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Title: “The Great Pikumant War”

Introduction: Welcome to "The Great Pikumant War" RPG, an epic adventure set in a world
where strategic warfare and the resilience of tiny creatures collide. Step into the shoes of a
courageous hero Pikumant, each of you are entrusted with the destiny of your Pikumant colony.
As summer showers rain down, tensions rise among Pikumant colonies, and territorial disputes
escalate into full-blown conflicts. You and your fellow players will begin to lead your colony to
victory through cunning tactics, resource management, and decisive combat. Will you emerge
as a legendary leader, forging alliances, evolving your colony, and conquering rival Pikumant
colonies? The fate of your Pikumant civilization hangs in the balance as you embark on an
extraordinary journey of Pikumant-sized proportions. Gather your courage, rally your troops, and
prepare for an adventure like no other in "The Great Pikumant War" RPG!
Inspirations : Mausritter, Mushi Melee, Overwar - The Night Comes Down, Pikmin,
Warhammer Fantasy

System Overview: “The Great Pikumant War” is a simple and fast-paced tabletop RPG
designed for strategic warfare enthusiasts. Players take on the roles of Pikumant commanders,
leading their colonies to battle against rival Pikumant factions in a summer rain-soaked world.
The game focuses on resource management, tactical decision-making, and epic Pikumant
battles. One of the key points to note is that luck and probability is extremely rare, as forward
planning and adapting to chaotic change is needed.

Setting: The game is set in a sprawling garden near a forest during a hot summer,
where rain showers are a common occurrence. Different Pikumant colonies have staked
their claim on various territories within the area, and conflicts over resources and
dominance are escalating. The garden is filled with lush vegetation, towering trees,
winding streams, and hidden treasures. While the forest has ancient trees and
battlegrounds, monsters lurking everywhere, and precious resources for brave

Character Creation: Players create their Pikumant commanders, customizing them by

selecting their Pikumant species, physical attributes, and specialized abilities. Each
Pikumant species brings unique strengths and weaknesses to the battlefield, allowing for
diverse strategies.

Hive Design: Player Characters together build a hive, an elaborate dungeon fortress
settlement for their Pikumants to base out of, customizing their defense, buildings, and

Game Mechanics:

● Resources: Pikumants need to gather resources such as food, water, and building
materials to sustain their colony and wage war. Resources can be obtained from
foraging expeditions, captured territories, or through diplomatic negotiations.

● Combat: Battles are resolved through strategic decision-making. Players allocate their
Pikumant units to various tactics, including frontal assaults, flanking maneuvers,
defensive formations, or ranged attacks. No dice rolls needed to determine the success
of actions, player strategic choices and resource management play crucial roles in

● Environmental Factors: The ever-changing weather conditions impact gameplay. Rainfall

can hinder movement, flood certain areas, or create temporary hiding spots. Pikumants
must adapt to these conditions and strategize accordingly.
● Evolution: Successful Pikumant earn experience points, which can be spent to improve
their colony’s abilities and unlock unique traits for their hive, like increased tunnel size,
improved egg chambers. As well as spending xp on Pikumant units, such as increased
strength, better foraging skills, or specialized combat maneuvers.

The main goal of “The Great Pikumant War” is to lead your colony to dominance by
outmaneuvering and defeating rival Pikumant factions. Players must manage their group's
resources efficiently, plan tactical strikes, explore the garden for hidden treasures, and make
alliances or wage war to achieve victory.

Needed Materials:

To play "The Great Pikumant War," here's a list of materials that would be needed -

1. Game Boards:

- A 25 x 15 hex sheet representing the garden or battleground where the Pikumant colonies
clash. It can be a printed or drawn representation of the game world, depicting terrain features
like vegetation, streams, towns, hives, territories, and treasures. A hex on the garden map
represents 2.5m.

- Local maps may be drawn for dungeon delving, buildings, tunnels, branches, walls, and
battlefields. A hex on this map is 25cm.

2. Unit Tokens or Miniatures:

- Tokens or miniature figures representing the Pikumant units controlled by the players. These
can be small figurines or printed tokens that are easily distinguishable and represent the
different types of Pikumants in the game. It is recommended that each player have 3-5 each. A
token represents a single Pikumant character, or a group of Pikumants depending on the size.

3. Ability Cards:

- Cards representing the specialized abilities of the Pikumant units, including their stats,
unique traits, and any special actions or abilities they possess. These cards provide reference
and guidance during gameplay.

4. 1-10 Six Sided Dice:

- Although "The Great Pikumant War" emphasizes strategic decision-making rather than
relying on random chance, there are times when one incorporates dice to introduce an element
of unpredictability or luck. Standard six-sided dice can be used for this purpose. They are also
useful for tracking unit values, to track clocks, special resources, and placeholder markers.

5. Rulebook or Game Guide:

- A rulebook or game guide that explains the gameplay mechanics, combat rules, resource
management, and other important aspects of playing "The Great Pikumant War." It provides
instructions and guidelines for players to follow.

6. Pen, Paper, Index Cards, and Character Sheets:

- Players may need pen, paper, a hive and Character sheets to keep track of various game
elements, such as resource quantities, experience points, or other player-specific information.

- Index Cards are also useful when writing a series of orders.

Golden Rules
● Specific rules beat general rules.
● Always round down fractions.
● When in doubt, make a luck roll.
● Have fun.
Commander Creation:

1. Species Selection: Players choose the species of Pikumants their commanders will
belong to. They can select from a range of Pikumant species, each with unique
strengths, weaknesses, and abilities that shape their gameplay style and strategic

a. Fire Pikumants: Known for their aggressive nature and potent stings, Fire
Pikumants excel in close combat and possess resilience against environmental
i. All units you own gain the Fire Pikumant Ability.

b. Leafcutter Pikumants: Masters of resource management, Leafcutter Pikumants

specialize in foraging and gathering building materials, making them efficient
colony builders.
i. All units you own gain the Leafcutter Pikumant Ability.

c. Army Pikumants: Formidable warriors, Army Pikumants excel in organized

assaults and possess strong group coordination, making them effective in
overwhelming enemy forces.
i. All units you own gain the Army Pikumant Ability.

d. Weaver Pikumants: Skilled architects, Weaver Pikumants construct intricate

nests and create defensive structures using silk produced by their larvae,
providing excellent defensive capabilities.
i. All units you own gain the Weaver Pikumant Ability.

e. Carpenter Pikumants: Known for their strength and carpentry skills, Carpenter
Pikumants excel in tunneling and excavation, enabling them to quickly establish
new territories.
i. All units you own gain the Carpenter Pikumant Ability.

f. Bullet Pikumants: Possessing one of the most painful shots in the Pikumant
world, Bullet Pikumants specialize in hit-and-run tactics, inflicting debilitating
ranged attacks on their foes.
i. All units you own gain the Bullet Pikumant Ability.

g. Acrobat Pikumants: Agile and nimble, Acrobat Pikumants are adept at traversing
challenging terrain, scaling heights, and performing acrobatic maneuvers,
providing superior mobility.
i. All units you own gain the Acrobat Pikumant Ability.
h. Harvester Pikumants: Efficient foragers, Harvester Pikumants excel at collecting
food resources and have specialized adaptations for storing and transporting
i. All units you own gain the Harvester Pikumant Ability.

i. Trap-Jaw Pikumants: Known for their lightning-fast jaws, Trap-Jaw Pikumants

possess powerful mandibles that can be used for both offense and defense,
allowing them to deliver swift and devastating strikes.
i. All units you own gain the Trap Jaw Pikumant Ability.

2. Physical Attributes: Players define the physical attributes of their Pikumant commanders,
such as size, coloration, and markings. These attributes provide visual customization
and may have minor gameplay implications, such as camouflage effectiveness or
intimidation factor. Each player starts off with 0 in all stats. You have 5 points to spend
on raising a stat. For each numerical increase, you spend points equal to the value of
the current stat cumulatively. (1 point for 1 value, 2 points for value 2, and so on) . If an
attribute is reduced to a negative value, the Pikumant is either helpless or dead.

a. Strength: This combined stat represents the physical power, stature, and combat
capabilities of the Pikumant commander. A higher Strength and Size attribute
provides bonuses to melee attacks, and the ability to withstand or deliver
powerful blows in combat.
i. For each point, increase your commander's strength and attack value by
ii. For each two points, increase your inventory slot maximum value by one.

b. Agility: This combined stat represents the Pikumant commander’s speed,

dexterity, and visual appearance. A higher Agility and Coloration attribute grant
bonuses to ranged attacks, evasion, stealth checks, and the ability to move
swiftly and stealthily on the battlefield.
i. For each point, increase your commander's Agility and Defence value by
ii. For every two points, increase the number of hexes you can move by

c. Charisma: This combined stat represents the chemical signals emitted by the
Pikumant commander and their distinctive physical markings. A higher Charisma
attribute enhances the Pikumant commander’s social interactions, persuasion
attempts, intimidation skills, and the ability to influence the behavior of other
Pikumants or creatures.
i. For each point, increase you and one selected friendly unit
Pikumantpower by 2.
ii. For each two points, you add an additional word to your

d. Physical Features: Unique physical features like mandible size, Pikumantennae

length, or leg structure can provide combat advantages or special abilities. For
example, larger mandibles might grant bonuses to attack rolls or damage, longer
Pikumantennae could enhance perception or detection abilities, and specialized
leg structures might confer bonuses to movement speed or maneuverability.
i. For every point, you gain an additional physical feature.

3. Feats: Players assign feats to their Pikumant commanders. These abilities can include
combat maneuvers, leadership skills, resource management proficiency, or unique
talents specific to the chosen Pikumant species. Abilities enhance the commander’s
effectiveness on the battlefield and add depth to their strategic decision-making.

a. Make two selections, these can be any abilities from combat maneuvers,
leadership skills, or resource management proficiencies. Activating these abilities
requires spending herbs and is a major action.

b. Combat Maneuvers-
i. Swarm Assault: The Pikumant commander directs their unit to launch a
concentrated swarm assault, overwhelming the enemy with sheer
numbers. This maneuver increases the overall damage output of the unit,
allowing them to inflict more harm on their opponents.
1. Increase the attack value of one adjacent unit by 2 for 10 minutes.

ii. Tactical Retreat: Recognizing a disadvantageous situation, the Pikumant

commander orders a tactical retreat, allowing their unit to disengage from
combat and regroup in a safer location. This maneuver enables the
Pikumants to escape from immediate danger and reposition themselves
for a more favorable engagement.
1. This unit can move away from adjacent enemy units without being

iii. Acid Spray: Certain Pikumant units possess the ability to spray acidic
venom as a ranged attack. The Pikumant commander can command
these units to unleash an acid spray, damaging the enemy units or
structures directly, gradually weakening them over time.
1. Select one adjacent friendly unit, this unit can launch a
devastating spray that measures a meter in length. Any units or
structures hit in this line attack are dealt 4 damage with no
defense bonus allowed.
iv. Tunnel Ambush: Leveraging their expertise in tunneling, the Pikumant
commander guides their unit to set up a hidden tunnel ambush. When
triggered, the Pikumants burst forth from the underground, surprising the
enemy and gaining a momentary advPikumantage by catching them
1. Select one adjacent friendly unit, this unit and the commander can
automatically hide underground, when an adjacent enemy unit
moves within 50cm, the hidden player may attack. When the
enemy unit is attacked, it deals double damage, and the hidden
unit is no longer hidden.

v. Shield Formation: Recognizing an imminent enemy attack, the Pikumant

commander orders their unit to form a defensive phalanx. This maneuver
enhances the unit’s defensive capabilities, making them more resilient
and reducing the damage they take from incoming attacks.
1. Increase the defense value of one adjacent unit by 2 for 10

vi. Venomous Sting: Some Pikumant units possess venomous stingers,

capable of delivering potent toxins. The Pikumant commander can
command these units to unleash their venomous sting, poisoning enemy
units and gradually weakening them over time, making them more
vulnerable to subsequent attacks.
1. Select one adjacent friendly unit, when this unit makes a
successful attack and deals damage, the enemy unit gains the
poisoned ability.

c. Leadership Skills
i. Inspiring Presence: The character's commanding presence bolsters the
morale of their allies, granting a passive bonus to the attack and defense
of nearby friendly units.
1. Once per day for a full turn, your units gain +1 attack and defense.

ii. Tactical Genius: The character's strategic brilliance allows them to

analyze the battlefield and provide valuable tactical advice to their allies,
improving their combat decision-making and positioning.
1. You may ask the GM 3 yes no questions at the start of a battle.

iii. Diplomatic Negotiation: The character possesses exceptional diplomatic

skills, adept at fostering alliances and resolving conflicts peacefully,
increasing the likelihood of successful negotiations with rival ant factions.
1. You can elect to re-roll initial attitude results
iv. Rallying Leader: The character has a natural talent for rallying their
troops, boosting their fighting spirit and temporarily enhancing their
combat abilities.
1. All friendly units adjacent to you automatically re-roll failed morale

v. Resourceful Logistics: The character excels in resource management,

ensuring optimal allocation and conservation of resources for their colony,
maximizing their efficiency and sustainability.
1. Your supply lines deliver supplies twice as fast.

vi. Stealthy Infiltrator: The character is skilled in covert operations and

infiltrations, able to gather vital intelligence and disrupt enemy activities
without being detected.
1. Enemy units have to spend twice as many units searching or
search twice as long to find you if aware.

vii. Charismatic Influence: The character's charisma and persuasive ability

allow them to influence others effectively, gaining support, cooperation,
and loyalty from both allies and potential adversaries.
1. Your units gain a bonus to pikumantpower equal to your charisma.

viii. Adaptive Strategist: The character can quickly adapt their strategic plans
to changing circumstances, making them unpredictable and adept at
exploiting weaknesses in their opponents' formations.
1. Learn one free formation tactic that you can use only once, once
used you forget it and learn a different one after a week.

ix. Resilient Leadership: The character's unwavering leadership inspires their

allies to remain steadfast and determined, mitigating the negative effects
of fear and boosting the morale of friendly units.
1. Your units are immune to morale checks.

x. Mentorship: The character excels in training and mentoring, passing on

their knowledge and expertise to develop skilled warriors within their
colony, accelerating the growth and proficiency of new recruits.
1. Warriors are created 10% faster.

xi. Tactical Withdrawal: The character recognizes the importance of strategic

retreat, allowing their forces to regroup and preserve their strength for
future engagements without suffering unnecessary losses.
1. Your units move twice as far when retreating.
xii. Decisive Commander: The character possesses exceptional
decision-making skills on the battlefield, enabling them to issue clear and
effective orders to their units, ensuring coordinated and synchronized
1. You gain access to a rare mutation that lets you use
trigger-verbal-pheromones. You elect a trigger event like “when
passed by” or “at the first light of dawn”

d. Resource Management
i. Efficient Foraging: The character has a keen eye for locating abundant
food sources and can guide their colony to maximize the collection of
edible resources.
1. When collecting resources you collect an additional 15%
ii. Water Conservation: The character excels in devising methods to
conserve and store water effectively, ensuring their colony's hydration
even during dry spells.
1. Water usage in your hive is reduced by 10% (maximum 50%)
iii. Sustainable Farming: The character possesses advanced agricultural
knowledge, enabling them to cultivate crops and create sustainable food
sources for their colony.
1. Your farms produce an additional 20% food.
iv. Resource Scouting: The character is skilled in scouting and exploring the
environment, uncovering hidden caches of valuable resources such as
building materials or rare herbs.
1. Gain the Majestic Pikumantenna physical feature.
v. Expert Builder: The character has a knack for construction and efficient
utilization of building materials, allowing them to create robust structures
and utilize resources effectively.
1. Buildings cost 10% less and build 20% quicker.
vi. Trade Negotiation: The character is adept at negotiating trade
agreements with other ant colonies or even non-ant factions, enabling
them to acquire additional resources through mutually beneficial
1. Improve the attitude of all trade partners by 1.
vii. Efficient Storage: The character has expertise in designing and managing
storage systems, optimizing the utilization of space and ensuring
resources are organized and easily accessible.
1. Storage rooms hold an additional 25%
viii. Recycling Mastery: The character excels at recycling and repurposing
materials, finding innovative ways to transform waste into valuable
resources for their colony.
1. You can use garbage as a food or water resource. For every 5
units of garbage you or your units carry to the nest, you gain 1
water or food.
ix. Time Management: The character is highly skilled in managing time and
prioritizing tasks, ensuring efficient resource allocation and preventing
wasteful delays.
1. You ignore time penalties for failure.
x. Conservationist: The character understands the importance of preserving
the environment and practices sustainable resource usage, minimizing
waste and promoting long-term ecological balance.
1. Resources have less of a chance of disappearing.
xi. Herbalist Knowledge: The character possesses extensive knowledge of
herbs and their properties, allowing them to identify and utilize various
medicinal or beneficial plants for the benefit of their colony.
1. Gain knowledge of one Herb or Fungi reactant.
xii. Strategic Stockpiling: Strategic Stockpiling is a resource management skill
that enables ant commanders to plan and manage their hive’s storage
and inventory. They possess a keen understanding of resource allocation,
prioritization, and long-term planning. They ensure that essential supplies,
such as food, water, and building materials, are properly stored,
preserved, and distributed to meet the hive’s needs.
1. Your hive's resources take an additional season to spoil.

4. Roll for starting Pikumantpower for your Pikumant Commander. Roll 2d6 and keep the

5. Spend up to 20 points on initial units. Your maximum number of units at level 0 is 3.

6. Backstory and Personality: Players can develop a backstory and personality for their
Pikumant commanders, adding depth and role-playing elements to their characters. This
step allows players to immerse themselves in the narrative and develop a connection
with their commanders. In game, if your backstory can be of use, add one to a selected
physical stat.

7. Naming and Description: Players give a name to their Pikumant commanders,

personalizing them and adding individuality to their characters. You are free to describe
your character, thru could look like a miniature gnome or a dwarf, or an elf or insect.
Anything is fine and doesn’t hold any gameplay benefits.
Resources: Resources are essential for survival as they are spent to upkeep units, gain more
units, activate abilities, research, and develop your colony. If a unit is not able to eat or drink,
they will lose a strength point.

1.Food: Essential for the survival and growth of the Pikumant colony, food resources represent
nourishment obtained from scavenging, foraging, or capturing prey. Food is used to sustain the
colony’s population and maintain their strength. Every week, every friendly Pikumant unit will
consume food equal to the number of the upkeep value.

2.Water: Vital for hydration and maintaining the colony’s metabolism, water resources
encompass streams, puddles, and water droplets scattered throughout the garden. Pikumants
need water to survive and carry out their various activities. Every other day, a water amount
equal to the total combined size of every unit is consumed.

3.Building Materials: Comprising twigs, leaves, pebbles, and other natural materials, building
resources are used by Pikumants to construct and fortify their nests. These materials provide
structural integrity, protection, and expansion capabilities for the colony. Whenever building or
upgrading buildings, you will consume building materials.

4.Fairy Herbs, Gnome Moss, and Goblin Fungi: Fairy Herbs, Gnome Moss, and Goblin Fungi
are unique resources that represent “magical” properties. Fairy herbs and plants found in the
garden and other hard to reach locations. These objects possess alchemical or arcane
properties. Examples include providing healing and support to injured or ailing Pikumants, allow
special bailies to be activated, or other magical effects. Other herbs include camouflage,
communication augmentation, resource attraction, pest repellent, and others. Fungi on the
other hand are more offensive and utilitarian, such as infectious spores, flame caps, food
reserves, mind control, and more. Gnome moss is usually reserved for economic purposes, as
its rare but glittering and valuable due to its use in alchemical reactions, exquisite robes, and
lightweight monetary values. For more information on Fairy Herbs, Gnome Moss, and Goblin
Fungi on page XX.
Physical Features:

A Pikumant commander is of a higher cut compared to their comrades. Each commander

selects two and adds it to their Commander Feats.

1. Majestic Pikumantenna: The ant commander's majestic Pikumantennae grant them enhanced
sensory perception, allowing them to detect hidden enemies or resources with greater accuracy.
Your character can detect ambushes and hidden resources at a distance of 1 meter with a
four-in-six chance.

2. Pristine Exoskeleton: The Pikumant commander's pristine exoskeleton provides them with
additional defense, reducing the damage they take from enemy attacks. Your commander gains
+1 defense but cannot wear armor.

3. Elongated Mandibles: The Pikumant commander's elongated mandibles give them a bonus to
their attack power, allowing them to deal more damage in combat. Your commander gains +1 to

4. Vibrant Coloration: The Pikumant commander's vibrant coloration distracts and confuses
enemies, making it harder for them to land successful attacks against the ant commander or
their units. When in combat you select one enemy unit, that unit gains a -1 to attack.

