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So from what you've seen what

do the most successful students in the real world have in

common? And what do the failing students have in common? What is a specific

trait or characteristic that separates these two

types of individuals?

it's actually interesting because I can compare this to my webcam days, but

it's the same with webcam. It's the same with fighting is the same with the real
world brutal determination

and consistency is

nearly impossible to be back in the webcam

days. I had a girl.

Who was s***, she made no money, but she'd sit

there and she'd do 12 hour days and she'd smile and she'd have

fun regardless. It's very hard for girls to perform when no

one's tipping them and no one's giving any money when their room is empty to sit

there 12 hours and talk to yourself and not get moody is

very difficult for a female.

This girl for the first three months. She didn't give a s***. She said

her one person in her room and lack and smile. And guess what

she ended up being after three months of being nobody.

The number one girl she ended up being the number one beating the

professional girls because professional girls were like, ah in my

room's quiet now and they expect x amount and expect it to

be easy.

Same with fighting. I knew people who didn't weren't that talented, but they

were just at the gym every day. They just ran further.

They just trained harder and they just ended up

being world champions. That's how it gets.

You cannot be consistency.

The person who does what they're supposed to do day after day regardless of how
feels gonna be the person who wins the people who are the most successful in the

real world the people who wake up every day and work.

If you're the person who wakes up does work

is fantastic at it but then takes three days off you're gonna

lose they say the hard work beats Talent

when talent doesn't work hard and it's completely true.

You have to be consistent you have to decide. Are

you the kind of person who wants to make a lot of money in this life and live

a life of Freedom or even kind of person who wants to look back when

he's 30 on his 20s or 40 on

his thirties and look at that decade and go what did I

do with that day? Well, I didn't get rich

I didn't travel the world live like they do and take

confidential. What did I do? Well, I had a day off here a day

off there a bunch of nothing days that amalgamate

into this decade of nothingness and you're just

wasting your time.

If you want to win you need to be consistent, you don't need to be the smartest

not at all. But you have to be the guy who's their day

after day and I guarantee you I will guarantee you right now IQ has

nothing to do with how successful will be as a real world Susan.

What is going to determine how success you're gonna be is are you

there every single day are you doing what you're supposed to do day

after day. I can also apply this to sales.

I knew guys who were terrible on the phone back

in my day on sales you start to call companies.

I was smooth. I was the best with some other guys who were smooth.

They landed a deal go by a nice car or whatever take a few days off. Take it easy.

had people who were terrible and when I say terrible, I mean they had
a thick Indian accent didn't speak English that well

didn't know the script that well didn't know the answers, but

they were always in the top 20% of the company because

they just hammered the phone. They just were on it.

They needed to feed their family in Bangladesh. They didn't give a f***.

They were just calling. That's it. They after day

when you're on lunch break. He's on the phone.

You can win with hard work alone. That's what's amazing about the

universe when I say that God will give you anything. You truly want

if you truly want money and you truly try hard and you

truly listen to us. You're gonna have as much money as you could possibly ever

But if you think you want money, but you kind of want something else

or if you're arrogant or if you're lazy you're gonna end

up somewhere in the middle if you're lucky in talented, and

if you're not talented you're gonna end up at the bottom.

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