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Outubro Independência do Brasil 6° ano

Ana Caroline, Felipe, Lavínia, Lia e Lívia (INGLÊS)

Luis Miguel, Luis Pedro, Manuela, Maria Eduarda, Mariah
Marina, Mônica, Pedro Claudio, Roberta, Vinícius e Ryckson
7° ano
Murilo, Yuri, Raphael e Rayane(INGLÊS)
Gabrielly, Lucas, Mayara e Mirela (PORTUGUÊS)
Samuel Oliveira, Samuel Sales, Sophia e Pedro (ESPANHOL)
8° e 9° anos
Giovanna, Gustavo, Lívya e Luan (INGLÊS)
Ana Clara, Arthur, Enzo, Esther e Anna Beatriz (PORTUGUÊS)
Maria Eduarda M., Maria Eduarda B., Sophia e Vinícius, Juan
Divisão da história: 3 partes
1ª Parte: (8° e 9ª anos Independência do Brasil
Um grupo de alunos reunidos conversando no pátio, Luan vê Gustavo
se aproximando com pressa e pergunta em um tom alto:

Luan- Aluno 1:- Gustavo! Where are you going in a such hurry?
Gustavo -Aluno 2: Did you forget? Lívya e a Giovanna are waiting for us in the
canteen, so we can watch together the videos that the history teacher told us about
Independence of Brazil.
Luan -Aluno 1: Glad you reminded me Gustavo! I need to prepare well for the project
presentation. Come on!
Gustavo-Aluno 2- Hey there! I see that you already managed to download the videos.
We can start.

Giovanna: Aluna 3- Hey, guys! We were talking about the videos that the teacher
Lívya- Aluna 4-Well, to save time, we separated some texts, that is part of the history
about the Independence of Brazil, we have to summarize because it´s quite extensive.
What does think of dividing it into 3 parts, Gustavo?
Gustavo: Aluno 2: Sound good to me! Guys, just a suggestion: This time we could do
it differently! What if instead of posters, we also tried to stage some parts, having a
narrator telling parts of the story, bringing the characters to life. What do you think of
this idea guys?
Luan- Aluno 1: Great idea, Gustavo! It would be realistic and interesting, it’s worth a
Lívya- Aluna 4: I agree with you. Here are the texts and by the way, can we start with
you Giovanna?
Giovanna– Aluno 3- Sure! It begins like this. ‘The Independence of Brazil was the
historic process of separation between Brazil and Portugal., which lasted from
1821(eighteen- twenty –one) to 1825(eighteen twenty-five), however in 1807, (eighteen
–seven) the France army invaded the Kingdom of Portugal. Unable to resist the attack.
Dom João VI, the royal family fled to Brazil.”
Lívya -Aluna 4: Guys, the reading was great! We´ve already rehearsed, reviewed each
one´s lines, I think we´re ready! Staging the first scene. The arrival of the imperial
family in Brazil.
.2ª part. Part staging. The arrival of the royal Family in Brazil. (students dressed
in period clothes) 6th grade.
Aluno 1- This part of the story is very interesting! In 1808 the imperial family arrive in
Brazil: Dom João VI, full name: João Maria José Francisco Xavier de Paula Luís
Antônio Domingos Rafael de Bragança his wife Carlota Joaquina de Bourbon and their
9 (nine) children and with them the Portuguese government.
Narrador: -So, the story begins! With the presence of the Portuguese Royal Family in
Brazil from 1808 onwards, it ceased to be a colony and effectively assumed the
functions of a metropolis, however hard pressed by the triumph of the constitutionalist
revolution, Dom João VI, after 13 years in Brazil, he decides to return with the royal
family to Portugal, before appointing his eldest son as prince regent in Brazil, Pedro de
Alcantara. (As we can see in this scene now.)
Aluno 3: Dom João VI: As king of Portugal, I nominate you my eldest son D. Pedro I,
Prince Regent in Brazil.
Aluno 4: Your highness, my father! (Do an act of reverence) I undertake to take care of
all competencies of my post, living up to the privilege granted by you.
Aluno 4: I will follow in your footsteps!
Aluno 1:- And so the regency of Dom João VI was given to his son Dom Pedro I.
Aluno 2: How did the Independence of Brazil happen?
3ª parte The Cry of Independence September 7, 1822 .( Cry Of Ipiranga) 7th grade
Yuri Aluno 1: Let´s now do a demonstration of Brazil´s Independence Day. (Raphael,
you will be D. Pedro I)
Rayane Aluno 2. On 9 January 1822 (eighteen twenty-two), Dom Pedro took an
important decision!
Raphael Aluno 3- Dom Pedro- “As it´s for good of all and for nation´s general
happiness, I´m ready: Tell the people that I will stay!"
Murilo Aluno 4. Dom Pedro, you must return to Brazil of own free will or arrested.
Aluno 3- Dom Pedro- I´m not coming back, I´m not coming back, I´m not coming
back either arrested or dead!
Murilo Aluno 4: So, my dear friend... You have two paths to follow: back stuck to
Portugal or declare Brazil free.
Raphael Aluno 3- Dom Pedro- So, I can only declare Independence or death! He
Drew his sword and declared: In this moment, Brazil doesn´t obey any order that
comes from Portugal, only mine!

Encerra a dramatização e os alunos comentam sobre. 7th grade

The dramatization ends and the students comment about….
Yuri Aluno 1: You nailed! Who dares to say Dom Pedro full name?
Raphael Aluno 3: - I will take my chance: Pedro de Alcântara Francisco Antônio João
Carlos Xavier de Paula Miguel Rafael Joaquim José Gonzaga Pascoal Cipriano Serafim
de Bragança e Bourbon!
Rayane Aluno 2: Well, of all the presentations we´ve done, this one I thought was
incredible. To stage a historic event about The Independence of Brazil that completed
200 years (two hundred years), it was like we came back in time.
Yuri Aluno 1: It was really real! Now, I would how to tell this story to other people.
Raphael Aluno 3: I think it´s very important to study the History of Brazil because by
studying our past we can understand what is happening in the present.
Murilo Aluno 4: The process of Independence of Brazil wasn´t easy, but Brazilians
bravely fought for their ideals and we managed to free ourselves of Portugal.

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