5. Lustrous Carapace: The Pikumant commander's lustrous carapace reflects light and blinds
opponents, imposing a penalty to the accuracy of enemy attacks against them. When in combat
all ranged attacks suffer a -1 penalty.

6. Enlarged Thorax: The Pikumant commander's enlarged thorax enhances their physical
strength, giving them a bonus to their attack power and allowing them to carry heavier objects.
You gain +1 strength, +1 attack, and +2 carrying capacity. However, your movement is reduced
by 2, and your agility decreases by 1 to a minimum of 0.

7. Decorative Crest: The Pikumant commander's decorative crest boosts their leadership
presence, inspiring nearby allied units and granting them a bonus to their combat abilities.
Select one friendly unit during combat, they gain +1 to attacks.

8. Intricate Wing Patterns: The Pikumant commander's intricate wing patterns enable them to fly
with exceptional speed and maneuverability, granting them the ability to quickly traverse the
battlefield or perform aerial attacks. You can fly up to 15 meters, however you cannot end a turn
in the air.

9. Agile Limbs: The Pikumant commander's agile limbs make them highly adept at dodging
enemy attacks, giving them a bonus to their evasion rolls and making it harder for opponents to
hit them. Gain +2 defense when being hit by flanking maneuver tactics.
10. Bioluminescent Markings: The Pikumant commander's bioluminescent markings emit a
gentle glow that illuminates the area around them, providing visibility in dark environments and
making it easier for their units to navigate. You shed a 20cm light of your choosing at will.

11. Mighty Pincers: The Pikumant commander's mighty pincers have a powerful grip, allowing
them to disarm enemies or break through obstacles with ease. You gain +2 attack on structure
defense and can disarm a single opponent instead of damaging them on a successful attack.

12. Elegantly Curved Abdomen: The Pikumant commander's elegantly curved abdomen
enhances their agility and balance, granting them a bonus to their movement speed and making
them harder to hit. Gain +2 agility but -1 strength.

13. Thick Chitinous Armor: The Pikumant commander's thick chitinous armor provides
exceptional defense, reducing the damage they take from enemy attacks and increasing their
overall resilience. Gain +3 defense, but your movement is reduced by 2, minimum 1.

14. Spiked Appendages: The Pikumant commander's spiked appendages inflict additional
damage in combat, causing wounds that are harder for enemies to heal or recover from. When
damaging enemy units they must take longer to heal (I.e. a short rest becomes a long rest, a
long rest becomes full rest.) in addition successful attacks deal +1 damage.

15. Antennal Whiskers: The Pikumant commander's antennal whiskers give them heightened
perception and awareness, increasing their chances of detecting hidden traps or herbal/fungal
effects.Your character can detect supernatural effects or objects and hidden resources at a
distance of 1 meter with a four-in-six luck roll.

16. Polished Mandibles: The Pikumant commander's polished mandibles allow for more precise
and effective attacks, increasing their accuracy and critical hit chance. Whenever you make a
successful attack, you may roll a 2 in six luck roll to deal an additional 2 damage.

17. Camouflaging Exoskeleton: The Pikumant commander's camouflaging exoskeleton grants

them the ability to blend with their surroundings, making them harder to spot by enemies and
granting them a bonus to stealth or surprise attacks. Your agility is increased by 1 for the
purposes of hiding.

18. Extra Jointed Legs: The Pikumant commander's extra jointed legs provide them with
enhanced mobility, allowing them to traverse difficult terrain or obstacles with ease and granting
them a bonus to movement speed. Gain 3 movement.

19. Elaborate Head Crest: The Pikumant commander's elaborate head crest intimidates
opponents, imposing a penalty to the morale or combat effectiveness of enemy units within their
vicinity. Successful morale saves by the enemy are re-rolled.
20. Luminescent Eyes: The Pikumant commander's luminescent eyes grant them night vision,
allowing them to see clearly in dark or dimly lit environments without the need for additional light


A pikumant can carry 10 slots of equipment on them, 3 of which can be for weapons, and 3 of
which can be for armor and shields. A Pikumant can carry 30% additional slots but it will half
their movement.

Attack bonus: Being equipped with weapons provides a bonus to attacks as well as specific
granted bonuses.

Equipment Usage: Due to the tiny structures of Pikumants, equipment seems to last not very
long. After every usage of non-perishable equipment, roll a d6. On a 1 the equipment is used
The GM might, if the equipment is particularly durable give a re-roll. Mark on the equipment with
a # to indicate it has a re-roll.

Name Attack Bonus Cost Slots Benefits

Fly Scout Drone

The Hive:
- Use those mouse stronghold rules

Equipment can be stored in a hive.

How to play
The Gamemaster provides a situation currently at tarsus for your colony. You and your fellow
players plot and describe what they intend on doing.

Role-Playing and Commanding as an Pikumant:

You are a Pikumant, you are tiny, you are frail, and the entire world is against you. But you are a
unique breed, with the mind sharper than any bug, gripping claws to handle tools, a fanatic
devotion to your queen, and a legion that obeys your word.

Your kind stands about 2-4 cm tall, and your vision and hearing is limited to about a meter at
ground level. You have a one-in-six chance of noticing hidden threats and objects due to your
poor senses.

You are in control of your commander, and you are somewhat in control of the loyal Pikumants
who are entrusted to you by the Queen’s decree. You and your kind are able to grab objects and
manipulate them with your two front limbs, and you communicate through 1-6 word phrases
called verbal-pheromones.

Verbal-Phermones are physical scents that are tiny spheres left on a surface for as short as a
few seconds, to as long as a week. It takes only a round to make another one. You can make as
many as you wish, and other Pikumants also pick up and drop these. The range to “hear-smell”
these pheromones is only 10 cm away. These pheromones are also water-soluble, meaning
any contact with water instantly destroys it. When one encounters multiple, they will randomly
choose to obey one or sometimes pick one that best makes sense. Your Verbal-Pheromones
are like a thumb-print and a voice, only those loyal to you will understand them.

While you are an intelligent breed, unfortunately other non-commanding Pikumants are very
dim-witted and in need of constant guidance. They will follow simple verbal-phermonal
commands to the letter, if they are three words in length. Brighter and experienced ones might
be able to understand four or five. They are also capable of communicating by releasing
verbal-pheromones. They will follow orders until new orders are given, their survival is at risk, or
they have met the orders objectives.

Lastly as a good practice, remember to ask questions together, draw maps, plot, fight to win,
and always accept that the best plans can go awry when a rainstorm happens.

When something is done that involves risk, injury, or consequences, then a check is needed.
When you take an action that involves risk or doubt, the GM announces what physical attribute
is needed by your commander and what value. If the value meets or exceeds then you can
succeed in the check.

However if it doesn’t, then you fail and the GM will give you two choices, you as a player select
which choice you wish to take. A list of options include,

● Positioning- You or your Pikumants are put in a bad position.

● Harm - You, a structure, or your Pikumants, take Pikumantpower damage, roll a number
of d6 after choosing, the number of dice determined by the Gamemaster.
● Time - You or your Pikumants will require additional time
● Unforeseen consequences - Prepare for unforeseen consequences.
● Resources - you are required to spend resources determined by the GM. This could be
actual resources from the hive (Food, Water, Building Materials), additional
Pikumantpower needed, or something else.

Contested Checks

If you and another Pikumant, or your group and another group of Pikumants are contesting each
other, whoever has the highest appropriate stat wins. On a tie, a luck roll is needed.

Luck Rolls
Occasionally actions that involve chance need a x-in-six chance to succeed. The gamemaster
announces the probability, rolls the dice and declares success or not. For example, a two-in-six
chance requires rolling a one or two to succeed.

Advantage and Disadvantage:

Clever planning and positioning might put you at advantage, if that’s the case your value for a
physical attribute is doubled, damage is doubled, or a beneficial event occurs.

However in case of the opposite, your physical attribute is halved, damage is halved, or you
take both choices for a failed check.

In “The Great Pikumant War”, combat happens over the course of 1 minute intervals. When two
adjacent opposing forces meet, they often will follow any initial orders given to them.

1.Initiative Determination: Calculate the initiative score for each Pikumant unit based on their
agility attribute. Higher agility scores result in higher initiative scores. Ties resolve by rolling a

2.Simultaneous Actions: All players declare the actions they intend their Pikumant commanders
to take during the combat round. These actions can include attacking enemies, dropping
verbal-pheromone orders, moving, using abilities, or performing other maneuvers. Some actions
might raise or lower your initiative scoring depending on how time consuming it is. Pikumant
units follow orders given to them and take actions that are interpreted from the orders given.

3.Initiative Scoring: Each Pikumant unit’s declared action is associated with their initiative score.
Actions are resolved in descending order of initiative scores, starting with the highest score.

4.Action Resolution: Starting with the Pikumant unit with the highest initiative score, resolve their
declared order. Determine the outcome of the action, such as attack, movement, or ability
effects. Apply damage calculations, special effects, and consequences accordingly.

5.Repeat Resolution: Continue resolving actions in descending order of initiative scores until all
Pikumant units have taken their turn. If multiple Pikumant units have the same initiative score,
their actions can be resolved simultaneously or in any predetermined order.

6.Effects and Consequences: Apply any special effects, conditions, or consequences resulting
from successful actions, such as poison, damage over time, or temporary debuffs. These effects
may impact the combatPikumants’ abilities or hinder their performance in subsequent turns.

7.Turn Progression: Proceed to the next combat round, recalculating initiative scores based on
the Pikumant units’ agility attributes if any changes were made. Repeat steps 2 to 6 for
subsequent rounds until the combat encounter reaches its conclusion.

8.End of Combat: The combat ends when the victory conditions are met, such as the elimination
of all enemy units, achieving a specific objective, or when one side surrenders. Conclude the
combat encounter and proceed with the game based on the outcome.

Regular Attacks always hit, take your attack value and subtract from defense. The difference
is how much Pikumantpower damage you deal. If their defense is higher, then you deal only one
damage and your attacking units take damage equal to the difference.

However special formation tactics are specially specific orders given that allow for strategic
maneuvering and ways to defeat a tough enemy. These will use a different stat for attacking and
defense. Like Charisma vs Charisma or Agility vs Defense.

Units can attempt to simultaneously attack and defend, if two or units that are able to attack a
single target do so at the same time. Select one main unit and elect the other units as
supporting units. Supporting units add half their attack value. Doing so forgoes their ability to
attack elsewhere this turn.

Defending units can also attempt to simultaneously defend a single point, adjacent units can
add half their defense values to an attacked unit. But doing so means they will have half their
defense value when attacked from a different target.

A single Pikumant attacking a unit makes attacks at disadvantage. Whereas a unit attacking a
single Pikumant attack with advantage.

Pikumantpower represents the effective cohesion an Pikumant commander or Pikumant unit
possesses. Think of it like hit points. When a unit or commander reaches zero, then they are

Rest and Healing:

There are three ways your commander and Pikumants can heal,
Short Rest - Takes one Turn, heal 2 Pikumantpower
Long Rest - Takes one Watch, heal 8 Pikumantpower
Full Rest - Takes one Week, heal all lost Pikumant power, and remove any negative conditions.


Time is broken into three categories,

● A round which is 6 seconds
● A turn which is 10 minutes
● A watch which is 36 turns.

Pikumants only need to sleep for a watch per day, and spend at least a turn eating or drinking. A
unit can rest with a posted nightwatch if it has 3 or more Pikumantpower.

Throughout the game, each player will simultaneously make actions. Actions are resolved in
initiative order, which are determined by the agility value of each commander. When in combat
you can move, and make an action.

A list of example combat actions for your commander include but are not limited to, attacking,
running away, hiding, mitigating, performing risky tasks, using alchemical components, building,
and especially giving orders.

A common list of orders include,

Attack: Direct an ant unit to engage an enemy unit in melee combat, utilizing their attack stat to
inflict damage. See attacking.

Defend: Command an ant unit to adopt a defensive stance. They will not attempt to move
unless ordered to.

Flank: Coordinate a flanking maneuver, instructing a group of ants to position themselves on the
enemy’s side or rear to gain a tactical advantage.

Ranged Assault: Deploy ants with ranged abilities to launch projectile attacks from a distance,
utilizing their ranged attack stat to hit enemy units.

Support: Direct a specialist or non-combat ant to provide support to allied units, offering healing,
buffs, or other beneficial effects.

Retreat: Order a strategic retreat, guiding the ants to disengage from combat and regroup for a
better position or to avoid overwhelming enemy forces. Puts your units in disadvantage.

Maneuver: Command ants to change their formation or positioning on the battlefield to adapt to
the changing tactical situation.

Coordinate Tactics: Instruct multiple units to synchronize their actions, combining their abilities
and attacks for increased effectiveness.

Focus Fire: Designate a specific enemy unit for concentrated attacks, instructing multiple ants to
target and overwhelm that particular foe.

Formation Tactics: Formation tactics are actions that are learned through training, one does not
start off with formation tactics, but instead learns them from battle, a mentor, or training.
Examples include,
Frontal Assault Tactics:

Charge: The Pikumant commander leads their unit in a fearless charge, focusing on
overwhelming the enemy with brute force. This tactic grants a temporary bonus to attacks and
damage for all Pikumants involved in the frontal assault. When a unit is given this order, your
units move forward 4 hexes and make an attack with +2 attack. A successful attack pushes
enemy units directly backwards one hex.

To learn this maneuver, one must directly lead an attack with their units and survive direct melee
for two rounds.

Phalanx Formation: The unit forms a tightly packed formation, shields interlocked, creating a
formidable defensive line while advancing towards the enemy. This tactic provides a bonus to
defense, making the Pikumants more resilient against incoming attacks from the front. When a
unit is given this order, your unit's movement is halved for a turn, but your units gain advantage
on frontal attacks. Additionally your units cannot be pushed, and attacks on a flank are at

To learn this maneuver, you must directly break through an enemy formation or shirld wall by
making a contest of strength.

Savage Swarm: The unit utilizes a coordinated frontal assault, striking with unrelenting ferocity.
This tactic allows the Pikumants to make multiple rapid attacks against a single target,
increasing their chances of overwhelming the enemy with a relentless assault.

Defensive Formation Tactics:

Shield Wall: The Pikumants form a defensive shield wall, interlocking their bodies to create a
solid barrier. This tactic significantly boosts defense against frontal attacks, making it difficult for
enemies to penetrate the defensive line.

Circle of Defense: The unit forms a circular defensive formation, protecting their vulnerable
flanks and presenting a unified front. This tactic provides a bonus to defense against flanking
maneuvers, making it harder for enemies to exploit weak spots in the defense.

Towering Fortress: The Pikumants stack themselves vertically, creating a towering fortress that
offers increased protection. This tactic grPikumants a bonus to defense against ranged attacks,
reducing the effectiveness of projectiles and making it more challenging for enemies to hit the

Flanking Maneuver Tactics:

Swift Strike: A small group of Pikumants executes a swift flanking maneuver, targeting the
enemy’s weak flank. This tactic grants a bonus to attack and damage for the Pikumants involved
in the flanking maneuver, increasing their chances of inflicting significant damage.

Ambush from Shadows: The Pikumants utilize stealth and camouflage to launch surprise
attacks from concealed positions. This tactic allows the Pikumants to remain hidden until they
strike, granting them a bonus to attack and evasion during the ambush.

Pincer Attack: The unit splits into two groups, encircling the enemy from both sides. This tactic
puts pressure on the enemy, forcing them to defend against attacks from multiple directions,
potentially resulting in the enemy’s defense penalty and making it easier for the Pikumants to
breach their defenses.

Ranged Attack Tactics:

Acid Volley: Pikumants equipped with acid-spraying abilities unleash a coordinated volley of
acidic projectiles. This tactic inflicts additional acid damage on the enemy units, corroding their
defenses and potentially weakening them.

Precision Snipe: Pikumants with exceptional accuracy and ranged attack skills focus their efforts
on precise shots against key targets. This tactic grants a bonus to attack and damage for
ranged attacks, increasing the chances of hitting vulnerable spots and causing significPikumant

Barrage Barricade: The unit unleashes a barrage of projectiles, creating a temporary barrier of
projectiles that intercept and deflect incoming ranged attacks. This tactic provides a bonus to
defense against enemy ranged attacks, reducing the effectiveness of the incoming projectiles.


When a NPC or unit is placed in a particularly hazardous or stressful position. A luck roll is
made by the GM, with a low number like one-in-six being rolled if the unit had suffered low
casualties, and three-in-six for example if the unit was ambushed. When they fail, the unit will
attempt to retreat to safety or their hive.


A Pikumant with speed 4 normally marches about .5 meters in 6 seconds or one overland hex
an hour. In combat they tend to move doubletime to 1 meter in 6 seconds or 4 hexes. A unit that
is marching doubletime can only do so for a turn. After which they must rest for two or risk taking
Commanders can occupy other friendly units' hexes. However units cannot occupy the same
hex as another unit.

In battle you move 2 hexes per movement point value.

XP and Evolution:
Fairy Herbs and Goblin Fungi
Fairy Herbs

Goblin Fungi


Residual Alchemy

Crafting Alchemical Formulas


Hired specialists in "The Great Pikumant War" bring unique skills and abilities, providing
strategic advantages and support to players' colonies. They enhance combat prowess, assist in
resource management, and offer specialized expertise. Players can recruit specialists to
strengthen their forces, access rare abilities, and overcome challenges more effectively. Each
specialist contributes to the growth and success of the colony, offering valuable insights and
strategic options. When in a settlement, there exists a chance of finding one or more of the
following. The cost is listed at the end.

Mercenary: A skilled warrior for hire, offering their combat expertise and strength to assist the
players in battles and dangerous missions. 2 food/day.

Guide: An experienced local who knows the garden inside out, offering their knowledge of the
terrain, shortcuts, and hidden locations. 1 Water/Day

Herbalist: A knowledgeable specialist in herbs and their medicinal properties, providing healing
potions, antidotes, and remedies to support the players’ health and well-being.

Cartographer: A skilled mapmaker and navigator, capable of creating detailed maps of

unexplored areas and helping the players navigate the garden more effectively.

Tracker: An expert tracker and hunter, adept at finding valuable resources, locating hidden
treasures, and identifying the movements of rival ant factions.

Scout: A stealthy and observant individual who excels at reconnaissance, gathering valuable
intelligence on enemy positions, resources, and potential threats.

Engineer: A skilled builder and problem-solver, capable of constructing elaborate structures,

fortifications, and traps to bolster the players’ defenses and provide strategic advantages.

Diplomat: A charismatic and persuasive negotiator, skilled in diplomacy and able to establish
alliances, negotiate treaties, and resolve conflicts peacefully.

Forager: A resourceful gatherer, specialized in locating and harvesting valuable food sources,
water, and other essential materials needed to sustain the colony and fuel its war efforts.

Alchemist: A master of potions and alchemical concoctions, capable of brewing powerful elixirs,
enhancing the players’ abilities, and providing unique buffs and effects during battles.

Architect: A skilled builder and engineer, responsible for constructing defensive structures and
fortifications to protect the colony.
Scholar: A knowledgeable researcher and historian, specializing in discovering hidden
knowledge, ancient artifacts, and understanding the world around them.

Navigator: A skilled navigator and explorer, capable of charting paths, finding shortcuts, and
leading the colony to new territories and resources.

Resource Manager: A meticulous organizer and planner, responsible for optimizing resource
allocation, ensuring efficient gathering, and maximizing the colony’s overall productivity.

Messenger: A fast runner and carrier of verbal pheromones, they can deliver messages,
reports, and items to and from units at a quick pace.

Abused or frightened specialists might leave you depending on the complexity of the situation,
and the GM will resolve with a luck roll.
In "The Great Pikumant War," units are diverse entities with unique strengths, weaknesses, and
abilities. From Commanders, to resource-gathering Workers to armored Soldiers, agile Scouts,
healing Medics, precise Rangers, formidable Elite Guards, and defensive Shield Pikumants, and
others, each unit serves a distinct role in strategic warfare. Players must tactically deploy and
leverage these units, considering their stats and abilities, to triumph in the intense Pikumant
battles of the game.

The stats are,

Name: This represents the name or identifier of the unit, allowing players to distinguish between
different units.

Attack: This stat determines the offensive strength of the unit, indicating its ability to deal
damage to enemy units or structures during combat.

Defense: This stat reflects the unit’s defensive capabilities, indicating its resistance to incoming
attacks and the ability to withstand damage.

Pikumantpower: This stat represents the overall power or cohesive effectiveness of the unit,
encompassing its combat skills, special abilities, and contribution to the colony’s overall
strength. When it reaches 0, that Pikumant, or Pikumants are dead.

