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One day, I woke up under a big tree. I’d never seen it before and one bag was near me. Then, I
stood up and looked around me. I was under a tree that was on a small hill. The Small hill that I was on,
was covered by a big fresh forest. When I turned back, I saw a large blue surface. It’s a crystal ocean, I
guessed. I didn’t know where I am.

I saw some small buildings end of the forest. I thought they were houses in the village. I decided to
go there. When I started to go to the bottom of the hill, I remembered something. That’s one bag under
the tree. I went back and took it. I opened it to see things what it had. I found some gold coins and silver
coins. Also, I found rope, a large black cloth, a one-foot sword, and three apples. And then, I went to the
forest to know where I am. When I was in the forest, it was cold and wet. So, I wore a large black cloth
that I had. It made me safe from wet weather. And then, I saw a hungry deer. When it saw me, it came
to me slowly and looked at my face like a poor animal. I was sad about it. And I fed all apples that I had
to the helpless deer. Soon, it gave its head to me and it run into the deep forest. I was happy to help.

Then I continued to go to the village. I walked for an hour in the forest. It was no danger in the forest.
When I was at end of a forest, I saw a little human in the fields. I was surprised to see many huge fields
because I didn’t see them when I was on the hill. Now I knew the fields were between forest and village.
Some villagers looked at me. I thought they haven’t seen me before. When I went into the village, I saw
busy villages. They had each work. By the way, the village is so peaceful and has many houses.

When I looked around the village, I heard a roar. But it came from my stomach. Yes! For a long
time, I haven’t eaten anything yet. So, I tried to find any food in my bag. But, unfortunately, I had not
any food because I helped all food for a deer last time. So, I needed to find shops that have food. I was
looking for them for half an hour. But I didn’t see any shop. So, I sat down on a chair beside a street.
When I was sitting I saw a man and food in his hand. Then I went to him without thinking anymore. And I
asked “Can you tell me, please? How did you buy food.” The man smiled and pointed to a house with a
red roof. “You can get every food in there, My boy!", the man replied. Then I thanked the man and went
to a house that has a red roof.

When I opened the door of that house, I saw a few people o each table. It likes a small
restaurant. I went to an empty table. The young girl came to me and asked “Would you like to order
something, Sir?. So, I ordered curry rice. Then the girl went back. I thought I should wait. By the way,
that girl was so cute. But I didn’t think about her because I was very hungry. But I could wait a short
time. When I was waiting, I opened my bag and counted my money or coins. I’ve four gold coins and
twenty-two silver coins. And I also found a purple crystal. I didn’t know what it is. Finally, a cute girl
brought some plates to me. Yeah! It was my breakfast. Wait! It was nearly noon, I supposed so. It may
be my lunch. The food looked very delicious. Yes, that was right. The taste was very good. It has a little
spicy. But it was still delicious. When I finished my lunch, I called the girl and I asked “How much do you
take for food, my sister?”. She answered “one bronze coin, Sir!”. I didn’t believe it because the cost was
only one bronze. I gave one silver coin to her and she went back. A few seconds later, she came to me to
give me nine bronze coins and said “Thanks, Sir” with a smiley face. When I left the inn, I was happy
because I had a lot of many coins. But I don’t know where I am and what I will do.

Suddenly, I heard some music. It was coming from the entrance of the village, All people near
me were running to the entrance when they heard the music. I didn’t know what happen. When I
arrived entrance I can’t see anything because all of the villagers also arrived earlier. I asked someone
near me what happen. Then he whispered, “Why don’t you know?. They’re royal worries from The
King’s emperor! They sometimes came here when they have some news!".I understood that. The royal
knight came to some villages to report news anytime. At that time, the knight who looked like a leader
started to order. He said “ All citizens of Ruby emperor! Listen to me carefully! Our king, the Ruby king
the great wants to find the powerful rainbow crystal. The rainbow crystal was in the cave of crystal. Still,
now, nobody can open the entrance door of the cave. The king will give his daughter, Ruby princess to
the one who can open the door of gods in the cave and can bring the rainbow crystal for the King! Good
luck. The citizen of Ruby emperor!”. They left when they finished.

The villagers talked to each other. I asked them about the rainbow crystal. They explained to me
the crystal was in a cave of crystal for a thousand years. All knights, all wizards, and all men could not
open the door of gods until now. The old knight and the man who have ever been there telling the big
door needed one key. That is like a small triangle-shaped crystal. The knights tell it was called purple
butterfly. These were all that the villager told me. But I didn’t interest in it.

