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Favorite Shirt

I felt uncomfortable
I felt afraid
I felt like I didn't belong
I felt like I wouldn't make it on my own

One cold day I saw this shirt at the store

But my friend at the time told me not to get it
He told me it's not something I'd like to wear
But after seeing it's many colors I thought I'd give it a try

Off to the fitting room, to my friend's disbelief

It fit great, it wasn't too tight or too loose
It wasn't itchy, it wasn't rough
To me, I thought the shirt was perfect

After the purchase he told me I'd regret it

He told me not to trust this shirt because the reviews weren't so good
Between you and me I think he was lying
But I instantly felt better

I felt comfortable
I felt confident
I felt like I belonged
I felt like could definitely make it

At first I just thought the shirt was cool and comfortable

But I quickly found out that this shirt was one of a kind
On it's tag it says it was made on the 28th of June
I never really paid attention to dates before but that one seemed different

First thing I did in the morning was grab that shirt

The last thing I did at night was put that shirt away
That shirt…
I lost that shirt…

I felt lost
I felt alone
I felt abandoned
I felt sad

I worried so much
I cried so much
I complained so much
I cared so much,

So much about this shirt until one day it showed up

Almost 2 whole years later
I was beyond happy
I was ecstatic

I felt whole again

I felt cared for,
I still felt abandoned
I still felt sad

I found my shirt
But I couldn't wear my shirt

My life felt as it were on pause

I never felt like I moved backwards
But I never felt like moved forward either

Either way I knew in my heart that my shirt was back

Whether I could wear it or not

Whether I could see it or not
Whether I could talk to her or not

She meant everything to me,

She still does.

Whether the shirt is on my back or in my bag

Whether it's in the laundry or in my drawer

I'll always feel whole

Because now that my shirt is back
I've never felt more complete.

Thank you for being there for me when I needed you.

Thank you for being there for me when I didn't.
Thank you for never leaving me behind.
Thank you for always pushing me to move forward.
Thank you for helping me in every way you knew how too.

And most importantly

Thank you for being you.

Happy Birthday Mel.

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