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Së GD§T Th¸i B×nh

M· sè: 04

§Ò ®Ò xuÊt Kú
thi chän häc sinh giái cÊp tØnh n¨m häc 2009-2010
M«n tiÕng anh
( ®Ò gåm 80 c©u, thêi gian lµm bµi 90 phót )

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1.A.cook B.look C.smooth
2.A.laughter B.bought C.drought D.caught
3.A.retreat B.plead C.thread D.defeat
4.A.archaic B.archives C.architect D.archery
5.A.increased B.diseased C.begged D.lightened
Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
6.A.awareness B.average C.ashore D.assume
7.A.mineral C.introduce D.honesty
8.A.industry B.specific C.circumstance D.influence
9.A.understand B.overcome C.disappoint D.apparent
10.A.reluctance B.attendence C.performance D.utterance
Read the text below and decide which answer (A,B,C or D ) best fits each place.
For all the task of what human kind has done to cause (11) to the planet, we should not
forget that nature itself is a (12) force, capable of doing damage on a huge scale.The green
house effect and the (13 ) in the ozone layer are indeed made worse by the (14) society we live
in. However, we must remember that there are certain spiecies of plant and animal which, quite
naturally (15) off gases that are very harmful to the atmosphere. And only fifty years ago in
London, hundreds of people died from the (16 ) which hung over the River Thames. What is
interesting here is that, yes, smoke and gases from industry, vehicles and fossil fuels were
ingredients in this deadly mixture. The other vital ingredient, though, was the completely
natural fog, and who would have thought that could be (17 )?
In the early days of the industrial revolution, poets, painters and philosophers described
how the polluted ( 18 )skies made them think of the end of the world. Well, towards the end of
the nineteenth century the volcanic eruption of Krakatoa nearly made it happen. Thousands of
tons of dust and ash were thrown into the air and for years afterwards, there were red sunsets
caused by the light filtering through this natural pollution. Remembering scientists' pet theory
about the dinosaurs (19) out because of a huge volcanic eruption, we were lucky that
humankind servived this time.
So next time you look out from your garden or balconly and see a beautiful red sunset,
think of the possibilities. It could be the result of our activities poisoning the air we breathe, or
it might just be ( 20) turning on the radio to check there haven't been any major eruption lately!
11A. demolition B.badness C.negativity D.destruction 1
12.A.heavy B.muscular C.powerful D.natural
13 A. hole B.division C.blank D.weakness
14A. natural B.atmospheric C.industrialisied D.commercialised
15A. take B.throw C.give
16 A.smog B.pollutant C.sewage D.oxygen
17 A. poisoned B.chemical C.harmful D.environmental
18 A. urban B.rural C.busy
19 A.killing B.going C.fading D.dying
20 A. while B.valuable C.good D.worth

Choose the underlined word or phrase (A,B,C or D) that needs correcting.

