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Root Development

J. A. P. Figueiredo
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS, Porto Alegre,
RS, Brazil

A. H. G. Alencar

Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, GO, Brazil

S. S. Murata
São Paulo State University, Araçatuba, SP, Brazil

C. Estrela
Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, GO, Brazil

Chapter contents

Root Formation
Clinical Managment of Teeth with Incomplete Rhizogenesis
Diagnosis of the pulpal state
Apexification Technique
Decisive Factors in Root Development
Pulpal condition
Stage of root formation
Presence of periapical lesion
Intensity of traumatic injury
Endodontic Technique
Forms of Periapical Repair
Complete and normal root completion
Complete and normal root completion, with pulp necrosis
Root and apical completion with foreshortening of the root
Apical completion with a mineralized tissue barrier
Absence of apical completion
Area in which the apical papilla is
present. The apical cell-rich zone would
be responsible for the apexogenesis,
including dentine formation (Courtesy
Prof. Dr. Roberto Holland39-41).

2.1 Introduction
The knowledge of dental root formation The traumatic injuries to the teeth have
is very important for clinical management of been one of the reasons for indicating root ca-
possible dental injuries. nal treatment in teeth with incomplete rhizo-

Endodontic Science
When the teeth emerge in the oral cavity, genesis. Teeth, such as recently erupted first
two thirds of the length of their roots has been permanent molars that do not have the maxi-
formed, and full length will only be complete mum fluoride incorporated into the enamel
three years after eruption9. In young perma- become more susceptible to caries. More-
nent teeth with incomplete rhizogenesis, over, due to the great volume of the pulpal
histologically the apex of the root does not chamber in the young teeth, pulpal exposure
present the apical dentin covered by cemen- occurs faster, especially in the presence of de-

Chapter 2
tum, and radiographically the apical end of cay or while operative procedures are being
the root does not reach the stage 10 of Nolla, performed90.
that is, a complete root apex9,40,41,61. When the pulp is affected in teeth in the
Completely formed teeth present the root process of root formation, it is of fundamental
canal with the approximate shape of the ex- importance to evaluate the pathological state
ternal form of the root, resembling a cone, of the tissues involved in the root completion.
with the widest base at the pulpal chamber, The need for performing different procedures
and the narrowest in the apical third. Next in teeth with pulp vitality and in those with
to the apical third, a natural constriction is pulp necrosis shows the importance diagnos-
observed, called cementum-dentin-canal ing the state of the pulp60-63,73.
junction (CDC), which limits endodontic pro-
cedures and serves as reference so that the
filling can be confined inside the dentinal 2.2 Root Formation
root canal. Teeth with incomplete rhizogen- Starting during the fifth week of intra-
esis have their own characteristics: very wide uterine life, teeth form as the result of a se-
root canals, and may also have a conical ries of specific, reciprocal, and sequential
shape, but with the wider base in the apical epithelial-mesenchymal signals between
portion. The apical foramen, still not formed, the oral epithelium and the underlying neu-
has a larger diameter than the root canal62,73. ral crest derived ectomesenchyme45. Until
When root canal treatment is necessary the twelfth week of intrauterine life, this
in teeth with incomplete rhizogenesis, these process is directed by the epithelium, but
characteristics can make treatment difficult. control subsequently shifts to the ectomes-
The thin and fragile walls hinder root canal enchymal cells57.
preparation, and frequently make it impos- The tooth bud (sometimes called the
sible. The thin walls prevent any convention- tooth germ) is an aggregation of cells that
al preparation being performed in the root forms a tooth. These cells are derived from
canal. Consequently, the root canal filling is the ectoderm of the first branchial arch and
affected, since no “apical stop” can be de- the ectomesenchyme of the neural crest. The
termined in the root canal preparation, and tooth bud is organized into three parts: the
there is always a risk of overfilling60-63,73. enamel organ, the dental papilla and the
dental follicle. Enamel is the only tooth tissue specific signals that cause the terminal dif-
26 to derive from ectoderm, whilst the dentine- ferentiation of the odontoblasts and amelo-
pulp complex and periodontium are derived blasts, which culminate in the formation of
from ectomesenchyme82. dentin and enamel, such as enamelin, tubu-
The signaling events depend on the par- lin, GAD, NeuN, nestin, neurofilament M,
ticipation of BMP2, BMP4 (bone morpho- NSE, CNPase31,57,85. When control is shifted
genetic proteins), FGF (fibroblast growth to the ectomesenchyme, the dental papilla
factor), Wnt families, hedgehogs, and the is responsible for maintaining the induction
homeobox proteins MSX1 and MSX284,92. of the odontogenic events, more clearly
There is a progressive restriction of the de- through the bud, cap and bell stages57.
velopmental potential that culminates in the A sequence of orchestrated events occurs
Root Development

