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Submitted to the Thesis Examiners Team in Partial Fulfillmentofthe

Requirement of Degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S.) at The English
Literature Study Program Language and Literature Department of
Faculty of Humanities at Universitas Halu Oleo





This thesis has been corrected and approved by the supervisors to be presented

in the thesis seminar committee at the English Literature Study Program, Language

and Literature Department, Faculty of Humanities,Universitas Halu Oleo.

Title : Altruism in Action in Robin Hood 2018 Movie (A Moral

Discourse Analysis)

Student Name : Hendriawan

Register Number : N1D219099

Kendari, March 2023

Approved by :

Supervisor, Co Supervisor,

Drs. Ansor Putra, M.Hum. ElaMartisa, S.Pd.,M.Hum.

NIP 19660424 199903 1 001 NIP 19850331 200803 2 002

Head of Language and Literature Head of English Liteature

Department, Study Program,

Dr. Rasiah, S.Pd.,M.Hum. Arman, S.Pd.,M.Hum.

NIP 19800906 201001 2 020 NIP 19660424 199903 1 001


The researcher takes altruism in the Robin Hood 2018 Movie is because it builds
better interpersonal relationships, empathic attention, empathic altruism reduces
conflict between groups or people, and self-motivation. This study aims to find out
how the altruistic actions performed by the main character Robin through the 2018
Robin Hood film according to Batson's theory (1995) include aspects of liabilities,
motives, and benefits. In analyzing the data, researchers used a qualitative descriptive
method. The data is the utterance main character from the Robin Hood 2018 movie.
Researchers collected data by searching, downloading, watching, classifying the
words contained in the film, screenshoting, and coding. Data on altruistic acts were
analyzed based on the aspects of liabilities, motives and benefits. The results of the
research are 10 data, three data are found as benefits, three data are found as motives,
and four data are found as liabilities. The liabilities aspect explains that the main
character Robin is responsible for what he does. The responsibility of the main
character when he has helped others to escape the tyrannical leader. Then the motive
is what motivates Robin to save others when the Sheriff always manipulates people,
and that explains the value of what the main character does to those who are
oppressed, seen when Robin steals money to be distributed to the people, Robin is
even willing to sacrifice himself for the welfare of the people . Whereas in the aspect
of benefits is being able to provide benefits to other people, prioritizing the interests
of others above their interests. Based on the data analysis above, the researcher found
the three aspects depicted in the main character because the three aspects contained in
altruism in action are in harmony with the words of the main character in the Robin
Hood film 2018 movie. The main character's expressions containing three aspects of
altruism in action are widely used when he wants to help others.

Keywords: altruism, moral discourse, movie.


Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, the researcher would like to expressgratitude

to the Almighty God, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala who has given the blessing,

guidance, mercy, and health, hence the researcher could complete this thesis. The

researcher hopes that Allah SWT always gives blessing to all of us. Salawat and

salam always devoted to Allah’s noblest messenger, our Prophet Muhammad

Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam, peace and blessings be upon him.

Great appreciation and sincere attitude, the researcher addresses to a number

of people who directly and also indirectly helped the researcher in accomplishing

this thesis. First of all, the researcher adresses the deepest appreciation and special

sincerely thankful to the researcher’s beloved parents La Batoto and almh. Wa

Moni for hopeful pray, love, patience, advices, motivations, attention, support

morally and financially, that the researcher never be able to pay those all. The

researcher expresses thanks to beloved big brother Nuristianti Safitri and little

brother Zaninal for support and motivation for researcher in accomplishing this


Grateful thanks and appreciation to the both of researcher’s supervisor, Drs.

Ansor Putra, M.Hum. and Ela Martisa, S.Pd., M.Hum. who always encourage and

guide the researcher patiently from the beginning until the complete of this thesis.

The researcher realizes that this thesis cannot be successfully completed without

their kindly help and guidance.

Special gratitude for the leaders that the researcher has respect as student of

English literature in Universitas Halu Oleo. Particularly for the following persons:

1. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zamrun F., S.Si., M.Si., M.Sc. As the Rector of

Universitas Halu Oleo for undertaking the overall management of the

university, also for carrying out the organization of education, research and

community service, to foster academicians (lecturers and students) and to foster

relationships with alumni, at universities and communities.

2. Dr. Akhmad Marhadi, S.Sos., M.Si. As the Dean of Humanities Faculty for

undertaking the overall management of the faculty, carrying out the

organization of education, research and community service, fostering lecturers,

faculty administration personnel and students, and taking responsible for

financial management, personnel, general administration and equipment, and

also collaborating with parents of students, alumni, and other agencies.

3. Dr. La Ino, S.Pd., M.Hum. As the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs ofHumanities

Faculty for assisting the dean in leading undergraduate courses in the

implementation of education, research, and community service, and also

representing the dean in academic, planning and cooperation activities.

4. Dr. Rasiah, S.Pd., M.Hum. As the Head of Language and Literature Department

for planning and evaluating the implementation of education which is

implemented by Lecturers within the Department.

5. Arman, S.Pd., M.Hum. As the Head of English Literature Study Program for

assisting the task of Head of Language and Literature Department in the

implementation of academic quality improvement, research and community

service at the level of the Study Program.

In completing this research, the researcher found many problems.However,

all the problems could be solved with support and help from people surrounding

the researcher. As well as the most important to the persons that has been being

researcher’s teacher even being researcher second home since researcher came to

Universitas Halu Oleo. Particularly for the following persons:

1. Big appreciation goes to all Lecturers especially in English Literature

Department, Drs. Ansor Putra, M.Hum., Arman, S.Pd, M.Hum., Neil

Armstrong, S.S, M.Hum., Dr. La Aso S.Pd, M.Hum., Fina Amalia Masri, S.Pd,

M.Hum., Dr. H. Yazid, M.Hum., Nurjannah, S.S, M.A., Rahmawati, S.Pd,

M.A., Ela Martisa S.Pd, M.Hum., Nuzul Hijrah Safitri, S.Pd, M.Hum., Dr.

Rasiah, S.Pd, M.Hum., Muarifuddin, S.Pd, M.A., Rahmawati Azi, S.Pd, M.A.,

and others which cannot be mentioned, for their helpful guidance, and

suggestion when the writer studied at English Literature Department.

2. The staff especially Aslan S.Sos., M.AP. and other staffs of Humanities Faculty,

high appreciation for their help in organizing all the administration

requirements during the study.

3. High appreciation from the researcher is also goes to my supervisors especially

to Drs. Ansor Putra, M.Hum and Ela Martisa, S.Pd, M.Hum for their advices

during the process of the writing in this researcher.

4. Thank you to my friend Dicky Wahyudi who has been kind enough to lend me

his laptop, so that this thesis can be finished easily and quickly.

5. Thanks to my brother in arms Muh. Nur Fadli Makdani Kahar, who has helped a

lot in the printing process of this thesis.

6. Thanks to my beloved Azzahra Alfika who has helped a lot in the printing

process of this thesis.

7. Thank you to friends from the Ikapersatap Alliance, where they have become

friends to fight and friends to bleed. Anwar, Alam Wahyudin, Wahyudin, Ilham

Ardianysah, Anjas, Yesua, Dani, Rahim, Radit, Fadli, Mario, Fito Sasing, Fito

Ilkom, Ikbal, and Sat. This story may not last forever, but believe and believe

that everything is always embedded and will grow forever.

8. Thanks to Pondidaha Village KKN friends, Ikbal, Alam, Mario, Faisal, Radit,

Rara, Intan, Fyda, Wilda Sari, Wilda Apriani, and Tata. They are great people

who have helped me as Kordes in carrying out community service duties.

9. Thank you very much I also say to Irawan and his wife who have become my

second parents. who have given a lot of direction and input as well as financial

which of course means a lot to me.

10. Thank you to BTN SILVAMAS seniors, Kanda Irin, daru boss, Ipur boss, Tor

boss, and other seniors that I did not have time to mention. Of course, my career

and journey when I first entered and until now have never been separated from

the role of my seniors, where direction and motivation have always poured out

for me.

11. Thank you to my seniors on campus, Ms. Lutfhi, Ms. Ecy, Kanda Nadhar,

Kanda Gino, and other seniors that I did not have time to mention one by one.

Of course the changes in character and career journey while in college could not

have been separated from the help of seniors who have guided me to become a

better person than before.

12. Thank you to my friends from class of 2019 who have certainly supported and

supported the course of the lectures and careers from freshmen to now.

13. Thank you to brother Carlo, where on every trip I took while being active in

college and being in an organization I never could have been separated from his


14. Thank you to HMPS English Literature, where this was the start of my

organizational journey so that I got a lot of the basics of forming myself.

15. Thank you to the Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI), in this organization I

have learned a lot about many things. public speaking, time management, and

how to build good relationships/communication with other people.

16. Thanks to BEM FIB UHO. where I have been given the mandate to lead the

internal organization of this campus for a period of one year. Of course, this

organization houses all students and becomes a forum for all students of the

Faculty of Cultural Sciences to express their aspirations. For me, this was a very

memorable experience, one that I will never forget. many stories were

engraved, from getting to know new people, how to become a good leader for

administrators and all students at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Of course

many things happened, from organizing activities, discussions, demonstrations

and even conflicts with the bureaucracy in the faculty because we, as

administrators, always disobeyed what they thought was a mistake, but for us it

was dedication.

