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1. Define assessment of student learning?

ANSWER: Assessment of student learning establishing clear, measurable expected outcomes of student
learning. Ensuring that the students have sufficient opportunities to achieve those outcomes. Also it is
systemically gathering, analyzing, and interpreting evidence to determine how well students learning
matches the expectations. By that the teacher must understand and know how to improve the student.

2.Enumerate types of assessment and differentiate each other?


Pre-assessment or Diagnostic Assessment- this is the first thing you do before creating the
instruction, it’s necessary to know for what kind of students you are creating. The goal is to get to know
your student’s strength and weaknesses and base on the data you have collected and identify, you can
now easily create instruction.

Formative Assessment- is used in the first attempt of developing instruction. The goal is to
monitor students learning to provide feedback. It helps identifying the first gaps in your instruction.
Based on this feedback you’ll know what to focus on for further expansion for your instruction.
(example: quizzes,)

Summative assessment-aim to assess the extent in which the most important outcomes at the
end of the instruction have been reach. (examples. Long-exams, long quiz)

Criterion-reference Assessment- it is measures student’s performances against a fixed set of

pre-determine criteria or learning standards. Criterion-reference tests are used to evaluate a specific
body of language of knowledge or skills set, it’s a test to evaluate the curriculum taught in the course.

3. Why is assessment very important in teaching learning process.

ANSWER- The importance of assessment is to find out what the students know(knowledge), what the
students can do, and how well they can do it (skills, performance). Also to find out how students go
about the task of doing their work(process). Lastly how the students feel about their work (motivation,

OTHER ANSWER- Assessment is very important because it is determining whether the goals of education
are being met. Also the teacher knows if he / she teach that needs to their student’s.

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