differentiation of the mesenchymal-derived and in human teeth the chronology, although

odontoblasts and epithelial-derived amelo- subject to some variations, can be consid-
blasts, the cells responsible for producing ered predictable. Below (Table 2.1) there is
the extracellular matrices that form dentin the expected sequence for all tooth groups.
and enamel, respectively10,15. In addition to Note that root completion is a process that
the known molecular factors, there are other occurs at a much later stage.
Chapter 2

Table 2.1 - A sequence of orchestrated events occurs and in human teeth the chronology

Maxillary teeth

Central Lateral First Second First Second Third

Permanent teeth Canine
incisor incisor premolar premolar molar molar molar

3-4 10–12 4–5 1.5–1.75 2–2.25 2.5–3 7–9

Initial calcification at birth
months months months years years years Years

4–5 4–5 6–7 5–6 6–7 2.5–3 7–8 12–16

Crown completion
years years years years years years years Years

10 11 13–15 12–13 12–14 9–10 14–16 18–25

Root completion
years years years years years years years Years

 Mandibular teeth 

3–4 3–4 4–5 1.5–2 2.25–2.5 2.5–3 8–10

Initial calcification at birth
months months months years years years Years

4–5 4–5 6–7 5–6 6–7 2.5–3 7–8 12–16

Crown completion
years years years years years years years Years

9 10 12–14 12–13 13–14 9–10 14–15 18–25

Root completion
years years years years years years years Years
The first sign of tooth development is a jacent to the inner enamel epithelium82. Dif-
localized thickening of dental epithelium, the ferentiated odontoblasts are postmitotic cells
dental lamina, which subsequently invagi- that have withdrawn from the cell-cycle, and
nates into underlying neural-crest-derived cannot proliferate to replace irreversibly in-
ectomesenchyme, forming a bud, after which jured odontoblasts66. Functional odontoblasts
proliferative mesenchyme condenses around show polarized columnar morphology that
the developing epithelial bud54,84. shift into a resting state and become small and
Tooth shape specification occurs early in flat after primary dentin formation. However,
tooth development, at the dental lamina stage, odontoblasts remain functional throughout
by homeobox genes, which are specifically their life and can produce secondary dentin if
expressed in the pre-dental mesenchyme88,92. trauma is mild72,80.

Endodontic Science
The physical morphological processes be- The dental follicle gives rise to three im-
gin at the cap stage and are coordinated by portant entities: cementoblasts, osteoblasts,
enamel knots, via transient signaling centers and fibroblasts, and appears as a transient
that lie in the epithelium and which, in some structure when teeth undergo morphogen-
way, are directed by the earlier expression of esis. Cementoblasts form the cementum of
homeobox genes44,83,89. a tooth. Osteoblasts give rise to the alveolar
Additional enamel knots appear and pat- bone around the roots of teeth. Fibroblasts