17. In essence, I am very grateful to everyone who has contributed to the process

of my study journey, which I may not be able to mention one by one. Hopefully

the deeds and kindness always get the blessing of Allah SWT.

Kendari, 6 April 2023

The Researcher


COVER.......................................................................................................... I
APPROVAL SHEET.................................................................................... Ii
LEGALIZATION SHEET........................................................................... iii
ABSRACT…………………………………………………………………. iv
ACKNOWLEDGMENT…..……………………………………………… v
TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................ xi
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.................................................................. 1
1.1 Background of the Research.......................................................... 1
1.2 Research Question......................................................................... 2
1.3 Objective of the Research.............................................................. 3
1.4 Scopeof the Research..................................................................... 3
1.5 Significance of the Research.......................................................... 4
1.6 Definition of Terms....................................................................... 4
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................... 6
2.1 Moral Discourse Analysis.............................................................. 7
2.2 Altruism Behavioral, Motivational, and Evolutionary Sense......... 7
2.2.1 The difference between altruism and selfishness................... 8
2.2.2 Caused Altruism to happens.................................................. 10
2.2.3 Altruistic Behaviora nd Motive............................................ 10
2.2.4 Evolution of Altruism........................................................... 13
2.3 Feeling Guilty about Someone....................................................... 15
2.3.1 That Happens in Guilt............................................................ 15
2.3.2 The Result of Guilt................................................................. 16
2.4 Selfish Motivation......................................................................... 18
2.5 Focus on Motive Instead of Behavior.............................................. 19
2.6 Altruismin Action......................................................................... 21
2.6.1 Benefits................................................................................ 21
2.6.2 Liabilities............................................................................. 23
2.6.3 Motives................................................................................. 24

2.7 Previous Research........................................................................... 25
2.8 Conceptual Framework.................................................................. 26
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.............................................. 27
3.1 Research Type.................................................................................. 28
3.2 The Source of Data……................................................................... 29
3.4 The Techniques of Data Collection……………………………..….. 30

3.5 The Techniques of Data Analysis……………………………….….. 31

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ............................................... 32
4.1 Altruism in Action on Robin Hood 2018 Movie ............................ 33
4.1.1 Altruism in the aspect of benefit................................................ 34
4.1.2 Altruism in the aspect of liabilities ........................................... 42
4.1.3 Alatruism in the aspect of motive ............................................. 57
4.2 Discussion ......................................................................................... 62
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ..................................... 64
5.1 Conclusion ....................................................................................... 64
5.2 Suggestion ....................................................................................... 65

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 67

APPENDIX….. ............................................................................................................... 68



In this chapter, the author discusses the factors that served as a catalyst for

choosing the topic for the skripsi in question as well as the circumstances that raised

challenges during the author's research.

1.1 Background of the Research

Altruism is a quality that is maintained by prioritizing the interests of others,

compassion that is not limited by fellow human beings, and human nature that has the

urge to do good to others. This act of altruism considers three aspects, consisting of

obligations, benefits, and motives. This aspect of responsibility is taking

responsibility for what has been done to completion, and then in terms of benefiting

those who get help avoiding actions that may lead to unwanted experiences, and in

motives, this is what motivates a person to act or help someone else out from trouble.

Batson (1995), in his book explained that altruism in action is a common

phenomenon involving the interests of others as a person, said to be a voluntary

action carried out by someone without expecting any imbalance. Altruism is related

to predictive perspective.

This study discusses the altruistic behavior of the main character in the Robin

Hood 2018 Movie, where in his actions he tends to prioritize the interests of others

and override personal interests. This is related to the analysis of moral discourse

because altruism is part of morality. Moral discourse analysis is a method that

examines human behavior in a society, be it language or someone's behavior that

contains morality. Morality is explicitly related to the socialization process of the


individual. Moral discourse is defined as an individual's actions, behavior or

utterances when interacting with other humans. Morality seeks to explain how

morality appears to deal with agents with demands that are ultimately objective and

categorical emerge from within the moral agency (Darwall, Gibbard, and Railton,

1997). Moral discourse refers to generally accepted teachings about what is good and

what is right in terms of actions, attitudes, obligations, and so on.

Robin Hood (Taron Egerton) is a crusader returning to his country. He found a

fact that the rulers commit acts of corruption by wasting state money. Robin Hood

was even sadder when he found out that the people were actually living in misery.

Robin Hood also intends to overthrow the corrupt British rulers. He practiced archery

with Little John (Jamie Foxx) and they worked together to bring justice.

This research discusses the altruism behavior of the main character

TaronEgerton in the Robin Hood 2018 Movie where in his actions he puts his own

interests aside and tends to prioritize the interests of others.The link between altruism

and the Robin Hood 2018 Movie is when there is an aspect of altruism. This can be

seen from behind the scenes in the film, there is a message of kindness or altruism,

which is indirectly generated from the sign or symbol.

In this regard, the researcher tries to provide an overview of how the Robin

Hood 2018 Movie uses altruism in its actions in three aspects, namely obligations,

benefits, and motives. However, when researcher tried to do research, it turned out

that the meaning contained in the film was not easy to understand, especially when it

came to selfishness.

The researcher focuses on the use of altruism in action because there are aspects

of obligation, benefits, and motives in the Robin Hood 2018 Movie. The Robin Hood

2018 Movie explains empathy that the main character in the film when stopping

corrupt officials from taking advantage of workers without expecting any reward. The

act of altruism in this film is depicted when the main character helps the workers

regardless of the use of corrupt officials, so the main character does it by devising a

plan. The main character conscientiously helps those in need to escape adversity.

This research is basically important for film viewers especially those who want

to understand in depth the characteristics played by thecharacters in a film. This

research is expected to be useful for readers in understanding the moral message

contained in this film. Furthermore, this research is expected to provide benefits for

moviegoers in understanding the role played by each character which contains an

element of morality that underlies the altruistic behavior that occurs in this film.

The reason the researcher takes altruism in the Robin Hood 2018 Movie is

because it builds better interpersonal relationships, empathic attention, empathic

altruism reduces conflict between groups or people, and self-motivation. And no one

has ever studied the Robin Hood 2018 Movie with an act of altruism. The researcher

wants to discuss this because he wants to convey a message to the reader in an act of

altruism. There is rarely an act of altruism in someone's actions, even if there is an act

of helping someone who is in trouble then it is certain to want something worthy of

himself. Another reason is that this film focuses on the main character because the

main character has a trait that is based on the three aspects of altruism in action. The

main character in the Robin Hood 2018 Movie puts the best interests of others first

and when helping doesn't expect anything in return. Researcher use Batson's theory

because he has a complex explanation.

The researcher represents subsequent researcher from the use of the same

object, but with a different theory, focusing on altruism which focuses on the main

character in the Robin Hood 2018 Movie, then Rahmaniar (2020) which was

executed previously, focusing on depicting the types and functions of taboo words.

1.2 Research Question

Based on the researcher's background, the researcher formulate the main

problem: How is altruism in action described in the Robin Hood 2018 Movie from

the perspective of benefits, liabilities, and motives?

1.3 Objective of the Research

Based on the research questions above, the purpose of this research is to

describe how altruism acts in the aspects of liabilities, benefits, and motives in the

Robin Hood 2018 Movie.

1.4 Scope of the Research

The researcher focuses on the analysis of the main character (TaronEgerton) as

the main data in the Robin Hood 2018 Movie for research because the main character

has an attitude in the three aspects of altruism in action based on altruism in action

and has an explanation of the three and can conclude that these three aspects are

presented by the main character in the Robin Hood 2018 Movie.

The researcher uses Batson's theory (1995), because it has a comprehensive

explanation of other altruism theories in which there are aspects that explain altruism

in action which includes three aspects namely liabilities, motives and benefits.

liabilities, namely being responsible for what the main character does, motives,

namely what motivates the main character to act to help others, and benefits, namely

providing benefits to people who are given assistance or assistance by the main

character to avoid crime.

1.5 Significance of the Research

The researcher hopes that this research can provide some theoretical

andpractical attributions:

1. Theoretical significance :

This research is expected to make a conical contribution to discourse research,

especially moral discourse research.

2. Practical Significance :

a. This research is expected to provide a reference for other researcher who can

assist further in researching the Robin Hood 2018 Movie.

b. It is hoped that research will be usefull for the readers of my thesis, in

unduestanding the alturism aspect of the Robin Hood 2018 Movie.

1.6 Definition of Terms

In order to avoid misunderstandings for readers in understanding all

researcher, the researcher offers clear explanations and guidelines as follows:

1. Altruism according to the general definition is a quality that is maintained by

prioritizing the interests of others over the interests of neighbors and human

nature that encourages others to do service and kindness. Altruism is also the

opposite of egoism and returns selfless service to others, willing to sacrifice

on behalf of others or in society and limiting self-interest to the love of others

(Seglow and Scott, 2007).

2. Altruism in action is a quality that is maintained by prioritizing theinterests of

others, compassion that is not limited by fellow human beings, and human

nature that has the urge to do good to others. This act of altruism considers

three aspects, consisting of obligations, benefits, and motives. This aspect of

responsibility is taking responsibility for what has been done to completion,

and then in terms of benefiting those who get help avoiding actions that could

lead to unwanted experiences, and in motives, this is what motivates a person

to act. or help others out of trouble (Batson, 1995).

