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MC 1: Good morning, everyone, and welcome to our tribute event for parents and graduates. We
are gathered here today to honor the hard work, dedication, and love that parents have given to
their children, and to celebrate the 14th Graduation Exercises & Moving -Up Ceremony With The
Theme: K-12 Graduates: Molded Through A Resilient Educational Foundation.

MC 2: We know that being a parent is not an easy task. It requires patience, sacrifice, and
unconditional love. And we also know that being a graduate is a huge accomplishment that
requires years of hard work and dedication. So today, we want to take a moment to recognize and
appreciate all of these efforts.

MC 1: We have a great program lined up for you today, filled with heartfelt speeches, touching
performances, and fun surprises. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

MC 2: But before that, let’s hear the Opening Remarks to be delivered by our school administrator,
Dr. Pedro C. Fudolig. Let’s give him a round of applause please.

MC 1: Thank you so much Dr. Pedro Fudolig.

MC 2: Our first speaker today is someone who knows firsthand the challenges and rewards of
being a teacher. Please welcome Teacher Jovanne B. Clemena for his message.

MC 1: Thank you for that inspiring speech. Now, we'd like to invite Mrs. Grace G. Sarinas, to share
her thoughts and feelings as a parent.

MC 2: Thank you for those heartfelt words. We are so proud of these graduates and all of that they
have accomplished.

MC 1: Now, we have a special performance that we know you will love. Please welcome (insert
name of performer/group).

MC 2: Wow, that was amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us.

MC 1: Up next, we have a very special performance from our graduates. They have prepared a
tribute song in honor of their parents, and we know it will touch your hearts.

MC 2: Before they begin, we would like to take a moment to acknowledge the hard work and
dedication that these graduates have put into their studies. They have faced many challenges and
overcome many obstacles to get to where they are today, and we are so proud of them.

MC 1: And we also want to recognize the parents in the audience tonight. Your love and support
have been instrumental in helping these graduates achieve their goals.

MC 2: So without further ado, please welcome our graduates as they perform their tribute song
entitled “PROUD OF YOU”. Let's give them a big round of applause!

MC 1: As we near the end of our tribute event, we want to take a moment to honor the parents
who have worked tirelessly to support their children.
MC 2: We know that being a parent is not an easy job, and it often goes unrecognized. But today,
we want to change that.

MC 1: So we have prepared special certificates of appreciation to give to each parent in the

audience tonight. These certificates are a small token of our gratitude for all that you do.
MC 2: And we want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the sacrifices that you have made, the
love that you have given, and the unwavering support that you have provided to your children.

MC 1: So if you are a parent in the audience tonight, please stand up and remain standing as we
call your name to come up and receive your certificate.

MC 2: And to the graduates, we want you to take this moment to look at your parents and express
your gratitude for all that they have done for you.

MC 1: So let's begin the awarding of certificates. Congratulations to all of the parents and thank
you for your love and support!

MC 1: Before we wrap up this Tribute to Parents, we want to take a moment to thank everyone
who helped make this tribute possible.

MC 2: We also want to congratulate all of the parents and graduates who are here tonight. Your
hard work, dedication, and love have made a difference in the lives of so many people.

MC 1: So let's give ourselves a round of applause for a job well done!

MC 2: And with that, we conclude the Tribute to Parents program. Thank You parents and

MC 1: We have come to the moment that everyone has been waiting for - the recognition of our
outstanding pupils.

MC 2: These pupils have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement, leadership qualities,

and a commitment to excellence. They have worked hard to reach this point, and we are so proud
of them.

MC 1: But we also want to acknowledge that they did not get here alone. They had the support of
their families, their friends, and their teachers.

MC 2: So before we begin the awarding of honors, we want to take a moment to recognize

everyone who helped these pupils get to where they are today.

MC 1: To the families - thank you for your unwavering support and encouragement. You have
been their rock and their motivation every step of the way.

MC 2: To the friends - thank you for your camaraderie and your support. You have been there to
celebrate their successes and lift them up during their challenges.

MC 1: And to the teachers - thank you for your guidance and your mentorship. You have inspired
these pupils to reach for the stars and to believe in themselves.

MC 2: So let's give a round of applause to all of the people who helped make this moment
MC 1: And now, without further ado, let's begin the awarding of honors to our outstanding pupils.

MC 2: Let’s begin with the Nursery.

Congratulations to all of you!
MC 1: To conclude this event, let us hear the Closing Remarks coming from the Grade 1 Adviser,
Teacher Christine Joy Cuaco. A round of applause please.

MC 2: Thank you so much Teacher Christine.

MC 1: MC 1 & 2: As we end today’s affair, Thank you so much for your participation and
Congratulations. This has been ASUNCION VALDEZ and CRISTEL LOSBANOS. Thank you for
coming and to God be the Glory!

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