Chapter 2
tern the crown. By the late cap stage, enamel develop the periodontal ligaments which
knots disappear by apoptosis.89 After the connect teeth to the alveolar bone through
mesenchyme receives the early odontogenic cementum. In developing teeth, root for-
signals from the epithelium, the ectomesen- mation starts as the epithelial cells from the
chyme becomes the source of signals50. The cervical loop proliferate apically and influ-
epithelium further differentiates into enamel- ence the differentiation of odontoblasts from
secreting ameloblasts, whereas the adjacent undifferentiated mesenchymal cells and ce-
mesenchyme differentiates into dentine-se- mentoblasts from follicle mesenchyme. This
creting odontoblasts92. apically extending two-layered epithelial wall
At the bell stage, a recognizable tooth (merging with the inner and outer enamel
germ is formed that consists of an enamel epithelium) forms Hertwig’s epithelial root
organ, dental papilla and dental follicle. sheath, which is responsible for determining
The enamel organ is composed of the outer the shape of the root(s) and forms cementum
enamel epithelium, inner enamel epithelium, through epithelial-mesenchymal transition77.
stellate reticulum and stratum intermedium44. The periodontal ligament functions as a
These cells give rise to ameloblasts, which cushion when force is applied, as a source of
produce enamel and the reduced enamel ep- sensation, and it is regarded as the main impe-
ithelium. The location where the outer enam- tus for the tooth eruption process. The com-
el epithelium and inner enamel epithelium plex structure that includes the periodontal
join is called the cervical loop. The growth ligament, adjacent cementum and alveolar
of cervical loop cells into the deeper tissues bone is called the periodontium. After tooth
forms Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath, which eruption into the oral cavity, a tooth is clinically
determines the root shape of the tooth82. divided into two parts: crown and root. Crowns
The dental papilla contributes to tooth are the visible structures in the oral cavity,
formation and eventually converts to pulp whereas roots are the regions that connect the
tissue18,53,66,67 which is a living connective tis- surrounding alveolar bone with the cementum.
sue composed of fibroblasts, blood vessels, Anatomically, crowns are the part covered by
nerves, lymphatic ducts and odontoblasts. enamel and lie above the level of the cemen-
Odontoblasts are the cells derived from the toenamel junction; roots are covered with ce-
mesenchymal cells in the dental papilla ad- mentum and lie below the junction92.
There is a lot more knowledge about the from dental papilla during the developing
28 way that crowns are formed, than the man- stage and make primary and secondary den-
ner in which roots develop, little being known tin, whilst the replacement odon­toblasts (or
about the signal mechanisms of root devel- odontoblast-like cells) are derived from the
opment. Among the factors involved, FGF10 dental pulp to replace primary odontoblasts
signaling stands out as a candidate for root and make tertiary dentin or, more specifically,
initiation93. A transcription factor NFI-C (nu- the reparative dentin. Replacement odonto-
clear factor I) is essential for root formation78. blasts derive from underlying mesenchymal
Because the root continues to develop after cells and are located in the cell-rich zone and
the bell stage, the location of the dental pa- cell proper, particularly in the perivascular re-
pilla becomes apical to the pulp tissue. The gion28,29,81.
Root Development

apical papilla appears to be histologically dis- Sonoyama et al.76 have recently published
tinct from the pulp. There is a loose physical an elegant study, detecting stem cells of the
connection between apical papilla and pulp, apical papilla. From histological sections,
as the papilla can be easily detached from the they verified that there is a cell-rich zone be-
apex and readily placed next to the pulp76. tween the pulp and the apical papilla, term-
As the differentiated odontoblasts lay ing it “apical cell–rich zone.” This is impor-
down the primary dentine, the dental papilla tant, as the apical papilla appears to contain
Chapter 2

becomes encased within the dentine struc- fewer blood vessels and cellular components
ture and develops into pulp tissue. The apical than the dental pulp and the apical cell–rich
end of the dental papilla, however, has not zone, and once the tissues are placed in cul-
been discussed much in the literature. It is tures, cells in the apical papilla start to enter
generally believed that the formation of root the growth cycle more readily than those in
dentin is the result of signaling from Hertwig’s the pulp. With regard to osteo/dentinogenic
epithelial root sheath to the adjacent undif- markers in the apical papilla, DSP, ALP, BSP
ferentiated mesenchymal cells, which then and OCN were detected only in odontoblasts
turn into odontoblasts that are responsible lined against newly formed dentine, and
for the root dentine formation. The anatomic were not detected in the apical papilla. Den-
location of these undifferentiated mesen- tal pulp and apical papilla stem cells express
chymal cells has not been clearly elucidated. similar osteo/dentinogenic markers and
They may reside either in ­the pulp or the api- growth factor receptors, but fewer amounts
cal papilla. Dental pulp also harbors undiffer- of most of them in the apical papilla. Figure
entiated mesenchymal cells that are known to 2.1 demonstrates the area in which the apical
be capable of differentia­ting into new odon- papilla is present. The apical cell-rich zone
toblasts to replace the lost original odonto- would be responsible for apexogenesis, in-
blasts. The primary odontoblasts are derived cluding the dentine formation.