Agility: This stat represents the unit’s speed, maneuverability, and nimbleness on the battlefield.
It affects the unit’s ability to move quickly, evade attacks, or perform certain agile actions, as well
as determine initiative.

Strength: Strength represents the physical power and brute force of a unit. It determines their
ability to deliver powerful attacks, break through defenses, and carry heavy objects. A high
strength stat allows the unit to inflict more damage in combat and perform feats of strength,
such as lifting heavy obstacles or overpowering enemies in grappling situations.

Charisma: Charisma reflects the unit's charm, presence, and persuasive abilities. It affects their
leadership skills, the effectiveness of their social interactions, and their ability to rally allies or
negotiate with other factions. In addition, a high charisma stat provides a bonus to saving throws
against the effects of fungi and herbs, allowing the unit to resist or mitigate the negative or
mind-altering influences caused by these substances. The unit's charisma empowers them to
maintain control over their actions and remain focused in the presence of such influences.

Movement: Movement refers to how many 25cm hexes a unit can move on a battle map. Your
movement is twice your agility rating.

Cost/Upkeep: This stat reflects the resource cost required to acquire or maintain the unit. It
provides a measure of the investment needed to deploy and sustain the unit in the game. These
will be logged on the hive sheet.

Type: This categorizes the unit into a specific type or role, such as offensive, defensive, support,
ranged, reconnaissance, elite, or other relevant classifications. It helps define the unit’s primary
function or specialization. Different types gain different abilities when leveling up.

Size: This indicates the relative size or scale of the unit, which can influence its presence on the
game board, its interaction with the environment, and its vulnerability to certain effects or
attacks. Larger creatures might be one unit, but still benefit from the size.

Size Area Number of Antpower Strength Agility

Creatures in
Occupied a unit Bonus Bonus Penalty

0 1-10mm 2-10 +0 +0 -0

1 11-20mm 11-25 +2 +0 -0

2 21-50mm 26-75 +4 +0 -1

3 51-75mm 76-150 +8 +1 -1

4 76-120m 151-300 +16 +1 -2


5 121-200m 301-500 +32 +2 -2


Abilities: This refers to the unique traits, special actions, or abilities that the unit possesses.
These abilities can include offensive or defensive bonuses, movement bonuses, healing
capabilities, range enhancements, or any other distinct powers that set the unit apart.

XP (Experience Points): The accumulated experience that the unit has gained through
successful battles or achievements, which can be used to improve the unit’s abilities or unlock
additional traits.
Name Attack Def Pikum Agility Streng Charis Movem Type Size
antpo th ma ent

Soldier 5 4 10 3 4 2 4 Melee 1



Name Attack Def Pikum Agility Streng Charis Movem Type Size
antpo th ma ent



Name Attack Def Pikum Agility Streng Charis Movem Type Size
antpo th ma ent



Name Attack Def Pikum Agility Streng Charis Movem Type Size
antpo th ma ent


Name Attack Def Pikum Agility Streng Charis Movem Type Size
antpo th ma ent



Name Attack Def Pikum Agility Streng Charis Movem Type Size
antpo th ma ent



Name Attack Def Pikum Agility Streng Charis Movem Type Size
antpo th ma ent



Name Attack Def Pikum Agility Streng Charis Movem Type Size
antpo th ma ent


Name Attack Def Pikum Agility Streng Charis Movem Type Size
antpo th ma ent



Name Attack Def Pikum Agility Streng Charis Movem Type Size
antpo th ma ent



Name Attack Def Pikum Agility Streng Charis Movem Type Size
antpo th ma ent



Name Attack Def Pikum Agility Streng Charis Movem Type Size
antpo th ma ent


Name Attack Def Pikum Agility Streng Charis Movem Type Size
antpo th ma ent



Name Attack Def Pikum Agility Streng Charis Movem Type Size
antpo th ma ent



Name Attack Def Pikum Agility Streng Charis Movem Type Size
antpo th ma ent



Name Attack Def Pikum Agility Streng Charis Movem Type Size
antpo th ma ent


Abilities List
Fire Pikumant Ability.

Leafcutter Pikumant Ability.

Army Pikumant Ability.

Weaver Pikumant Ability.

Carpenter Pikumant Ability.

Bullet Pikumant Ability.

Acrobat Pikumant Ability.

Harvester Pikumant Ability.

Trap Jaw Pikumant Ability.

Types & Tags

​ Pikumant Archers:
● Attack: 4
● Defense: 2
● HP: 10
● Agility: 3
● Strength: 2
● Charisma: 1
● Movement: 5
● Cost/Upkeep: 100 gold
● Type: Ranged Infantry
● Size: 20
​ Pikumant Spearmen:
● Attack: 3
● Defense: 4
● HP: 15
● Agility: 2
● Strength: 4
● Charisma: 1
● Movement: 4
● Cost/Upkeep: 120 gold
● Type: Melee Infantry
● Size: 20
​ Pikumant Cavalry:
● Attack: 5
● Defense: 3
● HP: 20
● Agility: 5
● Strength: 3
● Charisma: 2
● Movement: 8
● Cost/Upkeep: 200 gold
● Type: Mounted Infantry
● Size: 20
​ Pikumant Scouts:
● Attack: 2
● Defense: 2
● HP: 8
● Agility: 6
● Strength: 1
● Charisma: 1
● Movement: 7
● Cost/Upkeep: 80 gold
● Type: Reconnaissance
● Size: 10
​ Pikumant Engineers:
● Attack: 1
● Defense: 3
● HP: 12
● Agility: 2
● Strength: 1
● Charisma: 3
● Movement: 4
● Cost/Upkeep: 150 gold
● Type: Support
● Size: 10
​ Pikumant Brawlers:
● Attack: 5
● Defense: 2
● HP: 18
● Agility: 3
● Strength: 5
● Charisma: 1
● Movement: 5
● Cost/Upkeep: 160 gold
● Type: Melee Infantry
● Size: 20
​ Pikumant Crossbowmen:
● Attack: 5
● Defense: 3
● HP: 12
● Agility: 2
● Strength: 3
● Charisma: 1
● Movement: 4
● Cost/Upkeep: 140 gold
● Type: Ranged Infantry
● Size: 20
​ Pikumant Sappers:
● Attack: 2
● Defense: 4
● HP: 15
● Agility: 2
● Strength: 2
● Charisma: 2
● Movement: 4
● Cost/Upkeep: 130 gold
● Type: Siege Support
● Size: 15
​ Pikumant Skirmishers:
● Attack: 3
● Defense: 2
● HP: 10
● Agility: 5
● Strength: 2
● Charisma: 1
● Movement: 6
● Cost/Upkeep: 110 gold
● Type: Hit-and-Run Infantry
● Size: 15
​ Pikumant Knights:
● Attack: 6
● Defense: 5
● HP: 25
● Agility: 4
● Strength: 6
● Charisma: 3
● Movement: 7
● Cost/Upkeep: 250 gold
● Type: Elite Cavalry
● Size: 20
​ Pikumant Priests:
● Attack: 2
● Defense: 2
● HP: 10
● Agility: 3
● Strength: 1
● Charisma: 5
● Movement: 4
● Cost/Upkeep: 180 gold
● Type: Support Spellcasters
● Size: 15
​ Pikumant Champions:
● Attack: 7
● Defense: 6
● HP: 30
● Agility: 4
● Strength: 7
● Charisma: 4
● Movement: 6
● Cost/Upkeep: 300 gold
● Type: Elite Infantry
● Size: 20

Please note that the values provided are arbitrary and can be adjusted according to your
game's balancing requirements.
​ Tank Beetle:
● Attack: 8
● Defense: 8
● HP: 20
● Agility: 2
● Strength: 9
● Charisma: 1
● Movement: 2
● Cost/Upkeep: 10 resources
● Type: Melee
● Size: Large
​ Pikumant Archers:
● Ability 1: Precision Shot - Increases accuracy and critical hit chance for
ranged attacks.
● Ability 2: Volley Fire - Can fire a volley of arrows at multiple targets in a
single turn.
​ Pikumant Spearmen:
● Ability 1: Defensive Stance - Gains increased defense and resistance
against melee attacks.
● Ability 2: Phalanx Formation - Can form a defensive formation with nearby
spearmen, granting additional defense to the group.
​ Pikumant Cavalry:
● Ability 1: Charge - Deals bonus damage when initiating a charge attack.
● Ability 2: Hit-and-Run - Can quickly retreat after attacking, avoiding
​ Pikumant Scouts:
● Ability 1: Stealthy Approach - Can move undetected through certain terrain
and surprise enemies.
● Ability 2: Reconnaissance Report - Reveals enemy positions and provides
tactical information to allied units.
​ Pikumant Engineers:
● Ability 1: Construct - Can build defensive structures and traps on the
● Ability 2: Repair - Can repair damaged structures and mend allied
​ Pikumant Brawlers:
● Ability 1: Frenzy - Temporarily increases attack and strength at the cost of
● Ability 2: Knockdown - Can knock down enemies, temporarily disabling
them in combat.
​ Pikumant Crossbowmen:
● Ability 1: Armor Piercing Bolts - Can fire bolts that ignore a portion of the
enemy's armor.
● Ability 2: Suppression Fire - Can suppress enemy units, reducing their
accuracy and movement.
​ Pikumant Sappers:
● Ability 1: Siege Expertise - Deals increased damage to structures and
● Ability 2: Demolition - Can plant explosives or set traps to destroy enemy
​ Pikumant Skirmishers:
● Ability 1: Evasive Maneuvers - Increased dodge chance and agility when
being targeted.
● Ability 2: Hit-and-Run Tactics - Can attack and quickly retreat, minimizing
​ Pikumant Knights:
● Ability 1: Charge Impact - Deals devastating damage when charging into
enemy ranks.
● Ability 2: Knight's Resilience - Increased resistance to status effects and
negative conditions.
​ Pikumant Priests:
● Ability 1: Healing Light - Can restore HP to allied units and cure status
● Ability 2: Divine Shield - Can grant temporary protection to nearby allies,
reducing incoming damage.
​ Pikumant Champions:
● Ability 1: Mighty Swing - Unleashes a powerful and wide-ranging attack,
hitting multiple enemies.
● Ability 2: Unyielding Defense - Can enter a defensive stance, greatly
increasing defense and blocking enemy attacks.

These abilities can be further customized or expanded based on your game's

mechanics and balance requirements.

Constructing a building or object requires four things, knowledge on how to make it, building
materials, time, and workers. One can attempt to build objects like simple tools and weapons by
themselves, but larger projects like hives, tunnels, defense networks, scout towers, spears and
armor, and alchemical labs will need assistance.

Occasionally a luck roll might be made in secret to check if the project will succeed on time or
need more resources.

Here is a list of available constructions,

Construction Cost Workers


Tunnels - 15cm

Upkeep requires a cost of 5% building materials per week.

Running The Great Pikumant War
Best Practices

● Make the players feel small and insignificant.

● Create Situations and not plots.
● Keep the war going.
● Every day a new resource pops up and an old one goes away.

Scenario Generator
At the start of each scenario, create d3 scenarios for players to be dealt with and choose. Roll a
dxx for each column, for the complications roll an additional d3 complications, these are false

The NPC will present the scenario for the players.

The objective or objectives is what is needed to succeed. Roll a d3 to get a number of
Then roll a d6 for each objective to figure out if it’s military or not.

Then roll on complications, Complications and rumors are presented as Intel given to the
players to figure out which one is real and plan around.
Price of failure is the cost for failing a mission. Rewrite

NPC Titles (who is assigning you this scenario):

1. High Chancellor of the Pikumant Kingdom

2. Grand Marshal of the Army
3. Chief Diplomat to the Insect Factions
4. Royal Advisor to the Queen
5. Minister of Intelligence and Espionage
6. Captain of the Royal Guard
7. Ambassador to the Spider Clans
8. Chief Strategist
9. Majordomo of Court-Nursery
10. General of the Airborne Forces
11. High Priestess of the Temples
12. Director of Economic Affairs
13. Chief Strategist of the Army of Mandibles
14. Chief Guardian of a Satellite Colony
15. Overseer of the Worker Caste
16. Queen's Emissary to the Pikumant Colonies
17. Minister of Colony Development
18. Chief Engineer of the Tunnel Network
19. Head Forager of the Harvesters Guild
20. The Queen Herself


(1-3) Military Objectives:

1. Reconnaissance of Enemy Territory

2. Capture the Enemy Outpost
3. Raid the Enemy's Defensive Fortifications or Territory
4. Establish Forward Operating Base
5. Break Enemy Siege on Friendly Colony
6. Defend Vital Resource Deposits
7. Capture the Enemy Outpost
8. Secure the High Ground
9. Capture or Destroy Enemy Supply Lines
10. Intercept or modify Communications and Intelligence Networks
11. Eliminate the Enemy Commander
12. Defend the Ant Hill from Assault
13. Rescue a Captured Ally
14. Ambush Enemy Reinforcements
15. Destroy the Enemy's Siege Weapons
16. Retrieve an Ancient Relic from Enemy Territory
17. Break the Enemy's Defensive Line
18. Establish a Perimeter Defense around a Vital Location
19. Engage in a Decisive Battle for Territory Control
20. Conduct a Siege on an Enemy Fortress

(5-6) Non-Military Objectives:

1. Resource Gathering: Directing ant workers to gather essential resources such as food,
water, building materials, or herbs to sustain and support the colony.
2. Expansion: Initiating and overseeing the expansion of the hive by establishing new
tunnels, chambers, or satellite colonies in neighboring areas.
3. Diplomacy: Engaging in negotiations and alliances with other insect colonies or non-ant
creatures to establish beneficial relationships or resolve conflicts peacefully.
4. Research and Development: Prioritizing scientific exploration and innovation within the
colony, encouraging the discovery of new technologies, defenses, or improved ant
5. Queen Care: Ensuring the well-being of the queen ant by providing her with adequate
nourishment, protection, and comfortable conditions for egg-laying.
6. Hive Maintenance: Overseeing the maintenance and repairs of the hive's infrastructure,
ensuring the stability, cleanliness, and functionality of tunnels, chambers, and structures.
7. Social Order: Nurturing a harmonious and productive ant society, resolving internal
conflicts, promoting cooperation, and ensuring the well-being of individual ants within the
8. Trade Relations: Establishing trade routes and partnerships with neighboring insect
communities or human settlements to exchange resources, goods, or services beneficial
to the colony.
9. Cultural Exchange: Promoting cultural exchange and interaction with other ant colonies
or insect species, fostering mutual understanding, and sharing knowledge and
10. Hive Defense Systems: Designing and implementing defensive measures to safeguard
the hive against threats, including natural predators, rival colonies, or environmental
11. Environmental Exploration: Encouraging scouts to venture into unexplored territories to
gather valuable information, discover new resources, or encounter unique species for
study or potential collaboration.
12. Exploration of Ancient Ruins: Sending expeditions to ancient ant ruins or abandoned
insect structures to uncover hidden artifacts, ancient knowledge, or mysterious relics that
hold significance to the colony's history.

Complications: (two lies and one partially true report)

1. Sudden Outbreak of Disease within Insect Colonies

2. Infiltration of Enemy Spies within Insect Ranks
3. Severe Weather Hindering Military Operations
4. Escalation of Tribal Conflict among Insect Factions
5. Scarcity or Sabotage of Insect Supply Lines
6. Emergence of a Powerful Enemy Warlord
7. Disruption of Communication Channels between Insect Colonies
8. Unforeseen Environmental Catastrophe Impacting Insect Territories
9. Political Power Struggle among Insect Leadership
10. Rebellion within Insect Ranks
11. Ancient Insect Artifact of Great Power Unearthed, Triggering Chaos
12. Insect Civilian Uprising Demanding Change within the Kingdom
13. The enemy has employed a group of specialized assassins who target key commanders,
disrupting our leadership.
14. Unpredictable Behavior of Local Wildlife or Creatures
15. Inclement Weather Leading to Visibility and Mobility Issues
16. Moral Dilemma that Forces Difficult Choices for the Players
17. Political Interference and Meddling in the Military Operations
18. Enemy Utilizing Advanced Technology or Supernatural Powers
19. Disagreements and Internal Strife among Allied Forces
20. Enemy Ambush from an Unexpected Direction

Cost of Failure

1. Loss of Resources: Failing the objective results in a significant loss of valuable

resources, such as food, water, or building materials, hindering the hive's growth and
2. Reputation Damage: The failure damages the reputation and standing of the ant
commander, leading to decreased influence and respect among other ant colonies and
potential allies.
3. Increased Enemy Forces: The failure allows the enemy forces to bolster their numbers
or gain reinforcements, making future encounters more challenging and increasing the
overall threat to the hive.
4. Internal Dissension: The failure sparks internal conflicts and divisions within the hive,
causing unrest, infighting, or loss of morale among the ant population.
5. Strategic Setback: Failing the objective results in a significant setback in the overall
strategic plan, forcing the hive to revise its tactics and potentially losing the advantage
gained so far.
6. Weakened Defenses: The failure leaves a vulnerable point in the hive's defenses,
making it more susceptible to enemy attacks or infiltration, putting the entire colony at
7. Loss of Allies: The failure leads to the loss of potential allies or strained relationships
with other ant colonies or insect species, reducing the hive's diplomatic options and
potential support.
8. Ecological Imbalance: The failure causes ecological imbalances, disrupting the natural
harmony of the environment and potentially leading to negative consequences for the
hive and surrounding ecosystem.
9. Economic Consequences: Failing the objective results in economic hardships, such as
increased scarcity of resources, inflation, or reduced trade opportunities, impacting the
hive's prosperity.
10. Loss of Strategic Position: The failure results in the loss of a strategically important
location or asset, weakening the hive's overall position and limiting its influence in the
11. Political Backlash: The failure results in political backlash from influential ant factions or
leaders, causing strained relations and potential loss of support.
12. Disrupted Trade Routes: The failure disrupts crucial trade routes or alliances, limiting the
hive's access to essential resources, technologies, or information.
13. Cursed or Haunted: The failure attracts a curse or haunting that plagues the hive,
causing supernatural disturbances, ill fortune, or paranormal phenomena until it is
14. Internal Spy or Traitor: The failure reveals the presence of a spy or traitor within the
hive's ranks, compromising its security, and potentially leading to further sabotage or
intelligence leaks.
15. Disease Outbreak: Failing the objective triggers a dangerous disease outbreak within the
hive, resulting in widespread illness, reduced productivity, and potential casualties.
16. Moral Dilemma: Failing the objective presents a moral dilemma for the ant commander
and the hive, forcing them to make difficult choices that challenge their values, ethics, or
17. Lost Territories: Failing the objective results in the loss of valuable territories or strategic
locations to rival ant colonies, diminishing the hive's influence and control over the
18. Technological Setback: The failure results in a significant setback in technological
advancements, hampering the hive's ability to innovate, defend itself, or gain an edge in
future conflicts.
19. Unrest and Rebellion: Failing the objective fosters discontent among the ant population,
leading to unrest, protests, or even rebellions against the hive's leadership and authority.
20. Damaged Infrastructure: The failure results in significant damage to critical hive
infrastructure, such as tunnels, chambers, or storage facilities, impeding future
operations and requiring costly repairs.

Example Scenario 1:
The Captain of the Royal Guard has tasked you to break an enemy siege on a satellite colony
and then shore up its defense. Scouts have reported that there are enemy raiders targeting
supply lines (true), these are sent by an upcoming and powerful warlord (partially true, he’s not
powerful), as well as rebels inside the city who wish to overthrow our rule (false), the enemy is
also planning an ambush in the eastern rose gardens (false). The cost of failure is a loss of
critical territory and a direct open path to our capital.
Hexcrawl Generator

Demo Campaign

(The Coca Cola Tribe)

Character Sheet

Name Attack Def Pikumant Agility Strength Agility Charisms





Unit 1
Name Attack Def Pikumant Agility Cost/Upk Type Size
power eep




Unit 2
Name Attack Def Pikumant Agility Cost/Upk Type Size
power eep


Unit 3
Name Attack Def Pikumant Agility Cost/Upk Type Size
power eep



Ai Notes - go through me please :)

Another way of communication is by having “Pikumantenna” touch. This is a “near-telepathic”

way of communicating. In that you can communicate normally to one other character if they
understand your language.

Certainly! Here's a simplified combat system rules list for "The Great Pikumant War":

1. Unit Types: Different Pikumant units possess unique abilities and roles on the battlefield, such
as workers, soldiers, scouts, and specialized units. Each unit type has its own strengths and

2. Tactical Allocation: Before battle, players allocate their Pikumant units to various tactics or
formations, such as frontal assault, flanking maneuver, defensive line, or ranged support. The
allocation determines the unit's role and behavior during the battle.

