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Final | Lesson 1 | AY 2021-2022




Do you think you can apply what you have learned in baking in your own
homes? Do you bake at home? What other skills have you learned in baking that you
can also apply to other home activities?

One of the limitations of home baking is the presence of oven. The standard
oven is rather expensive equipment and it is not found in majority of homes in the
Philippines. Because of this, some people think that baking skills are not relevant to in
their lives since they cannot practice it at home. That is a mistake because there are
products we make at home that can be classified as baked products even though it is
not cooked in an oven. They use the same basic ingredients and the production follows
principles of the baking process.

Pancakes and waffles are examples of quick breads. Waffle biscuits or waffle
cones can be made using a waffle griddle or ordinary skillet. Empanadas are turnovers.
There are various kinds of empanadas that are made in different places in the
Philippines. In the northern part of the Philippines, the Ilocos empanada is a popular
delicacy. The crust is made of rice flour and water and the savory filling is made of the
local sausage (longganisa), egg and grated papaya. Doughnuts and bitso-bitso are
deep-fried breads

There are also substitutes for the conventional gas or electric ovens. Portable
ovens (also called camp ovens) that are placed on top of a regular stove are available
at a relatively inexpensive price. These are commonly used by small scale pizza stalls. It
uses the same principle as a gas stove but it is limited in size. Another alternative to the
conventional oven is the Dutch oven. The Dutch oven is a cast-iron casserole cooking
pot. Locally, the kaldero (rice pot) and kawali (frying pan/wok) are cast-iron materials
that can function like the Dutch oven. With a tight lid and good thickness, it can be
used for baking.


Home baking has a number of benefits for the individual and the family. It can
contribute to the wellbeing of the family in the following ways.

1. Freshly baked products are a treat.

There is nothing like the taste and aroma of freshly baked breads. The aroma
of freshly baked bread is associated with warm, homey feelings. A lot of
breads are also best eaten hot off the oven while they’re still warm and soft.

2. More nutritious ingredients can be used.

When you make your own product, you have control over the recipe and the
ingredients. You can choose to make cakes with less sugar or use whole
wheat flour which contains more nutrients that white flour.

NVCFI – Basic Baking | Final 1

3. Products are additive-free.

Baked products for home consumption do not use additives because it is

often consumed quickly. Additives are chemical compounds added to the
dough to prevent spoilage.

4. It develops family bonding

Baking can become a family activity where even small children can do easy
tasks like shaping cookies of pouring batters into muffin pans. Children also
love to lick leftover batter after panning although care must be ensured to
prevent salmonella poisoning due to uncooked eggs in the batter.

5. It provides practice to improve baking skills.

Practice makes perfect; the more baking you do at home, the more skillful
you can become

NVCFI – Basic Baking | Final 2

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