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Peak in milk production occurs at the first lactation of a cow

2. Cheese products normally contain low concentrations of lactose since it is hydrolyzed
by the enzyme used to make cheese
3. Compared to cow milk, human milk contains more natural defense components
4. In milk, water content is higher than that of dry matter content
5. Because of the homeostasis, composition of secreted milk is unchanged regardless the
seasons and feeds
6. Tocopherol is water-soluble vitamin
7. Separated milk has a higher density compared to raw milk

8. Milk is a solution of dissolved components

9. A maximum allowed concentration of lactulose in UHT milk is set because the milk
become toxic if the concentration of lactulose is higher than the allowed concentration
Total mineral content of milk is about
A. 0.075 - 0.085 %
B. 0.75 - 0.85%
C. 7.5 - 8.5%
D. none of the above
Comparison on total proteins between human milk and cow milk
A. human ~ cow
B. human > cow, if that person drinks a lot of cow milk
C. human < cow
D. none of the above
The component which is responsible for yellow color of milk fat is
A. beta-carotene
B. tocopherol
C. cholesterol
D. phospholipids
Lactose intolerance
A. is someone who really hates milk
B. is someone who really likes milk
C. is a phenomenon of lactose crystallization in evaporated milk and powdered milk
D. none of the above
Comparison on content of main components in milk
A. lactose > lipids > proteins > minerals
B. lipids > lactose > proteins > minerals
C. proteins > minerals > lactose > lipids
D. minerals > lactose > lipids > proteins
Lactulose is composed of
A. glucose and lactose
B. glucose and glucose
C. galactose and glucose
D. none of the above
Comparison on lactulose concentration
A: sterilized milk > UHT milk
B: sterilized milk < UHT milk
C: sterilized milk = UHT milk
D: B and C are true
Average fat content of buffalo milk and cow milk
A. buffalo milk ~ cow milk
B. buffalo milk > cow milk
C. buffalo milk < cow milk
D. any of the above depending on the feed
Milk can be contaminated with
A. bacteria
B. yeast and mold
C. viruses
D. all of the above
Average fat content of buffalo milk and cow milk:
A: buffalo milk ~ cow milk
B: buffalo milk > cow milk
C: buffalo milk < cow milk
D: any of the above depending on the feed
Fatty acid composition of milk fat is influenced by
A. season
B. breed
C. feed
D. all of the above
Phosphatidylcholine belongs to:
A: neutral lipids
B: proteins
C: carbohydrates
D: polar lipids
Fat content of butter is
A: ~ 4 %
B: 10 - 30%
C: 40 - 60 %
D: > 70%
Compared to normal milk, mastitis milk has
A. higher concentrations of all minerals
B. higher concentration of calcium and lower concentrations of Na and K
C. higher concentration of K and lower concentrations of calcium and Na
D. none of the above
Lactose is synthesized in
A. blood
B. liver
C. none of the above
D. both of the above
When supersaturation (evaporation) of a lactose solution is carried out at temperatures of
above 93.5 °C, the form of crystals obtained is:
A: alfa-hydrate
B: amorphous lactose
C: anhydrous beta
D: anhydrous alfa
At 20 degree C, solid fat content in
A. milk fat > cocoa butter
B. milk fat < cocoa butter
C. milk fat ~ cocoa butter
D. one of the above depending on relative humidity
Compared to normal milk, mastitis milk has
A: higher fat content
B: lower fat content
C: similar BSA content
D: A and C are true
Comparison of the ratio of caseins/whey proteins between cow milk and human milk
A. cow ~ human
B. cow > human
C. cow < human
D. any of the above depending on the milk yield
Milk pH change during lactation:
A: 6.6 --> 6.7 --> 6.9
B: 6.9 --> 6.7 --> 6.6
C: 6.6 --> 6.6 --> 6.6
D: one of the above depending on the age of the cow
Lactobacillus delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus is
A: thermophilic
B: mesophilic
C: psychophilic
D: psychrotrophic
beta-lactoglobulin is synthesized in
A: blood
B: liver
C: secretary cells
D: none of the above
Which one is the smallest
A: a mammary gland
B: the gland cistern
C: an alveolus
D: a secretary cell
The enzyme which is most related to leukocyte counts
A: catalase
B: lactoperoxidase
C: xanthine oxidase
D: lipase from psychrotrophic bacteria
Phosphatidylcholine belongs to
A. neutral lipids
B. proteins
C. carbohydrates
D. polar lipids
Whey proteins versus caseins
A. whey proteins are easier to be digested and more heat stable than caseins
B. whey proteins are more difficult to be digested and more heat stable than caseins
C. whey proteins are more difficult to be digested but more heat labile than caseins
D. none of the above
Milk production versus milk consumption in Vietnam from 2002-2012
A. Milk production increases while milk consumption decreases
B. Milk production decreases while milk consumption increases
C. Both milk production and milk consumption increases
D. None of the above
Size of lipoprotein particles is about
A. 1 nm
B. 10 nm
C. 1 micrometer
D. 1 mm
Comparison on sweetness
A. sucrose > glucose > lactose
B. glucose > sucrose > lactose
C. lactose > glucose > sucrose
D. sucrose > lactose > glucose
MUCIN 1 (or MUC1) is
A. a glycoprotein
B. a neutral lipid
C. a polar lipid
D. name of bacteria
The amount of protein groups
A. Caseins < whey proteins < MFGM proteins
B. Caseins > whey proteins > MFGM proteins
C. A and B are false
D. A and B are true

Concentration of lactulose in
A. raw milk > pasteurized milk > sterilized milk
B. raw milk < pasteurized milk < sterilized milk
C. raw milk > pasteurized milk < sterilized milk
D. raw milk ~ pasteurized milk ~ sterilized milk
Comparing on melting ranges
A: milk fat olein > milk fat stearin > milk fat
B: milk fat stearin > milk fat > milk fat olein
C: milk fat > milk fat olein > milk fat stearin
D: any of the above depending on cow breeds
The space containing milk inside an alveolus is called
A: lumen
B: a secretary cell
C: a duct
D: the gland cistern

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