3. Movie is a series of still images, which when displayed on the screen will

create the illusion of moving images due to the effect of the phi phenomenon

(apparent motion). This optical illusion forces the viewer to see continuous

motion between different objects in rapid succession.



In this section, the researcher discusses some of the thoughts and theories

needed to conduct analysis, to produce research that is more accurate, systematic and


2.1 Moral Discourse Analysis

Discourse Analysis (DA) is a broad field of inquiry that draws on a number of

theories and analytical techniques from several academic disciplines, including

linguistics, sociology, psychology, and philosophy.The conversation may only be

understood as the language being used. The concern for analysis of the talk focuses

on the study of the formal qualities of the language. Additionally, it might strengthen

the language used in social and religious contexts. Because of this, a tutorial analysis

examines the relationship between the language's written and spokenand the context

in which it is used in social, political, religious, and other contexts.

Describe speech as the use of language used to communicate something that

feels as coherent as possible, or even that doesn't fit into the correct sentence.

Understanding analysis of speech as a combination of learning about a larger

linguistic unit while also learning about a linguistic organization, like when a

conversation is being spoken or written, is important. It's important tounderstand that

whether a language is spoken or written, it must be organized in a coherent way in

order to convey ideas to listeners.

Moral discourse is a discussion about what is right or wrong for others to do to

other individuals, which has a broad meaning. Moral lectures discuss how a society


applies moral concepts properly and correctly in society. Moral lectures as they are

known today underwent a dramatic development in the early modern era. Early

culture defined the term moral teaching as we know it in democracy and in

international forums. These forms of moral discourse each take a position on the

validity of norms by examining whether they protect the public interest under the

ideal assumption that the interests of others are known.

Moral discourse is an individual's action, behavior or speech when interacting

with other humans. Moral discourse refers to generally accepted teachings about what

is good and right in terms of actions, attitudes, obligations, and so on. Morals are also

called morals, manners, or decency. Morality is explicitly related to the process of

individual socialization. Humans cannot socialize unless they have morals. If what

someone does follows societal values, that person is said to have good morals and

vice versa. Humans who lack morality are called immoral, which means they are

immoral and have no positive value in the eyes of other humans. Morals is the

science of good and bad, actions and behavior, morals, and liabilities. Most people act

morally and adhere to social norms. Although morals may change over time, they are

still the yardstick for judging what is right and wrong. Morality is a term that often

requires a person to sacrifice short-term interests for the sake of society. Morality

seeks to explain how morality emerges to deal with agents with objective and

categorical demands that ultimately emerge from deep within the moral agent

(Darwall, Gibbard, and Railton, 1997).

Discourse refers to any series of utterances or other written combinations of

phrases in which succeeding clauses or utterances depend on one another. Discourse


cannot use sentence boundaries. It was something that didn't fit in a sentence. As

fundamental as the relationship between clauses in a sentence is the relationship

between sentences in permanent conversation (Galasinski, 2018).

Moral construction is to preserve consensus on a small range of public interests

that may be mobilized by the masses to embrace our norms and duties in respecting,

respecting the interests of others. Appreciating other people's cultural interests may

involve alteration of moral sensitivity. on the grounds that this standard serves as the

foundation for a consensus on the true interests. The ornament will include the truth

based on its link to the standard, with a concern that must be viewed as a moral to the

problem of justice.

According to the aforementioned facts, it can be concluded that discussing one's

values and morals is the goal of a morality conversation.

2.2 Altruism Behavioral, Motivational, and Evolutionary Sense

The word "altruism," which is Latin for "to others," was coined by Auguste

Comte (Kolm, 2006). Altruism is, broadly speaking, the pursuit of others' interests

(Scott and Seglow, 2007). Giving without expecting anything in return is the epitome

of altruism.

The act of helping another individual or group of people is considered altruism

in the sense that it is akin to conduct. Rather than being performed out of a sense of

duty to one's profession, this action is designed to better the position of the individual

receiving aid (Bierhoff, 2002).

In the sense of motivation, altruism is a state of motivation with the main goal

of increasing the welfare of others (Elster, 2006.) This is in stark contrast to egoism,

which is a state of motivation with the sole aim of the welfare of oneself, not of

others. An action that can benefit others can be done because there is genuine concern

for the welfare of others, but can be done to improve the welfare of a person or group

welfare, but also to comply with predetermined moral or social principles (Batson,

1995). An action can be selfish in a motivational sense, but not in an evolutionary

sense and vice versa (Sober and Wilson, 1998). For example, motivated by safety,

someone wants to build a fort. The male is unselfish and unselfish from an

evolutionary point of view, because it increases the reproductive success of the group.

2.2.1 The difference between Altruism and Selfishness

Altruism is a quality that is demonstrated by showing concern for other people,

refraining from interacting with strangers, and having the will to do good for other

people. People that possess altruism are more constantly concerned with the welfare

of other people. When someone is aware of someone else's keegoism at the present

time, they tend to become aware of it in their own selves as they prepare to address

the name of that person.

Being selfish is a bad quality because it only serves to uphold and support ideas

that are in one's own best interests. What state other people are in is irrelevant.

Selfishness entails prioritizing one's own interests above those of others, including

those who are considered close friends, and disregarding their suffering. Prioritize

your happiness and disregard others' misery.

2.2.2 Caused Altruism to Happens

In essence, altruism is an act of helping those in need and assisting their

liberation from acts of violence. Three underlying factors form the basis of altruism.

People who have this trait behave with altruism and consider capacity, benefits and

incentive factors. These three factors are interrelated, so that when someone is

depressed, they will receive help from those who act altruistically by extending a

hand without asking or expecting anything in return.Robin Hood was originally a

certain aristocrat. but one time he was sent a letter for conditional letter for war. when

he returned from the war, he found his house uninhabited and his property taken by

an evil ruler. but that doesn't reduce his degree, he can still look dignified and

wealthy in front of everyone. he still pays bills and gives money to slaves. And the

reason for this selflessness is due to his firm belief that when they see innocent

people suffering, people of old justice will be inspired to try for better circumstances

instead of acting immediately to help those in need.

Safety should not be a concern when assisting others since they are more

essential than oneself. One might feel uneasy when witnessing someone suffer,

therefore he strives to lessen his unease and feel better.

2.2.3 Altruistic Behavior and Motive

People donate both their tangible and immaterial resources for the good of

others all throughout the world. However, there are other ways that selfishness may

manifest itself. While individuals in certain nations help one another directly, in

others, there is a significant amount of donating to charity and philanthropic

organizations. The most prevalent kinds of self-centered conduct exist in every

community due to historical, cultural, and political factors. We are driven to make the

desired changes in the world we live in by objectives and motives that are in

alignment. The planned improvements in the world may be tiny, but they may also be

more significant, like enhancing the living circumstances of refugees. A goal may be

intentionally set and is done so frequently. However, we could take action without

fully understanding the objectives we hope to accomplish. Therefore, the objective

could be subliminal. For instance, we adopt the proper social rules of conduct and act

accordingly without truly understanding their rationale.

Motives are psychological forces which means that they are desires that drive

us to achieve goals. Having a desire means wanting something or expecting

something to happen. The concept of desire does not necessarily include feelings and

sensations, but is sometimes accompanied by feelings. Motives are unnatural,

meaning that nothing a person can reduce to a single motive. They often differ in

different situations despite being motivated by their well-being. like in the 2018 robin

hood movie. initially the main character just wanted to reclaim his lover, but over

time and a change in mindset, he wanted to free the slaves from the zionist


Like anything else, we may have many objectives, which would lead to avariety

of reasons that might be complimentary or antagonistic. What causes selfish

behavior? According to the "altruism" concept, humans can also be self-motivated,

which means they will occasionally utilize their resources—both monetary and

immaterial—for the benefit of others even at the expense of their own wellbeing.

When our ultimate goal in carrying out our mission is to benefit another person

or group of people, our motivation is altruistic. The well-being of others becomes the

goal that leads to our actions when we have affection for someone we usually love, or

when we feel sorry for the suffering of others, or when we are compassionate (Kolm,


When we care deeply for or love someone, we want the best for them and make

ensuring their wellbeing our top priority. Our willingness to assist others might be

influenced by our affection for their family, friends, or coworkers. We can feel

emotions toward strangers in the same manner that we do toward individuals we

know. Our actions are prompted by these feelings, and in this case, altruism is

motivated by compassion for the suffering of others. According to Batson, empathy is

defined as "emotions oriented toward others that are triggered by and tailored to the

sense of someone in need's well-being" (Batson, 2011). According to Batson,

empathy is the capacity to feel for another person in ways like pity, affection, and

attentiveness.robin hood is very sorry for the slaves who work in the mines and

among the slaves there is a lover he loves very much.

The well-being of others can be made the main goal of certain worldviews

besides empathy; this so-called altruistic viewpoint of the self is highly connected to

others through shared humanity (Monroe, 1996). Such a viewpointimplies that

everyone is related to every other person and to a universe in which every living

being has the right to a certain human treatment simply because they exist. When

someone adopts a perspective on this world, placing the welfare of others as their first

priority, they recognize that while people are expected to act in certain ways, those in

need are still considered human and thus entitled to a certain amount of care. It's

interesting to consider how some individuals have.


