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K1 CO1 To understand the functions in management as

applied in practice.

K2 CO2 To evaluate organizational decision.

K3 CO3 To get the idea about training and development.

K4 CO4 To analyze the key issue related to administering.

Unit-1 Introduction to Management:
Management –Definition – Nature – Scope and Functions – Principles of Management -Evolution of
Management – Thoughts – Contribution of F.W. Talyor – Henry Fayol – Elton Mayo – Hawthorne
Experiment – Management by Objective(MBO) – Management by Exception (MBE) – Management by
Participation (WPM)

Unit-2 Functions of Management:

Planning – Importance – Advantages – Steps in Planning – Types of Plans – Decision Making –
Planning – Types of Decision – Process of Decision Making.
Organizing: Nature and Purpose of Organizing – Principle of Sound Organization –Types of
Organization – Factors

Unit-3 Human Resource Management:

Measures - Definition – Need – Evaluation – Importance- HR Planning – Factors Governing Planning.

Unit-4 Performance Appraisal and Sustaining Employee:

Methods of Performance - Staffing – Sources of Recruitment - Selection Process – Training -
Evaluation. Modern Methods of Control - The Control Process – Importance, Techniques – Methods –
Requirement of Effective Control Systems Grievances – Causes – Implications – Redressed Methods –

Unit-5 Motivation of Employee’s:

Motivation – Types of Motivation – Theories of Motivation – Morale – Measures to Improve Morale –
Job Satisfaction – Determinants of Job Satisfaction - Steps to Improve Job Satisfaction – Stress
Management – Causes – Steps
1. Management is an activity
2. It is an purposeful activity
3. It is concerned with the effort of a group
4. Management is getting things done through
5. It applies economic principles
6. Involves decision making
7. Co-ordinates all activities and resources
8. It is a universal activity
9. It is intangible
10. It is profession
1. Subject matter of management
2. Functional areas of management
3. Management is an interdisciplinary approach
4. Principles of management
5. Scientific management

Controlling Organizing


Co-ordinating Staffing

Functions of management
MBO is "a process whereby superior and
subordinate managers of an Organization jointly define
its common goals, define each individual's major areas
of responsibility in terms Of results expected of him
and use these measures as guides for operating the unit
and assessing the contribution of each of its
George Odiorne
All individuals within an organization are assigned a
special set of objectives that they try to reach during a
normal operating period.
Performance reviews are conducted periodically to
determine how close individuals are to attaining their
Rewards are given to individuals on the basis of
how close they come to reaching theirgoals.
• Translate main statement into operational
• To give directions and set standards for the
measurement of performance.
• Tomeasure and judgeperformance
• To relate individual performance to
organizational goal
• To foster increasing competence and growth
of subordinates
• To enhance communication between
superiors and subordinates
• Toserve as a basis for judgments about salary and
• Tostimulate subordinatesmotivation
• Toserve as a device for organizational control and
• Toset long term and short term objectives
al Goals


Of Employee
And Progress

Perfor mance
Develops result-orientedphilosophy
Formulation of dearergoals
Facilitates objectiveappraisal
Raises employeemorale
Facilitates effectiveplanning.
Acts as motivationalforce.
Facilitates effectivecontrol
Facilitates personalleadership.
Basis for organizationalchange
Failure to teach MBOphilosophy
Reward-punishment approach
Increases paper-work
Creates organizational problems
Develops conflicting objectives
Problem of co-ordination
Lacks durability
 Type of management in which employees at all levels are encouraged
to contribute ideas towards identifying and setting organizational-
goals, problem solving, and other decisions that may directly affect
them. Also called consultative management.
 Participatory management is the practice of empowering members
of a group, such as employees of a company or citizens of a
community, to participate in organizational decision making.
Meaning of planning
The first and foremost function of management is planning.
Simply, planning is deciding in advance what should be
Planning is deciding the best alternative among others to
perform different managerial operations in order to achieve
the predetermined goal.
- Henry fayol
1. It focuses on objective
2. It helps to avoid “no work” or “work pressure” situation.
3. It helps to avoid wastage of resources
4. It ensures efficiency as well as effectiveness
5. It reduces risk and uncertainty
6. It provides for co-ordination
7. It facilitates control
8. Planning also provide scope for decentralization
1. Uncertain nature

2. Expensive

3. Rigidity

4. Loss of initiative

5. Ignorance of subordinates interest

6. Complacent attitude
1. Identifying business opportunities

2. Establishment of objectives

3. Determination of planning premises

4. Identifying the alternative course of action

5. Evaluation the alternative course of action

Classification of plans according to time
1. Long-term planning-

2. Medium- term planning

3. Short-term planning
Decision making is the process of selecting one alternative from
among a number of alternatives available.
decision making is a process of selection from a set of
alternative course of action which is thought to fulfill the
objective of the decision problem more satisfactory than others.
- Haynes and Massie
1. Identifying and understanding the problem