3. Strategic Decision-Making: During combat, players make strategic choices to outmaneuver

their opponents. This includes deciding which enemy units to target, when to retreat, and how to
exploit the terrain and environmental factors.

4. Resource Management: The availability and allocation of resources, such as food, water, and
building materials, can impact combat effectiveness. Managing resources wisely is crucial to
sustaining the colony's strength during battles.

5. No Random Rolls: Combat actions do not rely on dice rolls. Instead, the outcome is
determined based on player choices, tactical allocation, and resource management. This
emphasizes strategic decision-making over luck.

6. Unit Abilities: Each unit possesses unique abilities that can influence the outcome of battles.
These abilities could include specialized attacks, defensive maneuvers, or supportive actions.
Players need to utilize their units' abilities effectively to gain an advPikumantage.

7. Retreat and Reinforcements: Pikumant commanders have the option to retreat from battle if
the situation becomes unfavorable. They can also call for reinforcements from their colony,
introducing fresh units to the battlefield.

8. Environmental Factors: The ever-changing weather conditions and terrain impact combat.
Rainfall might affect movement or create temporary hiding spots, while obstacles like fallen
leaves or rocks could provide cover or hinder certain tactics.
9. Outcome Determination: The outcome of a battle is determined by assessing the overall
strategic choices made by both players during the engagement. The player with superior tactics,
unit allocation, and resource management is more likely to achieve victory.

Remember, these rules can be expanded upon or adjusted to fit your specific vision for "The
Great Pikumant War."

Certainly! Here's a simplified combat turn order list for "The Great Pikumant War":

1. Initiative: Determine the initiative order at the beginning of each combat encounter. This can
be done through a predetermined order or by using a simple initiative roll, where each player
rolls a dice and the highest roll goes first.

2. Player Turns:
a. Pikumant Commander Actions: Each player takes turns controlling their Pikumant
commander and issuing commands to their units. Pikumant commanders can perform various
actions, such as giving orders, using special abilities, or initiating attacks.

b. Unit Actions: After the Pikumant commander has taken their turn, the player controls their
individual Pikumant units one by one. Each unit can perform actions, such as attacking,
defending, using special abilities, or moving.

3. Opponent Turns:
a. Pikumant Commander Actions: Once all players have completed their turns, the opponent
Pikumant commanders take their turns in the same manner as described above.

b. Unit Actions: The opponent's Pikumant units are controlled one by one, with each unit
performing actions based on the opponent's strategy and the situation on the battlefield.

4. Environmental Effects: At the end of each round, environmental effects, such as rainfall or
changing terrain conditions, may be applied. These effects can impact movement, visibility, or
other aspects of combat.

5. Repeat: Repeat the turn order sequence, starting again with the player turns, until the battle
reaches its conclusion.

Remember, this is a basic turn order list, and you can adjust it or add more complexity based on
your game's needs and desired level of strategic depth.

In "The Great Pikumant War," the number of units a player character controls can vary
depending on the game's design and balance. Here are a few considerations:
1. Scale and Complexity: Determine the scale and complexity of the game you envision. If you
wPikumant a simpler and more streamlined experience, a player might control a smaller number
of units, such as a handful of Pikumants. This allows for focused decision-making and strategic

2. Gameplay Balance: Consider the balance between player control and manageable gameplay.
Too few units might limit strategic options, while too many units could become overwhelming to
control effectively. Find a balance that provides meaningful choices without overwhelming

3. Game Objectives: Consider the game objectives and the role of the player characters. If the
focus is on individual Pikumant commanders leading their colonies, players might control a
moderate number of units, allowing them to experience different unit roles and tactics.

4. Resource Management: Take into account the resource management aspect of the game. If
players need to allocate resources or manage units' needs, controlling a larger number of units
might increase the challenge and strategic depth.

Ultimately, the number of units a player character controls should strike a balance between
gameplay complexity, strategic decision-making, and player engagement. Consider playtesting
and gathering feedback to fine-tune the optimal number of units for your game.

If players in "The Great Pikumant War" are assumed to control large groups of Pikumants, here
are some considerations:

1. Group Formation: Players can organize their Pikumants into formations or squads within their
larger group. This allows for tactical flexibility and coordination on the battlefield. Each formation
can have a designated leader or commander responsible for issuing orders.

2. Command Hierarchy: Within the player's control, there can be a hierarchical structure where
higher-level Pikumant commanders oversee multiple formations or groups. This adds an
additional layer of strategy and decision-making, as players manage both individual units and
the larger organization of their Pikumant colony.

3. Unit Specialization: With larger groups of Pikumants, players can have specialized units
within their forces. Some units may be focused on combat, while others specialize in resource
gathering, scouting, or support functions. This adds depth to the strategic options available to
the player.

4. Unit Coordination: Managing larger groups of Pikumants requires efficient coordination.

Players can incorporate mechanics that allow for group movements, flanking maneuvers,
combined attacks, or defensive formations. These mechanics encourage players to consider the
positioning and actions of their units as a cohesive force.

5. Resource Management: Controlling large groups of Pikumants may require more extensive
resource management. Players need to ensure their colony has sufficient resources to sustain
and support the large population of Pikumants, including food, water, and building materials.

Remember, while controlling larger groups of Pikumants can offer strategic depth and
immersion, it's essential to strike a balance that keeps the gameplay manageable and engaging
for the players. Testing and iteration will help refine the optimal size and mechanics for
controlling large Pikumant groups in your game.

Certainly! Here's an example of a simple unit in "The Great Pikumant War" that incorporates
formation rules, resource management, and combat stats:

Unit Name: Soldier Pikumant Squad

Formation Rules:
- The Soldier Pikumant Squad consists of 10 soldier Pikumants, organized into a cohesive
- The formation can be adjusted by the player, allowing for variations such as line formation,
wedge formation, or defensive circle formation.
- The chosen formation influences the unit's combat effectiveness and tactical
advPikumantages. For example, a defensive circle formation provides increased defense, while
a wedge formation enhances the unit's offensive capabilities.

Resource Management:
- The Soldier Pikumant Squad requires food and water to sustain itself. These resources need
to be managed by the player to maintain the unit's combat effectiveness.
- Food can be acquired through foraging expeditions or capturing territories.
- Water can be obtained from natural sources within the garden or through controlled access to
streams or puddles.

Combat Stats:
- Strength: Moderate offensive power for the unit's attacks.
- Defense: Average resilience against enemy attacks.
- Speed: Moderate movement speed on the battlefield.
- Special Ability: "Phalanx Formation" - The Soldier Pikumant Squad can activate a defensive
phalanx formation, providing increased defense for a limited duration. This ability requires
careful resource management and strategic usage.

Remember, this is just an example to illustrate how a unit in "The Great Pikumant War" could
incorporate formation rules, resource management, and combat stats. You can customize and
expand upon these aspects based on your game's specific mechanics, desired level of
complexity, and overall balance.

Certainly! Here's a list of Pikumant units for "The Great Pikumant War" that you can use as a
starting point. Feel free to modify or expand upon it according to your game's needs:

1. Worker Pikumant Squad:

- Role: Resource Gatherers and Builders.
- Stats: High speed, low combat stats.
- Abilities: Efficient resource gathering, ability to construct defenses or structures.

2. Soldier Pikumant Squad:

- Role: Frontline CombatPikumants.
- Stats: Balanced offense and defense.
- Abilities: Solid combat skills, ability to perform coordinated attacks, resilience in battle.

3. Scout Pikumant Squad:

- Role: Reconnaissance and Exploration.
- Stats: High speed, moderate combat stats.
- Abilities: Enhanced movement and scouting abilities, ability to reveal hidden areas or detect
enemy movements.

4. Medic Pikumant Squad:

- Role: Support and Healing.
- Stats: Low offense, high support and healing capabilities.
- Abilities: Ability to heal wounded units, provide support bonuses to nearby allies.

5. Ranger Pikumant Squad:

- Role: Ranged Attacks and Sniper Tactics.
- Stats: Moderate offense, lower defense.
- Abilities: Ranged attacks with increased accuracy and range, ability to take advPikumantage
of terrain for cover and strategic positioning.

6. Elite Guard Pikumant Squad:

- Role: Elite Combat Specialists.
- Stats: High offense and defense.
- Abilities: Superior combat skills, specialized tactics, access to powerful abilities or

Remember, this is just a sample list to give you some ideas. You can create additional units or
customize their roles, stats, and abilities based on your game's theme and mechanics. It's
importPikumant to maintain a balance among the units, ensuring that each has unique strengths
and weaknesses that contribute to strategic depth and meaningful decision-making in battles.
Certainly! Here are a few more Pikumant units for "The Great Pikumant War," including the
requested addition of Shield Pikumants:

7. Shield Pikumant Squad:

- Role: Defensive Specialists and Protectors.
- Stats: High defense, moderate offense.
- Abilities: Ability to create protective shields for themselves and nearby allies, providing
increased defense and cover against enemy attacks.

8. Harvester Pikumant Squad:

- Role: Resource Harvesters and Farmers.
- Stats: Average combat stats, high resource gathering abilities.
- Abilities: Enhanced foraging and resource collection, ability to cultivate and manage garden
resources for long-term sustainability.

9. Infiltrator Pikumant Squad:

- Role: Stealth and Sabotage.
- Stats: Moderate offense, high agility.
- Abilities: Invisibility or camouflage, ability to disrupt enemy supply lines, sabotage enemy
structures or resources.

10. Bombardier Pikumant Squad:

- Role: Area Denial and Ranged Attacks.
- Stats: Low defense, high ranged offense.
- Abilities: Ability to launch acid or venom projectiles at enemies, area-of-effect attacks,
hindering enemy movement or attacks.

11. Engineer Pikumant Squad:

- Role: Construction and Siege.
- Stats: Average combat stats, high building and repair abilities.
- Abilities: Ability to construct defensive structures, repair damaged structures, or deploy
siege weapons for attacking enemy fortifications.

12. Queen's Guard:

- Role: Protectors of the Queen Pikumant.
- Stats: Balanced offense and defense.
- Abilities: Enhanced loyalty and protective instincts, increased combat effectiveness when
near the Queen Pikumant, ability to summon additional units in dire situations.

Feel free to adjust the stats, abilities, and roles of these units to suit your game's mechanics and
balance. You can also create more units or modify existing ones to further expand the strategic
options available to players.
Certainly! Character creation in "The Great Pikumant War" allows players to customize their
Pikumant commanders. Here's an overview of the character creation process:

1. Pikumant Species Selection:

- Players choose the species of Pikumants their commander belongs to. Each species may
have specific strengths, weaknesses, and unique traits. For example, Fire Pikumants may excel
in offense, while Leafcutter Pikumants may have strong resource gathering abilities.

2. Physical Attributes:
- Players define the physical attributes of their Pikumant commander, such as size, color, and
markings. While these attributes may not have direct gameplay effects, they contribute to the
visual representation and immersion of the game.

3. Specialized Abilities:
- Players select specialized abilities for their Pikumant commander. These abilities are unique
and provide advPikumantages on the battlefield. Examples of specialized abilities could include
enhanced leadership skills, tactical prowess, or unique combat maneuvers.

4. Resource Allocation:
- Players allocate resources or points to different aspects of their Pikumant commander's
development. This includes distributing points among attributes like strength, defense, speed, or
allocating resources towards unlocking additional abilities.

5. Background and History:

- Players can provide a background story or history for their Pikumant commander. This adds
depth to the character and can influence role-playing aspects of the game. It can also tie into
the narrative of the conflict between Pikumant factions in the game world.

6. Personalization:
- Players have the option to personalize their Pikumant commander further by giving them a
name and choosing a visual representation or token to represent their character on the game

The character creation process allows players to create unique and customized Pikumant
commanders, each with their own strengths, abilities, and background. It adds a personal touch
to the game and enhances player engagement by allowing them to invest in their character's
development and strategic choices.

Certainly! Here's a list of species that players can choose from when creating their Pikumant
commanders in "The Great Pikumant War":
1. Fire Pikumants:
- Known for their aggressive nature and potent venomous stings.
- Specialized in offense and combat.

2. Leafcutter Pikumants:
- Renowned for their ability to cut and transport large leaf fragments.
- Excel in resource gathering and logistics.

3. Army Pikumants:
- Highly organized and cooperative species known for their nomadic lifestyle.
- Skilled in swarm tactics and rapid movement.

4. Carpenter Pikumants:
- Known for their ability to excavate wood and create elaborate nests.
- Proficient in construction and defensive capabilities.

5. Weaver Pikumants:
- Skilled at weaving intricate nests using leaves or plPikumant fibers.
- Possess exceptional teamwork and defensive abilities.

6. Bullet Pikumants:
- Recognized for their powerful and painful sting, considered one of the most painful insect
- Specialized in defense and intimidation.

7. Argentine Pikumants:
- Form massive supercolonies and compete aggressively with other Pikumant species.
- Notable for their adaptability and resilience.

8. Honey Pot Pikumants:

- Unique species with specialized individuals that store food in their swollen abdomens.
- Valued for their resource management and sustenance abilities.

9. Weaver Pikumants:
- Known for their ability to construct intricate nests by weaving leaves together.
- Skilled at creating strategic positions and entangling enemies.

10. Velvety Tree Pikumants:

- Found in tropical regions and known for their mutually beneficial relationship with certain
plPikumant species.
- Proficient at utilizing symbiotic relationships and specialized foraging.

Remember, this list is just a starting point, and you can create additional Pikumant species or
modify existing ones to suit your game's theme, mechanics, and desired level of diversity. Each
species can have unique strengths, weaknesses, and abilities, allowing players to choose a
species that aligns with their preferred playstyle and strategic approach.

In "The Great Pikumant War," formations play a significPikumant role in shaping the tactics and
strategies of Pikumant units on the battlefield. Here are the rules for formations:

1. Formation Types:
- Players can choose from various formation types for their Pikumant units, such as line
formation, wedge formation, defensive circle formation, or any other formations that fit the
game's mechanics.
- Each formation offers distinct advPikumantages and disadvPikumantages, affecting the unit's
combat effectiveness and tactical capabilities.

2. Formation Placement:
- At the beginning of a battle or when rearranging their units, players decide the formation and
position of their Pikumant units on the game board.
- Units within a formation should be placed in close proximity to maintain formation integrity
and maximize the benefits provided by the chosen formation.

3. Formation Bonuses:
- Each formation grPikumants specific bonuses to the Pikumant units within it. These bonuses
can include increased defense, offense, movement speed, or special abilities unique to the
- Players need to consider the strengths of their units, the battlefield terrain, and the enemy's
formation when selecting the most advPikumantageous formation for a given situation.

4. Formation Maneuvering:
- During the battle, players can choose to maneuver their formations, adjusting their position
and facing on the game board.
- Maneuvering formations strategically can provide tactical advPikumantages, such as flanking
the enemy, protecting vulnerable units, or creating a defensive wall against incoming attacks.

5. Formation Coordination:
- Players can coordinate the actions of units within the same formation, enabling them to
execute synchronized attacks or defensive maneuvers.
- Formation coordination may involve combined assaults, pincer movements, or utilizing
specific formation-based abilities to maximize the impact of the units working together.

6. Formation Vulnerabilities:
- While formations offer benefits, they also present vulnerabilities. A tightly grouped formation
may be susceptible to area-of-effect attacks or being outmaneuvered by more nimble enemy
- Players need to balance the advPikumantages of formations with the potential risks and
adapt their strategies accordingly.

Formation rules in "The Great Pikumant War" provide players with a strategic layer of
decision-making, allowing them to optimize their units' combat effectiveness and exploit the
tactical advPikumantages offered by different formations. Experimentation and adaptation to the
ever-changing battlefield conditions will be key to success in battles.

1. Unit: A unit represents a group of Pikumants with a specific role and purpose on the
battlefield. Units can include worker Pikumants, soldier Pikumants, scout Pikumants, and
specialized units, each with their own characteristics.
2. Stats: Units have various stats that define their capabilities and effectiveness in
combat. Common stats could include:
a. Strength: Determines the unit’s offensive power in attacks.
b. Defense: Determines the unit’s ability to withstand enemy attacks and reduce damage taken.
c. Speed: Determines the unit’s movement speed on the battlefield.
d. Agility: Affects the unit’s ability to dodge attacks or react quickly.
e. Special Abilities: Units may possess unique special abilities that provide additional
advPikumantages in combat, such as poison attacks, burrowing abilities, camouflage, or healing
3. Abilities: Units can have specific abilities that set them apart from others and
allow for diverse strategies. These abilities can be related to offense, defense, support, or
mobility. Examples of unit abilities include:
a. Charge: The unit can perform a powerful attack with increased damage when charging into
the enemy.
b. Venomous Bite: The unit’s attacks have a chance to inflict poison on the target, dealing
additional damage over time.
c. Camouflage: The unit gains increased evasion or defense when in natural terrain, making it
harder to hit.
d. Gatherer: The unit has enhanced foraging abilities, allowing them to gather resources more
e. Scout: The unit has increased movement speed and reconnaissance abilities, making it
excellent for exploration and gathering information.
4. Unit Creation: Players can create their units by customizing their species,
physical attributes, and abilities. They may choose from various Pikumant species, each with
their own strengths and weaknesses. Players can allocate points or resources during the unit
creation process to determine the unit’s stats and abilities.
For example, players could assign points to increase a unit’s strength at the cost of reduced
speed or allocate resources to unlock specific abilities for their unit.
Incorporating roleplay elements can enhance the immersive experience of “The Great Pikumant
War.” Here are some elements that can be introduced:

1. Backstories: Encourage players to create backstories for their Pikumant

commanders, adding depth and personality to their characters. These backstories can influence
motivations, alliances, and the narrative unfolding within the game.
2. Faction Interactions: Introduce opportunities for players to engage in roleplay
interactions with rival Pikumant factions. They can negotiate alliances, forge diplomatic
relationships, or engage in intrigue and espionage to further their colony’s interests.
3. Quests and Missions: Design narrative-driven quests or missions that require
players to make choices, solve puzzles, or overcome challenges. These quests can reveal
hidden treasures, unravel garden mysteries, or provide unique benefits for the players’ colonies.
4. NPC Encounters: Introduce non-playable characters (NPCs) such as friendly
insects, garden creatures, or even humans, who can provide quests, offer assistance, or
become potential threats. Players can interact with these NPCs through roleplay, dialogue, and
5. Garden Exploration: Emphasize the exploration of the garden as players guide
their Pikumant commanders through uncharted territories, discovering new areas, encountering
natural wonders, and interacting with the dynamic environment.
6. Personal Growth: Allow players to develop their Pikumant commanders beyond
combat abilities. They can gain new skills, form relationships with other Pikumants, or learn from
experienced mentors, fostering personal growth and character development.
7. Moral Dilemmas: Introduce situations that pose moral choices for the players.
These dilemmas can test their values and beliefs, shaping the narrative and consequences
within the game world.

By integrating these roleplay elements, players can immerse themselves in the world of “The
Great Pikumant War,” adding depth, narrative engagement, and meaningful decision-making to
their gaming experience.

Certainly! Here's a list of 2d6 quests and missions for "The Great Pikumant War":

1. Quest of the Forgotten Relic: Unearth an ancient relic buried deep within the garden, guarded
by treacherous creatures and hidden traps.
2. Rescue Operation: Save a captured Pikumant scout from the clutches of a rival Pikumant
faction, navigating through their territory and overcoming their defenses.
3. Foraging Expedition: Lead a team of worker Pikumants on a perilous journey to gather
essential resources from a distPikumant part of the garden, braving dangerous predators and
environmental hazards.
4. The Enigmatic Flower: Investigate a mysterious flower with magical properties that has
appeared in the garden, uncovering its secrets and harnessing its potential.
5. The Great Flood: Evacuate your Pikumant colony to higher ground as a massive rainstorm
floods the garden, ensuring the survival of your Pikumants and protecting vital resources.
6. The Cursed Oak: Explore the eerie hollows of a gigPikumantic oak tree where a malevolent
force lurks, and find a way to cleanse it to restore balance to the garden.
7. The Hidden Passage: Discover a hidden underground passage that connects different parts
of the garden, using it strategically to surprise enemies or access valuable resources.
8. The Garden Guardian: Face off against a colossal and ancient creature that threatens the
entire garden, rallying your Pikumants and other creatures for an epic battle.
9. Diplomatic Parley: Engage in a diplomatic mission to negotiate peace or form alliances with
rival Pikumant factions, navigating delicate negotiations and potential betrayals.
10. The Mysterious Signals: Investigate strange signals emanating from a distPikumant corner
of the garden, deciphering their meaning and unraveling a secret communication network.
11. The Swarm Menace: Defend your colony from a massive swarm of aggressive insects,
coordinating your Pikumant units and fortifying your defenses to withstand the onslaught.
12. The Prophecy's Fulfillment: Fulfill an ancient prophecy by embarking on a quest to gather
unique artifacts and perform specific rituals, unlocking a powerful boon for your Pikumant

These quests and missions provide diverse challenges, objectives, and opportunities for players
to immerse themselves in the world of "The Great Pikumant War" and shape the fate of their
Pikumant colonies.