2.2.4 Evolution of Altruism

Altruism in evolutionary theory refers to the practice of giving for the benefit

of other organisms (Bowles, 2011 and Simon, 1983). The idea that they hurt others

by financing themselves seems to contradict the theory of global selection. In this

case, the term "time" is defined as the period during which a person engages in

altruistic behavior, and the "use" period is the period during which a person increases

the gene reproduction rate of the recipient gene. But, despite this, the creature

increases the level of concern for other people. According to Darwin's theory of

evolution, living things produce more offspring than hard-to-maintain resources, and

as a result, there is an opportunity to maintain a creature's lifestyle. A population's

members are unique in terms of their genes, traits, and behavioral variations. The

varieties most suited to their local surroundings have a higher likelihood of surviving

and procreating, which is referred to as the healthiest survival. There are variations,

but their progeny generally resemble their parents. Natural selection makes it more

likely for particular varieties to endure and procreate. In essence, only those who are

thefittest and most fitted can live and flourish due to the fundamental forces of nature.

Due of genetic similarities and similarity amongst families making sacrifices

for beneficiaries of survival, selection can favor family altruism. Altruism is in

opposition to kinship. However, if it is an altruistic decision, the advantages must

exceed the disadvantages. Altruism is frequent in many different animals; honey bee

suicides caused by thorns are one example. Humans, however, frequently exhibit a

selfless attitude toward non-relatives, in contrast to other species.


Natural selection theory and the anticipated altruistic conduct are both

compatible. Natural selection may encourage self-centered conduct in small groups if

there is a high chance of contact between equal pairs of individuals (Trivers, 1971).

However, a few prerequisites must be satisfied. First, there are advantages to altruism

that outweigh its drawbacks. Altruists anticipate receiving something in return, hence

the likelihood of the two interacting in the future is quite high. When the beneficiary

does not reciprocate an altruist in response to this denial he or she is all altruistic.

Thus, free-riding costs the free-rider's life, and when the benefits of the altruistic

action lost outweigh the reciprocal cost, then the selection side is a mixed method

with free-riding. In other words, under certain conditions, natural selection favors

reciprocal altruistic behavior because, in the long run, it benefits as many things as it

wants. Group selection is an evolutionary mechanism when natural selection is at the

group level. In this concept, groups are adaptive and those, who are betteradapted to

their environment, reproduce and prosper, while those who are not adapted disappear.

However, altruism between people arises as a clear consequence of innate human

behavior and learned behavior.

2.3 Feeling Guilty about Someone

We have the conviction that giving outweighs receiving in every single

breath. This is what prompts us to give to others on a regular basis without

anticipating anything in return from them. The subject was looked into by a group of

Dutch academics who later discovered flaws and regrets that influenced actions of

kindness. emotions that are frequently connected to conduct are antagonistic guilt


Guilt comes from mistakes, either from one's actions or even from not doing

what was prepared. Guilt can be defined as a feeling of disdain that is related to the

admission that one has violated a personally relevant moral or social standard (Kugler

and Jones, 1992). In addition (Frank, 1988) certain emotions can enable altruistic

behavior by competing with the calculation of self-interest and rational interests.

Some experts also assert that emotions have a certain altruistic function of guilt.

Guilty is the fear that can make authority or that is not in accordance with our

wishes. Even innocent internalization and guilt is a kind of power exerted by those

who have been given authority. Guilty people are more likely to do something they

can do just to get the approval of authorities to relieve their guilt.

2.3.1 That Happens in Guilt

People often experience guilt after doing something, whether on intention or

not. Usually, a person's morals are related to their guilt. feeling the desire to seek

selfless objectives and the interests of others over one's own. The primary

characteristic of altruism is its obvious focus on the goodness of others. This,

however, has less reality. The yearning for closeness with another person is

something that is equally clear in the case of a close love relationship as it is in a

bond of consciousness. The need for intimacy may simply be expressed via the

inevitable need for physical closeness or it may take an abstract shape, such as the

intense need to share.

In the literature the focus is on the causes of guilt that arise from personal

situations where danger, lack of courage, perhaps even the loss of another person.

(Baumeister, 1994) Besides what may be a more important cause is the

appropriateness of some wrong done or action done to others (De Rivera, 1984).

An offense means a wrong done to another person, which is not sufficient to

incur guilt in a person. One should also consider the impact such wrongdoing could

have on others. Someone can pursue the goodness of others in two ways, the first is

for altruistic purposes because someone believes that the kindness of others is

important in and of itself. Second, a sense of duty that is guided to respect, etc. is

internalized by moral norms such as charity. It is by no means selfish of moral

obligation but one can definitely pursue the good of others out of moral obligation

(Nichols, 2010).

2.3.2 The Result of Guilt

Guilt is frequently used to guide people toward morally upright actions.

However, when you repeatedly perform an activity that has a negative or emotional

result, it makes you feel even worse about yourself. It is frequently discovered when

someone tries to help someone make a moral choice or wants to do good. There is

significant consensus in the literature concerning the effects of guilt sentiments.

Faults in guilt over functioning can have significant effects on studies on emotions

and behavioral norms in the literature on guilt that connects character to mending

relationships. This study focuses on the effect of guilt in unselfish social

circumstances in a true and independent way (Baumeister, 1994).

Generally, this guilt is defined as the result of committing the offence, internal

feelings of guilt, and moral motivation for the individual by strengthening as well as

affirming the relationship of oil to behavior. Confession, forgiveness, and help are

often repeated. There is no cure for excessive guilt; to get over it even takes a lot of

consistent emotional work, just like strong emotions. But apart from positive

thinking, it can also help overcome feelings of guilt. It can change words for thoughts

to change views about the origins of guilt. Studies in phenomenal fields which all

involve direct or face-to-face interaction with recipients of this altruistic behavior are

the limits of everything. Thus, it is not possible to determine whether altruism is

motivated by guilt.

Feelings of guilt can arise because we are not aware of them when anoffense is

not sufficient. This guilt can arise because the deeds we have done to others are too

great for him to forgive. This can cause confusion between relationships; unresolved

guilt can interfere with even limited communication with injured people,

relationships that were once good are instantly damaged with just a few unaddressed


The explanation of some of the aforementioned beliefs leads to the conclusion

that violating oneself or even another might result in guilt. Additionally, those who

feel guilty will be more driven to improve interpersonal connections, create positive

social bonds, and engage in behavior and actions of empathy as a way of becoming


2.4 Selfish Motivation

Selfish motives can lead to analysis where we can explain the goodness or evil

of every action. When attempting to attain a goal, a person who leads with intensity,

direction, and tenacity is said to be motivated. A person's effort to accomplish a goal

is considered to be the driving force behind their behavior.


Selfishness stems from empathic causes that don't just get help from under

different circumstances. Events like these will have the effect of a more sensitive,

selfless inner motivation leading to an increased level of entitlement to those in

greater need. The selfish goal of gaining rewards and even avoiding punishment can

often be achieved even if the help offered does not effectively address the suffering of

the person in need. To satisfy this motive, motivation is altruistic which is the most

important result, not the mind. Failure to make endsmeet may even be when the

failure is not at all the fault of the person who will disappoint. Laden is similar to

those who lack empathy, those who are moved empathically feel sad when efforts to

help those in need fail. Even they are not to blame for ineffective work.

Empathy-induced altruism leads to what is good for empathy, not to show self-

kindness. The experiment participants were kind, there was no compulsion to feel

empathy for people in need. Being allowed the opportunity to help others, the general

conditions under which help can be beneficial and the conditions that help beyond the

minimum will provide short-term benefits, but can harm people in the longer term.

On the other hand, people who were not encouraged to feel empathy did not

decrease their level of assistance in new situations. concluded that sympathetic

concern for one's actual end is felt by empathy, consideration of the long-term and

short-term consequences of one's assistance.

2.5 Focus on Motive Instead of Behavior

What Lewin (1951) wants to highlight about unintended consequences is the

importance of focusing on targeted motives for behavior or its consequences, even

when a person wants to increase the type of behavior they need. This behavior varies

greatly, where when a particular behavior occurs depends very much on the map that

might produce the behavior associated with each. The more directly the behavior is

promoted from the main goal, the more it becomes a characteristic of the existing


The behavior indeed promotes an easy goal to reach the main goal that

canchange or the behavior is lacking in the main goal. Undesired consequences are

also easy to change when the choice of behavior changes unless it is a product which

is a product of behavior that does not directly support the end goal. The power to

understand and explain human behavior is not found in the behavior itself or its

consequences but in the basic values and motives that lead to goals (Lewin, 1951).

Necessity is absolute when it comes to what is not a matter of action or what it is

meant to be, that is possible in both form and principle. What is inherently good

within consists of mental dispositions, let the consequences be what they may be,

these compulsions may be virtue dictates.

A motive is a goal-directed psychological drive in a given situation, when the

main goal of our behavior is the tyranny of another individual or group then our

motivation is the altruistic welfare of others being the goal that will lead to our act of

having compassion for someone. the substance of which is the people we love, or

when we feel against the difficulties that exist in others or when we realize that we

are very connected to others through the basis of humanity (Batson, 1995).

Regardless of empathic concerns, a person can establish well-being in others by

making it the primary goal of a particular worldview. Speculative calc, self-

conception that is strongly linked to others through humanity.


Human instincts have very different levels of power; it follows that happiness

and value and that which exists within the individual in society. So, the expression of

life for others is the simplest summary of the whole positive moral code. A savage

will risk his life just to save the same community, but that makes him indifferent to

strangers (Darwin, 1871 in Scott and Seglow, 2007).