Endodontic Science
a b

Chapter 2

Figure 2.1 - (A-C) Area in which the apical papilla is present. The apical cell-rich zone would be responsible for the apexogenesis, including dentine formation
(Courtesy Prof. Dr . Roberto Holland39-41).
The stem cells from dental pulp reside in ment of immature teeth with vital pulps is to
30 the perivascular and perineural sheath re- preserve the remaining normal vital tissue
gions70. This finding corresponds to one con- to allow continued physiological develop-
cerning the source of replacement odonto- ment and complete formation of apexogen-
blasts: the perivascular regions where stem/ esis. Whereas for teeth with nonvital pulps,
progenitor cells reside. At present, however, treatment is to clean and fill the canals with
it is unknown where the stem cells in the pulp calcium hydroxide, the most commonly used
come from. The vascular density in the api- material, to induce the formation of a calci-
cal papilla appears to be lower than that of fied barrier at the open apex–apexification63.
the pulp. However, the proliferation rates of After successful apexogenesis teeth de-
apical papilla stem cells are faster than those velop a normal thickness of dentine and root
Root Development

of the dental pulp stem cells76. This can be length. In contrast, those receiving apexifica-
explained because adult stem cells generally tion normally gain only an apical hard tissue
remain in a non-proliferative, quiescent state bridge, not dentin, because of the loss of vital
until stimulated by the signals triggered by pulp tissues, odontoblasts, and Hertwig epi-
tissue damage and remodeling74,75. They are thelial root sheath, needed for complete root
capable of self-renewal and give rise to pro- development. However, this paradigm has
genitor cells that eventually differentiate into been challenged by recent reports convinc-
Chapter 2

specialized cells. ingly showing that immature teeth, clinically

The apical papilla is fundamental to root diagnosed with nonvital pulp and periradic-
development. If the apical papilla is removed ular periodontitis or abscess, can undergo
at an early stage of development, despite the apexogenesis5,43. These reports stimulated a
pulp tissue being intact, the dental root will new perspective of how we treat these cases.
not develop. It could be inferred that the stem It has been advocated that immature teeth
cells from the apical papilla, and not the dental should be treated as conservatively as prac-
pulp stem cells, are the cell source for primary tical, to allow any possible apexogenesis to
odontoblasts that produce root dentine76. This occur91. After successful apexification, teeth
would explain why apexogenesis can occur inherit thin and weak roots that are suscepti-
in teeth with open apexes and infected pulp ble to fracture. Shifting apexification to apex-
and apical periodontitis or abscesses5,13,43. The ogenesis even for nonvital pulps with apical
surviving cells from the apical papilla and the periodontitis or abscess would be a clinically
Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath would per- beneficial approach for patients if we gath-
form the remaining apexogenesis following ered more clinical experience to help predict
sanitization of the root canal system. the outcome of the treatment. The treatment
Pulp tissue in immature teeth with open below is an example of how apexogenesis
apices has a rich blood supply and contains a can occur in the absence of dental pulp vital-
structure at a developing stage that is more ity. Therefore, the vitality of the apical papilla
potent to regenerate in response to dam- is the key to the completion of root develop-
age. The general consensus for clinical treat- ment (Fig. 2.2AM-2.5AF).

Endodontic Science
a b

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c d

e f

Figure 2.2 - (A-F) Apexogenesis. The maintenance of pulp vitality will make the normal root development possible
(Courtesy Prof. Dr. Rinaldo Mattar).
Root Development

g h
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i j

l m

Figure 2.2 - (G-M) Apexogenesis. The maintenance of pulp vitality will make the normal root development possible
(Courtesy Prof. Dr. Rinaldo Mattar).

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a b

c d

e f

Figure 2.3 - (A-F) Apexogenesis. Dental injury of the right central incisor. First premolar was transplanted for this place. It was observed root
developed associated with pulp canal obliteration (Courtesy Prof. Dr. Armelindo Roldi).