Certainly! Here are 12 more quests and missions for "The Great Pikumant War":

1. The Honey Heist: Infiltrate a beehive to steal their prized honey reserves, navigating through
a network of dangerous bees and traps.
2. The GiPikumant Beetle Challenge: Engage in a test of strength and agility against a massive
beetle champion to prove the dominance of your Pikumant colony.
3. The Sacred Lotus: Embark on a pilgrimage to a sacred lotus flower deep within the garden,
seeking enlightenment and unlocking hidden abilities for your Pikumant commanders.
4. The Lost Pikumantennae: Retrieve a pair of ancient and powerful Pikumantennae lost in a
treacherous marshland, overcoming marsh creatures and navigating through treacherous
5. The Guardian Stones: Solve a series of riddles and puzzles to reach the mysterious Guardian
Stones, which hold the key to unlocking a legendary treasure.
6. The Venomous Queen: Eliminate a menacing queen Pikumant leading a rival faction,
disrupting their hierarchy and weakening their hold on the garden.
7. The Crystal Caverns: Brave the crystal-infested caverns beneath the garden, where valuable
crystals can be harvested, but strange creatures and crystalline traps await.
8. The Great Migration: Lead your Pikumant colony on a challenging migration to a new territory,
facing natural obstacles, predators, and rival Pikumant factions vying for the same land.
9. The Ancient Oak's Gift: Seek the blessing of an ancient oak tree that grPikumants its allies
enhanced strength and vitality, proving your worthiness through a series of trials.
10. The Harmonic Waters: Discover a hidden pool of enchPikumanted waters that possess
restorative properties, requiring you to navigate a treacherous maze guarded by mystical
11. The Twilight Fungi: Venture into the deep shadows of the garden to find elusive and magical
fungi with unique properties, which can enhance the abilities of your Pikumant units.
12. The Spirit of Unity: Unite the fragmented Pikumant factions of the garden by forging
alliances, resolving conflicts, and facilitating cooperation against a common threat.

These quests and missions provide further opportunities for players to delve into the rich world
of "The Great Pikumant War," facing varied challenges and unlocking rewards as they progress
through their strategic warfare journey.


Certainly! Here's a mission generator using an adlib-style approach:

Mission Generator:

1. Roll a d6 to determine the creature or NPC involved:

1. Giant Spider
2. Wise Old Beetle
3. Mischievous Grasshopper
4. Enigmatic Butterfly
5. Cunning Squirrel
6. Curious Ladybug

2. Roll a d6 to determine the problem that needs to be solved:

1. A valuable artifact has been stolen.
2. A group of ants has gone missing.
3. A dangerous predator threatens the colony.
4. A rival ant faction is planning an attack.
5. The water source is contaminated.
6. A mysterious illness is affecting the colony.

3. Roll a d6 to determine the complication that arises during the mission:

1. The creature or NPC providing assistance becomes suspicious and may have ulterior
2. A natural disaster occurs, hindering progress and creating additional obstacles.
3. The presence of a rival faction complicates the mission, leading to unexpected conflicts.
4. The solution to the problem requires a rare ingredient or object that is difficult to obtain.
5. Time is running out, and the mission must be completed before a deadline.
6. The mission attracts the attention of a powerful enemy, increasing the danger and difficulty.

By rolling on these tables, you can generate a unique mission for your players, complete with a
creature or NPC involved, a problem to solve, and a complication that adds an additional layer
of challenge and excitement to the mission.

Certainly! Here's a list of d66 NPCs with brief descriptions:

11. Elderly Ant Alchemist: A wise and experienced ant who has devoted their life to studying the
secrets of alchemy.
12. Skilled Scout Beetle: A nimble and observant beetle known for their exceptional scouting
13. Sassy Grasshopper Bard: A charismatic grasshopper with a knack for storytelling and
entertaining others with their music.
14. Mysterious Moth Oracle: A moth with an uncanny ability to foresee events and provide
cryptic but valuable guidance.
15. Tough Ladybug Guardian: A resilient and fierce ladybug who acts as a protector, defending
their allies with unwavering dedication.
16. Cunning Spider Assassin: A stealthy and deadly spider skilled in the arts of assassination
and infiltration.
21. Enigmatic Butterfly Sage: A butterfly with profound knowledge and insights, often sought out
for their wisdom.
22. Agile Ant Acrobat: An ant with extraordinary acrobatic skills, capable of impressive aerial
maneuvers and quick escapes.
23. Wise Beetle Scholar: A scholarly beetle with a vast understanding of various subjects,
always eager to share their knowledge.
24. Mischievous Grasshopper Trickster: A mischievous grasshopper who delights in playing
pranks and causing harmless chaos.
25. Fearless Squirrel Ranger: A fearless squirrel skilled in archery and wilderness survival,
adept at navigating even the trickiest terrains.
26. Curious Ladybug Explorer: A curious ladybug with an insatiable thirst for adventure, always
seeking to uncover hidden treasures.
31. Clever Spider Engineer: A spider with a knack for engineering, able to design and construct
intricate structures and mechanisms.
32. Resourceful Beetle Merchant: A savvy beetle who excels at trading and resource
management, always seeking profitable deals.
33. Charismatic Butterfly Diplomat: A charismatic butterfly skilled in negotiation and diplomacy,
adept at resolving conflicts peacefully.
34. Observant Ant Tracker: An ant with exceptional tracking skills, able to follow even the
faintest traces and uncover hidden secrets.
35. Brave Grasshopper Knight: A brave grasshopper who upholds the principles of honor and
chivalry, ready to defend the weak.
36. Wily Squirrel Thief: A sly and agile squirrel with a talent for stealth and pilfering, adept at
acquiring hard-to-reach objects.
41. Mystic Moth Enchanter: A mystical moth capable of weaving powerful enchantments and
harnessing magical energies.
42. Agile Ladybug Acrobat: An agile ladybug known for their breathtaking acrobatic
performances, captivating audiences with their grace.
43. Wise Ant Sage: A wise and knowledgeable ant, often sought after for their profound insights
and guidance.
44. Courageous Beetle Knight: A courageous beetle who exemplifies bravery and loyalty,
always at the forefront of battles.
45. Quick-witted Grasshopper Scavenger: A clever grasshopper skilled in finding and
repurposing discarded items, turning trash into treasure.
46. Noble Butterfly Monarch: A majestic butterfly ruling over their own realm, commanding
respect and loyalty from their subjects.
51. Stealthy Spider Infiltrator: A spider specialized in infiltration and espionage, capable of
slipping unnoticed into enemy territory.
52. Resourceful Ant Engineer: A resourceful ant with a talent for engineering and innovation,
adept at creating practical solutions.
53. Charming Ladybug Entertainer: A charming ladybug known for their captivating
performances and ability to lift spirits with their presence.
54. Adventurous Squirrel Explorer: An adventurous squirrel always seeking new horizons and
eager to unravel the mysteries of the world.
55. Mysterious Moth Illusionist: A mysterious moth skilled in the art of illusions, capable of
deceiving and confounding their enemies.
56. Cunning Grasshopper Strategist: A cunning grasshopper with a strategic mind, adept at
planning and coordinating tactical maneuvers.
61. Wise Ant Healer: A wise and compassionate ant skilled in the art of healing, able to mend
wounds and cure ailments.
62. Swift Beetle Courier: A swift beetle messenger known for their exceptional speed and
reliability in delivering important messages.
63. Grumpy Ladybug Artisan: A grumpy but talented ladybug artisan, capable of creating
intricate and beautiful works of art.
64. Fearless Squirrel Guardian: A fearless squirrel dedicated to protecting their territory and
ensuring the safety of their comrades.
65. Resourceful Spider Architect: A resourceful spider with a talent for architecture and
construction, able to create intricate webs and structures.
66. Charismatic Butterfly Leader: A charismatic butterfly with natural leadership qualities,
capable of rallying others and inspiring greatness.
Apologies for the oversight. Here are the missing entries to complete the d66 list:

39. Resourceful Moth Scholar: A resourceful moth with a thirst for knowledge, specializing in
various academic fields and eager to share their expertise.

40. Courageous Ant Guardian: A courageous ant who serves as a dedicated guardian,
protecting their hive and fellow ants from threats with unwavering bravery.

56. Agile Butterfly Acrobat: An agile butterfly known for their breathtaking aerial acrobatics,
capable of performing mesmerizing stunts and maneuvers.

61. Curious Grasshopper Inventor: A curious grasshopper with a knack for inventing and
tinkering, constantly experimenting and creating new contraptions.

62. Stealthy Beetle Infiltrator: A stealthy beetle specialized in covert operations and infiltration,
adept at slipping into enemy territory undetected.

63. Charming Moth Diplomat: A charming moth with exceptional diplomatic skills, adept at
mediating conflicts and fostering alliances between different groups.

64. Observant Ladybug Tracker: An observant ladybug with a keen eye for details, able to track
and locate targets or objects with remarkable accuracy.

65. Noble Ant Monarch: A noble ant monarch who rules over a vast colony, guiding their
subjects with wisdom and authority.

66. Fearless Spider Hunter: A fearless spider renowned for their prowess in hunting, skilled in
capturing prey and navigating challenging terrains.

Once again, my apologies for the previous error.

Understood. Here are 12 important NPCs with generic descriptions:

1. Noble Dragonfly: The respected leader of an aerial squadron, known for their aerial prowess
and strategic acumen.
2. Wise Elder Beetle: An aged and revered beetle elder, sought after for their sage advice and
vast knowledge of the natural world.

3. Cunning Spider Queen: A formidable arachnid ruler, commanding a web-infested territory

with intricate traps and a web-spinning army.

4. Majestic Moth Monarch: The majestic ruler of a nocturnal realm, radiating beauty and grace
with their iridescent wings.

5. Bold Firefly Luminary: A charismatic firefly whose bioluminescent glow guides lost travelers
and brings hope to the darkness.

6. Mysterious Chameleon Sage: A reclusive and enigmatic chameleon with the ability to blend
into any environment, sought after for their wisdom and insight.

7. Agile Grasshopper Scout: A nimble grasshopper tasked with reconnaissance and exploration,
utilizing their powerful leaps and keen senses to gather valuable information.

8. Tenacious Beetle Blacksmith: A skilled beetle artisan, renowned for their craftsmanship and
ability to forge weapons and armor of exceptional quality.

9. Graceful Butterfly Dancer: A mesmerizing butterfly performer, captivating audiences with their
elegant and enchanting dance routines.

10. Wise Owl Librarian: The knowledgeable keeper of a vast library, providing access to ancient
tomes and arcane knowledge.

11. Resourceful Ant Engineer: An industrious ant with a talent for engineering, constructing
elaborate tunnels, bridges, and structures to benefit the ant colony.

12. Mystic Beetle Seer: A beetle with prophetic abilities, capable of glimpsing into the future and
offering cryptic guidance to those who seek their counsel.

Certainly! Here are six additional generic NPC descriptions:

1. Noble Stag Beetle King: A majestic and regal ruler of the forest, commanding respect and
loyalty from his subjects with his powerful mandibles and imposing presence.

2. Mysterious Sphinx Moth: An enigmatic moth with intricate patterns on its wings, known for its
riddles and secrets that test the wit and wisdom of those who seek its knowledge.
3. Wanderer Ladybug Scholar: A scholarly ladybug who travels far and wide, collecting
knowledge and sharing stories from different lands, embodying curiosity and intellectual

4. Swift Swallowtail Messenger: A swift and agile butterfly entrusted with important messages,
delivering them with speed and precision across vast distances.

5. Stoic Hercules Beetle Guardian: A formidable beetle guardian, possessing incredible strength
and resilience, tasked with protecting sacred groves and ancient relics.

6. Graceful Luna Moth Priestess: A serene and ethereal moth, serving as a spiritual guide and
healer, with a deep connection to the natural world and the cycle of life.

Please let me know if there's anything specific you'd like to modify or any other requests you

Certainly! Here are 36 one-sentence problems for your game:

1. The rival ant colony has stolen a crucial artifact, and the players must retrieve it to maintain
their colony's honor.
2. A severe drought has hit the garden, causing a scarcity of water, and the players must find
alternative water sources to sustain their colony.
3. The garden is infested with a swarm of aggressive wasps, posing a significant threat to all ant
colonies, and the players must find a way to repel or eliminate them.
4. A powerful aphid guardian is terrorizing the garden, draining the precious honeydew supply,
and the players must confront and defeat it to protect their food source.
5. A mysterious plant in the garden releases toxic spores, affecting the health and behavior of
ants, and the players must find a remedy to cure their affected comrades.
6. A group of mischievous garden gnomes has started a war against the ants, sabotaging their
tunnels and stealing their resources, and the players must outsmart them to restore peace.
7. An ancient, forgotten ant colony has resurfaced, claiming dominance over the garden, and
the players must rally the other colonies to prevent their reign of tyranny.
8. A giant foot tramples through the garden, causing widespread destruction and displacing ant
colonies, and the players must find a new safe haven for their colony.
9. A rare and valuable flower is blooming in a dangerous and heavily guarded part of the
garden, and the players must devise a plan to collect its nectar without getting caught.
10. A swarm of hungry locusts is approaching the garden, threatening to devour all the
vegetation, and the players must find a way to repel or divert the locusts elsewhere.
11. A powerful storm is brewing, and the players must secure their colony and protect their
resources from the torrential rain and flooding.
12. An evil sorceress has cursed the garden, causing the plants to wither and die, and the
players must find a way to break the curse and restore the garden's vitality.
13. A rogue group of fire ants has invaded the garden, burning everything in their path, and the
players must stop their destructive rampage.
14. A band of pillaging grasshoppers is extorting food and resources from the ant colonies, and
the players must gather allies and devise a strategy to stand against them.
15. A hidden treasure trove filled with precious gemstones has been discovered deep within the
garden, and the players must navigate treacherous obstacles to claim the riches.
16. A malicious spider queen has spun her web near the ant colonies, capturing and devouring
unsuspecting ants, and the players must find a way to eliminate her and ensure the safety of
their kin.
17. The garden is invaded by a swarm of ravenous slugs, rapidly consuming all the vegetation,
and the players must find a natural deterrent or trap to protect their food sources.
18. A group of human children has discovered the garden and started a game of ant squashing,
endangering the lives of countless ants, and the players must find a way to save their colony
from this human threat.
19. A powerful earthquake has struck the garden, causing tunnels to collapse and splitting
colonies apart, and the players must reunite their fragmented colony while navigating the
aftermath of the disaster.
20. A mysterious giant bird is hunting in the garden, swooping down to snatch unsuspecting
ants, and the players must find a way to avoid becoming its prey and protect their colony.
21. The ants have accidentally stumbled upon a hidden portal to another realm, and the players
must explore this strange world while trying to find a way back home.
22. A rare and magical flower blooms only once every few decades, and the players must
retrieve its pollen to create a potent antidote for a deadly poison threatening their colony.
23. A mischievous group of raccoons is raiding the ant colonies, stealing their food and causing
chaos, and the players must devise a plan to outsmart the cunning raccoons and protect their
24. The garden is invaded by an army of giant spiders, and the players must gather allies from
other insect colonies to wage a desperate battle against the arachnid menace.
25. A territorial skunk has claimed the garden as its own, emitting a foul odor that disrupts ant
communication and forces the players to find a way to neutralize the skunk's scent.
26. The queen of a rival ant colony has fallen gravely ill, and the players must locate a rare
healing herb deep in the forest to establish diplomatic relations and prevent a potential conflict.
27. A mysterious artifact has been unearthed in the garden, emitting powerful energies that
affect the behavior of nearby creatures, and the players must protect it from falling into the
wrong hands.
28. A cursed pond in the garden turns ants into mindless drones, controlled by an ancient evil
force, and the players must find a way to break the curse and free their enslaved brethren.
29. The players stumble upon a hidden society of wise elder ants, but to gain their wisdom, they
must complete a series of challenging trials and prove their worth.
30. A rogue group of rogue ants has started an uprising, seeking to overthrow the established
ant hierarchy, and the players must quell the rebellion and restore order to the colonies.
31. The players discover a lost ant civilization buried deep beneath the garden, and they must
uncover its secrets and protect its ancient knowledge from falling into the wrong hands.
32. A massive swarm of locusts is devouring the garden's food sources at an alarming rate, and
the players must find a way to divert or control the swarm to save their colony from starvation.
33. A powerful enchantress has cursed the ant colonies, causing them to shrink in size, and the
players must embark on a perilous quest to find the ingredients for an antidote and restore their
original size.
34. The players encounter a wise old turtle who possesses ancient wisdom and knowledge, but
they must first solve a series of riddles and puzzles to gain access to his insights.
35. A group of mischievous fireflies has stolen the light-producing glands from the ants, plunging
the colonies into darkness, and the players must track down the fireflies and reclaim the stolen
36. A rare celestial event is about to occur, and the players must decipher its meaning and
prepare their colony for its profound effects.

I hope you find these problem scenarios engaging and suitable for your game! Let me know if
there's anything else I can assist you with.

Certainly! Here are 18 one-sentence complications to add challenges and twists to your game:

1. A sudden swarm of aggressive mosquitoes interrupts the ant colonies, causing chaos and
making it difficult to perform tasks.
2. An intense heatwave descends upon the garden, making it harder for ants to regulate their
body temperature and increasing the risk of dehydration.
3. A dense fog envelops the garden, limiting visibility and making navigation and communication
challenging for the ant colonies.
4. A mischievous group of squirrels discovers the ants' food storage and begins pilfering their
precious resources, forcing the ants to devise creative ways to protect their supplies.
5. A mysterious illness spreads among the garden creatures, causing disorientation and erratic
behavior, making it difficult for the ants to trust other insects.
6. An ancient tree begins shedding its enormous leaves, creating massive obstacles that block
ant tunnels and disrupt the usual routes.
7. A fierce thunderstorm strikes the garden, causing flash floods and forcing the ants to seek
shelter and rescue their endangered comrades.
8. A peculiar glowing fungus starts growing near the ant colonies, emitting hallucinogenic spores
that affect ant perception and decision-making.
9. A mischievous group of caterpillars forms an alliance, feeding voraciously on the garden
plants and jeopardizing the ants' food sources.
10. An enigmatic time loop envelops a section of the garden, causing ants and other creatures
to relive the same events over and over, requiring the players to break the loop and restore
11. A peculiar magical barrier emerges, separating different areas of the garden and impeding
the ants' ability to communicate and share resources.
12. A powerful earthquake shatters the ground, creating deep ravines that cut off ant colonies
from one another, necessitating the construction of makeshift bridges and finding alternative
13. A dense spider web labyrinth appears, trapping ants and making it extremely challenging to
navigate through the garden.
14. A sudden swarm of bees becomes aggressive and starts attacking any insect they
encounter, posing a serious threat to the ant colonies.
15. A rare astronomical event distorts the magnetic field in the garden, disorienting ants'
navigational abilities and making it challenging to find their way.
16. A nefarious group of rival ants has infiltrated the colonies, spreading discord and
misinformation, and the players must uncover their hidden agents and restore trust.
17. A powerful gust of wind sweeps through the garden, scattering the ants' carefully
constructed tunnels and necessitating quick repairs and reinforcements.
18. A group of playful children has set up a maze in the garden, using toys and obstacles that
hinder the ants' movement and disrupt their activities.

I hope these complications add depth and excitement to your game! Let me know if there's
anything else I can assist you with.

Certainly! Here's a table of NPCs that includes high-ranking political figures, military objectives,
and complications:


1. Emperor Zephyrus the Wise - The revered ruler of the insect kingdom, known for his wisdom
and diplomatic prowess.
2. General Heliosa Steelclaw - The formidable military commander of the ant colonies,
renowned for strategic brilliance and unwavering loyalty.
3. Chancellor Seraphina Thornbloom - The influential advisor to the queen, specializing in
diplomacy and maintaining diplomatic relations with other insect factions.
4. Admiral

Certainly! Here's a table of high-ranking political figures, military objectives, and complications:

Political Figures:
1. Monarch Queen Celestia: The wise and respected ruler of the insect kingdom, known for her
fair judgments and strong leadership.
2. Prime Minister Aurelius: The influential political figure who oversees the day-to-day
governance of the insect colonies, ensuring stability and prosperity.
3. Ambassador Seraphina Thornbloom: The skilled diplomat tasked with negotiating alliances
and maintaining diplomatic relations with neighboring insect factions.
4. Councilor Magnus Ironclaw: The trusted advisor to the monarch, providing counsel on
matters of state and helping shape important decisions.