2.6 Altruism in Action

Altruism in action is a quality that is maintained by prioritizing the interests of

others, compassion that is not limited by fellow human beings, and human nature that

has the urge to do good to others. This act of altruism considers three aspects,

consisting of obligations, benefits, and motives. This aspect of responsibility is

holding accountable for what has been done to completion, and then in terms of

benefiting those who are assisted in avoiding actions that may lead to unwanted

experiences, and in motives, this is what motivates a person to act. or help others out

of trouble. According to Batson (1995), in his book altruism in action is a common

phenomenon involving the interests of others as a person, said to be a voluntary

action carried out by someone without expecting anything in return. Consistency

increases confidence in conclusions while the empirical hypothesis of altruism is

correct. Failure to appreciate its importance has hindered efforts to understand what

motivates our satisfied use satisfaction.

According to Batson (1995), in his book altruism in action is a common

phenomenon involving the interests of others as a person, said to be a voluntary

action carried out by someone without expecting anything in return. Altruism


isrelated to predictive perspective.Not only does recognizing the scope and power of

altruism necessary to overcome these barriers but also a part of altruism in action.

2.6.1 Benefits

In the aspect of this benefit can provide good things that are beneficial to

others, prioritizing the interests of others above their interests.

One only chooses to sacrifice themselves for others if they do not want others

to suffer or face a situation that could result in their death. to the good of others.

Helping others is not always motivated by empathic altruism. By seeing the pain of

others, one can contribute to gaining a reward, avoiding punishment, or learning from

one's own suffering. If-aggressiveness may result from empathetic altruism. Even

when provoked, the desire to be selfish must restrain the need to injure or attack

someone with whom one must identify (Hoffman and Vitaglone, 2000).

Generally speaking, empathic concern may be effective in combating subtle and

subtle forms of hostility that condemn victims of injustice. That research participants

most likely abused innocent victims of suffering. Protecting one's belief in a just

world in this way can lead to what William Ryan (1971) calls "victim guilt." Ryan

suggests that people tend to react to victims of unfair discrimination and bullying by

subconsciously blaming them: if they have less, they should be less deserving.

Harassing and blaming the victim is an all-too-common alternative to worrying about

poverty and social injustice. These alternatives can cause people to accept the

suffering of others in and of the fairway. But empirical altruism may buck this trend.

when one thinks of trying to use altruism in action to reduce conflict between

groups (for example, conflict between religions, races, or ethnic groups), two

problems immediately arise. First, group relationships often have a history of hatred

and distrust, even outright hatred. To experience empathic concern, one must be

other-oriented, respect the welfare of others and pay attention to sensitivity to the

suffering of others (Kogut and Ritov, 2005).

2.6.2 Liabilities

Liability is when someone does something, they have to be responsible for

what was done. Taking responsibility for many people with himself, even death, is

willing to prove his responsibility to others. Wade was sacrificed for the sake of the

safety of others, and this was done not in the slightest hope of being rewarded with

a valuable gift or reward. He did this because he didn't want anyone else to be in

danger. Unfortunately, the research on liability is less than its benefits. Empathic

altruism can sometimes cost people in need; induced altruism can harm empathic


Selfish motivations do not always come with wisdom, and if they are not,

genuine concern for the welfare of others can hurt rather than help. One of

humanity's most astute observers of mist, vividly portrayed this irony in his classic

novel Go Riot's counterpart Go Riot's selfless love for his daughters coddles them,

drives them away from him, and, in the end, destroys them andhim.

Balzac's message: altruism may belong to the human realm, but it must be

guarded with care. It highlights a day of probation on the basis of motives resulting

from the suffering of others, including selfish motives, when we do not fully

understand the circumstances that this person is in. Programs are built on the belief

that given the necessary information, they can and should decide how they want to

improve their quality of life (Kidder, 2003).

2.6.3 Motives

Motive is a psychological force which means desire can encourage someone to

achieve the desired goal. In expecting something or wanting to achieve a goal, it must

be done as well as possible. People benefit other people or society just because they

are. The empathic altruism hypothesis challenges this assumption. Sources of

information, stimuli, punishments, and rewards when each seeks our well-being, we

have the potential to be concerned about theirs as well.

What an egotistical stallion he was, which led him to be interested in the

benefits of others, and to make their happiness important to him, though he derived

nothing but the pleasure of looking at them. Of this kind is compassion or

compassion, the emotion we feel towards the suffering of others when we see them or

are made to understand them in a very clear, popular and disgusting way about human

motivation in terms of the universal ego must be replaced by a pluralistic account that

also involvesselflessness. As Mr. Sleary, this isn't just personal gain. Empathic-

induced almsgiving has a way of calculating itself. And if we are to understand the

human condition, we need to factor that into the calculations above, concluding that

altruism is a more pervasive and powerful force in human affairs than has been


2.7 Previous Research

In this section, the researcher reviews 4 studies related to the same theory and

the object of previous research. Then the researcher will compare this research with

previous research, both in terms of theory and object.


The first research by Radovavonic (2018) on Altruism in Behaviour,

Motivation, and Evolutionary Feelings, focuses on their altruistic actions driven by

egoistic motivations. Also, the ultimate goal of an altruistic act may be an increase in

the welfare of the group or adherence to certain moral principles or social norms. In

an evolutionary sense, altruism means sacrificing reproductive success for the benefit

of other organisms. However, altruism between people appears as a clear combination

of innate and learned human behavior.

The second dissertation,research conducted by Reed(2010) on

"The Effect of Guilt on Altruism in the Anonymous Prisoner's Dilemma Game".

This study aimed to compare the degree of cooperation in anonymous one-shot

social dilemmas (i.e. prisoner's dilemma) after guilt or neutral feeling induction

procedures. The results showed that general negative effects could be associated

with decreased levels of cooperation while positive influences could be associated

with increased levels of cooperation.

The third dissertation,Salomon, The Ohio State University(1956) "An

Exploratory Study Of Altruism".Based on these results it is suggested that direct

reinforcement and religious reinforcement of altruistic behavior may have a more

immediate effect. this effect tends to diminish with increasing separation from the

parental home. The indirect reinforcement of the possibility of altruism shows its

effect only after a long separation from the parental home, at a time when people are

ready to build their own homes and raise their own children. The influence of parental

altruistic behavior appears to show its effect in both the immediate situation and the

possibility that it is maintained over a longer period of time.


Gender differences in responses to the altruism scale appear to be a result of

culturally more widely expressed idealism among women in American culture. Most

of the results obtained in this study were only at the verbal level. Behavioral tests

showed good results specificity In elicitation of their altruistic behavior.

The use of a large number of different behavioral tests appears to be indicated

for studying general altruistic behavior. Finally, all measuring instruments used in

this study require additional improvements so as to increase the reliability and

precision of their predictions.

The last thesis, Ilham, University of HaluOleo(2022) "Altruism In Alice

Through The Looking GlassMovie Script". This study discusses altruism in the film

script Alice Through the Looking Glass based on the theory of Darwall, Gibbard, and

Railton (1997). This study aims to find out how altruism is described by the main

character in the film script Alice Through the Looking Glass in terms of desire,

prudential motives, and reason. Based on the findings and discussion of this study, it

shows that altruism really exists and is implemented by the main character. The

researcher found 14 data containing aspects of altruism in terms of desire, prudence,

and reason, where these three aspects are the actions of the main character who

prioritizes the interests of others above personal interests. The aspect of desire is the

main factor for altruistic behavior in this film script because without a sense of caring

to help others what happens is not altruistic behavior, but egoism. Meanwhile, aspects

of prudential motives and reasons are the second and third factors that cause altruistic

behavior in this film script.


2.8 Conceptual Framework

There is a tendency towards how altruism is describe

the main character in the Robin Hood 2018 movie based on
Batson's (1995) theory of liability,
benefits, and motives.

Moral Discourse Analysis

Altruism, ( Batson: 1995 ).

1. Benefits
2. Liabilities
3. Motives

To describe the altruism in the Robin Hood 2018 movie

Figure 2.1. Conceptual Framework

In this study, researcher used a film object entitled Robin Hood 2018 using the

perspective of moral discourse analysis related to the theory of altruism. The reason

the researcher chose this theory is that this theory is very suitable to be used to

analyze the behavior of the main character in the 2018 Robin Hood film. Where in

this film script the behavior of the main character shows an aspect of altruism that

places the interests of others above his own. This can be seen from the actions of the

main character in this film, that there is a tendency for altruistic behavior described

by the main character in the 2018 Robin Hood film in terms of benefits, liabilities

and motives. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out how altruism is

described by the main character in the 2018 Robin Hood film based on Batson's

theory (1995) in relation to benefits, liabilities and motives.

Altruism in action is a quality that is maintained by prioritizing the interests of

others, compassion that is not limited by fellow human beings, and human nature that

has the urge to do good to others. This act of altruism considers three aspects of

benefits, liabilities and motives (Batson, 1995)In this study, researcher used a film

object entitled Robin Hood 2018 using the perspective of moral discourse analysis

related to the theory of altruism. The reason the researcher chose this theory is that

this theory is very suitable to be used to analyze the behavior of the main character in

the 2018 Robin Hood film. Where in this film script the behavior of the main

character shows an aspect of altruism that places the interests of others above his

own. This can be seen from the actions of the main character in this film, that there is

a tendency for altruistic behavior described by the main character in the 2018 Robin

Hood film in terms of benefits, liabilities and motives.

Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out how altruism is described by

the main character in the 2018 Robin Hood film based on Batson's theory (1995) in

relation to benefits, liabilities and motives.In this study, researcher used a film object

entitled Robin Hood 2018 using the perspective of moral discourse analysis related to

the theory of altruism. The reason the researcher chose this theory is that this theory

is very suitable to be used to analyze the behavior of the main character in the 2018

Robin Hood film. Where in this film script the behavior of the main character shows

an aspect of altruism that places the interests of others above his own. This can be

seen from the actions of the main character in this film, that there is a tendency for

altruistic behavior described by the main character in the 2018 Robin Hood film in

terms of benefits, liabilities and motives. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to

find out how altruism is described by the main character in the 2018 Robin Hood film

based on Batson's theory (1995) in relation to benefits, liabilities and motives..

Moral discourse is a discussion about what is right or wrong for others to do to

other individuals, which has a broad meaning. Moral lectures discuss how a society

applies moral concepts properly and correctly in society. Moral lectures as it is

known today had a dramatic development in the early modern era. Early culture

defined the term moral preaching as we know it in democracy as well as in

international forums. These forms of moral discourse each take a position on the

validity of norms by examining whether they protect the public interest under theideal

assumption that the interests of others are known. Moral discourse as an individual

action, behavior or speech when interacting with other humans.



This chapter presents four parts of the learning method, namely type research,

data sources, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques.

3.1 Research Type

In this study, researcher used descriptive qualitative, Qualitative method is a

method used to examine objects that cannot be measured by numbers or other exact

measures. Qualitative understanding can also be interpreted as descriptive research

and tends to use an analytical approach using an inductive approach. Qualitative

research is a type of research that seeks answers to questions that are also carried out

systematically and involves gathering evidence.

Research as defined by Hancock (2009), which states that qualitative research

develops explanations for social phenomena. Thus, it allows people to understand the

social world in which people live and why things are the way they are. The researcher

uses a qualitative approach because the data and research question models are

descriptive, the data focuses on information in the form of narrative and is related to

research characteristics in describing the use of altruism in action in the Robin Hood

2018 Movie in liabilities, benefits, and motives. This aspect is based on the theory of

Batson (1995) where the researcher writes a letter in detail and accurately and

presents what has been found.

3.2 The Source of Data

Sources of data in this study are divided into two categories, namely primary

data and secondary data, as follows:


1. The main data in this study is the Robin Hood 2018 movie.


2. Secondary data is audiovisual movies whose purpose is to support primary

data in the Robin Hood 2018 movie.

3.3 The Techniques of Data Collection.

In research, data collection procedures are collected by researcher in several


1. Downloading the movie in LK21 site.

2. Watching, researcher watched the Robin Hood 2018 Movie with time to

understand the context of situation of the data in the movie.

3. Classifying the data based on the altruistic aspect of the act and the coding

of the data in this analysis, such as (benefits in italics), (liabilities in bold),

and (motives are underlined). To analyze the altruism use of action can

easily choose the data specified in the specific altruism by (Batson, 1995) in


4. Screenshoting the data

5. Coding.

3.4 The Techniques of Data Analysis

The following are the steps taken by the researcher in analyzing the data:

1. Presenting

The researcher presented relevant data on the Robin Hood 2018 Movie

before conducting data analysis.


2. Describing data

Researcher explain the concept of context situation to facilitate theoretical

data analysis.

3. Interpreting data

In the context of analyzing moral talk, the researcher interprets the data

based on altruism in the data based on the aspects of benefits, obligations,

and motives for altruism in the Robin Hood 2018 Movie.

4. Concluding

Researcher reach conclusions based on data findings to answer research

questions as an analysis.


In this chapter, the researcher explains the research results and discussion. In

this section, the researcher presents the research results on how altruism in action is

described in the Robin Hood 2018 movie, which is based on Batson's theory (1995).

The main point of this chapter is to answer research questions.

4.1 Altruism In Action In Robin Hood 2018 Movie

The purpose of this section is to present the results and discuss the findings of

the research on aspects of altruism in action, which include altruism benefits,

liabilities, and motives. It aims to answer the research questions in chapter 1. In

analyzing the data, the researcher uses Batson's theory of altruism in action (1995).

Based on that research, the researcher identified and explained the aspects of altruism

in action in the main character named TaronEgerton in this Robin Hood 2018 movie,

including altruism in benefits, responsibility, and motivation. The data source in this

researcher is Taron Egerton through the Robin Hood 2018 movie. It would be

analyzed using the theory of altruism in action in aspects, altruism in liabilities,

benefits, and motive.

4.1.1 Altruism in the aspect of Benefits

Sacrificing oneself for others is a choice made simply because one does not

want others to be in the lowest position or which could lead to other people's death. In

this aspect of benefit, it can provide a good thing that is beneficial to others,

prioritizing the interests of others above their interests. Therefore, everything


TaronEgerton does is undesirable in himself when it harms others, and he wants the

things he does to benefit others.

Data 1

Picture 1
Robin : The lord who was born with everything, wants nothing...They make
me sick.
Marian : You don't work in the mines. (holding Robin's hand). Hands too soft
for a dealer. Who are you?
Robin : I'm the spoiled one who lives in this manor. And you are really
Marian : What about my horse?
Robin :This horse is yours, if you tell me your name.
Marian : Marian. You can call me Marian.

It is seen that the lady thief enters the royal building to steal the horse. but the

lady thief is caught by a man named robin, who happens to be there. When the

woman was caught wanting to steal a horse, she said: "My neighbor's horse died. If

you don't plow, the family won't eat." Robin also heeded the woman's request, but

with one condition. that is, say the name. The woman uncovered her face, and

immediately said his name. my name is marian, you may call me marian, said the

woman thief.

This section contains an element of altruism in the act of profit, a statement

from Robin about the request to know the name of the woman who will steal the

horse to save her neighbor whose horse has died.

Altruism in action Data 1 Data Interpretation

This section contains elements

This horse is yours, of altruism in terms of benefits,
Benefits. if you tell me your robin allows her horse to be
name. taken by the female thief on
condition that she tells her name
so that her neighbors can plow
again because her horse is dead

Data 2

Picture 2

Robin : Clayton! You up for a run?

Clayton : Yeah.
Robin : You ready? Okay. Let's go.
Clayton : Yeah.
Robin :Go! Go! Stay close.

Four years passed, it was seen that Robin was fighting with other troops. They

walked under a building that had not been used for a long time, suddenly an attack

came from above, they were attacked using bows. As a result, many of the troops that

were hit by the bows and robins survived along with several other troops. Robin and

the rest of the squad want to get through this situation and be safe. However, the

enemy attacks kept coming, making it impossible to get past the situation. Cornered,

Robin took the initiative to distract the enemy and ordered the rest of the troops to

rush for cover.

This section contains elements of altruism in action in terms of benefits, when

robins and other troops must be under enemy pressure and it is impossible to pass

through that place. therefore robin hood as a reliable troop in war, he took the

initiative to divert the enemy's attention so that his friends could seek protection.

Altruism in action Data 2 Data Interpretation

This section contains
elements of altruism in
Benefits. Go! Go! Stay close. action in terms of profit,
where the robin takes the
initiative to divert the
enemy's attention so that
other troops can seek
shelter. enemy's attention
so that his friends could
seek protection.

Data 3

Picture 3

Robin: Give me a hand. Don't go anywhere. I've got this one, okay?
You stay here, watch our backs, okay?
Robin: Be back in a minute.

Robin and the other troops traced the slopes of the building to find the

whereabouts of their enemies. a few moments later he enlisted the help of a troop

named Clayton to support him up to the top of the building so he could monitor from

a height where the enemy troops were. Give me a hand. Don't go anywhere. I've got

this one, okay? You stay here, watch our backs, okay?.Said robin to his friend.

This passage contains an element of altruism in action in terms of benefit,

explaining that benefit the robin performs when asking for help in being able to

monitor the enemy from a high position. so that he and his troops could avoid sudden

enemy attacks.

Altruism Data 3 Data interpretation

in action
Give me a hand. This section contains an element of altruism in
Don't go terms of profit, robin asks for help from his
Benefits. anywhere. I've got partner and then props him up to the top of the
this one, okay? building to monitor the enemies from a height.

You stay here, the motive for what Robin did was so that the
watch our backs, troops could find out the enemy's position and
okay? not be surprised by the enemy who suddenly

4.1.2 Altruism in the aspect of Liabilities

This aspect discusses liabilities, which is when someone does something, they

must take responsibility for what has been done. Taking liabilities for many people

with himself, even death, is willing to prove his responsibility to others. Wade was

sacrificed for the safety of others, and this was done not in the slightest expecting to

be given a valuable gift or reward. He did this because he did not want other people

to be in danger.

Data 4

Picture 4
Gisbourne : Loxley, the stones are coming!
Fall back! That's an order! Loxley, leave him!
You'll get us all killed, lad!
Robin : He's still alive.
Gisbourne : We can't just leave him!
Not your call, it's an order!

