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Wordbuilding (Nouns)

1. It was at a very early age that she decided to become a_______________ . (MUSIC)

2. She deserved the_______________ she was given by the headmistress. (PUNISH)

3. The refugees got _______________from the local police force. (PROTECT)

4. Use your______________ and think of something that will work. (IMAGINE)

5. If you accept this job you will have an enormous ______________ towards your colleagues.


6. He took a lot of ______________ with him because it would be a long expedition.(EQUIP)

7. Mum didn't go up to the top because she is afraid of _________________ . (HIGH)

8. He gave us a detailed ________________ of how the accident happened. (DESCRIBE)

9. He moved to the United ________________ a few years ago. (KING)

10. She has been doing research work as a __________________ . (SCIENCE)

11. Most bird species are under _________________ by law. (PROTECT)

12. He is the most famous _________________ who has ever had an exhibition in this


13. After a few days, the family reported the _________________ to the police. (APPEAR)

14. We still didn't know the________________of the refugees. (NATION)

15. After his mother's _________________ he moved to South America. (DIE)

16. I didn't tell him the whole_________________ . (TRUE)

17. Who was the last Roman_________________ ? (EMPIRE)

18. Can you tell me the ________________ of the new restaurant? (LOCATE)

19. The hotel offers a great _________________ of activities tourists can do. (SELECT)

20. . In the first quarter of the 18th century people began to realise the ......................... of hygiene

to public health. (IMPORTANT)

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