21. A fire broke out at the school but teachers were able to lead the frightening children to
safety. (A) (B) (C)
22.No other quality is more important for a scientist to acquire as to observe carefully.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
23. A period when it is little economic activity and many people are poor or without jobs is
(A) (B)
that of economic depression.
( C) (D)
24.The reason he wants to take a leaving of absence is that he needs a complete rest.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
25.She is in charge of making the candidate list which I want to add myself?
(A) ( B) (C) (D )
Choose the word or phrase ( A,B,C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.
26……….is not enough by itself, you must work hard, too
A. Having inspired B. Being inspired C.Inspiration D.Inspiring
27.He works for an ………company.
A. advertisement B. advertising C.advertise D.advertises
28.The last time he…… in public he……
A.saw/ wore B.was seen/ was wearing C.was seen/ wore D.has been seen/ was wearing
29. I'm sure you………. her by the time you meet her in five years.
A.will forget B.forget C.will forgetting D.will have forgotten
30.Without a fridge, fresh foods will go……very quickly.
A.out C.away D.down
31.Would you be so kind as……us stay at your factory the whole morning ?
A.let let C.letting be let
32.Tell me ……one word what you want. B.with D.within
33.Please contact me..…..this address or…. …phone ..…..0363 1999 999. though/on C.with/on/with
34……dead no longer need……help. We must concern ourselves with……living.
A.X/X/the B.The/X/X C.The/the/The D .The/X/ the
35. People in this village are suffering from strange diseases………the polluted water supply.
A.resulted from B.resulting from C.resulting in D.resulted in
36. Tom: "Would you mind waiting for a moment?" - Mary: "……, I still have time. "
A.Yes, I would B.Yes, I wouldn't C.No, I wouldn't D.No, I would
37. I have told you not to do it………….
A.hundred times B. a hundred times C.many hundred times D.hundreds of times
38.My sister takes ….. .. responsibility for running the household.
A. a B.the D. X
39.If it is not you who……my pen, it…… somebody else.
A.took/ could be B.takes/ was C.has taken/ can be D.took/ must have been
40.We hired the workers by…………
A.hour B.hours C.the hour hour
41.He resented…………….what…………. . be told/to do told/ to be done C. being told/to do D.being told/ be done
42 Jane: "Where should we go ?" Peter :" Try to find ………. "
A.third gate B.gate third C.gate three D.the three gate
43.Although I couldn't speak the language, I managed to …………understood .
A. have myself B.try me C.make myself me
44.Linda:" I'll pay for the meal." Carol: " Certainly…….., I'll pay. "
A.not B. no C.neither D. none
45.His laziness resulted….. … his failure in the final exam.
A.from B.on D .by
46.It is time all the nations…… solve environmental problems. cooperate B.cooperated C.cooperating D.cooperation
47.Under no circumstances……or exchanged.
A.good will be returned B.goods should be returned
C.can good be returned D.are good being returned
48.Can you list the problems…….poor and ……….. countries ?
A.facing/ overpopulating B. face / overpopulates
C. face / overpopulation D. facing/ overpopulated
49.There are limits ……the amounts of petroleum, iron, silver, gold and other metals.
A. for B. with C.of
50.I thought you said she was going away the next Sunday,…….. ?
A.didn't I B.wasn't she C.didn't you D.wasn't it
51. "What's your proposal ?" _ " I propose that the meeting……."
A.postpones B.postponed postponed D.postpone
52" Would you like some entertainment?" -" I wouldn't mind having……."
A. little B.a few C. a little D.few
53." Do you think we're created equal ?" -" No, not….. all."
A. for B.with C. of
Choose one from option A,B,C or D that is the closest to the meaning of the underlined
54. Oil spills are having devasting effect on coral reefs in the ocean.
A.destructive B.long- lasting C.temporary D.keeping
55.People in the mountainous areas are still in the habit of destroying forests for cultivation.
A.industry B.planting C.wood D.farming
56.The forest guarders found a tiger captured in a net.
A.left B.killed C.stayed D.caught
57. This road turns a lot.
A .races B.roars C.bends D.widens
58.The robbers looked through the whole house for money.
A.hunted B.glanced C. sobbed D.searched
59. If you give me a hand, then I'll be able to finish it more quickly.
A.take my hand B.take my fingers me D.pick me up
60.The factory is ……for discharging dangerous chemicals into the river .
A. fine B.fined C.finely D.fining
Read the text below and decide which answer (A,B,C or D ) best fits each
College life is very demanding and students often feel a lot of pressure and tension. Pets
could help students relieve ( 61) in many ways. Playing with pets could give students a study
break. Walking a dog or playing with a cat would allow the students to relax their body and
mind. When the students return to their studying, they would feel ( 62 ) and ready to work
again. Pets could also relieve social stress or homesickness. Sometimes it is easier to talk to a
pet than to a person. Talking about problems helps students figure out ( 63 ) .Pets would have a
possitive influence on the stress of college life.
College is also a time when students need to learn to be responsible. Caring for pets could
