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Dougleimis Torres


WhatsApp: +58 412-417419 PERSONAL DESCRIPTION

E-mail: Senior student of Geophysical Engineering at Simon
LinkedIn: Dougleimis Torres Bolivar University, I am currently developing my thesis project focused on the scientific development of the
energy sector in Venezuela; it consists of characterizing
Guatire, Miranda State, deltaic systems integrating electrical methods of
geophysical prospecting and remote sensing to explain
them as analogues of hydrocarbon reservoirs.

As a student, I have excelled in both academic and extracurricular activities. I currently hold the positions of
vice president of the student chapter of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG-USB) of
the Simon Bolivar University and president of the student chapter of the Geophysical Society of the Simon
Bolivar University (SEG-USB), where I have been an active member for more than 3 years. Additionally, I
participated in other groups such as; Goelatinas por Venezuela and the Venezuelan Society of Geophysical
Engineers (SOVG). In 2019 integrate the logistics and execution group of the Infocarreras exhibition stand of
the Simon Bolivar University, whose purpose is to motivate future undergraduate students to study
Geophysical Engineering. Since 2020 I have participated in the logistics and execution of field projects; Field
Trip Cabo Codera 2020, Field Trip Mérida 2021 and Field Trip Mérida 2021. In 2022, I stood out for my role in
Field Trip Falcón 2022, as part of the fundraising committee to finance the trip. This same year, 2022, I was
part of the logistics of the short Field Trip to the fossil karst cave, Cueva Ricardo Zuloaga in El Cañón del
Guaire, Caracas. Additionally, in the year 2022, along with 3 other colleagues, I will be part of the winner
team of the first edition of the Oil and Gas Olympics, Miranda State. I have also participated in training
courses; Introduction to Well Seismic 2022, and in complementary activities; International Energy Case
Competition Switch 2020, II Venezuelan Congress of Geosciences 2023. At this moment I am representing
Venezuela and the USB in the SEG EVOLVE Program 2023. All these activities are fundamental to acquire
knowledge, motivate research, promote and expand my orientation with respect to professional
development opportunities. It also implies a great contribution to the scientific development of Venezuela.


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