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Principles: :truth about the subject matter; facts; laid down rules; the true foundation and the guides.

: :truth about the subject matter; facts; laid down rules; the true foundation and the guides.

Faith :- is the belief, absolute trust, acting on what you belief and obeying the truth laid down.

:- is the belief, absolute trust, acting on what you belief and obeying the truth laid down.

Outlines:- (1) What faith is; (2) What faith is not; (3) Levels of faith; (4) How to make faith works; (5)
Hindrances to faith; (6) The God kind of faith; (7) Sources of faith ; (8) Releasing power through faith.; (9) Sin
of faithlessness.

:- (1) What faith is; (2) What faith is not; (3) Levels of faith; (4) How to make faith works; (5) Hindrances to faith; (6)
The God kind of faith; (7) Sources of faith ; (8) Releasing power through faith.; (9) Sin of faithlessness.


Sense Faith: -


Also known as mental faith. People say seeing is believing. Biblical examples of those that demonstrate
sense faith are:- (a) Thomas Jn. 20:25-29; (b) Zechariah - Lk.1:11-20; (c) Israelites - Num. 13:26-33; 14:1-4; 22
& 23.

Sense Faith: -


Also known as mental faith. People say seeing is believing. Biblical examples of those that demonstrate sense faith
are:- (a) Thomas Jn. 20:25-29; (b) Zechariah - Lk.1:11-20; (c) Israelites - Num. 13:26-33; 14:1-4; 22 & 23.

God’s reaction to sense faith: -

He rebuked Thomas. John 20:27.

He was angry with Zechariah. Luke 1:18-20.

God destroyed the Israelites who made evil report. Numbers 14:23-24.

Word of wisdom I Cor. 2:9-16.

Heart Faith: -


This is the God kind of faith. Biblical example is: - (a) Abraham’s faith. Rom. 4:17-21. (b) Mary’s faith. Lk.1:28-38; (c)
Joshua and Caleb faith. Num. 13: 30; 14:38. (These are the people in the bible that demonstrate heart faith).

God’s reaction to Heart Faith:-


Increase in faith; (b) Increase in the knowledge of God; (c) Transforming into the image of Christ; (d) Answered to
prayer; (e) Possession and Enlargement.



Text:- Luke 8;25; 17:5; II Thess. 1:3; Rom. 10:17.

Luke 8:25, ‘Where is your faith’? This shows that faith is Real.

Luke 17:5, ‘Lord increase our faith. This means that faith can be increased.

II Thess. 1:3, ‘Your faith growth exceedingly’. This means that faith can grow.

Rom. 10:17, ‘Faith cometh by hearing’. This shows that the only way you can have faith is by hearing the ‘Word of

Someone has to start from zero faith and grow thereby. Faith grows as much as God’s word in us. Keep on studying
and meditating on the word and thereby grow in faith.

Levels of faith are:-

No Faith:- Deut. 32:20; Mk. 4:40. They don’t know anything about the knowledge of God. They serve God
from a distance. They prey unto devil. They exercise fear e.g. The Israelites; Zechariah etc.

:- Deut. 32:20; Mk. 4:40. They don’t know anything about the knowledge of God. They serve God from a distance.
They prey unto devil. They exercise fear e.g. The Israelites; Zechariah etc.

Weak Faith:- Rom. 4:19; 14:1. These people are believers but yet they are not matured. They believe the word
of men rather than the word of God. They quote men always.

:- Rom. 4:19; 14:1. These people are believers but yet they are not matured. They believe the word of men rather
than the word of God. They quote men always.

Little Faith:- Matt. 6:30; 8:26; 14:31. They have little knowledge about God. Little fear and doubt. They are
babies that need to be fed with the milk but not bone.

:- Matt. 6:30; 8:26; 14:31. They have little knowledge about God. Little fear and doubt. They are babies that need to
be fed with the milk but not bone.

Shipwrecked Faith:- I Tim. 1:19. These people have full knowledge about God. They have tasted the
goodness of the Lord but in one way or the other they loss their faith due to carelessness and undisciplined

:- I Tim. 1:19. These people have full knowledge about God. They have tasted the goodness of the Lord but in one
way or the other they loss their faith due to carelessness and undisciplined acts.

