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8/6/23, 8:35 PM WWII Leader of Philippines

WWII Leader of Philippines

Quezon. He was the president of the Philippines from 1935 until his death in 1944. Quezon's
presidency spanned the period when the Philippines was granted Commonwealth status by
the United States in 1935, and he played a significant role in preparing the Philippines for
eventual independence. However, during World War II, as the war in the Pacific intensified,
the Philippines was occupied by Japanese forces, and Quezon's government went into exile.

during the world war 2 who was the leader of the philippines? laurel or quezon

During World War II, there were two leaders of the Philippines due to the circumstances of
the Japanese occupation.

1. Manuel L. Quezon: He was the President of the Philippines when the war started in 1941.
However, as the Japanese forces invaded and occupied the Philippines, Quezon's
government went into exile. He continued to lead the Philippine government in exile from
the United States.
2. José P. Laurel: In the Philippines, under Japanese occupation, a puppet government was
established by the Japanese authorities. José P. Laurel, a Filipino lawyer and politician, was
selected by the Japanese to be the President of this puppet government, officially known
as the Second Philippine Republic. This government was not widely recognized as
legitimate, and it operated under the influence and control of the Japanese occupiers.

So, to answer your question, both Manuel L. Quezon and José P. Laurel were leaders during
World War II in the Philippines, but in different capacities and circumstances. Quezon led the
government in exile, while Laurel was the head of the Japanese-backed puppet government
within the Philippines.

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