Military Objectives:

1. Operation Amber Shield: The military campaign aimed at securing vital resources in the
neighboring meadow, essential for the survival and growth of the insect colonies.
2. Operation Silent Sting: The covert mission to infiltrate the rival ant faction's territory and
gather critical intelligence on their military capabilities and strategies.
3. Battle for the Sunlit Grove: The decisive engagement between the insect kingdom and a
formidable spider clan, fighting for control over a strategically important area in the garden.
4. Defense of the Hive: The urgent military objective to repel a massive invasion of aggressive
beetles threatening to overrun the insect colonies.


1. Plague of Discontent: A growing discontent and division among the insect factions, leading to
political unrest and potential power struggles within the kingdom.
2. Shadowy Intrigue: The presence of a secretive organization plotting to destabilize the

Apologies for the confusion. Here's an updated version with generic titles for NPCs, military
objectives, and generic complications:

NPC Titles:

1. High Chancellor of the Pikumant Kingdom

2. Grand Marshal of the Army
3. Chief Diplomat to the Insect Factions
4. Royal Advisor to the Queen
5. Minister of Intelligence and Espionage
6. Captain of the Royal Guard
7. Ambassador to the Spider Clans
8. Chief Strategist
9. Master of Court Intrigue
10. General of the Airborne Forces
11. High Priestess of the Insect Temples
12. Director of Economic Affairs

Military Objectives:

1. Reconnaissance of Enemy Territory

2. Capture the Enemy Outpost
3. Ambush Enemy Supply Caravans
4. Raid the Enemy's Defensive Fortifications
5. Secure Strategic Hilltop Position
6. Establish Forward Operating Base
7. Break Enemy Siege on Friendly Colony
8. Intercept and Destroy Enemy Scout Patrols
9. Conduct Aerial Assault on Enemy Forces
10. Rescue Captured Allies from Enemy Prison
11. Defend Vital Resource Deposits
12. Launch Offensive against Enemy Command Center


1. Sudden Outbreak of Disease within Insect Colonies

2. Infiltration of Enemy Spies within Insect Ranks
3. Severe Weather Hindering Military Operations
4. Escalation of Tribal Conflict among Insect Factions
5. Sabotage of Insect Supply Lines
6. Emergence of a Powerful Enemy Warlord
7. Disruption of Communication Channels between Insect Colonies
8. Unforeseen Environmental Catastrophe Impacting Insect Territories
9. Political Power Struggle among Insect Leadership
10. Rebellion within Insect Ranks
11. Ancient Insect Artifact of Great Power Unearthed, Triggering Chaos
12. Insect Civilian Uprising Demanding Change within the Kingdom

Please note that these are generic titles, objectives, and complications that can be customized
and integrated into your game world as needed.

Apologies for the oversight. Here are 24 ant-themed political titles:

1. Prime Minister of the Anthill Federation

2. Royal Advisor of the Hive Council
3. Chief Strategist of the Army of Mandibles
4. Chancellor of the Formic Alliance
5. Guardian of the Leafblade Colony
6. High Sentinel of the Pheromone Empire
7. Overseer of the Worker Caste
8. Queen's Emissary to the Ant Colonies
9. Minister of Colony Development
10. Keeper of the Royal Chamber
11. Ant Ambassador to the Insect Kingdoms
12. Chief Architect of the Tunnel Network
13. Commander of the Soldier Legion
14. Head Forager of the Harvesters Guild
15. Chief Scout of the Explorers Brigade

Certainly! Here are 20 additional ant-themed political titles:

1. Royal Custodian of the Brood Chambers

2. Arbiter of the Insect Court
3. Minister of Leafcutter Relations
4. Chancellor of the Royal Archives
5. Guardian of the Aphid Farms
6. Chief Steward of the Queen's Chambers
7. Overseer of the Forging Guild
8. High Almoner of the Nectar Reserves
9. Royal Enforcer of the Mandible Law
10. Minister of Fungal Agriculture
11. Keeper of the Ancient Prophecies
12. Ant Ambassador to the Spider Dominion
13. Chief Engineer of the Tunnelling Corps
14. Commander of the Royal Guard
15. Head Medic of the Healing Chambers
16. Master Scout of the Wilderness Patrol
17. Scribe of the Pheromone Archives
18. Minister of Trade and Commerce
19. Chancellor of the Royal Chamberlain
20. Grand Arbiter of the Council of Queens

These titles capture the diverse roles and responsibilities within the ant society, encompassing
areas such as governance, diplomacy, defense, agriculture, and more.

Certainly! Here are 12 additional military objectives for your game:

1. Capture the Enemy Outpost

2. Secure the High Ground
3. Sabotage Enemy Supply Lines
4. Establish a Forward Operating Base
5. Eliminate the Enemy Commander
6. Defend the Ant Hill from Assault
7. Conduct a Guerrilla Raid on Enemy Territory
8. Rescue a Captured Ally
9. Ambush Enemy Reinforcements
10. Destroy the Enemy's Siege Weapons
11. Retrieve an Ancient Relic from Enemy Territory
12. Conduct a Flanking Maneuver on the Enemy

These military objectives provide a range of strategic and tactical goals for the player
characters, adding depth and variety to their combat encounters and missions.

Certainly! Here are 12 additional military objectives for your game:

1. Break the Enemy's Defensive Line

2. Conduct a Covert Assassination of an Enemy General
3. Secure Control of a Strategic Resource Site
4. Engage in a Naval Battle against Enemy Fleet
5. Conduct Aerial Bombardment on Enemy Positions
6. Disrupt Enemy Communications and Intelligence Networks
7. Conduct a Night Raid on Enemy Camp
8. Establish a Perimeter Defense around a Vital Location
9. Engage in a Decisive Battle for Territory Control
10. Infiltrate Enemy Lines and Gather Intel
11. Intercept and Destroy Enemy Reinforcement Convoy
12. Conduct a Siege on an Enemy Fortress

These additional military objectives provide further challenges and objectives for the player
characters, allowing for diverse and engaging gameplay experiences in their military campaigns.

Certainly! Here are 12 additional complications that can add twists and challenges to your

1. Sudden Arrival of a Powerful Enemy Reinforcement

2. Unforeseen Betrayal by a Key Ally
3. Severe Weather Conditions Impacting Battle Tactics
4. Limited Supplies and Rations for the Troops
5. Unexpected Civilian Presence in the Conflict Zone
6. Outbreak of a Dangerous Plague or Disease among the Troops
7. Sabotage of Vital Equipment or Weapons
8. Disappearance of a High-Ranking Officer, Causing Chaos in Command
9. Unstable Terrain or Natural Hazards Hindering Movement
10. Political Interference and Meddling in the Military Operations
11. Enemy Utilizing Advanced Technology or Supernatural Powers
12. Disagreements and Internal Strife among Allied Forces

These additional complications create dynamic and challenging situations for the players to
navigate, testing their strategic thinking and problem-solving skills within the context of the
game's military conflicts.

Certainly! Here are 12 more complications to add depth and challenges to your game:

1. Enemy Ambush from an Unexpected Direction

2. Scarce Reinforcements and Overextended Supply Lines
3. Information Leak or Spy Within the Ranks
4. Equipment Malfunction or Shortage at a Critical Moment
5. Collateral Damage to Important Structures or Landmarks
6. Infiltration of Enemy Spies or Saboteurs
7. Tactical Retreat Order Amidst Heavy Enemy Assault
8. Disagreements and Power Struggles within the Command Hierarchy
9. Unstable Alliances and Factional Conflicts within the Allied Forces
10. Unpredictable Behavior of Local Wildlife or Creatures
11. Inclement Weather Leading to Visibility and Mobility Issues
12. Moral Dilemma that Forces Difficult Choices for the Players

These additional complications create further layers of complexity and decision-making for the
players, adding suspense and excitement to the military encounters in your game.

Certainly! Here are 12 military rumors that can add depth and excitement to your ant war

1. The rival ant colony has developed a new breed of soldiers with enhanced strength and
venomous stings.
2. Scouts report sightings of an enormous predatory insect lurking near the borders, posing a
significant threat to the colony's foraging grounds.
3. There are rumors of a traitor within the ranks, leaking vital information to the enemy colony.
4. The enemy has discovered a hidden tunnel network that allows them to launch surprise
attacks from beneath the battlefield.
5. There's speculation that the enemy queen is planning a massive swarm attack to overwhelm
our defenses.
6. Intelligence suggests that the enemy is stockpiling stolen resources in a heavily fortified
storage chamber.
7. There are whispers of an ancient weapon buried deep within the battlefield that could turn the
tide of the war in favor of whoever wields it.
8. Reports indicate that a neighboring colony is secretly amassing an alliance to launch a joint
invasion against our colony.
9. Scouts have witnessed the enemy using a peculiar pheromone signal to confuse and
disorient our troops during battles.
10. There are rumors of a legendary ant strategist who, if convinced to join our cause, could
revolutionize our military tactics.
11. Spies have discovered a hidden underground chamber where the enemy conducts forbidden
experiments to create mutated soldiers.
12. There's speculation that a group of rogue ants, dissatisfied with the current leadership, is
planning a coup to seize control of the colony.

These military rumors can serve as plot hooks, strategic objectives, or sources of tension in your
ant war campaign, adding depth and excitement to the ongoing conflict.

Certainly! Here are 12 more military rumors for your ant war campaign:

1. A legendary artifact, said to grant immense power, has been unearthed within the enemy
territory, causing a race to claim it.
2. The enemy has employed a group of specialized assassins who target key commanders,
disrupting our leadership.
3. There are reports of a hidden network of tunnels that allows the enemy to bypass our
defenses and strike at vulnerable locations.
4. Scouts have discovered a valuable resource deposit deep within the battlefield, sparking
fierce competition between the colonies.
5. Intelligence suggests that the enemy has forged an alliance with a neighboring insect
species, creating a formidable combined force.
6. A spy within the enemy ranks has revealed plans for a massive siege, with siege engines and
battering ants ready to assault our stronghold.
7. There are rumors of a powerful ancient ritual that, if performed, could unleash devastating
natural forces against the enemy colony.
8. The enemy has developed a new breed of aerial warriors, capable of launching swift and
deadly attacks from the skies.
9. There's speculation that a renowned mercenary group is for hire, willing to lend their combat
expertise to the highest bidder.
10. Reports indicate that the enemy has acquired advanced technology from a crashed human
settlement, giving them a significant advantage.
11. Scouts have sighted a rare and formidable predator roaming the battlefield, causing chaos
and disrupting both sides of the conflict.
12. There are whispers of a secret underground chamber filled with long-forgotten treasures and
ancient ant knowledge, drawing explorers and treasure hunters to the warzone.
These military rumors can introduce new challenges, objectives, and storylines for your ant war
campaign, keeping players engaged and immersed in the ongoing conflict.

Certainly! Here are 12 more military rumors for your ant war campaign:

1. An elite squad of enemy ants, known as the "Venom Stingers," is responsible for executing
lightning-fast raids on our supply caravans.
2. Unconfirmed reports suggest that the enemy has developed a powerful mind-controlling
pheromone, capable of turning captured ants into traitors.
3. There are rumors of a hidden underground bunker that serves as the enemy's command
center, heavily fortified and protected.
4. The enemy has unleashed a swarm of mutated insects, created through unholy experiments,
posing a significant threat to our forces.
5. Whispers spread of an ancient prophecy that foretells the rise of a chosen ant who will unite
all colonies and bring an end to the war.
6. A band of rogue ants, disgruntled with their own colony's leadership, offers their services as
spies and saboteurs to the highest bidder.
7. There are reports of a powerful artifact, capable of controlling the weather, that the enemy
seeks to obtain for their own strategic advantage.
8. Scouts have discovered a hidden network of tunnels filled with deadly traps and ambushes,
constructed by an unknown force.
9. The enemy has deployed a group of highly skilled tunnelers who can infiltrate our territory
undetected, posing a constant threat.
10. A mysterious group known as the "Shadow Ants" operates in the shadows, manipulating
events behind the scenes to their own benefit.
11. There are rumors of a massive, ancient ant queen awakening from her slumber, ready to join
the war and claim dominance over all colonies.
12. Intelligence suggests that the enemy is on the verge of perfecting a powerful chemical
weapon that can devastate entire ant colonies.

These additional military rumors provide even more intrigue and depth to your ant war
campaign, offering players new challenges, plot twists, and opportunities for strategic

Certainly! Here are 12 non-military objectives that an ant commander may have in an
ant-themed setting or game:

1. Resource Gathering: Directing ant workers to gather essential resources such as food, water,
building materials, or herbs to sustain and support the colony.
2. Expansion: Initiating and overseeing the expansion of the hive by establishing new tunnels,
chambers, or satellite colonies in neighboring areas.
3. Diplomacy: Engaging in negotiations and alliances with other insect colonies or non-ant
creatures to establish beneficial relationships or resolve conflicts peacefully.
4. Research and Development: Prioritizing scientific exploration and innovation within the
colony, encouraging the discovery of new technologies, defenses, or improved ant abilities.
5. Queen Care: Ensuring the well-being of the queen ant by providing her with adequate
nourishment, protection, and comfortable conditions for egg-laying.
6. Reproduction and Nesting: Managing the ant population by regulating mating rituals,
overseeing the construction of new nursery chambers, and ensuring a sustainable breeding
7. Pest Control: Dealing with invasive pests or parasites that threaten the colony's resources,
population, or overall health, employing strategic measures to eradicate or contain the threat.
8. Foraging Routes: Establishing and maintaining efficient foraging routes to optimize the
collection of food and resources, minimizing risks and maximizing productivity.
9. Hive Maintenance: Overseeing the maintenance and repairs of the hive's infrastructure,
ensuring the stability, cleanliness, and functionality of tunnels, chambers, and structures.
10. Social Order: Nurturing a harmonious and productive ant society, resolving internal conflicts,
promoting cooperation, and ensuring the well-being of individual ants within the colony.
11. Environmental Adaptation: Monitoring and responding to changes in the surrounding
environment, devising strategies to adapt the colony's behavior, structures, or resource
management accordingly.
12. Cultural Preservation: Preserving and passing down the traditions, knowledge, and cultural
practices of the ant colony, fostering a sense of identity, unity, and shared purpose among the

These non-military objectives add depth and variety to the gameplay, allowing players to engage
in a range of strategic and managerial decisions beyond combat. By addressing these
objectives, players can shape the development and success of their ant colony, fostering a
thriving civilization and overcoming challenges in the vast world of the game.

Certainly! Here are 12 additional non-military objectives for an ant commander:

1. Communication Network: Developing and maintaining an efficient system of

pheromone-based communication to relay information, coordinate actions, and disseminate
orders throughout the colony.
2. Trade Relations: Establishing trade routes and partnerships with neighboring insect
communities or human settlements to exchange resources, goods, or services beneficial to the
3. Cultural Exchange: Promoting cultural exchange and interaction with other ant colonies or
insect species, fostering mutual understanding, and sharing knowledge and experiences.
4. Hive Beautification: Enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the hive by incorporating intricate
patterns, decorations, or architectural elements, creating a visually striking and unique colony.
5. Education and Training: Implementing educational programs and training initiatives to
develop specialized skills and knowledge among the ant population, nurturing a well-rounded
and capable workforce.
6. Environmental Conservation: Promoting sustainable practices and protecting the natural
environment surrounding the colony, preserving biodiversity and ensuring the long-term health
of the ecosystem.
7. Healthcare and Medicinal Research: Investing resources in healthcare facilities, medical
research, and the development of remedies for ant ailments or diseases, prioritizing the
well-being of the colony.
8. Hive Defense Systems: Designing and implementing defensive measures to safeguard the
hive against threats, including natural predators, rival colonies, or environmental hazards.
9. Social Integration: Facilitating social integration and cohesion among ants from different
castes or age groups, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose within the colony.
10. Colony Diplomacy: Engaging in diplomatic negotiations and interactions with other ant
colonies to establish alliances, resolve territorial disputes, or address common concerns.
11. Environmental Exploration: Encouraging scouts to venture into unexplored territories to
gather valuable information, discover new resources, or encounter unique species for study or
potential collaboration.
12. Hive Efficiency Optimization: Analyzing and streamlining internal processes and workflows
within the hive to maximize efficiency, productivity, and resource utilization.

These additional non-military objectives offer players a diverse range of goals and challenges,
allowing them to shape the development and success of their ant colony in various non-combat
aspects. They provide opportunities for strategic decision-making, resource management, and
fostering a thriving and sustainable ant civilization.

Certainly! Here are 12 more non-military objectives for an ant commander:

1. Agricultural Expansion: Developing efficient farming techniques and expanding the

agricultural capabilities of the colony to ensure a stable and abundant food supply.
2. Scientific Research: Conducting scientific experiments and investigations to uncover new
knowledge about the environment, biology, or other natural phenomena, pushing the boundaries
of ant understanding.
3. Hive Infrastructure: Continuously improving and expanding the physical infrastructure of the
hive, constructing new chambers, tunnels, and ventilation systems to accommodate the growing
population and enhance living conditions.
4. Exploration of Ancient Ruins: Sending expeditions to ancient ant ruins or abandoned insect
structures to uncover hidden artifacts, ancient knowledge, or mysterious relics that hold
significance to the colony's history.
5. Resource Extraction: Establishing efficient methods for extracting and processing valuable
resources, such as minerals, crystals, or unique substances found within the colony's territory.
6. Hive Harmony: Fostering a harmonious and inclusive social environment within the hive,
resolving conflicts, promoting empathy, and maintaining a balance between individual ant needs
and collective goals.
7. Cultural Preservation: Documenting and preserving the cultural heritage of the colony through
art, storytelling, or rituals, ensuring that traditions and values are passed down to future
8. Environmental Adaptation: Adapting the hive's infrastructure and behaviors to changing
environmental conditions, such as temperature fluctuations, rainfall patterns, or natural
disasters, to ensure the survival and prosperity of the colony.
9. Trade Diplomacy: Negotiating trade agreements, alliances, and partnerships with other insect
species or even human settlements to foster economic growth and mutual benefit.
10. Recreation and Entertainment: Creating spaces or activities within the hive that promote
relaxation, recreation, and social interaction among ants, improving overall well-being and
11. Knowledge Exchange: Establishing connections with scholars, scientists, or experts from
different insect communities or even human societies to exchange knowledge, share
discoveries, and collaborate on research projects.
12. Hive Expansion: Strategically planning and executing the expansion of the hive's territory by
colonizing new areas, establishing satellite colonies, or claiming unexplored resources.

These additional non-military objectives provide further depth and possibilities for the ant
commander's decision-making, resource management, and overall strategic planning. They
offer avenues for exploration, growth, and the development of a thriving ant civilization beyond
the realm of combat.

Certainly! Here are 12 non-military rumors circulating among the ants:

1. Hidden Garden: There is a hidden garden beyond the borders of the ant territories, said to be
filled with exotic plants and abundant resources waiting to be discovered.
2. Mystic Queen: A rumor spreads about the existence of a mystical queen with extraordinary
powers, capable of granting blessings or curses to those who seek her audience.
3. Forgotten Tunnel Network: Whispers of a forgotten network of tunnels that connects multiple
ant colonies, allowing for secret communication and collaboration between distant hives.
4. Legendary Forager: Tales of a legendary ant forager who possesses unmatched skills in
locating valuable food sources and can lead others to unimaginable feasts.
5. Ancient Ant Texts: Ancient texts written by wise ants from long ago are said to contain ancient
wisdom and secrets that can greatly benefit those who decipher their messages.
6. Underground Treasure: Legends speak of a hidden chamber deep underground, filled with
precious minerals and gemstones that could bring great wealth and prosperity to any ant colony
that finds it.
7. Enchanted Nectar: Whispers of a mystical nectar hidden deep within the heart of a sacred
flower, rumored to possess magical properties that can enhance an ant's abilities or grant
extraordinary powers.
8. Guardian Beetles: Stories of powerful and loyal beetles guarding hidden entrances to the ant
territories, serving as protectors against intruders and ensuring the safety of the hive.
9. Eternal Summer: A rumor circulates that there is a special location where the summer never
ends, offering a constant supply of warmth, sunlight, and abundant resources for the taking.
10. Timeless Elders: Legends speak of ancient ants that have lived for countless generations,
possessing profound wisdom and insight that can guide young ants towards a prosperous
11. Celestial Ants: Tales of celestial ants with wings that can traverse the night sky, leaving trails
of stardust behind and bringing messages from distant realms.
12. Harmonious Alliance: Rumors of a potential alliance between ants and another insect
species, sharing knowledge and resources to create a harmonious coexistence and mutual

These non-military rumors add intrigue, mystery, and potential side quests or storylines for the
ant commander to explore. They offer opportunities for discovery, adventure, and the pursuit of
knowledge beyond the realm of warfare.