2. Making an analysis of the problem

3. Identifying alternative solution

4. Evaluating the alternative solution

5. Selecting the best solution

6. Implementing the decision

7. Review
1. Organizational decisions
2. Personal decisions
3. Strategic or basic decision
4. Routine or repetitive decisions
5. Policy decisions
6. Operating decisions
7. Programmed or structured decisions
8. Non-programmed or unstructured decisions
9. Individual decisions
10. Group decisions

Organizing is the structural framework of duties and

responsibilities required of personnel in performing
various functions within the company.

- Wheeler
1. Objective
2. Division of work
3. Authority and responsibility
4. Delegation
5. Balance
6. Responsibility is absolute
7. Unity of command
8. Unity of direction
9. Simplicity
10. Flexibility
1. Line organization

2. Line and staff organization

3. Functional organization

4. Committee organization

5. Project organization

6. Matrix organization
The line organization, also known as the military
organization, is the oldest form of organization. In such an
organization the superior at the top makes decision and
communicates his decision and assign certain work to his
subordinate. The subordinate in turn makes certain
decisions within the scope of his authority and assign duty
to his subordinate and so on.
Advantages of lineorganisation Disadvantages of lineorganisation

1.Simplicity 1. Lack of specification

2. Division of authority andresponsibility 2. Over loading

3. Unity of control 3. Lack of initiative

4. Speedy action 4. Scope for favoritism

5. Discipline 5. Dictatorial

6. Economical 6. Limited communication

7. Co-ordination 7. United administration

8. Direct communication 8. Subjective approach

9. Flexibility 9. Instability

10. Lack of co-ordination


This type of organization is suitable for large scale

establishment. There will be separate departments to
look after different line of activities.
Board of directors

Managing director

Production manager marketing manager

Foreman 1 Foreman 2 Sales off-1 sales off-2

Workers Workers
Advantages of functional Disadvantages of functional
organisation organisation

 Benefit of specialization  Complex relationship

 Application of expertknowledge  Discipline
 Reducing the work load  Over specialization
 Efficiency  Ineffective co-ordination
 Adequate supervision  Speed of action
 Relief to line executive  Centralization
 Co-operation  Lack of responsibility
 Economy  Increasing the overhead expenses
 Flexibility  Poor administration
 Mass production  Suitability of functional
The organization structure, in which specialist are
added to the line managers to provide guidance and
support, is called line and staff organization.
Advantages of line and stafforganisation Disadvantages of line and stafforganisation

Facilitates to work faster andbetter If powers are not defined then getconfusion

Specialization is attained Line officers may reject advice without any

reason for their action
Enables to utilize experience andadvice Staff officers are not responsible if favorable
results are not obtained.
Officers can take sound advice Difference between line and staff officerswill
defeat the very purpose of specialization

New technology or procedure can be Line officers blame staff officers for unfavorable
introduced without anydislocation results and want to get rewardsfor favorable
Promotes efficient functioning of lineofficers

Very good opportunity is made available to

young person to get training
A number of persons may come together to take a
decision, decide a course of action, advise line officers
on some matters, it is a committee form of
organization. It is a method of collective thinking,
corporate judgment and common decision. A
committee may be assigned some managerial functions
or some advisory or exploratory service may be
expected from it.
Merits Demerits

Pooling of opinions Time and cost

Improved cooperation Compromise

Motivation Strain on interpersonal


Representation Lack of effectiveness

Dispersion of power Personal prejudice

A project organization is a preferred means
whenever a well defined project must be dealt with or the
task is bigger than anything, the organization is
accustomed to.

-George R. Terry
Merits Demerits

Concentrated attention on project Accentuated problems of co-

work ordination

Advantages of team specialization Unclearly defined relationship

Ability to cope with environmental Feeling of insecurity among personnel


Timely completion of the project Duplication of efforts


A matrix organization is a structure in which there

is more than one line of reporting managers. Effectively, it
means that the employees of the organization have more
than one boss!
Merits ofMatrix Demerits ofmatrix
organization organization
Achievement of objectives Complex relationship
Best utilization of Struggle for power
resources Excessive, emphasis on group
Appropriate structure decision-making
Flexibility Arising conflict resolution
Motivation Heterogeneous
Personal development
1920-1940 • Clerical Function

1941-1960 • Administrative Functions

1961-1980 • Managerial Function

1981-2000 • Strategic Partner

• Strategic partner and

From 2000
Decision making
What is human resource planning?

