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In recent years, managers have become increas- just that.

The General Accounting Office reports

ingly aware of how their organizations can be buf- that between 1989 and 1992 the use of derivatives-
feted hy risks beyond their controi. In many cases, among them forwards, futures, options, and swaps-
fluctuations in eeonomie and financial variables grew by 145%. Much of that growth came from
such as exchange rates, interest rates, and commod- corporations: one recent study shows a more than
ity prices have had destabilizing effects on corpo- fourfold increase between 1987 and 1991 in their
rate strategies and performance. Consider the fol- use of some types of derivatives.'
lowing examples: In large part, the growth of derivatives is due to
D In the first half of 1986, world oil prices plummet- innovations by financial theorists who, during the
ed by 50%; overall, energy prices fell by 24%. While 1970s, developed new methods-such as the Black-
this was a boon to the economy as a whole, it was Scholes option-pricing formula-to value these com-
disastrous for oil producers as well as for companies plex instruments. Sueh improvements in the tech-
like Dresser Industries, which supplies ma- nology of financial engineering have helped spawn
chinery and a new arsenal of risk-management weapons.
Unfortunately, the insights of the financial engi-
neers do not give managers any
guidance on how to de-
ploy the new

A Framework for
Risk Management
by Kenneth A. Froot, David S. Scharfstein, and Jeremy C. Stein
ment to ener-
gy producers. As do-
mestic oil production collapsed, so did demand for weapons most
Dresser's equipment. The company's operating effectively. Al-
profits dropped from $292 million in 1985 to $139 though many com-
million in 1986; its stock price fell from $24 to $14; panies are heavily in-
and its capital spending decreased from $122 mil- volved in risk management, it's
lion to $71 million. safe to say that there is no single, well-accepted
D During the first half of the 1980s, the U.S. dollar set of principles that underlies their hedging pro-
appreciated by 50% in real terms, only to fall back grams. Financial managers will give different an-
to its starting point by 1988. The stronger dollar swers to even the most basic questions: What is
forced many U.S. exporters to cut prices drastically the goal of risk management? Should Dresser and
to remain competitive in global markets, reducing Caterpillar have used derivatives to insulate their
short-term profits and long-term competitiveness. stock prices from shocks to energy prices and ex-
Caterpillar, the world's largest manufacturer of change rates? Or should they have focused instead
earthmoving equipment, saw its real-dollar sales on stabilizing their near-term operating income,
decline by 45% between 1981 and 1985 before in- reported earnings, and return on equity, or on re-
creasing by 35% as the dollar weakened. Mean- moving some of the volatility from their capital
while, the company's capital expenditures fell from spending?
$713 million to $229 million before jumping to Without a clear set of risk-management goals, us-
$793 million in 1988. But by that time, Caterpillar ing derivatives can be dangerous. That has been
had lost ground to foreign competitors such as
Japan's Komatsu. Kenneth A. Froot is a professor at the Harvard Business
In principle, both Dresser and Caterpillar could School in Boston. Massachusetts. David S. Scharfstein is
the Dai'lchi Kangyo Bank Professor and Jeremy C. Stein
have insulated themselves from energy-price and the J.C. Penney Professor, at the Massachusetts Institute
exchange-rate risks by using the derivatives mar- of Technology's Sloan School of Management in Cam-
kets. Today more and more companies are doing bridge, Massachusetts.