Certainly! Here are 12 more non-military rumors for your ant world:

1. The Ancient Oak: There is a massive oak tree at the edge of the ant territories, rumored to
hold the secrets of the forest and provide protection against external threats.
2. The Singing Caverns: Legends speak of a network of underground caverns where melodious
sounds can be heard, said to have a soothing effect on any ant that ventures into their depths.
3. Sacred Waterfalls: Whispers of a hidden waterfall nestled deep within the wilderness,
believed to possess healing properties and bring vitality to those who drink from its pure waters.
4. The Lost Colony: Tales of a once-thriving ant colony that mysteriously vanished, leaving
behind remnants of their civilization and untold treasures waiting to be discovered.
5. Whirling Dervish: A mythological whirlwind that periodically sweeps through the ant territories,
said to bring good fortune and prosperity to those who witness its swirling dance.
6. The Crystal Labyrinth: Rumors abound about a labyrinthine maze made of shimmering
crystals, rumored to hold ancient knowledge and trials for those who dare to enter.
7. The Guardian Stone: Legends speak of a powerful stone hidden deep within the heart of the
ant territories, believed to grant protection and ward off malevolent forces.
8. The Emissary of Light: Whispers of a celestial being that occasionally visits the ant colonies,
bringing messages of hope, guidance, and divine intervention in times of need.
9. The Floating Meadow: Tales of a floating meadow that drifts across the land, offering a
temporary haven to weary ants and providing them with abundant food and resources.
10. The Wise Prophet: A prophetic ant known for her visions and predictions, sought after by
many for guidance and insights into the future.
11. The Illuminated Chamber: Rumors of a hidden chamber within the ant hive, bathed in a soft,
ethereal glow, believed to be a source of inspiration and enlightenment for the ants.
12. The Whispering Oak: Stories of an ancient oak tree that possesses the ability to
communicate with ants, offering wisdom, advice, and warnings when approached with respect.
These additional non-military rumors provide further depth and intrigue to the world of ants,
offering a variety of quests, mysteries, and opportunities for exploration beyond the realm of

Certainly! Here are 12 more generic fantasy rumors for your ant world:

1. The Hidden Treasure: Legends speak of a hidden treasure buried deep within the ant
territories, said to contain unimaginable wealth and artifacts from a bygone era.
2. The Enchanted Grove: Whispers of a mystical grove where the trees are rumored to possess
magical properties, offering protection, healing, or even the ability to grant wishes.
3. The Cursed Relic: Tales of an ancient relic rumored to be cursed, bringing misfortune to
anyone who possesses it and leaving a trail of calamities in its wake.
4. The Guardian Beast: Legends speak of a powerful creature that guards a sacred location
within the ant territories, challenging those who seek access with tests of strength, wit, or
5. The Fountain of Youth: Whispers of a mythical fountain hidden deep in the forest, said to
possess the ability to restore youth and vitality to those who drink its rejuvenating waters.
6. The Astral Gate: Rumors of an otherworldly gate hidden in a remote part of the ant territories,
believed to be a portal to distant realms and dimensions beyond mortal comprehension.
7. The Ancient Prophecy: Tales of an ancient prophecy that foretells a significant event or
cataclysmic change that will shape the fate of the ants and the world they inhabit.
8. The Veil of Illusion: Legends speak of a mysterious veil that separates the mortal realm from
the realm of spirits and illusions, said to be found in a specific location within the ant territories.
9. The Lost Manuscript: Whispers of a lost manuscript containing ancient knowledge and arcane
secrets, sought after by scholars, sages, and those who seek to harness its power.
10. The Elusive Faerie: Stories of a mischievous faerie that occasionally visits the ant colonies,
bringing both delight and bewilderment with its whimsical tricks and enchantments.
11. The Forbidden Sanctuary: Rumors of a forbidden sanctuary hidden away from prying eyes,
believed to house dangerous creatures, forbidden knowledge, or a powerful artifact.
12. The Eternity's Watch: Tales of a group of immortal beings who keep a watchful eye on the
ant colonies, intervening only in times of great peril or when the balance of nature is threatened.

These generic fantasy rumors add an element of mysticism, wonder, and adventure to the ant
world, offering potential quests, mysteries, and opportunities for exploration beyond the scope of

Certainly! Here's a table of 12 potential costs of failure for failing an objective in the ant wars:

1. Loss of Resources: Failing the objective results in a significant loss of valuable resources,
such as food, water, or building materials, hindering the hive's growth and stability.
2. Reputation Damage: The failure damages the reputation and standing of the ant commander,
leading to decreased influence and respect among other ant colonies and potential allies.
3. Increased Enemy Forces: The failure allows the enemy forces to bolster their numbers or
gain reinforcements, making future encounters more challenging and increasing the overall
threat to the hive.
4. Internal Dissension: The failure sparks internal conflicts and divisions within the hive, causing
unrest, infighting, or loss of morale among the ant population.
5. Strategic Setback: Failing the objective results in a significant setback in the overall strategic
plan, forcing the hive to revise its tactics and potentially losing the advantage gained so far.
6. Weakened Defenses: The failure leaves a vulnerable point in the hive's defenses, making it
more susceptible to enemy attacks or infiltration, putting the entire colony at risk.
7. Loss of Allies: The failure leads to the loss of potential allies or strained relationships with
other ant colonies or insect species, reducing the hive's diplomatic options and potential
8. Ecological Imbalance: The failure causes ecological imbalances, disrupting the natural
harmony of the environment and potentially leading to negative consequences for the hive and
surrounding ecosystem.
9. Economic Consequences: Failing the objective results in economic hardships, such as
increased scarcity of resources, inflation, or reduced trade opportunities, impacting the hive's
10. Propaganda and Disinformation: The failure allows the enemy to spread propaganda or
disinformation, tarnishing the hive's reputation and causing confusion or distrust among the ant
11. Loss of Strategic Position: The failure results in the loss of a strategically important location
or asset, weakening the hive's overall position and limiting its influence in the region.
12. Internal Turmoil: The failure triggers internal turmoil and power struggles within the hive's
leadership, potentially leading to a leadership crisis or division among the ant commanders.

These costs of failure add depth and consequences to the gameplay, highlighting the
importance of strategic decision-making and the potential ramifications of unsuccessful missions
or objectives.

Certainly! Here are 12 additional costs of failure for failing an objective in the ant wars:

1. Political Backlash: The failure results in political backlash from influential ant factions or
leaders, causing strained relations and potential loss of support.
2. Environmental Devastation: Failing the objective leads to severe environmental devastation,
such as deforestation, pollution, or destruction of natural habitats, harming the delicate balance
of the ecosystem.
3. Resource Scarcity: The failure exacerbates resource scarcity within the hive, leading to
rationing, hunger, or increased competition among the ant population.
4. Loss of Artifacts: Failing the objective results in the loss or destruction of valuable artifacts,
relics, or ancient knowledge, depriving the hive of significant historical or cultural treasures.
5. Disrupted Trade Routes: The failure disrupts crucial trade routes or alliances, limiting the
hive's access to essential resources, technologies, or information.
6. Cursed or Haunted: The failure attracts a curse or haunting that plagues the hive, causing
supernatural disturbances, ill fortune, or paranormal phenomena until it is resolved.
7. Internal Spy or Traitor: The failure reveals the presence of a spy or traitor within the hive's
ranks, compromising its security, and potentially leading to further sabotage or intelligence
8. Disease Outbreak: Failing the objective triggers a dangerous disease outbreak within the
hive, resulting in widespread illness, reduced productivity, and potential casualties.
9. Legal Consequences: The failure brings legal consequences, such as accusations of war
crimes, violations of treaties, or punitive actions imposed by insect authorities or higher powers.
10. Propagation of Enemy Ideology: The failure allows the enemy to propagate their ideology or
beliefs among the ant population, causing internal divisions, unrest, or ideological conflicts.
11. Abandoned by Allies: The failure causes allies or potential allies to withdraw their support or
alliances, leaving the hive isolated and vulnerable to future threats.
12. Moral Dilemma: Failing the objective presents a moral dilemma for the ant commander and
the hive, forcing them to make difficult choices that challenge their values, ethics, or principles.

These additional costs of failure further emphasize the consequences of unsuccessful missions
or objectives, testing the resilience and decision-making of the ant commanders in the face of

Certainly! Here are 12 more costs of failure for failing an objective:

1. Economic Collapse: The failure leads to a severe economic downturn within the hive,
resulting in widespread poverty, unemployment, and the collapse of vital industries.
2. Lost Territories: Failing the objective results in the loss of valuable territories or strategic
locations to rival ant colonies, diminishing the hive's influence and control over the region.
3. Cultural Erosion: The failure erodes the hive's cultural heritage and traditions, leading to a
loss of identity, values, and shared knowledge among the ant population.
4. Scarce Breeding Resources: Failing the objective restricts access to crucial breeding
resources, hindering population growth, genetic diversity, and the future sustainability of the
5. Diminished Reputation: The failure tarnishes the hive's reputation among other insect
civilizations, diminishing its standing and making it harder to negotiate or form alliances in the
6. Factional Dispute: Failing the objective sparks internal factional disputes or power struggles
within the hive, leading to divisions, rivalries, and potential civil unrest.
7. Technological Setback: The failure results in a significant setback in technological
advancements, hampering the hive's ability to innovate, defend itself, or gain an edge in future
8. Environmental Imbalance: Failing the objective disrupts the delicate balance of the
ecosystem, causing ecological imbalances, decline in biodiversity, and long-term environmental
9. Spiritual Disconnection: The failure severs the hive's spiritual connection with their ancestral
spirits or nature deities, weakening their spiritual guidance, morale, and sense of purpose.
10. Wasted Resources: The failure wastes valuable resources, such as time, materials, or
manpower, straining the hive's already limited resources and hindering progress on other crucial
11. Unrest and Rebellion: Failing the objective fosters discontent among the ant population,
leading to unrest, protests, or even rebellions against the hive's leadership and authority.
12. Damaged Infrastructure: The failure results in significant damage to critical hive
infrastructure, such as tunnels, chambers, or storage facilities, impeding future operations and
requiring costly repairs.

These additional costs of failure present further challenges and consequences for the ant
commanders, highlighting the wide-ranging impacts of unsuccessful endeavors and the
importance of strategic decision-making in the ant wars.


Certainly! Here are 12 military constructions for your ant war campaign:

1. Sentry Mound: A specially designed mound that serves as an observation post, allowing ants
to keep a watchful eye on enemy movements and alert the colony of potential threats.
2. Tunneler's Network: An extensive network of tunnels strategically dug beneath the battlefield,
enabling rapid transportation of troops and supplies while providing hidden escape routes.
3. Spike Barricade: A defensive line made up of sharpened thorns and spikes, creating a
formidable barrier that deters enemy assaults and slows down their advancement.
4. Acidic Moat: A moat filled with a corrosive acid substance, acting as a natural defense
mechanism against intruders and deterring them from approaching the colony.
5. Camouflage Chambers: Specially constructed chambers with walls made of natural materials
and foliage, allowing ants to blend seamlessly with their surroundings and conduct stealthy
6. Sap Harvester: A complex system of tunnels and harvesting stations designed to extract
sticky sap from nearby trees, which can be used for creating traps and immobilizing enemy
7. Bunker Complex: A series of underground bunkers reinforced with soil and debris, providing
shelter and protection for troops during heavy bombardment or enemy sieges.
8. Pheromone Beacon: A tall structure emitting powerful pheromones that can confuse enemy
ants, disrupt their coordination, and induce disarray in their ranks.
9. Sniper Perches: Elevated platforms strategically placed around the battlefield, offering
sharpshooting ants a clear line of sight for precision attacks against key enemy targets.
10. Antapult: A unique catapult-like device that launches specialized ant units across long
distances, allowing for surprise attacks and rapid deployment of reinforcements.
11. Silk Net Trap: Intricate silk nets intricately woven among the trees, designed to ensnare and
immobilize enemy flyers, limiting their aerial movements and rendering them vulnerable.
12. Fungus Garden Barracks: Specially cultivated fungus gardens transformed into makeshift
barracks, providing a hidden and protected space for troops to rest, heal, and regroup.

These military constructions add depth to your ant war campaign, offering players a variety of
strategic options to fortify their colonies, hinder enemy advances, and gain tactical advantages
on the battlefield.

Understood! Here's an alternative list of 12 more simplistic and medieval-style military

constructions for your ant war campaign:

1. Earthworks: Strategically constructed mounds of earth and soil that provide natural cover for
ant troops and serve as defensive positions.
2. Palisade Fence: A sturdy wooden fence made of sharpened stakes driven into the ground,
serving as a protective barrier against enemy assaults.
3. Watchtower: A tall wooden tower constructed for observation and surveillance, offering an
elevated vantage point for scouts to monitor the battlefield.
4. Trench System: A network of deep trenches dug into the ground, providing ant soldiers with
cover from enemy projectiles and enabling effective defensive positions.
5. Gatehouse: A fortified structure with a large gate, serving as the entrance to the ant colony
and providing a defensible position to repel intruders.
6. Battlement Wall: A solid stone wall with crenellations and parapets, allowing ants to take
cover and engage in ranged combat while defending their territory.
7. Siege Engine Platform: A raised platform specifically designed to support siege engines, such
as catapults or ballistae, for launching projectiles at enemy targets.
8. Drawbridge: A movable bridge that can be raised or lowered to control access to the ant
colony, ensuring only authorized individuals can enter or exit.
9. Stockade: A wooden enclosure made of sturdy logs or timbers, serving as a defensive
enclosure for storing supplies and protecting vulnerable areas.
10. Guard Posts: Small, fortified structures strategically positioned around the perimeter of the
colony, manned by sentries to provide early warning and defense.
11. Rampart Wall: A wide, earthen wall reinforced with logs and stones, providing a solid
defense against enemy attacks and offering a platform for archers.
12. Siege Tower: A mobile tower structure built on wheels or runners, allowing ants to scale the
walls of enemy colonies during sieges and launch assaults from above.
These simplistic and medieval-style military constructions capture the essence of strategic
fortifications and defensive measures, adding a sense of realism and familiarity to your ant war

Certainly! Here are 8 additional military constructions for your ant war campaign:

1. Moat: A wide, water-filled trench surrounding the ant colony, acting as a physical barrier and
hindering enemy movement.
2. Barbican: A fortified outpost positioned in front of the main entrance, serving as a defensive
checkpoint and controlling access to the colony.
3. Crenellated Towers: Tall towers with battlements and slots for archers, providing elevated
positions for ranged attacks and defense.
4. Redoubt: A small, heavily fortified defensive structure strategically placed on the battlefield to
serve as a stronghold or fallback position.
5. Counterweight Bridge: A retractable bridge that can be quickly raised or lowered to allow or
deny access across obstacles such as rivers or ravines.
6. Catapult Emplacement: A dedicated platform or structure designed to support and operate
catapults, used for launching large projectiles.
7. Underground Bunker: A subterranean chamber reinforced with earth and timber, providing
shelter and protection for ant commanders during battle.
8. Observation Post: A raised platform or tree perch used for scouting and surveillance, offering
a clear view of the surrounding area.

These additional military constructions provide further variety and strategic options for your ant
war campaign, allowing for creative tactics and enhancing the overall depth of warfare in the ant

Certainly! Here are 12 siege engines that can be used in your ant war campaign:

1. Battering Ram: A large, heavy log used to ram and break through enemy gates or
2. Siege Tower: A tall, armored tower on wheels with a ramp or drawbridge that can be raised to
allow troops to climb and breach enemy walls.
3. Trebuchet: A powerful catapult that hurls large projectiles, such as rocks or fireballs, to
demolish enemy structures.
4. Ballista: A large crossbow-like weapon that shoots heavy bolts or spears with great force,
capable of piercing through enemy defenses.
5. Sapper's Cart: A mobile cart equipped with tools and materials for digging tunnels or
undermining enemy walls.
6. Mantlet: A portable shielded cover on wheels used to protect troops during the assault on
walls or other fortifications.
7. Siege Ram: A sturdy, wheeled frame with a heavy, metal-tipped ram used to batter down
gates or walls.
8. Onager: A type of catapult that uses torsion to launch heavy stones or other projectiles at
high velocity.
9. Siege Ladder: Tall ladders with stabilizing hooks or spikes used to scale and breach enemy
10. Siege Tower Catapult: A modified siege tower equipped with its own smaller catapult for
launching projectiles during the assault.
11. Siege Mortar: A large-caliber cannon-like weapon that fires explosive shells or grenades to
cause damage to enemy structures.
12. Siege Tunneler: A specialized digging machine designed to bore underground tunnels
beneath enemy fortifications for surprise attacks or sabotage.

These siege engines add an element of epic warfare to your ant war campaign, allowing the
ants to employ advanced machinery and tactics to overcome formidable defenses.

Certainly! Here are 12 room ideas for a castle or hive setting:

1. Throne Room: The grand chamber where the monarch or queen holds court and makes
important decisions.
2. Armory: A spacious room filled with racks, shelves, and weapon displays, storing an array of
weaponry and armor.
3. Council Chamber: A meeting room where political and military leaders gather to discuss
strategies and make collective decisions.
4. Treasury: A secure room housing the kingdom's or hive's wealth, including precious metals,
gems, and valuable artifacts.
5. Great Hall: A large, central gathering space where feasts, celebrations, and important events
take place.
6. Library: A room filled with shelves of books, scrolls, and tomes, housing knowledge and
archives of the kingdom or hive.
7. Laboratory: A space dedicated to scientific research and experimentation, where alchemists
and scholars pursue their studies.
8. Training Ground: An open area for combat training and drills, where soldiers and warriors
practice their skills and tactics.
9. Healing Chamber: A specialized room equipped with medicinal herbs, bandages, and healing
tools to tend to the wounded.
10. Observatory: A tower or high room with telescopes and instruments, allowing for
astronomical observations and stargazing.
11. Prison Cells: Secure cells for holding captured enemies or criminals, complete with heavy
bars and locks.
12. Courtyard: An open-air space within the castle or hive walls, serving as a gathering area and
providing access to various rooms.
These rooms provide a diverse range of functions and add depth to the castle or hive setting,
offering opportunities for roleplaying, exploration, and strategic decision-making within the

Certainly! Here are 12 hive building ideas for an ant-themed setting:

1. Nursery Chamber: A spacious room where ant larvae and eggs are nurtured and cared for by
worker ants.
2. Fungal Farm: A specialized chamber where ants cultivate and harvest fungi for food and
3. Storage Chambers: Multiple interconnected rooms used for storing food supplies, including
seeds, insects, and other resources.
4. Royal Chamber: A grand chamber where the queen resides, laying eggs and commanding
the hive's activities.
5. Brood Chamber: A series of interconnected chambers where ant larvae undergo different
stages of development.
6. Guard Post: A fortified section of the hive with narrow entry points, where soldier ants stand
guard and protect the colony.
7. Waste Disposal Chamber: A designated area where waste materials and debris are collected
and removed from the hive.
8. Ventilation Tunnels: A network of narrow tunnels that facilitate airflow and regulate
temperature within the hive.
9. Worker Quarters: Small chambers where worker ants rest, eat, and engage in social
interactions during their downtime.
10. Honey Storage: Specialized chambers where ants store honeydew or nectar collected from
plants as a food reserve.
11. Communication Chamber: A central room where ants exchange information using
pheromones and vibrations.
12. Expansion Tunnels: Dug tunnels leading to new areas for hive expansion, exploration, or

These hive buildings reflect the functional needs of an ant colony, providing spaces for specific
tasks such as nurturing the brood, storing resources, protecting the colony, and facilitating
communication. They add depth and realism to the ant-themed setting and offer opportunities
for strategic decision-making and roleplaying within the game.