help students learn ( 64 ) in several ways. Pets need to be fed and watered on a regular schedule.
Some pets also need to be taken out while others need their little box or cage cleaned. Students
would learn to schedule time for these chores between thei classes and activities. Caring for a
pet is something students would have to do (65 ). They would learn how to solve problems on
thei own and how to folllow through with their commitments.
61. A.stress B.headaches D.tuition
62. A.distracted B.refreshed C.tired D.stressed
63. C.math
64. A.reponsibility B.carelessness C.French D.irresponsibility
65. A.together B.quickly C.independently D.carefully
Choose the correct sentence A,B,C or D built from the words given.
A. I enjoy surfing net but I don't have time for it.
B. I enjoy surfing the net but I don't have time for it.
C. I enjoy surfing on the net but I don't have time for it.
D. I enjoy surfing net but I don't have a few time for it.
A.Human action lead to green house effect.
B.Human action can lead to the green house effect.
C.Human action can lead to green house effect.
D.Human action lead the green house effect.
68.Lan/ speak/ English/work/interpreter.
A.If Lan spoke English well, she would work as an interpreter.
B. If Lan speak English well, she will work as an interpreter.
C.If Lan spoke English well, she would work an interpreter.
D.If Lan spoke English well, she works as an interpreter.
Choose one option A,B,C or D corresponding to the sentence which has the same
meaning as the original one.
69.Money must be easy to bring along.
A.Money must be lasting.
B.Money must be easy to recognize.
C.Money must be easy to carry about.
D.Money must be used easily.
70.It is difficult to start looking for a job at my age.
A.I'm young, so it is difficult to start looking for a job.
B.It is difficult for me to get employed at my age.
C.Getting employed at such ages is also difficult.
D.I don't think I can start looking for a job now.
71.If only I had told you about that.
A.I wish you knew about that.
B.I wish you would know about that.
C.I regret not to tell you about that.
D.I regret not telling you about that.
72.It is no use telling him the truth.
A.Telling him the truth is not good.
B.He doesn't want to know the truth.
C.Telling him the truth is useless.
D. You don't want to tell him the truth.
73.Please phone me when you have the answer.
A.Remember to phone me when you have the answer.
B.Don't forget to phone me when anyone has the answer.
C.If you have the answer, you will remember to phone me .
D.Please don’t forgetting me when you have the answer.
74.I'm not used to driving on the left.
A.I can't drive on the left.
B.Driving on the left makes me confused.'
C.It is not difficult to drive on the left.
D.I find it strange to drive on the left.
75.The boy didn't find it a problem to wait for his friend.
A.Waiting for his friend is not a big problem for the boy.
B.The boy didn't want to wait for his friend.
C.The boy didn't mind waiting for his friend.
D.The boy would rather wait for his friend.
Read the text below and decide which answer (A,B,C or D ) best fits each place.
People in cities all over the world shop in supermarkets. Who decides what you buy in
the supermarkets? Do you decide? Does the supermarket decide?
When you enter the supermarket, you see shelves full of food. You walk in the aisles
between the shelves. You push a shopping cart and put your food in it.
You probably hear soft, slow music as you walk along the aisles. If you hear fast music,
you walk quickly. The supermarket plays slow music. You walk slowly and have more time to
buy things.
Maybe you walk to the meat department first . There is some meat on sale, and you
want to find it. The manager of the supermarket know where customers enter the meat
department. The cheaper meat is on the other end of the meat department, away from where the
customers enter. You have to walk by all the expensive meat before you find the cheaper meat.
May be you will buy some of the expensive meat instead of meat on sale.
76. The author asks if you decide……in supermarkets. to buy B.what to buy C.the things sold D.when things are sold
77. In the supermarket, there…….. . a shopping cart B.are full shopping carts
C.places with food D.are shelves with food
78. What seperates the shelves in supermarkets ?
A.the space near the entrance. B.the space between shelves.
C.the space at one side of the supermarket. D.the space between the upper and lower shelves.
79. According to the passage, music can…….customers.
A.motivate B.tell the mood of C.have an effect on D.make customers happy
80. Which of the following is not true about supermarket?
A.They play soft and slow music.
B.They put cheaper meat near the entrance.
C.They want their customers to buy expensive meat.
D.Customers do not have to listen to fast music.

The end

§¸p ¸n

1.C 2A 3C. 4. D 5.A 6.B 7.C.8.B 9.D 10.D.

11.D 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.C. 16.A 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.D.
21.C 22.C 23.a 24.B 25.C 26.C 27.B 28.B 29. D 30.B
31.D 32.A 33.A 34.D 35.A 36.C 37.D 38.B 39.D.40C
41.C 42.C 43.C 44.A 45.B 46.B 47.C 48.D 49.D 50.C
51.C 52.C 53.D 54.A 55.D 56.D 57.C 58.D 59.C 60.B
61.A 62.B 63.C.64.65.C 66.C 67.B 68.A.69.C 70.B.
71.D 72.C 73.A 74.d 75.C 76.B 77.D 78.B 79.C 80.B

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