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW November-December 1994 91


made abundantly clear by the numerous cases of and interest rates, potentially compromising a com-
derivatives trades that have backfired in the last pany's ability to invest.
couple of years. Procter & Gamble's losses in cus- A risk-management program, therefore, should
tomized interest-rate derivatives and Metallge- have a single overarching goal: to ensure that a
sellschaft's losses in oil futures are two of the most company has the cash available to make value-en-
prominent examples. The important point is not hancing investments.
that these companies lost money in derivatives, be- By recognizing and accepting this goal, manag-
cause even the best risk-management programs ers will be better equipped to address the most
will incur losses on some trades. What's important basic questions of risk management: Which risks
is that both companies lost substantial should be hedged and whieh should be
sums of money - in the case of Met- left unhedged- What kinds of instru-
allgesellschaft, more than $1 bil- ments and trading strategies are
lion - because they took posi- appropriate- How should a
tions in derivatives that did company's risk-management
not fit well with their corpo- strategy be affected by its
rate strategies. competitors' strategies?
Our goal in this article
is to present a framework From Pharaoh to
to guide top-level man- Modern Finance
agers in developing a co-
herent risk-management Risk management is
strategy-in particular, to not a modern invention.
make sensible use of the The Old Testament tells
risk-management fire- the story of the Egyptian
power available to them Pharaoh who dreamed that
through financial deriva- seven healthy cattle were
tives.' Contrary to what senior devoured by seven sickly cat-
managers may assume, a com- tle and that seven healthy ears
pany's risk-management strategy of corn were devoured by seven
cannot be delegated to the corporate sickly ears of corn. Puzzled by the
treasurer-let alone to a hotshot financial en- dream, Pharaoh called on Joseph to interpret
gineer. Ultimately, a company's risk-management it. According to Joseph, the dream foretold seven
strategy needs to be integrated with its overall eor- years of plenty followed by seven years of famine.
porate strategy. To hedge against that risk, Pharaoh bought and
Our risk-management paradigm rests on three stored large quantities of corn. Egypt prospered dur-
basic premises: ing the famine, Joseph became the second most
D The key to creating corporate value is making powerful man in Egypt, the Hebrews followed him
good investments. there, and the rest is history.
• The key to making good investments is generat- In the Middle Ages, hedging was made easier by
ing enough cash internally to fund those invest- the creation of futures markets. Rather than buying
and storing crops, consumers could
ensure the availability and price of
Without a elear set of risk- a crop by buying it for delivery at a
predetermined price and date. And
management goals, using farmers could hedge the risk that the
price of their crops would fall by sell-
derivatives can be dangerous. ing them for later delivery at a pre-
determined price.
It is easy to see why Pharaoh, the
mentS; when companies don't generate enough consumer, and the farmer would want to hedge.
cash, they tend to cut investment more drastically The farmer's income, for example, is tied closely to
than their competitors do. the price he can get for his crop. So any risk-averse
n Cash flow-so crucial to the investment process- farmer would want to insure his income against
can often be disrupted by movements in external fluctuations in crop prices just as many working
factors such as exchange rates, commodity prices. people protect their incomes with disability insur-


ance, It's not surprising, then, that the first futures area, is that value is created on the left-hand side of
markets were developed to enable farmers to insure the balance sheet when companies make good in-
themselves more easily. vestments-in, say, plant and equipment, R&D, or
More recently, large publicly held companies market share - that ultimately increase operating
have emerged as the principal users of risk-manage- cash flows. How companies finance those invest-
ment instruments. Indeed, most new financial ments on the right-hand side of the halance sheet-
products are designed to enable corporations to whether through deht, equity, or retained earnings-
hedge more effectively. But, unlike
the farmer, the consumer, and
Pharaoh, it is not so clear why a cor-
poration would want to hedge. After
The key to making good
all, corporations are generally owned
by many small investors, each of
investments is generating the
whom bears only a small part of the
risk. In fact, Adolf A. Berle, Jr., and cash to fund them internally.
Gardiner C. Means argue in their
classic book. The Modern Corporation and Private is largely irrelevant. These decisions about finan-
Property, that the modern corporate form of organi- cial policy can affeet only how the value ereated by
zation was developed precisely to enahle entrepre- a company's real investments is divided among its
neurs to disperse risk among many small Investors. investors. But in an efficient and well-functioning
If that is true, it's hard to see why corporations capital market, they cannot affect the overall value
themselves also need to reduce risk-investors can of those investments.
manage risk on their own. If one accepts the view of Modigliani and Miller,
Until the 1970s, finance specialists accepted this it follows almost as a corollary that risk-manage-
logic. The standard view was that if an investor ment strategies are also of no consequence. They
does not want to be exposed to, say, the are purely financial transactions that
oil-price risk inherent in owning don't affect the value of a company's
Dresser Industries, he can hedge operating assets. Indeed, once the
for himself. For example, he can transaction costs associated
offset any loss on his Dresser with hedging instruments
Industries stock that might are factored in, a hard-line
come from a decline in oil Modigliani-Miller disciple
priees hy also holding the would argue against do-
stocks of companies that ing any risk manage-
generally benefit from ment at all.
oil-price declines, such Over the past two
as petrochemieal firms. decades, however, a dif-
There is thus no reason ferent view of financial
for the corporation to policy has emerged that
hedge on behalf of the in- allows a more integral
vestor. Or, put somewhat role for risk management.
differently, hedging trans- This "postmodern" para-
actions at the corporate lev- digm accepts as gospel the
el sometimes lose money and key insight of Modigliani and
sometimes make money, but on av- Miller-that value is created only
erage they break even; companies can'i when companies make good invest-
systematically make money by hedging. Un- ments that ultimately increase their operat-
like individual risk management, corporate risk ing cash flows. But it goes further by treating finan-
management doesn't hurt, hut it also doesn't help. cial policy as critical in enabling companies to
Corporate finance specialists will reeognize this make valuable investments. And it recognizes that
logic as a variant of the Modigliani and Miller theo- companies face real trade-offs in how they finance
rem, which was developed in the 1950s and hecame their investments.'
the foundation of "modern finanee." The key in- For example, suppose a company wants to add a
sight of Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller, each new plant that would expand its production capaci-
of whom won a Nohel Prize for his work in this ty. If the company has enough retained earnings to

