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SSED - 323
1. Determine different type of test and it’s functions

A diagnostic test reveals a pupil's areas of strength and weakness. It also

serves as a pre-assessment or pre-test to determine whether a student
has already learned a lesson, as determined by the teachers. Frequently,
the teachers do not document this evaluation. since the aim is to
determine whether the kids already know anything or if they have
misconceptions about a particular subject. An assignment that is written
at the start and finish of a course is called a diagnostic assessment.
Assessments completed after the course can be compared to those
completed before it to see where students might make improvements. The
curriculum can be modified by the instructor using these assessments to
better suit the needs of both present and future students.

The potential of objective tests to offer a consistent and effective method

of evaluation is one of its main purposes. Objective tests provide a defined
range of potential solutions through formats like multiple-choice questions
or true/false statements, making grading simple. Because of their
efficiency, they are especially well-suited for extensive evaluations, which
allow teachers to methodically analyze a wide range of students.In
addition, objective examinations are good in evaluating factual knowledge.
These assessments can be used to gauge a student's comprehension of
important ideas in a particular subject by providing questions with precise

The objective test is different from the subjective test in that it asks a
specific question and typically provides an open-ended, qualitative
approach to assessing a student's knowledge and abilities. In this type of
test, students can demonstrate their understanding of concepts and their
ability to apply knowledge in practical situations. Subjective examinations
are also helpful in evaluating individual expression, inventiveness, and
originality—aspects that may be difficult for standardized, objective
evaluations to adequately represent. Subjective exams add to a
comprehensive assessment process that goes beyond rote memory and
promotes deeper engagement with the material by providing a more
comprehensive picture of a student's abilities.
Formative assessment is a crucial part of the learning process because it
concentrates more on a student's continuous evaluation and feedback. To
determine whether or not the student learned anything from the lesson, it
examines the before, after, and during of the student's experience.
..Formative assessments are carried out during the instructional period to
inform and influence the learning experience, in contrast to summative
exams, which take place at the end of a course or unit to test overall
understanding. T

The evaluation that takes place after the term is called the summative
assessment. After the study, an assessment will be conducted to see
whether the students have gained any new knowledge from their teacher
and whether their abilities as learners have improved. Summative
assessments are primarily evaluative in nature, intending to gauge
students' overall comprehension, knowledge, and ability levels throughout
the course of a specified teaching session. The purpose of these
evaluations, which frequently take the shape of final exams or extensive
projects, is to give a thorough picture of a student's achievement.
Summative assessments serve the main purpose of providing information
on a student's overall competency and mastery of the learning objectives.
2. Nature and Process

1. Educators may facilitate diagnostic assessments to gauge proficiency or

comprehension levels before beginning a new learning unit. The purpose of
diagnostic assessments is to help identify learning gaps and provide insights into
a comprehension that can be addressed in future instruction. Diagnostic
assessments are designed to measure students’ strengths, weaknesses,
knowledge levels, and skill sets. These assessments aim to answer: what do
students already know about a specific topic?

2. The framework of objective tests is standardized and their evaluation criteria

are predetermined and unambiguous. Objective tests, in contrast to subjective
evaluations, use questions with clear-cut, precise answers to provide a
consistent method of gauging knowledge, skills, or abilities. Since replies are
graded according to preset criteria and are therefore binary depending on
predefined criteria, the grading process is inherently objective because
subjective judgment is eliminated.

3. These evaluations frequently take the shape of projects, essays, long

answers, or performance-based assessments. Subjective assessments provide a
more flexible way to explore concepts and discoveries than the rigid structure of
objective testing. Their purpose is to reveal an individual's aptitude for analytical
reasoning, creative expression, and critical thinking. Subjective assessments are
designed to recognize the variety of viewpoints and methods that people may
use to a particular activity, allowing for a comprehensive assessment that goes
beyond simple memory.

4. Formative assessment's main purpose is to give teachers and students

immediate feedback so they may discover their areas of strength and areas that
need more work. These evaluations come in a variety of formats, such as tests,
talks, observations, and group projects. Teachers can acquire important insights
into individual learning preferences, comprehension levels, and the efficacy of
teaching strategies by routinely evaluating the progress of their students.
Formative assessment is a diagnostic tool that informs instructional
modifications rather than being limited to grade assignments. Formative
assessment's interactive features stimulate student participation, promote
introspection, and enable in-the-moment modifications to instructional tactics.

5. Summative assessments are final and evaluative in nature, mostly intended to

gauge students' overall comprehension, knowledge, and abilities after a
particular learning session. Summative assessments frequently take the shape of
standardized assignments, final exams, term projects, or thorough reviews.
These tests are designed to give a thorough picture of a student's academic
achievement by evaluating a wide range of topics or abilities that have been
addressed during the course of training. Summative assessments include
assignments or questions that are designed to cover the entire curriculum and
represent the major ideas and abilities that students should have learned.
3. Relevance of assessment of assessment

An essential component of teaching and learning in the classroom is assessment.

It is significant to students because it demonstrates how far they have come in a
specific subject, and it is also essential to teachers since it reveals whether or not
they are instructing their charges well. However, the process continues beyond
here because we must evaluate the assessment that we've completed.
Assessments make it easier for teachers and schools to identify students' areas
of strength and weakness. They also make it clear whether changes are
necessary and what methods and strategies should be applied when tutoring
pupils. Furthermore, since assessments are frequently given and their results are
readily visible, it is vital to evaluate them because they are highly reliable and
accurate in determining students' grades. Evaluating the efficacy of assessment,
a crucial step in the educational process guarantees that it is in line with the
curriculum's or the school's overarching goals. Achieving the intended learning
outcomes and upholding educational standards depend on this connection.

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