Root Development
Chapter 2

c b

d e

Figure 2.4 - (A-E) Apexogenesis. The maintenance of pulp vitality will make the normal root development possible.

a c e

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b d f

Figure 2.5 - (A-F) Apexogenesis. Root development.

2.3 Clinical Managment of Teeth with Incomplete Rhizogenesis

Diagnosis of the pulpal state rhizogenesis of the tooth, teeth with incom-
Permanent teeth with incomplete rhizo- plete rhizogenesis have a reduced threshold
genesis can receive root canal treatment, for electrometrical stimulus, consequently
under two basic and fundamental conditions: they do not respond to pulp vitality tests in
with or without pulp vitality. the usual way8,34,46.
The clinical evaluation of the pulpal state The radiographic exam will provide infor-
requires meticulous anamnesis, physical and mation about the stage of root development
radiographic exams. A critical clinical exam and the condition of the periapical tissues.
and determining the characteristics of pain The radiographic exam should be discerning,
will help to achieve this diagnosis. The pulp because the image of the dental sac, which
vitality test should also be used, but its results is an embryonic structure that originates the
should be interpreted carefully. Two kinds of periodontal tissues and that surrounds the
nerves are observed in the pulp, amyelinic apex of the teeth in formation, is frequently
nerves, responsible for the vasoconstriction confused with periapical lesion62,63.
and vasodilatation, and the myelinic nerves By providing a two-dimensional image,
that respond to painful incentives. As the the radiographic exam will, in some cases, be
number of myelinic fibers increases with the capable of showing the image of a complete
root formation, which is not always the reality. courage continued physiological develop-
36 Because root formation completes faster in the ment and formation of the root end“.
mesial-distal direction than in the buccal-lingual Considering the advantages of apexogen-
direction, and due to the proximity of the root esis, the following can be included14,33,36,52,56,58,90:
walls in this direction, particularly in anterior
teeth, the radiographic image presented shows 1. Maintenance of the Hertwig’s root sheath,
complete root formation21. Despite the diffi- thus the length and the normal shape of
culties presented in determining the extent of the tooth will be maintained, which are im-
apical closure radiographically, it should be em- portant future factors for its resistance and
phasized that incorrect evaluation of the stage fixation in the dental arch. The favorable
of the root development can lead to failure. crown-root relationship will avoid peri-
Root Development

Unfortunately, it has not been possible to odontal disease with bone loss that places
establish a direct relationship between the the stability of these teeth at an early risk.
clinical diagnosis and the histological diag- 2. Maintenance of vital pulp, thus assuring
nosis, but combination of the findings of the odontoblasts will continue to deposit
anamnesis, physical exam and pulp vitality dentin on the root canal walls and reduce
test can lead to improved clinical diagnosis the possibility of root fracture.
of pulp vitality63. 3. Complete formation of the root apex, thus
Chapter 2

In cases with pulp vitality apexogenesis creating conditions for future convention-
can be indicated. The clinical diagnosis of al root canal treatment, if necessary (Fig.
pulp necrosis leads to treatment for apexifi- 2.2-2.5).
cation. The success is directly related to cor-
rect diagnosis and understanding that the When root canal treatment is required in
biological process of repair can be facilitated canals with incomplete rhizogenesis, there is
by the treatment performed63. little probability of successful root canal filling,
therefore teeth in the developmental stage
2.4 Apexogenesis must be treated with a biological focus90.
Whenever pulp vitality is diagnosed, and In cases of small accidental pulp expo-
endodontic intervention is necessary, a con- sure during cavity preparation, when the pul-
servative treatment should be performed. pal tissue is healthy, direct pulp protection
The maintenance of pulp vitality will make should be the preferred treatment. If there is
the normal root development possible. This wide pulp exposure as a result of removing
physiologic formation is known as apexo- decayed dentin or crown fractures, and other
genesis, and is observed in cases of conser- possible conditions, the elected treatment
vative treatment in teeth with incomplete should be pulpotomy.
rhizogenesis, when the physiologic process When the basic principles of pulpotomy
of normal closure of the apex allows the de- are respected, pulp vitality can be proved by
velopment of root end dentin, as well as the the root formation and development of the
formation of the cementum canal, produc- root walls, as well as by the normal closure of
ing the root canal anatomy, shape and nor- the root apex observed radiographically two
mal length. For the American Association years after the pulpotomy, depending on the
of Endodontics2, apexogenesis is “the vital degree of tooth development at the time of
pulp therapy procedure, performed to en- the endodontic intervention63.
2.5 Apexification
One of the main dogmas of endodon- cannot take place. When the root canal is
tics is root canal filling in three dimensions not infected, but the filling was made under-
with emphasis on filling the apical third of neath, there can be secondary invasion of the
the root. The filling becomes more predict- unfilled portion by microorganisms coming
able when the walls of the root canal con- from the blood stream or from the periodon-
verge at the apex, with a final constriction tal ligament, and lead to the development of
in the cementum-dentin junction. The apical periapical lesion59.
preparation of root canals creates a stop that Another method also used in the treat-
facilitates the appropriate application of con- ment of teeth with pulp necrosis and open
densation pressure for filling in three dimen- apex, is the non surgical condensation of bio-