In the afternoon, I needed a place to sleep. So I tried to live somewhere. I asked one villager
near me for the place. It should be cheap. Because I didn’t want to spend money too much. A villager
said to me “Boy! You can live in my house for a month. I have an empty room. I think you are a guest.
Come on, follow me!”. I followed him. When I arrived at his house, he said “Boy! I’m Gob. Your room is
on the second floor. You can stay free. And you can give me a fee for me whatever you want to give!”. I
asked. “ How should I give it to you?”. Gob smiled and answered “ three bronze coins, that is a normal
cost for you, little boy!”. I gave three coins to Gob. Gob’s house was really clean and fresh. There was
one man who lived in that house. It was Gob. I lay in bed and thought about rainbow crystal and Ruby
princess. Suddenly, I remembered something that I had in my bag. The beautiful triangle crystal was in
my bag. And it was a butterfly sign in the center of the crystal. I was very wondering about it. I thought
about the cave of crystals. I was very surprised by the things that I had. I started to think that I can get a
princess. The villagers said that the princess was very pretty and also had a lovely mind. I was very happy
that night. And I fell asleep happily. I didn’t know it rained that whole night. In next day, I started to go
to the cave of crystal. Because it was a big chance for me to succeed in an unknown world. So I asked
Gob “ Mr. Gob, can you tell me where and weapons shop and crystal cave?.” Gob laughed and said “
little boy! I know the princess will love you back because to your face and kindly mind or heart, but Boy!
It is very dangerous and impossible to get the rainbow crystal. If you can through the danger zone to the
cave. Anyone doesn’t know whether the rainbow crystal is real or not. Don’t fool Boy!”. Then I said back
“ I’ve already decided, Sirloin” This dangerous adventure is better than not doing anything. I supposed! “
Then, Gob went to his study and gave me a paper of drawing. That’s a map from village to cave. Then he
said “ Here! That’s a map from village to cave. It may be useful. This drawing was owned by my son. He
used to try to find rainbow crystals but he died on his adventure. By the way, the weapons shop is a
house that is next to the bridge. Good luck, Boy!”. I waved to Gob and went to the weapons shop.

When I was in the weapons shop, I saw many kinds of weapons like swords, bows, axes, shields,
and magic spellbooks. I asked the shopkeeper to show me the high-quality sword and shield. The keeper
showed me a cool sword. I like it. And I touched it like a real knight. It was very comfortable to use it. I
asked for that cost and it was one gold coin. I bought it without thinking. And I also bought one shield.
Full armor and a bottle of healthy poison. Their costs are three gold coins and six silver coins in total. So,
one gold coin, twenty-one silver coins, and six bronze coins remained. I didn’t need to buy food for my
trip because Gob gave me a lot of food such as bread, fruits, and water. I swear he was a good man.
When I was on a street, I took all of my inventory. And I have already worn full armor. Then I started to
go to the cave.

First of all, I needed to through a forest. And then, I needed to go to the Ruby Kingdom and
needed to go to many forests and hills near Ruby kingdom. Then, I will see the big cave’s entrance door
at bottom of the white mountain which was the end of the Neverland forest. It was a very long trip from
here, the village. So, I started through to forest to go to the boat station near the ocean. When I was in a
forest, I was very hungry. So, I took my bag to bring the food that was given by Gob. But there were no
things in my bag. I didn’t know where they were gone. I was very sad and disappointed with what
happened. Then I sat down on the ground and I felt lonely, helpless, horrified, and also hunt. When I was
sitting, I was very hungry. So, I said to myself “ I wish I had an apple or sweet!”. Suddenly, I felt my bag
was heavier than before it was empty. So, I took it and opened it. Impossible! There were candies and an
apple in my bag. I understood a bag was a magic bag after that happened. It could make anything that
the owner wanted. Then I tried another one. I said to the bag” I want to get a magic sword!”. The lights
came from that bag and soon, The black thick sword appeared. This one was all black. I am really happy.
But if I knew that at the start, I didn’t need to spend a lot of coins. Then I put my black sword on my back
and I continued my trip.