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW November-Decemk-r i 994 93


pay for the cost of the plant, it will use those funds sioned. The costs we have outlined make external
to build it. But if the company doesn't have the financing of any form-be it debt or equity-more
cash, it will need to raise capital from one of two expensive than internally generated funds. Given
sources: the debt market (perhaps through a bank those costs, companies prefer to fund investments
loan or a bond issue) or the equity market. with retained earnings if they can. In fact, there is a
It is unlikely that the company would decide to financial pecking order in which companies rely
issue equity. Indeed, on average, less than 2% of all first on retained earnings, then on debt, and, as a
corporate financing comes from the external equity last resort, on outside equity.
market.' Why the aversion to equity? The problem What is even more striking is that companies see
is that it's difficult for stock market investors to external financing as so costly that they actually
cut investment spending when they
don't have the internally generated
The role of risk management is to ^^^^ ^^^^ to fmance an their mvest
ment projects. Indeed, one study
ensure that a company has found that companies reduced their
capital expenditures by roughly 35
the cash available to make cents for each $1 reduction in cash
flow.'' These financial frictions thus
: investments. determine not oniy how companies
finance their investments but also
whether they are able to undertake
know the real value of a company's assets. They those investments in the first place. Internally gen-
may get it right on average, but sometimes they erated cash is therefore a competitive weapon that
price the stock too high and sometimes they price it effectively reduces a company's cost of capital and
too low. Naturally, companies will be reluctant to facilitates investment.
raise funds by selling stock when they think their This is the most critical implication of the post-
equity is undervalued. And if they do issue equity, modern paradigm, and it forms the theoretical
it will send a strong signal to the stock market that foundation of the view stated earlier-that the role
they think their shares are overvalued. In fact, of risk management is to ensure that companies
when companies issue equity, the stock price tends have the cash available to make value-enhancing
to fall by about 3%.'' The result: most companies investments. Although the practical implications
perceive equity to be a costly source of financing of this idea may seem vague, we will demonstrate
and tend to avoid it. how it can help to develop a coherent risk-manage-
The information problems that limit the appeal ment strategy.
of equity are of much less concern when it comes
to debt: most debt issues-particularly those of in-
vestment-grade companies-are easy to value even
Why Hedge?
without precise knowledge of the company's assets. Let's start with the case of a hypothetical multi-
As a result, companies are usually less worried national pharmaceutical company, Omega Drug.
about paying too high an interest rate on their bor- Omega's headquarters, production facilities, and re-
rowings than about getting too low a price for their search labs are in the United States, but roughly
equity. It's therefore not surprising that the bulk of half of its sales come from abroad, mainly Japan and
all external funding is from the debt market. Germany. Omega has several products that are still
However, debt financing is not without cost: tak- protected by patents, and it does not expeet to in-
ing on too much debt limits a company's ability to troduce any new products this year. Omega's main
raise funds later. No one wants to lend to a compa- uncertainty is the revenue it will receive from for-
ny with a large debt burden, because the company eign sales. The company can forecast its foreign
may use some of the new funds not to invest in sales volume very accurately, but the dollar value of
productive assets but to pay off the old debt. In the those sales is hard to pin down because of the un-
extreme, high debt levels can trigger distress, de- certainty inherent in exchange rates. If exchange
faults, and even bankruptcy. So while companies rates remain stable. Omega expects the dollar value
often borrow to finance their mvestnicnts, there are of its cash flow from foreign and domestic opera-
limits to how much they can or will borrow. tions to be $200 million. If, however, thc dollar ap-
The bottom line is that financial markets do not preciates substantially relative to the Japanese yen
work as smoothly as Modigliani and Miller envi- and the German mark, then Omega's cash flow will

94 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW Ntivemiier-Dtccmber 1994