Endodontic Science
sions33,36,52,56,58,64,90. compatible material at the extremity of the
Although the incidence of caries in young root canal. The objective is to establish apical
patients has fallen considerably over the last stop to enable immediate root canal filling.
few decades, has been a significant increase Although this technique offers the advantage
in the number of traumatic dental injuries of requiring only a few sessions, the need for
due to the incentive to practice sports, in- retreatment should be considered some time
creasing number of automobile accidents later, if there has been completion of the root.

Chapter 2
and violence3. Frequently the incisors are the Several biocompatible materials have been
most affected teeth, and depending on the proposed, such as calcium hydroxide40,41,65, re-
intensity of the traumatic injury, rupture of sorption ceramic49, mineral trioxide aggregate
the vascular-nerve fibers can occur, causing (MTA)19 and others. However, from the clini-
pulp necrosis and interrupting the comple- cal point of view, it is difficult to place these
tion of the root formation. materials at apical level only, without leaving
Until 1960, non vital permanent teeth with residues along the walls of the root canal and
incomplete rhizogenesis were usually treated without overfilling the periapical area.
by conventional methods. However, root ca- Nowadays, authors are unanimous in af-
nal filling with gutta-percha cones, even when firming that the best treatment for teeth with
they were rolled or done by the professional, incomplete rhizogenesis and pulp necrosis is
did not have good results, because the api- to stimulate apical closure, by temporary root
cal foramen was usually wider and did not al- canal filling with intracanal dressings (calcium
low condensation. The lack of apical stop fre- hydroxide paste) until there are anatomical
quently led to overfilling the periapical region. conditions that allow appropriate root filling
It was frequently necessary do apical surgery to be definitively performed 40,41,59,62,63.
to remove the excess gutta-percha or do a Apexification is defined as a method of
retrograde filling to obtain the apical seal35. inducing apical closure by mineralized tissue
Nevertheless, the apical surgery technique as- formation or by continuation of root devel-
sociated with retrograde filling was not satis- opment of an incompletely formed tooth,
factory, because of various inconveniences. whose pulp is not vital. The American Asso-
The technique of root canal filling with ciation of Endodontics2 defines apexification
gutta-percha cones under the root apex has as “a method to induce a calcified barrier in
shown a low clinical success rate. With in- a root with an open apex or the continued
complete root canal filling, microorganisms apical development of an incomplete root in
can remain in the apical region and healing teeth with necrotic pulp”.
The nature of the tissue that contributes to 3. Conventional coronal opening does
38 the apical closure has been suggested as be- not always offer direct or enough access to
ing cementum, osteodentin, osteocementum the root canals and does not allow the instru-
or bone. The apical seal can occur in a hood, ments to reach all the walls of the root canal
barrier or bridge form. With apical sealing, in these teeth, frequently resulting in areas
root development may or may not increase not being instrumented. Although coronal
the length of the root, but either way, root openings should be wide, excessive wear of
development is usually irregular, unlike the the crown should be avoided.
apexogenesis, which results in a regular apical 4. To conclude the coronal opening, the
seal and normal root development59,63. pulp chamber and entrance of the root canal
Kerekes et al.47 evaluated the results of root should be irrigated with 1% sodium hypochlo-
Root Development