Certainly! Here are 12 hive-like fortifications that can be used in an ant-themed setting or game:

1. Earth Mound Bastion: A large, elevated earth mound with intricate tunnels and chambers,
providing a natural defense against invaders.
2. Tangleweb Barricade: A complex network of interconnected webs spun by specialized ant
spinners, creating a formidable barrier that hinders movement and traps enemies.
3. Acidic Moat: A wide and deep trench filled with a corrosive acid substance, acting as a
defensive barrier that deters and damages intruders.
4. Thorny Wall: A wall made up of interlocking thorns and sharp vegetation, discouraging
enemies from attempting to breach it due to the painful and hazardous nature of the obstacle.
5. Sentry Towers: Tall and slender towers positioned strategically around the perimeter, serving
as vantage points for ant sentinels to keep watch and alert the colony of approaching threats.
6. Fungal Spore Cloud: Specialized chambers that release clouds of toxic fungal spores,
creating a hazardous environment for intruders and impairing their movement and senses.
7. Chitin Shield Wall: A sturdy and impenetrable wall made from the reinforced exoskeletons of
fallen enemies, providing excellent protection against attacks and bolstering the colony's
8. Entrapment Tunnels: Elaborate networks of hidden tunnels and snares designed to ensnare
and immobilize intruders, allowing the ant defenders to deal with them more effectively.
9. Camouflage Canopy: A natural canopy of foliage and leaves that conceals the hive from
prying eyes, making it challenging for enemies to locate or approach the colony.
10. Venomous Spike Pit: Deep pits filled with venomous stingers and spikes, causing severe
injury to any intruders who stumble into them or attempt to breach the fortifications.
11. Swarm Drones: Agile and flying ant drones that patrol the vicinity, attacking and distracting
enemies with coordinated swarm assaults, diverting their attention from critical areas of the hive.
12. Subterranean Escape Routes: A complex system of hidden underground tunnels and
escape routes that allow ants to evacuate and regroup in case the main hive is under significant
threat, ensuring the survival of the colony.

These hive-like fortifications offer both defensive advantages and thematic elements,
showcasing the resourcefulness and adaptability of the ant colony. They provide exciting tactical
opportunities, as players can strategically employ these structures to protect their hive, repel
invaders, and ensure the survival of their ant civilization.

Certainly! Here are 20 pieces of equipment for an ant soldier:

1. Antler Blade: A sharp blade crafted from the antlers of a formidable creature.
2. Chitin Shield: A sturdy shield made from the hardened exoskeleton of a large insect.
3. Acidic Grenade: A small vial containing a potent acid that can be thrown to damage enemies.
4. Silk Rope: A strong and lightweight rope made from the silk of giant spiders.
5. Thorned Armor: Armor embedded with thorny spikes that provide additional protection in
close combat.
6. Antenna Dagger: A small, concealed dagger hidden within an antenna.
7. Venomous Dart Thrower: A device that launches venomous darts, inflicting poison on the
8. Carapace Helmet: A helmet made from the durable carapace of a large beetle, providing
excellent head protection.
9. Leaf Shield: A shield crafted from a large leaf, offering both protection and camouflage in
natural environments.
10. Acid-Resistant Boots: Boots specially designed to withstand corrosive substances and
protect the ant's feet.
11. Enchanted Chitin Gauntlets: Gauntlets enhanced with magical properties, increasing the
strength and effectiveness of attacks.
12. Throwing Stars: Small, shuriken-like projectiles made from sharpened bark or chitin.
13. Antivenom Kit: A compact kit containing antidotes and remedies for various types of venom.
14. Camouflage Cloak: A cloak made from leaves and twigs, allowing the ant to blend into its
15. Stinger Spear: A spear tipped with a venomous stinger, delivering potent strikes to foes.
16. Silkwing Glider: A set of wings made from silk, enabling limited gliding abilities for aerial
17. Evasion Boots: Boots with built-in springs that enhance the ant's agility and jumping
18. Healing Salve: A medicinal salve that aids in the healing of wounds and injuries.
19. Insect Repellent Vial: A vial containing a concoction that repels hostile insects and
20. Gritstone Grappling Hook: A sturdy grappling hook made from a specialized type of stone,
allowing the ant to scale walls and cliffs.

These equipment options offer a variety of offensive, defensive, and utility capabilities for an ant
soldier in their combat and exploration endeavors.

Certainly! Here are additional equipment options, including regular items and human-made
objects repurposed as equipment for ant soldiers:

1. Needleblade Dagger: A small dagger crafted from a human sewing needle, modified for
combat purposes.
2. Bottle Cap Shield: A shield made from a discarded bottle cap, providing basic defense
against attacks.
3. Pocketwatch Trap: A modified pocketwatch with a hidden mechanism that releases a small
net to ensnare enemies.
4. Button Bombs: Small explosive devices made from repurposed buttons, used for tactical
5. Spyglass: A human-sized spyglass adapted for ant use, enabling enhanced vision and
6. Umbrella Shield: An umbrella repurposed as a shield, offering protection from both rain and
enemy attacks.
7. Caltrops: Small, sharp objects made from bent nails or repurposed thumbtacks, scattered to
hinder enemy movement.
8. Tin Can Armor: Armor pieces made from flattened tin cans, providing basic protection against
melee attacks.
9. Marbles of Diversion: Colorful marbles repurposed as distraction devices to divert enemies'
10. Threaded Whip: A whip made from human sewing thread, used for long-range attacks or
11. Glass Shard Blades: Sharp shards of glass affixed to sticks, serving as makeshift swords or
12. Bandage Roll: A roll of human bandages repurposed for healing purposes, aiding in treating

These additional equipment options highlight the resourcefulness of ant soldiers, utilizing
regular objects found in the human world and repurposing them for their own military needs.

Certainly! Here are some more regular equipment options and items repurposed by ants for
their soldiers:

1. Pebble Sling: A simple sling made from woven plant fibers, used to launch pebbles as
2. Vine Rope: Durable vines twisted together to create a strong and flexible rope for climbing or
binding enemies.
3. Mushroom Shield: A large mushroom cap used as a makeshift shield, providing natural
protection against blows.
4. Acorn Helm: A hollowed-out acorn shell worn as a helmet to protect the head during combat.
5. Stick Spear: A sturdy wooden stick sharpened at one end, serving as a basic melee weapon.
6. Leaf Armor: Thin, overlapping leaves attached to a frame, forming lightweight armor to deflect
minor attacks.
7. Pinecone Grenades: Pinecones filled with volatile substances, thrown as explosive
8. Beetle Carapace Gauntlets: Sturdy beetle carapaces worn as gauntlets to enhance punching
and blocking capabilities.
9. Snail Shell Backpack: A hollowed-out snail shell used as a portable storage container for
supplies and equipment.
10. Grass Blade Arrows: Blades of grass tied together to form arrows, used with bows or slings
for ranged attacks.
11. Spider Silk Lasso: Fine threads of spider silk woven together to create a strong and flexible
lasso for capturing enemies.
12. Beetle Horn Bugle: A hollowed beetle horn repurposed as a bugle for signaling commands
and communication.

These equipment options showcase the resourcefulness of ants in adapting natural resources
and repurposing human-made items for their own needs on the battlefield.
Apologies for the confusion. Here are some examples of regular human items repurposed as
equipment for ants:

1. Miniature Lantern (Repurposed Light Bulb): An ant-sized lantern created by repurposing a

small LED flashlight bulb, providing a steady beam of light in dark areas.
2. Bottle Cap Shield: A shield made from a discarded bottle cap, offering lightweight protection
against attacks.
3. Needle Dagger: A sharpened sewing needle repurposed as a dagger, allowing ants to
engage in close combat.
4. Paperclip Grappling Hook: A modified paperclip bent into a hook shape, serving as a versatile
tool for climbing and exploration.
5. Button Chestplate: A piece of fabric with sewn-on buttons repurposed as a chestplate,
providing minimal defense against enemy strikes.
6. Drinking Straw Blowgun: A cut-down drinking straw transformed into a blowgun, allowing ants
to shoot small projectiles with precision.
7. Thread Rope: A tightly wound thread or string used as a lightweight but sturdy rope for
various purposes.
8. Cork Helmet: A helmet crafted from a cork stopper, offering limited protection against head
9. Safety Pin Spear: A modified safety pin with a sharpened end, repurposed as a makeshift
spear for hunting or combat.
10. Bottle Cap Armor: Armor made from interconnected bottle caps, providing modest defense
against enemy attacks.

These items showcase the ingenuity of ants in repurposing human objects for their own needs
in their miniature world.

Certainly! Here are some more examples of regular adventuring equipment repurposed for ants:

1. Miniature Backpack: A tiny backpack made from fabric scraps, used to carry essential
supplies during exploration and missions.
2. Acorn Helmet: A hollowed-out acorn shell worn as a protective helmet, providing natural
defense against impacts.
3. Walnut Shell Boat: A small boat made from a hollowed-out walnut shell, used for crossing
bodies of water during adventures.
4. Feather Quill Pen: A repurposed feather used as a writing tool, allowing ants to document
their experiences and keep records.
5. Pebble Sling: A small leather sling used to launch pebbles as makeshift projectiles for
defense or hunting.
6. Leaf Cape: A leaf used as a lightweight and camouflaging cape, providing concealment and
protection against the elements.
7. Threaded Needle Compass: A needle threaded with a strand of silk, repurposed as a
makeshift compass for navigation.
8. Pocket Mirror: A small reflective surface used for signaling, observing surroundings, or
checking one's appearance.
9. Snail Shell Shelter: A discarded snail shell used as a temporary shelter or hiding spot during
outdoor expeditions.
10. Miniature Fishing Rod: A miniature fishing rod made from a twig, thread, and a bent
paperclip, allowing ants to catch small aquatic creatures for sustenance.

These adaptations of adventuring equipment demonstrate the resourcefulness and adaptability

of ants in their miniature world, as they repurpose human objects to suit their needs and
enhance their capabilities during their quests and explorations.
Certainly! Here are 12 units with their respective attributes:

​ Soldier Ant:
● Attack: 5
● Defense: 4
● HP: 10
● Agility: 3
● Strength: 4
● Charisma: 2
● Movement: 4
● Cost/Upkeep: 5 resources
● Type: Melee
● Size: Small
​ Archer Ant:
● Attack: 7
● Defense: 3
● HP: 8
● Agility: 5
● Strength: 2
● Charisma: 3
● Movement: 3
● Cost/Upkeep: 6 resources
● Type: Ranged
● Size: Small
​ Scout Ant:
● Attack: 3
● Defense: 2
● HP: 6
● Agility: 8
● Strength: 2
● Charisma: 2
● Movement: 6
● Cost/Upkeep: 4 resources
● Type: Scout
● Size: Small
​ Worker Ant:
● Attack: 2
● Defense: 5
● HP: 12
● Agility: 3
● Strength: 6
● Charisma: 2
● Movement: 3
● Cost/Upkeep: 3 resources
● Type: Utility
● Size: Small
​ Fire Ant:
● Attack: 6
● Defense: 3
● HP: 9
● Agility: 4
● Strength: 5
● Charisma: 2
● Movement: 4
● Cost/Upkeep: 7 resources
● Type: Melee
● Size: Small
​ Medic Ant:
● Attack: 1
● Defense: 3
● HP: 8
● Agility: 3
● Strength: 2
● Charisma: 6
● Movement: 3
● Cost/Upkeep: 5 resources
● Type: Support
● Size: Small
​ Tank Beetle:
● Attack: 8
● Defense: 8
● HP: 20
● Agility: 2
● Strength: 9
● Charisma: 1
● Movement: 2
● Cost/Upkeep: 10 resources
● Type: Melee
● Size: Large
​ Flying Wasp:
● Attack: 6
● Defense: 4
● HP: 10
● Agility: 9
● Strength: 3
● Charisma: 2
● Movement: 8
● Cost/Upkeep: 8 resources
● Type: Flying
● Size: Small
​ Tunneling Mole:
● Attack: 4
● Defense: 5
● HP: 12
● Agility: 2
● Strength: 7
● Charisma: 1
● Movement: 5
● Cost/Upkeep: 6 resources
● Type: Melee
● Size: Medium
​ Bombardier Beetle:
● Attack: 10
● Defense: 3
● HP: 8
● Agility: 4
● Strength: 5
● Charisma: 2
● Movement: 4
● Cost/Upkeep: 9 resources
● Type: Ranged
● Size: Small
​ Sniper Spider:
● Attack: 9
● Defense: 2
● HP: 7
● Agility: 6
● Strength: 3
● Charisma: 2
● Movement: 5
● Cost/Upkeep: 8 resources
● Type: Ranged
● Size: Small
​ Giant Beetle:
● Attack: 7
● Defense: 7
● HP: 18
● Agility: 3
● Strength: 8
● Charisma: 1
● Movement: 3
● Cost/Upkeep: 12 resources
● Type: Melee
● Size: Large

Please note that the attributes provided here are fictional and can be adjusted based on
your game's mechanics and balance requirements.

Certainly! Here are 12 more units with their respective attributes:

​ Assassin Bug:
● Attack: 9
● Defense: 5
● HP: 10
● Agility: 7
● Strength: 6
● Charisma: 2
● Movement: 6
● Cost/Upkeep: 9 resources
● Type: Melee
● Size: Small
​ Hornet Rider:
● Attack: 8
● Defense: 6
● HP: 12
● Agility: 8
● Strength: 5
● Charisma: 4
● Movement: 7
● Cost/Upkeep: 10 resources
● Type: Mounted
● Size: Medium
​ Web Weaver:
● Attack: 4
● Defense: 3
● HP: 8
● Agility: 5
● Strength: 2
● Charisma: 6
● Movement: 4
● Cost/Upkeep: 7 resources
● Type: Support
● Size: Small
​ Bombard Ant:
● Attack: 7
● Defense: 3
● HP: 9
● Agility: 4
● Strength: 6
● Charisma: 2
● Movement: 5
● Cost/Upkeep: 8 resources
● Type: Ranged
● Size: Small
​ Heavy Guard:
● Attack: 6
● Defense: 9
● HP: 15
● Agility: 2
● Strength: 8
● Charisma: 2
● Movement: 3
● Cost/Upkeep: 11 resources
● Type: Melee
● Size: Medium
​ Flycatcher:
● Attack: 5
● Defense: 5
● HP: 11
● Agility: 6
● Strength: 3
● Charisma: 3
● Movement: 5
● Cost/Upkeep: 6 resources
● Type: Ranged
● Size: Small
​ Stalker Beetle:
● Attack: 8
● Defense: 7
● HP: 14
● Agility: 4
● Strength: 9
● Charisma: 2
● Movement: 4
● Cost/Upkeep: 12 resources
● Type: Melee
● Size: Large
​ Poisonous Spider:
● Attack: 6
● Defense: 4
● HP: 10
● Agility: 7
● Strength: 4
● Charisma: 2
● Movement: 6
● Cost/Upkeep: 7 resources
● Type: Melee
● Size: Small
​ Siege Beetle:
● Attack: 10
● Defense: 6
● HP: 18
● Agility: 3
● Strength: 10
● Charisma: 1
● Movement: 3
● Cost/Upkeep: 14 resources
● Type: Siege
● Size: Large
​ Stealth Scout:
● Attack: 3
● Defense: 2
● HP: 6
● Agility: 9
● Strength: 2
● Charisma: 4
● Movement: 7
● Cost/Upkeep: 6 resources
● Type: Scout
● Size: Small
​ Acid Ant:
● Attack: 7
● Defense: 5
● HP: 11
● Agility: 5
● Strength: 6
● Charisma: 3
● Movement: 5
● Cost/Upkeep: 9 resources
● Type: Ranged
● Size: Small
​ Giant Horned Beetle:
● Attack: 9
● Defense: 8
● HP: 20
● Agility: 3
● Strength: 9
● Charisma: 1
● Movement: 3
● Cost/Upkeep: 13 resources
● Type: Melee
● Size: Large
Feel free to adjust the attributes as per your game mechanics and balance

Certainly! Here are some flying, non-combat, and support units for your ant wars:

​ Pollen Collector:
● Attack: N/A
● Defense: 3
● HP: 6
● Agility: 7
● Strength: N/A
● Charisma: 5
● Movement: 8
● Cost/Upkeep: 5 resources
● Type: Support
● Size: Small
● Special Ability: Collects pollen for resource generation.
​ Scout Fly:
● Attack: N/A
● Defense: 3
● HP: 5
● Agility: 9
● Strength: N/A
● Charisma: 3
● Movement: 9
● Cost/Upkeep: 4 resources
● Type: Scout
● Size: Tiny
● Special Ability: Provides vision and reconnaissance of enemy territory.
​ Sky Sentinel:
● Attack: N/A
● Defense: 7
● HP: 10
● Agility: 5
● Strength: N/A
● Charisma: 4
● Movement: 7
● Cost/Upkeep: 8 resources
● Type: Support
● Size: Medium
● Special Ability: Provides aerial defense and surveillance.
​ Forager Bee:
● Attack: N/A
● Defense: 4
● HP: 7
● Agility: 6
● Strength: N/A
● Charisma: 6
● Movement: 6
● Cost/Upkeep: 6 resources
● Type: Non-combat
● Size: Small
● Special Ability: Collects food and resources for the colony.
​ Medic Ant:
● Attack: N/A
● Defense: 5
● HP: 8
● Agility: 5
● Strength: N/A
● Charisma: 7
● Movement: 5
● Cost/Upkeep: 7 resources
● Type: Support
● Size: Small
● Special Ability: Provides healing and support to injured units.
​ Aerial Transporter:
● Attack: N/A
● Defense: 6
● HP: 12
● Agility: 4
● Strength: N/A
● Charisma: 4
● Movement: 6
● Cost/Upkeep: 10 resources
● Type: Non-combat
● Size: Medium
● Special Ability: Transports troops and resources across long distances.

Feel free to adjust the attributes and special abilities as per your game mechanics and requirements.

Sure! Here are 12 company-sized units for your Pikumants tabletop wargame and roleplaying

​ Moonstriders
● Attack: 4
● Defense: 3
● HP: 10
● Agility: 5
● Strength: 2
● Charisma: 3
● Movement: 6
● Cost/Upkeep: 8
● Type: Scout
● Size: 1
​ Silverwings
● Attack: 3
● Defense: 4
● HP: 12
● Agility: 4
● Strength: 3
● Charisma: 2
● Movement: 5
● Cost/Upkeep: 10
● Type: Infantry
● Size: 1
​ Stoneshield Sentinels
● Attack: 2
● Defense: 5
● HP: 15
● Agility: 3
● Strength: 4
● Charisma: 1
● Movement: 4
● Cost/Upkeep: 12
● Type: Heavy Infantry
● Size: 1
​ Thornweavers
● Attack: 5
● Defense: 2
● HP: 8
● Agility: 6
● Strength: 1
● Charisma: 4
● Movement: 7
● Cost/Upkeep: 6
● Type: Ranged
● Size: 1
​ Ironclad Legion
● Attack: 6
● Defense: 6
● HP: 20
● Agility: 2
● Strength: 5
● Charisma: 1
● Movement: 3
● Cost/Upkeep: 16
● Type: Elite Infantry
● Size: 2
​ Gloomreapers
● Attack: 3
● Defense: 2
● HP: 10
● Agility: 4
● Strength: 6
● Charisma: 2
● Movement: 5
● Cost/Upkeep: 11
● Type: Melee
● Size: 1
​ Firefly Archers
● Attack: 4
● Defense: 3
● HP: 8
● Agility: 6
● Strength: 2
● Charisma: 3
● Movement: 6
● Cost/Upkeep: 9
● Type: Ranged
● Size: 1
​ Whisperwind Sages
● Attack: 2
● Defense: 4
● HP: 12
● Agility: 5
● Strength: 1
● Charisma: 5
● Movement: 4
● Cost/Upkeep: 10
● Type: Support
● Size: 1
​ Swiftclaw Riders
● Attack: 5
● Defense: 3
● HP: 10
● Agility: 7
● Strength: 3
● Charisma: 2
● Movement: 8
● Cost/Upkeep: 11
● Type: Cavalry
● Size: 1
​ Thunderscale Drakes
● Attack: 6
● Defense: 5
● HP: 18
● Agility: 3
● Strength: 6
● Charisma: 2
● Movement: 4
● Cost/Upkeep: 15
● Type: Flying
● Size: 2
​ Gilded Paladins
● Attack: 4
● Defense: 6
● HP: 20
● Agility: 3
● Strength: 5
● Charisma: 4
● Movement: 4
● Cost/Upkeep: 18
● Type: Heavy Cavalry
● Size: 2
​ Sylvan Wardens
● Attack: 3
● Defense: 5
● HP: 15
● Agility: 4
● Strength: 3
● Charisma: 3
● Movement: 5
● Cost/Upkeep: 12
● Type: Defense
● Size: 1

Feel free to modify the stats and details according to your game design preferences. Enjoy

creating your tabletop wargame and roleplaying experience with the Pikumants!

Regenerate response

I want you to generate 12 company sized units, listing their attack number value,
defense number value, hp, agility number value, strength number value, charisma
number value, movement number value, cost/upkeep, type, and size number value.

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