Human resource planning is the process of

determining the manpower requirements and the means
for meeting those requirements in order to carry out the
integrated plan of the organization.
- Coleman
1. It helps the organisation to procure the required
2. It further helps to replace employees
3. It helps in expansion programmes
4. It ensure optimum investment in human resource
5. It is indispensable to give effect to reservation
6. It is essential in view of the problem of labour
7. It helps to tackle the problem of surplus and
shortage of manpower
8. It becomes necessary to meet the needs of changing
Factors governing HRP

Internal factor External factor

Performance appraisal is the process of making an
assessment of the performance and progress of the
employees of an organization.
Traditional Modern
method method
Rating scale
360 degree feedback
Rating method
Check list
Critical incidents Assessment centers
method Behaviorally Rating Scale
Forced choice (BARS)

Essay method
What is training?

Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and

skills of an employee for doing a particular job.

- Edwin B. Flippo

What is Executive development?

It is a planned program for developing the conceptual,

decision making and leadership abilities of managers.


On the

Under Vestibule
study training


Off the
job Reading

Business Role
game playing
What is recruitment?

Recruitment is the process of searching for

prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for
jobs in the organization.

-Edwin B Flippo
Recommendation by
existing employee




 Time saving  Limited scope

 Reliable method  Partiality

 Reduced training cost  Hinder fresh thinking

 Better motivation  Less choice

 Improved loyalty  Talent ignored
 Reduces turnover  Lethargic attitude
 Better relation  Conflict
 High productivity  Might affect growth
 Difficult to turnaround

Employment exchange

Private employment consultants

EXTERNAL Campus interview

Rival firm

Unsolicited applicants


Availability of suitable person  Higher turnover

Brings fresh thinking  Lack of co-operation

Economical  Lack of adjustment

Initiate turnaround  Affects initiative

Avoids politics  Affects motivation

Enables growth  Clash of ideas

Improved diversity  Chance of failure

Recruitment Process

Recruitment planning

Designing recruitment strategy

Evaluation of recruitment sources

Implementation of strategy

Advertising the vacancy

What is Selection?

Selection is the process in which candidate for

employment are divided into two classes, those who
are to be offered employment and those who are not to
- Dale Yoder
Receiving application forms


Preliminary interview


Final interview
Checking reference

Medical examination



Confirmation of service
Control is the continuing process of measuring the
actual results of the operations of an organization to the
results which were planned.

of actual Taking
Establishment Finding out
performance corrective
of standards deviations
and making action
1. It ensures attainment of enterprise objective

2. It highlights the quality of plans

3. It ensures successful implementation of plan

4. It ensures that employees work with commitment

5. It provides scope for delegation

6. It facilitates co-ordination

7. It promotes efficiency






Forward looking


Supported by employees
1. Budgetary control
2. Cost control
3. Inventory control
4. Break-even point
5. Profit and loss control
6. Statistical analysis
7. External and internal audit
8. Return on investment control
9. Management information system
Any combination of psychological and
physiological and environmental circumstances that
cause a person to truthfully say I am satisfied with my

- Hoppock
Morale is a mental condition of groups and
individuals which determine their attitude.

- Davis
Right man for right job
Satisfactory work
Work environment
physical condition
Work method
Social environment
Job rotation
Grievance handling
 Firms should be guided by human values. They should
treat their employees fairly and with respect.
 Employees should be provided for growth in their
 There should be opportunities for employees to exhibit
their initiative.
 Job should be made interesting and challenging.
 Job should be matched with the interest , knowledge
and potential of employees.
 Remuneration and incentives should be according to
employee contribution.
 Working condition should be good and the work
environment should be convenient.
 There should be healthy relationship with superior,
subordinates and peers
 Employee should be informed of the importance of
their contribution.
 Opportunities to improve skills and knowledge
through training and development.
 Building a strong company image so that employees
feel proud to work in a firm.
 Job rotation, job enrichment and job enlargement to
reduce monotonous and increase the interest.
stress is an adaptive response to an external
situation that results in physical, psychological and
behavioral deviations for organizational participants.

- Fred Luthans
1. Individual stressors
 Life and career change
 Personality type
 Role characteristics
2. Group stressors
 Group norms
 Group cohesiveness
 Group objectives
 Lack of social support
 Conflict
3. Organizational stressors
 Goals
 Policies and procedures
 Rules and regulations
 Working conditions
 Compensation
 Job design
 Organizational structure
 Performance appraisal
4. Extra organizational stressor
 Family obligations
 Economic conditions
 Financial conditions
 Cultural conditions
 Technological conditions
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