fall to $ 100 million, since the weaker yen and mark the $200 million budget was, on a relative basis,
mean that foreign cash flows are worth less in dol- roughly in line with the budgets of its principal
lars. Conversely, a significant dollar depreciation competitors.
would increase Omega's cash flow to $300 million. Given its comparatively high leverage and limit-
Each of these scenarios is equally likely. ed collateral, Omega is not in a position to borrow
Like most multinational corporations. Omega any funds to finance its R&D program. It is also re-
frequently receives calls from investment bankers luctant to issue equity. That leaves internally gen-
trying to persuade the company to hedge its foreign- erated cash as the only funding source that Omega's
exchange risk. The bankers typically present an im- managers are prepared to tap for the R&D program.
pressive set of calculations showing how Omega Therefore, fluctuations in the dollar's exchange
can reduce the risk in its earnings, cash flow, stock rate can be critical. If the dollar appreciates. Omega
price, and return on equity simply by trading on for- will have a cash flow of only $100 million to allo-
eign-exchange markets. So far. Omega has resisted cate to its RikD program - well below the desired
those overtures and has chosen not to engage in any $200 million budget. A stable dollar will generate
substantial foreign-exchange hedging. "After all," enough cash flow for the program, while a depreci-
Omega's top-level officers have
argued, "we're a pharmaceutical
company, not a bank."
Omega has one thing going for
it: a healthy skepticism of bank-
ers trying to sell their financial
services. But the bankers also
have something going for them:
the skills to insulate companies
from financial risk. What neither
the company nor the bankers
have is a well-articulated view of
the role of risk management.
The starting point for our anal-
ysis is understanding the link be-
tween Omega's cash flows and
its strategic investments, prinei-
pally its R&D program. R&D is the key to suc- ating dollar will generate an excess of $100 million.
cess in the pharmaceutical business, and its impor- (See the table "The Effect of Hedging on Omega
tance has grown dramatically during the last two Drug's R&D Investment and Value.")
decades. Twenty years ago. Omega was spending Will Omega be better off if it hedges? Suppose
8% of sales on R&D; now it is spending 12% of Omega tells its bankers to trade on its behalf so that
sales on R&D. the company's cash flows are completely insulated
Last year. Omega's R&D budget was $180 mil- from foreign-exchange risk. If the dollar appreci-
lion. In the coming year, the company would like to ates, the trades will generate a $ 100 million gain; if
spend $200 million. Omega arrived at this figure by the dollar depreciates, they'll post a $100 million
first forecasting the increase in patentable products loss. The trades will generate no gain or loss if the
that would result from a particular level of R&D. dollar remains at its current level. Effectively, the
As a second step, managers valued the increased hedging program locks in net cash flows of $200
cash flows through a diseountcd-cash-flow analy- million for Omega-the cash flows that the com-
sis. Such an approach could generate only rough es- pany would receive at prevailing exchange rates.
timates of the value of R&D because of the uncer- Whatever the exchange rate turns out to be. Omega
tainty inherent in the R&D process, but it was the will have S200 million available for RtitD-just the
best Omega could do. Specifically, the company's right amount.
calculations indicated that an R&D budget of $200 If Omega doesn't hedge, it will be able to invest
million would generate a net present value of $90 only $ 100 million in R&D if the dollar appreciates.
million, compared with $60 million for R&D bud- By hedging. Omega is able to add $100 million of
gets of $100 million and $300 million. (See the table R&D in this scenario, increasing discounted future
"Payoffs from Omega Drug's R&D Investment.") eash flows by $130 million (from $160 million to
The eompany took comfort in the knowledge that $290 million). On the other hand, if the dollar de-

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW NovL-mbL-r-DL-ccmbcr 1994 95


'he Effect of Hedging on Omego

'rug's R&D Investment and Value
Hedge raiTuerirohi
Proceeds' Hedging*

100 100 • lCXi h 100 + 130

200 300 0

300 -100
*in miliions of dollars

predates, Omega will lose $100 million on its for- ing, the company reduces supply when there is ex-
eign-exchange transactions. However, the $130 cess supply and increases supply when there is a
million gain clearly outweighs the $100 million shortage. This aligns the internal supply of funds
loss. Overall, Omega is better off if it hedges. with the demand for funds. Of course, the average
Although this example is highly stylized, it illus- supply of funds doesn't change with hedging, be-
trates a basic principle. In general, the supply of in- cause hedging is a zero-net-present-value invest-
ternally generated funds does not equal the invest- ment: it does not create value hy itself. But it en-
ment demand for funds. Sometimes there is an sures that the company has the funds precisely
excess supply,- sometimes there is a shortage. Be- when it needs them. Because value is ultimately
cause external financing is costly, this imbalance created by making sure the company undertakes
shifts investment away from the optimal level. the right investments, risk management adds real
Risk management can reduce this imbalance and value. (See the graph "Omega Drug: Hedging with
the resulting investment distortion. It enables com- Fixed R&JD Investment.")
panies to better align their demand for funds with
their internal supply of funds. That is, risk manage-
ment lets companies transfer funds from situations When to Hedge-or Not
in which they have an excess supply to situations The basic principle outlined above is just a first
in which they have a shortage. In essence, it allows step. The real challenge of risk management is to
companies to borrow from themselves. apply it to developing strategies that deal with the
Here's another way to look at what happens. variety of risks faced by different companies.
As tbe dollar depreciates, the internal supply of What we have argued so far is that companies
funds - Omega's cash flow-increases. The demand should use risk management to align their internal
supply of funds with their demand
for funds. In the case of Omega Drug,
Risk management enables that means hedging all the exchange-
rate risk. Since we have assumed
companies to become better at that the demand for funds - the de-
sired amount of investment - isn't'
aligning the demand for funds affected by exchange rates. Omega
should stabilize its supply by in-
with the internal supply of funds. sulating its cash flows from any
changes in exchange rates. This as-
sumption may be reasonable in the
for funds - the desired level of investment - is fixed case of Omega because it is unlikely that the val-
and independent of the exchange rate. When the ue of investing in R&D in pharmaceuticals would
company doesn't hedge, demand and supply are depend very much on exchange rates. But there
equal only if the dollar remains stable. If the dollar are many instances in which exchange rates, com-
depreciates, however, supply exceeds demand; if it modity prices, or interest rates do affect the value
appreciates, supply falls short of demand. By hedg- of a company's investment opportunities. Under-

