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Salenga, James Conrad M.

After reading a passage, write a summary and opinion about the passage.
Write a short summary of the author’s opinion in 25-50 words. Do not copy.
Write your opinion. Do you agree or disagree with the author? Why? Write at least 50 words.
Try to use your own ideas.

1. Some children grow up in a big city while other children grow up in the countryside.
Childhood experiences can be very different depending on where a person is raised. Although
the countryside can be more peaceful than a big city, it is better for children to grow up in a
big city. Children who grow up in a big city have more opportunities. If a child wants to
sing, dance, or play a musical instrument, he or she can easily find different teachers
or clubs. A child who is interested in sports has a lot of sports to choose from. In addition,
most big cities have excellent museums, zoos, art galleries, and libraries. Therefore, children
can spend their evenings, weekends, and summers learning about many different subjects. By
experiencing a wide range of activities, children will be able to find out what they like and
maybe find a special interest.
According to the passage, it is better for children to grow up in cities rather than in the
country or in rural areas because there are more opportunities in cities. When children grow
up in the city, they can learn a lot and participate in a variety of activities, according to the
I strongly disagree. Even though there are many things to learn in the city, there are also many
things to learn in the countryside. Being in the countryside teaches us how to live
independently and in the traditional manner of our forefathers. Children would learn how to
grow their own food, farm, harvest, cook, and so on. It will teach them survival skills in the
event that they become lost in the wilderness. I disagree with the author because I believe that
both rural and urban areas can provide children with a variety of experiences and skills that
are necessary for a person to have.

2. Women empowerment refers to making women powerful to make them capable of deciding

for themselves. Women have suffered a lot through the years at the hands of men. In earlier
centuries, they were treated as almost non-existent. As if all the rights belonged to men even
something as basic as voting. As the times evolved, women realized their power. There on
began the revolution for women empowerment. As women, were not allowed to make
decisions for them, women empowerment came in like a breath of fresh air. It made them
aware of their rights and how they must make their own place in society rather than depending
on a man. It recognized the fact that things cannot simply work in someone’s favor because of
Salenga, James Conrad M.
their gender. However, we still have a long way to go when we talk about the reasons why we
need it.
According to this passage, women have been undervalued and treated like nothing for years.
Women are denied basic rights such as the right to vote on who should rule. Over time,
women began to fight for their rights and stopped allowing men to underestimate them.
I accept. Men and women should have equal rights. We are all human and women are
just as important to society as men. They are not just there to have children. Women are just
as capable as men. And anyone can rule, regardless of gender. Many women leaders have
proven that they can lead people. Gone are the days of underestimating women. If this
happens again, women should keep fighting for their rights.

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