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Described to chatGPT the kind of data we have on the database to use to generate the relevant features

of the dashboard, for a supplier who supplies fertilizer products to farmers.

Fertilizer Stock -> Line Chart: A line chart can display the stock of fertilizer over time. The x-axis
represents time (e.g., months), and the y-axis represents the stock quantity. Multiple lines can be used
to differentiate between different types of fertilizer. This chart helps track the stock levels and identify
any patterns or trends in fertilizer consumption.

Cumulative revenue -> Stacked Area Chart: A stacked area chart can depict the cumulative revenue
generated from the sales of different fertilizer types over time. Each area represents a fertilizer type,
and the vertical axis represents the revenue. This chart allows for easy comparison of revenue
contributions from different fertilizer types over the selected time period.

Top- performing fertilizer buyer -> Bar Chart: A bar chart can be used to compare the quantity of
fertilizer bought, cash sales of different types of fertilizers, and revenue generated. Each farmer can be
represented by a bar, and the height of the bars can represent the corresponding values. This chart can
help identify top-performing farmers, popular fertilizer types, and revenue distribution.

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