96 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW November-Deccmbt;r 1994

standing the connection between a company's in- Omega Oil sometimes has an excess demand of $50
vestment opportunities and those key economic; million and sometimes an excess supply of $50 mil-
variables is critical to developing a coherent risk- lion; with Omega Drug, the excess demand and ex-
management strategy. cess supply were $100 million. Omega Oil, there-
Take the case of an oil company. The main risk it fore, doesn't need to hedge its oil-price risk as much
faces is changes in the price of oil. When oil prices as Omega Drug needed to hedge its foreign-ex-
fall, cash flows decline because existing oil proper- change risk. Roughly speaking, the optimal hedge
ties produce less revenue. Therefore, the company's for Omega Oil is only half that for Omega Drug.
supply of internal funds is exposed to oil-price risk Here the demand for funds increases with the
in much the same way that a multinational drug price of oil. (See the graph "Omega Oil: Hedging
company's cash flows are exposed to foreign-ex- with Oil-Price-Sensitive R&D Investment.") The
change risk. difference between supply and demand is smaller in
However, while the value of pharmaceutical the example of tbe oil company than it is wben the
R&D investment is unaffected hy exchange rates, investment level is fixed, as it was with Omega
the value of investing in the oil business falls when Drug. To align supply with demand. Omega Oil
oil prices drop. When prices are low, it's less attrac- doesn't need to hedge as much as Omega Drug did.
tive to explore for and develop new oil reserves. So Essentially, Omega Oil already has something of a
when the supply of funds is low, so is the demand huilt-in hedge.
for funds. On the flip side, when oil prices rise, cash An important point emerges from this example:
flows rise and the value of investing rises. Supply A proper risk-management strategy ensures that
and demand are both high. For an oil company, companies have the cash when they need it for in-
much more than for a pharmaceutical company, vestment, but it does not seek to insulate them
the supply of funds tends to match the demand for completely from risks of all kinds.
funds even if the company does not actively man- If Omega Oil follows our recommended strategy
age risk. As a result, there is less reason for an oil and hedges oil-price risk only partially, then its
company to hedge than there is for a multinational stock price, earnings, return on equity, and any
pharmaceutical company. number of other performance measures will fluc-
To illustrate the difference
more clearly, let's change some
of the numbers in our Omega Omega Drug: Hedging
Drug example and rename the 1th Fixed R&D Investment
company Omega Oil. Let's sup-
pose there are tbree possible oil Supply of Internal Funds
prices - low, medium, and bigb - (cash How from operations)
whicb generate cash flows of
$100 million, $200 million, and
$300 million, respectively. The
higher the oil price, tbe more
revenue Omega Oil generates on
its existing reserves.
So far, the example is exactly
the same as before. Where it dif-
fers is on the investment side.
The optimal amount of invest- Demand for Funds
ment in the low-oil-price regime (desired R&D investment)
is $130 million; in the medium-
oil-price regime, it's $200 mil-
lion; and in the high-oil-price
regime, it's $250 million. Thus,
higher oil prices make exploring
for and developing oil reserves
more attractive. In this example,
the supply of funds is not too far
off from the demand for funds Appreciating Depreciating
even if Omega Oil doesn't hedge. Dollar Dollar