Examples are:- Demas, Judas Iscariot, King Saul etc.

NOTE:- The level of your faith will determine the level of your responsibility to God.

God kind of faith :-


Great Faith. Matt. 8:10; 15:28.

. Matt. 8:10; 15:28.

Another words for great faith are:- (a) Full faith. Acts 6:5,8; 11:24. (b) Mutual faith. Rom. 1:12. (c) Strong faith. Rom.
4:20. (d) Rich faith.

Biblical examples of men 0f strong faith:-


The Centurion soldier. Matt. 8:5-13

The Woman with the issue of blood. Matt. 9:20-22.

The blind men. Matt. 9:28-29.

The blind Bartimaeus. Mark 10:46-52.

Caleb and Joshua. Num. 13&14.

Abraham. Rom. 4:17-25.

The three Hebrew men. Dan. 3:14-18 & 21-30.

Daniel. Dan. 6:19-22.

Characteristics of men of faith:-


They have uncommon actions.

They have strong relationship with God.

They expand God’s kingdom.

They let go in order to let God.

They speak mystery.


The highest kind of faith is that level where you are at per with God. The level whereby you speak and it has effect in
the realm of the spirit. The heavenly hosts and the power of darkness are in subjection with your words and actions.

People who demonstrated the highest kind of faith during the old testament time are:-


Joshua. He commanded the sun to stand still for hours, Joshua 10:1-14.
Elijah. He commanded the rain to stop for a period of three and a half years in Samaria. I Kings 17:1

Elisha. He lifted up siege (famine) in Samaria. II Kings 7:1-2.

Daniel. His faith arrested lions at the lion’s den. Daniel 6:1-27.

The three Hebrew men (Shadrach, Meshach & Abed-nego) at the furnace of fire. Daniel 3:1-30.

A wood floated the lost axe.

David killed Goliath. I Sam. 17:26-51.

Samson slew a lion with his bare hand. Judges 14:5-6.

People who demonstrated this kind of faith in the new testament are:-


The Centurion soldier. Matt. 8:5-13.

The Jairus daughter was raised from death. Mark 5:35-43.

Jesus cursed the fig tree. Mk. 11:12-22.

Jesus stills the storm.

Paul was miraculously escaped from death when the viper bites him. Acts 28:1-9.

The faith of men of God who prayed for peter when he was in prison. Acts 12:5-11.

The judgement of Ananias and Saphira by peter. Acts 5:1-11.

Peter healed the crippled beggar. Acts 3:1-10.

There are seven steps to attaining the highest kind of faith- the faith which takes God at His word and gets results.



The Word of God is a Revelation from God to us. We should realise that the Bible is God speaking to us today. This
book "Bible", is a God-breathed, a God-indwelt and a God-inspired message. Heb.4:12; II Tim. 2:15; 3:16-17.

The Word comes first. Every gift of the spirit must be in line with the word of God. You should always accept the Bible
for what it says, and walk in the light of it.

STEP 2:- KNOW THE REALITY OF OUR REDEMPTION IN CHRIST:- Col. 1:12-13; Rev.12:11; I Cor. 6:19-20.
God made man in the beginning and He dwelt and related with him in spirit. After the fall, the glory of God
departed from man, then man became the enemy of God. There was no relationship with man except there
was shedding of blood (blood of goats, lambs, ram etc.).

:- Col. 1:12-13; Rev.12:11; I Cor. 6:19-20. God made man in the beginning and He dwelt and related with him in spirit.
After the fall, the glory of God departed from man, then man became the enemy of God. There was no relationship
with man except there was shedding of blood (blood of goats, lambs, ram etc.).
As God has sent Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for our sins, we have been set free and redeemed. We have been
redeemed from death; sickness; pains and predicament of this world. We are no more subjected to Satan any more.
We are superior to Satan.

We are the temples of God. God can relate with us His sons and daughters. Likewise we can operate in the same
spirit and level with God. II Cor. 6:18; II Pet. 2:9; I Cor. 2:16; Phil. 2:5.

