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Interview with the Sales Manager(s)

Information needed:

i) Brief description of the organization

ii) The organizations/groups buying from this organization (seller)

iii) Steps involved in the marketing process.

Example: a) Does the seller have to make themselves known to the buyers; do they have to

take part in a competitive bid? Who are the others in the competitive bid?

b) What kind of proposal has to be sent to the prospective buyer? Has the proposal

to be presented to a group in the buying organization?

c) Does the organization have to send a group to present? Is there a process

whereby proposals are reworked based on buyer feedback?

iv) Who are the key personnel in the buying process?

v) Who are those who influence the buying decision because they have to give clearances to

the seller product/service or specifications?

vi) What are the parameters used by the buyers to decide the seller they will choose? Do

they look for referrals? List of other customers? Reputation? Track record? Financial

stability? Engineering expertise? Competitive pricing? Reliability? Availability for discussions

at short notice?

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