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW November-December ) 994 97


tuate with the price of oil. When oil prices are This approach helps managers address two key
low. Omega is worth less: the company's existing issues. First, it helps them identify what is worth
properties are less valuable, and it will invest less. hedging and what isn't. Worrying about stock-price
It's simply less profitable to be in the oil business, volatility in and of itself isn't worthwhile; such
and this will be reflected in Omega's performance volatility can be better managed by individual in-
measures. But there's nothing a risk-management vestors through their portfolio strategies. By con-
program can do to improve the underlying bad trast, excessive investment volatility can threaten
economics of low oil prices. The goal of risk man- a company's ability to meet its strategic objectives
agement is not to insure investors and corporate and, as a result, is worth controlling through risk
managers against oil-price risk per se. It is to en- management.
sure that companies have the cash they need to Second, this approach helps managers figure out
create value by making good investments. how much hedging is necessary. If changes in ex-
In fact, attempting to insulate investors com- change rates, commodity prices, and interest rates
pletely from oil-price risk could actually destroy lead to large imbalances in the supply and demand
value. For example, if Omega Oil were to hedge ful- for funds, then the company should hedge aggres-
ly, it would actually have an excess supply of funds sively; if not, the company has a natural hedge, and
when oil prices fall: its cash flow would be stabi- it does not need to hedge as much.
lized at $200 million, and its investment needs Managers who adopt our approach should ask
would be only $ 150 million. But when oil prices are themselves two questions: How sensitive are cash
high, just the opposite would be true: the company flows to risk variables such as exchange rates, com-
would lose so much money on its hedging position modity prices, and interest rates? and How sensi-
that it would have a shortage of funds for invest- tive are investment opportunities to those risk vari-
ment. Its net cash flows would still be only $200 ables? The answers will help managers understand
million, but its investment needs would rise to whether the supply of funds and the demand for
$250 million. In this case, hedging fully would pre- funds are naturally aligned or whether they can be
vent the company from making value-enhancing better aligned through risk management.
Guidelines for Managers
Omega Oil: Hedging ^ what follow are some guide-
Oil-Price-Sensitive R&D Investment lines for how managers can think
about risk-management issues.
Supply of Internal Funds Although these are by no means
(casn now from operations) the only issues to consider, our
suggestions should provide man-
agers with useful direction.
• Companies in the same indus-
try should not necessarily adopt
the same hedging strategy. To un-
derstand why, take the case of oil.
Even though all oil companies are
exposed to oil-price risk, some
may be exposed more than others
Demand for Funds in both their cash flows and their
(desired R&D investment) investment opportunities. Let's
compare Omega Oil with Epsilon
Oil. Omega has existing reserves
in Saudi Arabia that are a rela-
tively cheap source of oil, where-
as Epsilon gets its oil from the
North Sea, which is a relatively
expensive source. If the price of
oil falls dramatically, Epsilon
Lo^er Current Higher may be forced to shut down those
Oil Price Oil Price Oil Prke reserves altogether, wiping out an

98 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW November-December 1994


important source of its cash flow. Omega would cy of pricing low to huild market share. Eor compa-
continue to operate its reserves because the cost of nies that make sueh investments, internally gener-
taking the oil out of the ground is still less than the ated funds are especially important. As a result,
oil price. Therefore, Epsilon's cash flows are more there may be an even greater need to align tbe sup-
sensitive to the price of oil. Hedging is more valu- ply of funds with the demand for funds through risk
able for Epsilon than it is for Omega because Ep- management.
silon's supply of funds is less in sync with its de- D Even companies with conservative capital struc-
mand for funds. tures-no debt,, lots of cash-can benefit from hedg-
Similar logic applies when the two oil companies ing. At first glance, it might appear that a company
differ in their investment opportunities. with a very conservative capital structure
Suppose instead that Omega and Ep- should be less interested in risk man-
silon both have essentially the agement. After all, such a compa-
same cash-flow streams from ny could adjust rather easily to
their existing oil properties a large drop in cash flow hy
but Epsilon is trying to de- borrowing at relatively low
velop new reserves in the cost. It wouldn't need to
North Sea, and Omega in curtail investment, and
Saudi Arabia. When the corporate value would
price of oil drops, it may not suffer much. The ba-
no longer be worthwhile sic objective of risk man-
to try to develop re- agement - aligning the
serves in the North Sea, supply of internal funds
since it is an expensive with the demand for in-
source of oil, but it may vestment f u n d i n g - h a s
be worthwhile to do so less urgency in this type of
in Saudi Arahia. Thus, the situation because managers
drop in the oil price affects can easily adjust to a supply
both companies' cash flows shortfall by borrowing. To be
equally, hut Epsilon's investment sure, hedging wouldn't hurt, hut it
opportunities fall more than Omega's migbt not help much either.
do. Because Epsilon's demand for funds is But managers in this position should ask
more in line with its supply of funds, Epsilon has themselves why they have chosen such a conserva-
less incentive to hedge than Omega does. tive capital structure. If the answer is. The world is
a risky place, and you never know what ean happen
Again, a simple message emerges: To develop a to exchange rates or interest rates, they have more
coherent risk-management strategy, companies thinking to do. What they have done is use low
must carefully articulate tbe nature of both their leverage instead of, say, the derivatives markets to
cash flows and their investment opportunities. protect against the risk in those economic vari-
Once they have done this, their efforts to align the ables. An alternative strategy would be to take on
supply of funds with the demand for funds will gen- more debt and then hedge those risks directly in the
erate the right strategies for managing risk. derivatives markets. In fact, there's something to be
D Companies may benefit from risk management said for the seeond approach: it's no more risky in
even it" they have no major investments in plant terms of the ability to make good investments than
and equipment. We define investment very hri)adly the low-deht/no-hedging strategy, but, in many
to include not just conventional investments such countries, the added debt made possible by hedging
as capital expenditures but also investments in in- allows a company to take advantage of the tax de-
tangible assets such as a well-trained workforce, duetibility of interest payments.
brand-name recognition, and market share. n Multinational companies must recognize that
In fact, companies that make these sorts of in- foreign-exchange risk affects not only cash flows
vestments may need to be even more active ahout but also investment opportunities. A number of
managing risk. After all, a capital-intensive compa- complex issues arise with multinationals, but
ny can use its newly purchased plant and equip- many of them can be illustrated with two exam-
ment as collateral to secure a loan. "Softer" invest- ples. In each example, a company is planning to
ments are harder to collateralize. It may not be so build a plant in Germany to manufacture cameras.
easy for a company to raise capital from a hank to In Example I it will sell the cameras in Germany,
fund, say, short-term losses that result from a poli-