Moments later, one of the troops named Clayton was kidnapped and held

hostage by the enemy. Therefore, Robin and other troops want to find Clayton and

save him. some time later, he heard clayton call his name. "Robb, help" Clayton said.

he was suspended, feet up and head down. it turned out that it was just the enemy's

bait, so that they entered the circle of the enemy. at the same time the enemy directly

attacked them. and one of his friends instructed to retreat because it was an order. but

robin didn't listen to that and still wanted to save clayton because he was still alive

even though he was surrounded and attacked by enemies.

This section contains elements of altruism in action in terms of duty, explaining

the liabilities that robin performs when he wants to save his theme which is in enemy

captivity. he does not hesitate even though his life is in danger because his enemies

are very much compared to them.

Altruism in Data Data Interpretation

Action 4
This section contains elements of altruism in action in terms
Liabilities. He's of Liabilities, explaining the Liabilities that robin performs
still when he wants to save his friend who is in enemy captivity.
alive. he didn't hesitate even though his life was in danger because
his enemies were so many compared to them.

Data 5

Picture 5

Gisbourne : Hold him! Hold him!

Robin : I'll kill you! (at the same time, gosbouerne releases his arrow and
hits the robin's stomach).
Gisbourne : Put him down! Get him down! If you weren't a noble, I would have
hanged you for treason.

After retreating from the battlefield, they finally returned to the camp with the

enemy they had defeated. upon arrival, they immediately punished the enemy

captives by beheading them. at that time robin was not at the place of execution

prisoners. after a while he hastened to see the prisoner. to his surprise, his teammate

named Gisbourne was beheading a prisoner. robin also stopped the actions carried out

by gisbourne because they were no longer armed. However, Gisbourne did not listen.

as a result robin rebelled and wanted to kill gisbourne so that the prisoners could

survive the beheadings carried out by gisbourne.

This section contains elements of an act of altruism in terms of Liabilities,

explaining the Liabilities that robin performs when he wants to save prisoners from

being decapitated.

Altruism in Action Data 5 Data interpretation

This section contains
I'll kill you! (at the same elements of altruism in
Liabilities. time, gosbouerne releases terms of Obligations,
his arrow and hits the explaining the
robin's stomach) Obligations that robin
took to stop the crimes
committed by gisbourne
when he wanted to save
convicts from being

Data 6

Picture 6

Robin : He's acting like you guys have swarmed the bloody walls of
Nottingham, liars.
Jhon : Do you want to be angry or do you want revenge?
Robin : I want to take down the sheriff, I want to hit him where it hurts.

One morning, after he returned from the battlefield.he witnessed the sheriff

addressing the people of nothingham. he conveyed to the people that the levy for war

expenses would be increased. but there robin was very annoyed because what was

conveyed by the sheriff was just a trick. therefore he wants to put down the sheriff's

leadership so that the people can be free from corrupt leaders.


This section contains elements of altruism in terms of Liabilities, explaining the

Liabilities that robin performs when he wants to save the people from corrupt leaders.

Altruism in Action Data 6 Data Interpretation

This section contains
I want to take down the elements of altruism in
Liabilities. sheriff, I want to hit him terms of Obligations,
where it hurts. explaining the
Obligations that robin
performs when he wants
to save the people from
corrupt leaders. therefore
robin wants to overthrow
the sheriff's leadership so
that the people can live

Data 7

Picture 7

Robin :I wanna go big. Forget couriers and collection boxes.

Iwanna hit the treasury itself.
John : Hard targets.
Robin : Pull the tail, see who bites!

After training and being proficient in archery taught by jhon, he finally began to

steal the sheriff's gold coins that he took from commoners. however, that did not

make him satisfied. he wanted to steal the money that was in the treasury to be

distributed to the people so that the sheriff's leadership fell quickly.

This section contains elements of altruism in terms of Liabilities, explaining the

Liabilities that robin did when he wanted to steal all the money in the treasury so he

could quickly bring down a corrupt regime.

Altruism in Action Data 7 Data Interpretation

This section contains an
I wanna go big. Forget element of altruism in
Liabilities. couriers and collection terms of Liabilities,
boxes.. explaining the Liabilities
I wanna hit the treasury that robin did when he
itself. wanted to steal all the
money in the treasury so
he could quickly

overthrow the corrupt

regime so that the people
could live happily and no
longer be taken
advantage of by the

4.1.3 Altruism in the aspect of Motive

Motive is a psychological force which means a desire that can encourage

someone to achieve the desired goal. In expecting something or wanting to achieve a

goal, it must be done as well as possible.

This aspect explains that everything that a person does, let alone prioritizing the

interests of others over himself, has a motive or reason why he has to do that, which

means that what is done is urgent. It is a good thing to do to achieve the desired

change in the world that is experienced (Wilson, 1998).

Data 8

Picture 8

Jhon : Here, you're Lord Loxley. Play your part.

Drink. Don't get drunk.
But above all, you must get an audience with the cardinal.
Robin : John. I've got this.

I was born to be here. Remember?

After carrying out an act of theft in the heart of the economy and the news

reached the church leaders in Rome. finally the church leader decided to come to

notingham so he could meet the sheriff of the notingham leader. his arrival was to

provide a solution to the sheriff so that Robin Hood could be arrested as soon as

possible. the sheriff also made a festive event to welcome the cardinal, the leader of

the church. Robin was also invited to the event. it was used by the robin to dig up

information and will secretly eavesdrop on the sheriff and cardinal.

This section contains an element of altruism in the aspect of Motive, where

Robin does not want to waste this opportunity to get information about the plan that

will be carried out by the sheriff and cardinal.

Altruism in Action Data 8 Data Interpretation

This section contains an
John. I've got this. element of altruism in
Motive. I was born to be here. the aspect of Motive,
Remember? where Robin does not
want to waste this
opportunity to get
information about the
plan that will be carried
out by the sheriff and

Data 9

Picture 9

Sherif : He's taking the piss out of the whole damn natural order.
Robin : Oh, you flatter him.
Sherif : He's a smash and grabber, nothing more. And hideously ugly, hence
that ridiculous hood. I wonder if he isn't a veteran.
Robin : Huh? Of the Crusades?
Sherif : Clearly, he's well-trained. He's audacious. Adaptable under fire.
Robin : Living on luck there, sir.

The party started, they started to enjoy the party. at the same time they talk

about the thief. One time, the sheriff was suspicious and said that the thief was a war

veteran because he was reckless to the point that he entered the Notingham treasury

and he was also very good at dodging arrows. after hearing that, robin immediately

fell silent and immediately looked for answers so that his disguise would not be found


This section contains an element of altruism in the Motive aspect, where Robin

wants to trick the sheriff who has a motive so that his disguise is not found out.

Altruism in Action Data 9 Data Interpretation

This section contains an
element of altruism in
Motive. Living on luck there, sir. the aspect of Motive,
where Robin wants to
trick the sheriff who has
a motive so that his
disguise is not found out
and he hopes that his
plan can go according to
what he wants.

Data 10

Picture 10
Tuck : I didn't steal anything.
Robin : Well, then you must know who did. Huh? Confess!
Cardinal : Just kill him.
Robin : Wait! The commoners love this worm.

After a while, he also had not seen Cardinal. therefore he devised a plan with

tuck and tuck agreed. his plan is to accuse tick of stealing the key to the secret room.

finally robin enters the sheriff's room dragging tuck, where in that room is the

cardinal. he tells him that tuck has stolen the key to the secret room. immediately the

guard immediately responded and immediately checked the key. however the key is

completely lost. finally the cardinal orders the sheriff to kill the thief. but robin stops

the action with the alibi, that the people believe tuck and let him live. the sheriff and

cardinal readily agreed. In the end, their plan went smoothly. robin can meet the

cardinal in person. it was motivated so that he could build an emotional connection

and be able to absorb information from the sheriff and cardinal's plans to catch the


This section contains elements of altruism in the aspect of Motive, where Robin

wants to build an emotional connection with the cardinal. Robin asked Tuck, and

Tuck agreed. In the end, their plan went smoothly.

Altruism in Action Data 10 Data Interpretation

This section contains
elements of altruism in
the aspect of Motive,
Wait! The commoners where Robin wants to
Motive. love this worm. build an emotional
connection with the
cardinal. Robin asked
Tuck, and Tuck agreed.
In the end, their plan
went smoothly. this is
motivated so that robin
can get information and
know the plan of the
sheriff and cardinal to
catch the thief.

4.2 Discussion

In this researcher we're talking about empathic attention, building better

interpersonal relationship those who get unwanted get to be unwanted people.

Empathic altruism reduces conflict between groups, unselfish motivation, Liabilities

to help others. Then the connection between motive and behavior, motives for

behavior or its consequences, even when one wants to improve the kind of behavior

those in need. This behavior is very variable, which, when a particular behavior

emerges depends largely on the map which may be it can generate behavior related to

each one. The more direct the behavior is promoted from the primary goal, and it is

increasingly characteristic of existing behaviors. Behavior does promote a goal easy

to achieve a prime goal that could change or behavior that is lacking in the primary

purpose. Undesirable consequences are also easily altered as behavior choices change

unless they are a product that is indeed a product of a behavior that does not directly

support the final goal. The power to understand and explain human behavior is not

found in the behavior itself or its consequences but the basic values and motive the s

that lead to the purpose.