When I arrived at to boat station, I found a lot of boats. The boat station was nearly small and no
passengers at that time. So, I went to one of the boat owners and asked to go to the Ruby kingdom. The
owner thought me of an adventure who will find a rainbow stone. Because he saw my black sword. Then
he said “ Sir, that is a long water trip here from the kingdom. So, I need three silver coins for that. “At
that time, I wished myself to get one gold coin. And it was also one gold in my bag. Then, I gave him.
When we were on a boat. The oceans were very breathtaking. I sometimes saw dolphins and huge fish
in the water. We took around three hours boat station to the kingdom. The Ruby kingdom was so big
and I can see the bid palace. When I was at the entrance of the kingdom. At the start, I planned to buy
things that I need for my trip. But I had my magic bag. Right? So, I didn’t need anything to buy. They are
many people on the streets, in restaurants, and their houses. The Ruby kingdom was popular. And it had
on pollution and no evil eyes.

And I planned to continue my trip. Because it had no reason to stay in the kingdom. I started to
left the kingdom alone. I needed to go through many forests and climb many mountains to arrive at the
cave. In the first week, I survived hardly into the forest. Because of many wild animals and borrow hard
ways to the cave. And I also met adventurers like me. They suggested going back to the kingdom
because they tried hard and they decided to don’t try anymore. But I’ve already decided and waved to
them. In the second week, I heard a boy yell. I was shocked and went to the sound. And I saw a big eagle
attack the boy. I run to him and attacked the eagle with my magic sword. When the sword hit the eagle,
it appeared a black hole on the eagle. Soon, a black hole burst, and the eagle was squirting blood in
every direction. I helped the boy and the boy thanked me and said “thank you very much, Sir! May I ask
you?. Will you go to the cave?” I answered truthfully. And he requested to join to go cave with me. So, I
said “ Yes, you can! Friend “ “ Nick was trying our best for two days. We through dangerous places
hardly together.

On the 20th night, we made a tent and planned to stay in it. When we were hungry, I wished to
get any food in my bag. He was wondering about it. He thought me a wizard. And we ate together. After
dinner, he asked me “ Hay! Why do you want to get the rainbow crystal? For the princess? And I
answered him “No, Friend!” I only want a trip or an adventure, I don’t want to get a princess or to be
king! I am fond of doing adventure. That reason Why I want to go to the cave.” And ”That’s cool,” Nick
said happily and proudly! That night, we fall asleep without danger. The next day, we continued on our
trip for an hour.

Finally, we arrived in front of the door of the cave. We went near the big door and we saw the
empty triangle sign. He said sadly it isn’t a story! The key is real. I don’t know what we’ll do now!. I
remembered something and I took something in my pocket. And then, I put an empty sign on the door.
Suddenly, the door was opened and we entered it. Soon, it was closed.

Into the cave, Nick asked me with a wonderful face “How do you get that? And you are the
amazing man. I have ever seen!”. And we walked into the cave for an hour. We saw the beautiful
rainbow lights. Then we saw the small colorful crystal on the small hill. And there were many golds and
other rare things on the floor. I ran to the rainbow crystal but Nick shouted “Stop” and I stopped, looked
at him and asked “What’s now?.” He came to me slowly and whispered “ I think there are some
protectors protect to the crystal! Be careful, Friend!” At the time, the big golem appeared under the
ground. We were very surprised and ready to attack! Nick picked up an unknown word on the floor. And
I put my magic armor that is in the bag and hold my black sword. We attacked the golem for an hour. In
the end, we killed the golem. We sat down on the floor because we were so tired. Nick started to
request from me. He said “ My best friend! You are the best for me. Can you give me a rainbow crystal
please! Because that is only one way to close to my girlfriend.” I laughed and said “ of course! Friend. I
said you that I didn’t want to get the princess and be the king. And I will give you that crystal because of
your father. Your father Gob helped me in the past.” He was surprised and asked “ How do you know
who my father is?” And I answered “ Your father gave me that map and I saw your name on edge of the
paper. And he also said that he had a son who tried to get the crystal. He was very happy and thanked
me a lot. Then Nick brought the rainbow crystal to his bag. And we went back to the door. When we
opened the door, the block fire covered us. And we disappeared, soon I appeared near the entrance of
Ruby kingdom. And also, Nick appeared beside me with his bag. Then I said to him to go to the king’s
palace. Before he went there, we waved to each other.

For one month, I heard the news. That was Nick married to the Ruby Princess. And also Gob begins
to be a Royal Family member. I was happy for them. I wanted to meet with Nick and Gob. But at the
time, I have already decided to go to the Neverland forest on another side of the crystal Ocean! But I
didn’t know Where I am!

- The End -

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