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Good morning,

I am writing you this letter because/because I believe that the current situation is very
serious and we must do something about the lack of water.

We had never experienced such a situation at home. The lack of water will have serious
consequences this summer because the Government has already approved a decree with
measures to control water consumption:
Prohibition of filling swimming pools (not at home)
Prohibition of watering the gardens
Limitation of domestic water consumption in 6 hours each day.
Closed golf courses
Closure of public swimming pools

How did we get to this situation?

I will try to explain the causes with precise data.

If we talk about annual rainy days, the city with the most rainy days in the world is in
Colombia and it is called Buenaventura with 285 days/year so it rains 70% of the annual
The first ten are located in the equatorial zone of America, Asia and Africa.
If we talk about Europe, the wettest cities in Europe are in northern Europe, Norway and
Ireland between 156 and 160 days/year. Specifically in the city of Bergen (166 days/year). In
France it is the city of Pontalier with 134 days. In Spain San Sebastian or Vigo with 141
days. But we are talking about home. We have given Seva the last three years.

In 2020, 37 days of rain.

In 2021, 58 days.
In 2022, 75 days.
This is an average of 56 days a year, but it should be noted that in March 2022 it rained 15
days, including 5 in a row.

Compared to this year only 6 days. For that long if it continues like this it will rain for 24 days.

In conclusion we can compare the rainfall of Seva with that of some cities in the world which
are the wettest cities in each country.
Acre (Israel) 49
Malta 49
Cyprus 43
Bayda (Libya) 45
Banjul (Gambia) 52

To conclude, without water the world will soon end.

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