In this study, there are three aspects of altruism in action in the 2018 Robin

Hood film. There is a relationship between these aspects, there is one data on the

benefit aspect having a motive relationship, and on the second and third data there is

an aspect of benefit related to the obligation aspect. Of the four data, the aspect of

liability associated with benefits. And it can be seen that the aspect of altruism in this

action connects one aspect with another. This cannot be separated from the three,

because when carrying out certain actions in the 2018 Robin Hood film, it has aspects

of benefits that benefit other parties, obligations that are responsible for the safety of

others, and motives that encourage someone to be motivated. help, save others even

to put the interests of others above oneself.

Motive is a psychological force which means that they are a desire that drives

us to an end. To have desire means to want something or expect something to happen.

The concept of desire must not always include feeling and sensation, but sometimes it

is accompanied by feeling. Motive is not natural, which means that nothing a person

does can be reduced to one motive. They are often different in different situations

although motivated by their well-being.

Guilt comes from being wrong, whether from one's actions or even from not

doing what is already prepared. Guilt may be defined as a sense of dispraising, this

relates to an admission that a person has violated the personally relevant moral or

social standards.

Altruism is an act that puts the interests of others above personal interests. This

is based on the theory of Baston (1995). To describe the act of altruism in the 2018

Robin Hood film, it can be seen from several aspects, including aspects of benefits,

responsibilities, and motives. Altruism itself is a thingserves to help someone or

anyone in doing something, meaning to lighten the burden that they cannot solve

alone without the help of others. In Baston's theory (1995), there are three things that

explain that this altruistic behavior is based on three aspects, namely benefits,

obligations, and motives. Based on the results found by researcher, researcher found

all three in the 2018 Robin Hood film, precisely in the main character, namely Robin.

Moreover, the motive for doing good. They save innocent people from evil because

he doesn't want to see people being oppressed and taken advantage of by

irresponsible people.

Related to the theory of altruism in action described in chapter 2 about the

behavior of the main character, which contains three aspects in Robin through the

2018 Robin Hood film, it can provide support to be able to answer research questions

about how altruism is. in action described by the main character

In the 2018 Robin Hood film. Using the theory of altruism in Baston's (1995)

actions in three aspects namely benefits, obligations, and motives. This altruistic

behavior is an act of helping each other resolve the interests of others above personal

interests. For example, in Robin Hood 2018, this film is carried out by the main

character where he is more concerned with other people than himself, he is even

willing to die for the safety of the people he helps. The things that motivate him to

take actions such as putting others first because he doesn't want anything bad to

happen to the people of Notingham, is his obligation to be responsible for what is his

business in terms of helping others, benefiting those who are there. Around because

someone is bad, actions can spread when not dealt with immediately and allow. This

can provide many good benefits—explanation relating to the circumstances in the

research data.

Psychological altruism helps and motivates in assisting this research, explaining

exactly how the behavior of the main character sacrifices himself to help others

whose safety is threatened, so that he is motivated to help him, is responsible for what

he has done, and provides benefits to others. -the people he helped and saved, who

avoided the evil deeds of irresponsible people. Based on the findings, the Robin

factor is helping save others because of motive, obligation, and profit. From the

actions taken by Robin on these data it can be seen that there are aspects of

obligation, benefits and motives to help others who are in difficult situations. For

example, when Wade is put in a self-threatening position, a fight breaks out between

him and his partner just because the robin wants to save the prisoner. To stop this

incident, Robin had to be hit by an arrow made by his own partner because there was

a misunderstanding between them.

In addition, altruism in action in the three aspects of obligations, benefits, and

motives was used by researcher in observing the main character's speech in the 2018

Robin Hood film. In this finding, researcher found three aspects that were interrelated

between one and two aspects. In this study, the researcher uses the three aspects of

altruism in action to analyze the composition of this film because these three aspects

are related to the main character in this 2018 Robin Hood film. Because in this film,

the main character helps others based on obligation, profit, and motive, he does all of

that above his own interests. He is responsible for what he has done, and then he has

to finish it. The speech action is performed by the main character while saving the

people from an tyrannical leader. When Wade stops the sheriff's actions, benefiting

people who are always being oppressed, he is motivated to do so because he is very

concerned about the people who are always being deprived of their rights. Therefore,

the three aspects that underlie altruism in the actions that occur in this film explain

exactly how the actions of the main character depicted in helping others have many

good impacts and can be resolved.



5.1 Conclusion

Based on the findings on the data and discussion of the data above, the

researcher draws conclusions regarding the research question about how altruism in

action is depicted in the 2018 Robin Hood film, which is based on Batson's theory

(1995) with three aspects. obligations, benefits, and motives. Based on the data

analysis above, the researcher found the three aspects depicted in the main character

because the three aspects contained in altruism in action are in harmony with the

words of the main character in the 2018 Robin Hood film. The main character's

expressions containing three aspects of altruism in action are widely used when he

wants to help others. This is when Robin saves the people from tyrannical leaders, he

is willing to sacrifice himself for the safety of others with responsibility when things

that are his responsibility must be completed, his motivation for doing that is only

because he doesn't want the sheriff to always do arbitrary and always deceive the

people that can benefit the people of notingham.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on research that has been carried out under the title Altruism In Action

On Robin Hood 2018 Movie, which is recommended by researcher for readers,

especially for future researcher who wish to continue this research both in terms of

theory and objects so that they can be studied deeper, in more detail to get better

results. maximum. This researcher uses the theory of altruism in action from Batson

(1995) with three aspects in it, namely aspects of obligation, motives, and benefits. In


the actions that exist in this main character, he is more concerned with the interests of

others than his own interests.

In this study, the researcher focuses on how acts of altruism are depicted in the

2018 Robin Hood film, based on three aspects: obligation, motives, and benefits. In

this study, the researcher completely found three aspects of altruism in action

mentioned in Batson's (1995) theory. The researcher did not find any aspect of failure

because Robin took every action. The main character always tries to do his best, is

careful in every action, even makes a plan in his action. The researcher realizes that

this research is still not perfect, so the next researcher who wants to analyze the same

object should further analyze the findings found in this research, such as aspects of

failure, etc.

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Robin Hood
(2018 ) Plots
Lord Robin of Loxley, an English aristocrat and bow master, lives in

Nottingham and enjoys a good life with his girlfriend Marian, before he is recruited

by the corrupt Sheriff of Nottingham to fight in the Third Crusade against the


After four years away from England, Robin becomes disillusioned with the

Crusades when he fails to prevent his commander, Guy of Gisbourne, from executing

unarmed prisoners, including a teenage boy, despite the boy's father's pleas,

prompting Gisbourne to send Robin back. house under charges of treason.


When he returns to Nottingham, Robin learns from his old friend Friar Tuck

that the Sheriff had legally declared him dead two years earlier to seize his lands and

fortune to continue funding the war effort at the behest of the corrupt Cardinal

Franklin, exiled the citizens from the town and into the town's stone mines. coals

across the river.

Investigating "the Slags", Robin witnesses the common people plotting to rise

up against a government that oppresses and exploits them and learns that Marian is

now involved with their future leader, Will Tillman. Robin is prevented from making

contact with him by the inmate whose son he is trying to save. The man then

introduces himself as Yahya — which he says can be translated as "John" — and

proposes that he and Robin work to end wars by stealing back money taken from

people to fund church conflicts. Marian searches for Robin after learning that she is

alive, but she is advised by John not to tell him about her plans for his own


Through a grueling training regimen at his now decrepit manor, Robin greatly

expands and improves his skills in archery and combat and begins stealing the wealth

that the Sheriff has been extorting from the townspeople, earning the nickname "The

Hood", while hiding his own wealth. activities by posing as a reckless playboy-Lord

who supports the Sheriff's regime.

During a ball in the Cardinal's honor that Robin, Marian and Will attend,

Marian and Robin learn that the war was a ploy by the church, which also financed

the Saracen army, to defeat the king and claim total power after his death. Gisbourne

and his men raid Slag on orders from the Sheriff to find Hood.

Marian tries to intervene despite Will's objections and crosses paths with Hood,

whom he discovers is Robin by recognizing her voice. John is captured by Gisbourne

and tortured by the Sheriff but refuses to reveal Hood's identity. When the Sheriff

uses John's confidant against him, he threatens him with a promise, that his eyes and

face will soon be the last he will see.

Robin reveals herself to the commoners at Marian's urging and is embraced as

their leader, upsetting Will. Will leads a riot to distract the Sheriff's men while Robin

intercepts the caravan transporting the Sheriff's wealth from Nottingham, which is

about to be delivered to the Saracen army. Robin then leads the townspeople in battle

against the Sheriff and his corrupt army. During the confrontation, Robin shares a

kiss with Marian, which Will witnesses, moments before he is fatally injured by a

Molotov cocktail. Enraged by Marian's love for Robin, he leaves her and the


As the tide of battle begins to turn in the Sheriff's favor, Robin surrenders to

avoid further bloodshed and is taken to the Sheriff's castle to be executed; one of the

guards is actually John, having previously escaped from his cell, and he eventually

exacts revenge on the Sheriff by hanging him by a chain in a large censer burner and

left hanging high above the roof of the cathedral. Robin and John escape to reunite

with Marian and the townspeople who aid them, taking refuge as outlaws in

Sherwood Forest, sharing their reclaimed loot.

Meanwhile, the Cardinal approaches Vengeful Will and offers him the chance

to claim the power vacuum in Nottingham if he is loyal to the church. Will is named

the new sheriff and branded Robin and his cohorts criminals, with Robin daring Will

to go after him with a well-placed arrow through a wanted poster held by Will to his


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