Teachers
should join hands together and help those teachers who are new in the field or they should focus on a
specific teacher need so that the particular teacher can be able to know his or her strengths and
weaknesses and improve what is needed to be improved. Effective CPD should also be job-embedded
meaning teachers should continuously attend CPD programs and activities in their workplace so that
they can apply what they have learned on the trainings. Moreover, it should be given enough time.
Teachers should give time for CPD to develop their pedagogy and for the benefits of their learners. Lastly,
it should be funded. CPD would be much better if there are allocated funds to support it.

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