STEP 3:- KNOW THE REALITY OF NEW CREATION(New Creation Fundamental) :-


You need to know that in the mind of justice, we were recreated in Christ Jesus. You should also know the reality of
the new birth vitally for yourself. In the new birth, you have in your spirit the very life and the very nature of God. Col.
1:18; Eph. 2:10. At this reality:- (a) Satan is inferior to you. (b) You have overcome the world. (c) You have received a
total deliverance. (d) You have the nature of God. (e) You have the mind of Christ. (f) You are terrestrial and celestial

At this level, you cannot just accept the lies of the devil. Likewise, you cannot be deceived. When you belittle yourself,
it means you are actually complaining about what God has done for you at the new birth: you are belittling His work in
your life. And you are speaking contrary to the Word of God. Psalm 78:41.


The fourth step necessary to attain the highest kind of faith is to know the reality of our righteousness in Christ. Rom.
3: 23-26.

God’s righteousness is a ‘Gift’. Rom. 5:17. Righteousness is interpreted "right standing with God". Our righteous
duties cannot attain this but through the gift of righteousness through Christ. Righteousness as a stage of spiritual
development is a fruit of the born-again recreated human spirit. Christ is our righteousness. I Cor.1: 29. Every one of
God’s dear children has the same standing with God because we are in Christ and He is our righteousness.


I John 4:4 proved the presence and indwelling of Holy Spirit in you. "Greater is HE that is in you than he that is in the
world". Note this:- Holy Spirit is God Himself; therefore God is in you when you are born again; the Holy Ghost, a
divine personality, comes to live in you. Read I Cor. 6:16-20.

We need to be "God-inside minded". Satan governs this world, yet you are not operating on the level of this world. He
(Holy Ghost) is in you makes you superior, stronger, bigger and fatter than he (Satan) that is in the world.

Believers are the body of Christ living under better covenant with better promises. If you are then a Christian, your
body is the house of God, not the building where you attend church.

Note these:- 1. Holy Spirit is our helper. 2. He works through us as we act in faith. 3. He is our intercessor and guide.
John 16:13; Rom. 8:26. 4. He will show us things to come. 5. He makes our flesh submit.


Text:- I Cor. 1:9, :God is faithful by whom ye were called into the fellowship of His son Jesus Christ our Lord".
Fellowship is the mother of faith. Also, fellowship is the parent of joy. It is the source of victory. God has called us
individually into fellowship with His son.

Prayer should be a rest, not a struggle. When you are in active fellowship, you communicate easily, nicely, without
sweat, without pains and without struggle. I John 1:1-10.


Text:- Matt. 10: 1; Mk. 16:17-18.

We should know that authority has been given unto us in the name of Jesus. This means we have power in that
name over satanic forces. Jesus says, "In my name……". The name of Jesus carries authority on earth. It is not the
matter of faith but know your legal rights in Christ and take your rightful place as a son or daughter. If you don’t use
the authority vested in the name of Jesus, the authority that is legally yours won’t work for you.


What is in your heart will eventually come out of your mouth. ;Matt. 12:34. That is why the scripture warn us to keep
our heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. Proverb 4:23.


A Woman with the issue of blood:- Mk. 5:25-34. Note verse 28, "for she SAID, if I may tourch but his clothes, I shall
be whole". What the woman said located her. Jesus replied, "daughter thy faith made thee whole". Vs. 34.

An Evil Report versus Good Report:-Number 13:26-33. The evil report of ten spies influenced the whole
congregation. Note: 14:1-4. The evil report made them to perish. Read 14:21-23.

The good report of Joshua and Caleb was expressed with what they said. 14:6-8. They said they are well able to go
and possess the land. God replied in verse 24 and 38, that these two shall go up to possess it, for we are well able to
overcome it.


Faith confession brings faith victories. It is the giants of life (fear, anxiety, doubt) that defeats someone. It is not the
devil as the people profess. You have defeated yourself by wrong thinking and wrong believing. Wrong talking has
also defeated you. Stop today with all these wrongs and wrongs!. Start to confess right with your mouth.

Bible Text:- Rom. 10:8; Psa. 91:2; Mk. 11:23-24. Confess positively and live right.

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