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Present simple – 3er

persona singular
1-Observar el cuadro y completar las oraciones:

1- Doesn’t live
2- She do like cats
3- She do listen to pop music
4- She dosen’t speak french
5- She dosen’t drink tea
6- Luis do live in a big city
7- He dosen’t like cats
8- He dosen’t listen to pop music
9- He do speak french
10- He do drink tea
2- Works
3- dosen’t work
4- likes russia
5- don’t speak
6- do have a russian
7- she studies in the evening
8- she watches tv
9- she don’t anderstand very much
10 She thinks russia is a fantastic country
11 She don’t want

1- my mom lives in Formosa Clorinda

2- my dad likes football
3- he watches football in the tv oll the time
4- ana drinks a lot water
5- she has 15 years old (fiveteen)

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