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Chapter 1.

Beck depression inventory


The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is a 21-item, self-report rating inventory that measures
characteristic attitudes and symptoms of depression The BDI has been developed in different forms,
including several computerized forms, a card form the 13-item short form and the more recent BDI-II by
Beck, Steer & Brown, 1996. The BDI takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, Internal consistency
for the BDI ranges from .73 to .92 with a mean of .86.The BDI demonstrates high internal consistency,
with alpha coefficients of .86 and .81 for psychiatric and non-psychiatric populations respectively

It’s Purpose

The BDI has been widely used as an assessment instrument in gauging the intensity of depression in
patients who meet clinical diagnostic criteria for depressive syndromes.

The BDI-II is widely used as an indicator of the severity of depression, but not as a diagnostic tool, and
numerous studies provide evidence for its reliability and validity across different populations and cultural

Development and Historical Preview

In 1950s when Beck start working on depression with in the prevailing psycho analytic theory attributed
the syndrome to inverted hostility against the self.By contrast, the BDI was developed in a novel way for
its time; by collating patients’ verbatim descriptions of their symptoms and then using these to structure a
scale which could reflect the intensity or severity of a given symptom.

Beach drew attention on negative symptoms .Beck developed a triad of negative cognitions about the
world, the future, and the self, which play a major role in depression. An example of the triad in action
taken from Brown (1995) is the case of a student obtaining poor exam results:

 The student has negative thoughts about the world, so he may come to believe he does not enjoy
the class.
 The student has negative thoughts about his future because he thinks he may not pass the class.
 The student has negative thoughts about his self, as he may feel he does not deserve to be in
Chapter 2

Bio data

Name. Muhammad Naveed

Father name. Nazir Ahmed

Age. 38 year’s

Gender. Male

Presence status.

Married & Have 3 children

Number in sibling’s.

Youngest from all 6 sibling’s

Client History

Mr Naveed is a private office job Holder he is happily married and have a history of significant
job stress from his previous job’s . Which mentally disturb him allot and also affected on his
physical health and he is now hyper tension patient .

He also have some issues of stomach related problems in his adolescents and he believes that
some time’s he still having ups and downs .
Chapter 3



Mr. Naveed has scored 13 which marked that Mr Naveed had Mild mood disturbance which
might be due to their previous and current physical health .


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