100 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW November-December 1994

while in Example 2 it will sell them in the United either. However, there are some situations in
States. In both cases, most of the company's cash which a company may have even greater reason to
flows come from its other businesses in the United hedge if its competitors don't. Let's continue with
States. How aggressively should it hedge the dol- the example of the camera company that is consid-
lar/mark exchange rate? ering building capacity to manufacture and sell
Example 1. If the dollar depreeiates relative to the cameras in Germany. Suppose now that its com-
mark, it will become more expensive (in dollar petitors - other camera companies with revenues
terms) to build the plant in Germany. But this does mostly in dollars - are also eonsidering building ca-
not mean that the company will want to build a pacity in Germany.
smaller plant - or scrap the plant altogether - be- If its competitors choose not to hedge, they won't
cause the marks it receives from selling cameras in be in a strong position to add capacity if the dollar
Germany will also be worth more in dollars. In oth- depreciates: they will find themselves short of
er words, because the plant's costs and revenues are marks. But that is precisely the situation in which
both mark-denominated, as long as the plant is eco- the company wants to build its plant - when its
nomically attractive today, it will still be attractive competitors' weakness reduees the likelihood of
if the dollar/mark rate changes. Therefore, just as industry overcapacity,- this makes its investment in
Omega Drug wants to maintain its R&.D despite Germany more attractive. Therefore, the company
the dollar's appreciation, this company would want should hedge to make sure it has enough cash for
to maintain its investment in Germany despite the this investment.
dollar's depreciation. This calls for fairly aggressive This is just another example of how clearly artic-
hedging against a depreciation in the dollar to en- ulating the nature of investment opportunities can
sure that the company has enough marks to build inform a company's risk-management strategy; in
the plant. this case, the investment opportunities depend on
Example 2. The answer here is a bit more com- the overall structure of the industry and on the fi-
plex. Since the company is now manufacturing nancial strength of its competitors. Thus, the same
cameras for export back to the United States, a de- elements that go into formulating a competitive
preciation in the dollar makes it less attractive to strategy should also be used to formulate a risk-
manufacture in Germany. Dollar-denominated la- management strategy.
bor costs are simply higher when the mark is more D The choice of specific derivatives cannot .simply
valuable. Thus, any depreeiation in the dollar raises be delegated to the financial specialists in the com-
the dollar cost of building the plant. But it also re- pany. It's true that many of the more technical as-
duces the dollar income the company would re- pects of derivatives trading are best left to the tech-
ceive from the plant. As a result, the company nical finance staff. But senior managers need to
might want to scale back its investment or scrap understand how the choices of financial instru-
the plant when the dollar depreci-
ates. The value of investing falls, so
there's less reason to hedge than in
Example 1. This case is analogous to The choice of specific
that of Omega Oil in that risk that
hurts cash flows - namely, a depre- derivatives should not simply
ciation of the dollar relative to the
mark-also diminishes the appeal of be delegated to the company's
investing. As a result, there is less
reason to hedge the risk. financial specialists.
Of course, this assumes that the
company hasn't yet committed to building the ments link up with the broader issues of risk-man-
plant. If it has, then it would make sense to hedge agement strategy that we have been exploring.
the short-term risk of a dollar depreciation to en- There are two key features of derivatives that a
sure that the funds are available to continue the company must keep in mind when evaluating
project. But if it hasn't committed, it is less impor- which ones to use. The first is the cash-flow impli-
tant to hedge the longer-term risks. cations of the instruments. For example, futures
D Companies should pay close attention to the contracts are traded on an exchange and require a
hedging strategies ot their competitors. It is tempt- company to mark to market on a daily basis-that
ing for managers to think that if the competition is, to put up money to compensate for any short-,
doesn't hedge, then their company doesn't need to. term losses. These expenditures can cut into the



cash a company needs to finance current invest- shareholders. So unless a company can explain why
ments. In contrast, over-the-counter forward con- an exotic instrument protects its investment op-
tracts-which are customized transactions arranged portunities better than a plain-vanilla one, it's bet-
with derivatives dealers-do not have this drawback ter to go witb plain vanilla.
because they do not have to be settled until the con-
tract matures. However, this advantage will proha- Wbere do managers go from here? The first step-
bly come at some cost; when a dealer writes the which may bc the hardest - is to realize that they
company a forward, he will charge a premium for cannot ignore risk management. Some managers
the risk that he hears by not extracting any pay- may be tempted to do so in order to avoid high-pro-
ments until the contract matures. file hlundcrs like those of Procter S<. Gamble and
The second feature of derivatives that should be Metaligesellschaft. But, as the Dresser Industries
kept in mind is the "linearity" or "nonlinearity" of and Caterpillar examples show, this head-in-the-
the contracts. Futures and forwards are essentially sand approach has costs as well. Nor can risk man-
linear contracts: for every dollar the company gains agement simply be handed off to the financial staff.
when the underlying variable moves in one direc- That approach can lead to poor coordination with
tion by 10%, it loses a dollar when the underlying overall corporate strategy and a patchwork of de-
variahle moves in the other direction by 10%. By rivatives trades that may, when taken together, re-
contrast, options are nonlinear in that they allow duce overall corporate value. Instead, it's critical
the company to put a floor on its losses without for a company to devise a risk-management strate-
having to give up the potential for gains. If there is gy that is based on good investments and is aligned
a minimum amount of investment a company needs with its hroader corporate objectives.
to maintain, options can allow it to lock in the nec- 1. The siuily, rupurtL-d in Derivatives: Practices and Principles, was con-
essary cash. At the same time, they provide the ducted by the Group of Thirty, an independent Study group in Washing-
flexibility to increase investment in good times. ton, D.C., made up lit economists, bankers, and policymakers.
2. A more technical article on this suhject, "Risk Management: Coordinat-
Again, the decision of which contract to use ing Corporate Investment and Financing Policies," was pahlished hy the au-
should he driven hy the objective of aligning the de- thors in th\: lournul t>( [•imincc. vol.48, 199^1, p. 1629.
mand for funds with the supply of internal funds. A .1. This view has been advanced in an influential series of papers hy Stew-
art C. Myers of MIT's Sloan Schoul ot Management: "The Determinants
skillful financial engineer may be good at pricing of Corporate Borrowing," loiirmil of Financial Economics, vol. 4, 1977,
intricate financial contracts, but this alone docs not p. 147; "CurporatL- Financing and Investment Decisions When Firms Have
Information That Investors Do Not Have," coauthored with Nicholas
indicate which types of contracts fit best with a Majluf, loiirnci! of Finnncia! Economics, vol. 13, 1984, p, 187, antJ "The
company's risk-management strategy. Capita] Structure Puzzle," louinii! of Finance, vol.39, 1984, p. S75.
An important corollary to this point is that it 4. See, for example, leffrey MacKie-Mason, "Do Firms Care Who Provides
Their Financing?" in Asymmetric Information, Corportitt: Finance, and
probably makes good sense to stay away from the Investment, ed. R. Clenn Hubbard (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
most exotic, customized hedging instruments un- 1990), p. 63,
less there is a very clear investment-side justifica- 5. Paul Asquith and David Mullins, "Equity Issues and Offering Dilu-
tion," Journal of Finuncidl Economics, vol. IS, 1986, p. 61.
tion for their use. Dealers make more profit selling
6. See, for example, Steven Fazzari, R. Glenn Hubhard, and Bruce
cutting-edge instruments, for which competition is Petersen, "Financing Constraints and Corporate Investment," Broakmgs
less intense. And each additional dollar of profit go- Papers on Economic Activity, no. 1, 1988, p, 141.
ing to the dealer is a dollar less of value availahle to Reprint 94604

102 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW Novcmher-Decemher 1994

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