canal treatment in 166 traumatized incisors of rite, always associated with aspiration.
patients between 9 and 18 years of age. They 5. Exploration of the root canal should be
observed that the group of teeth treated by carefully done. One must consider that in teeth
apexification produced a success rate of 95% with incomplete rhizogenesis, with the apical
in comparison with the group of teeth treated portion of the root not completely formed, the
conventionally, with a rate of 60%. radiographic image of the root is not well de-
Apexification has become the most used fined, hindering determination of the length of
Chapter 2

method of treating teeth with non vital pulp, the tooth, required for exploring the root ca-
with incomplete rhizogenesis, because it al- nal. The presence of pain or hemorrhage dur-
lows appropriate root canal filling, which ing this maneuver indicates the need to keep
would be impossible to treat conservative- the exploration instrument at a shorter distance
ly, in addition to reducing the possibility of than that of the pre-established length.
overfilling. With apexification the need for 6. Preparation of the cervical third.
apical surgery is eliminated.55 Although many 7. Sanitization process.
materials and methods are proposed for api- 8. The real working length should be placed 1
cal barrier formation, calcium hydroxide has mm short of the radiographic apex. If the patient
had wiser acceptance, due to the high level presents sensitivity, or if there is hemorrhage,
of clinical success related to its use32,48,40,42,63. the working length should be reevaluated.
Chapter 20 discusses the biological and an- 9. Emptying the root canal.
timicrobial action mechanism of calcium hy- 10. Root canal preparation in the teeth
droxide medications. with incomplete rhizogenesis depends on
The basic principles of endodontic therapy the anatomical form of the root canal, whose
continue to be of fundamental importance in walls can come in three forms: divergent, par-
the treatment of permanent teeth with incom- allel or convergent to apical.
plete rhizogenesis. Thus, some peculiar aspects When the roots present an early stage of
of this treatment should be emphasized. rhizogenesis and the root canal is divergent to
apical, modeling is hindered since the instru-
Apexification technique ments do not entirely reach the dentinal walls,
1. Before operative intervention, peria- annulling the file actions and enlargement, so
pical radiography should be performed for that the objective is only to clean the infected
diagnosis, to evaluate the stage of the root dentinal walls. Quite often the use of third se-
development and the condition of the peria- ries instruments is necessary, which should ex-
pical tissues. ert negative pressure during penetration and
2. The operative field should be isolated positive pressure against all the walls when
with a rubber dam. they are withdrawn.
In these cases, one must remember that be- and radiographic control. The clinical condi-
cause the dental tubules have not yet received tion of the tooth, filling with the calcium hy-
the important deposition of intratubular den- droxide paste, root and periapical tissue con-
tin, and the peritubular dentin has not been dition should be considered.
completely mineralized, the walls become frag- There are controversies about whether
ile and very thin. Therefore no intense action or not the intracanal dressing should be re-
should be performed against them. Special at- newed, and what the ideal interval of time
tention should be paid during the biomechani- for the performing the renewals would be.
cal preparation, because the absence of an api- Chawla11 and Chosack et al.12 suggest the
cal stop favors over instrumentation. Another placement of calcium oxide only once until
precaution should be the placement of cursors there is radiographic evidence of mineral-

Endodontic Science
in the irrigation needle, to avoid its excessive ized tissue barrier formation. They support
penetration, injuring the periapical tissues. the clinical application because they believe
In cases of convergent walls to apical, the that the calcium hydroxide is only required to
action of the K-file instrument during the mod- begin the reparative process, and therefore,
eling can be accompanied by an enlarging nothing would be gained by the repeated
movement to improve removal of necrotic res- application, monthly or quarterly.
idues and bacteria from the root canal walls. According to Cvek17 and Fleiglin30, every

Chapter 2
11. Drying and application of EDTA. time that clinical-radiographic control dem-
12. New irrigation and drying of the root onstrates signs of treatment failure (persistent
canals. fistula, tumefaction, increase of the lesion or
13. Placement of the calcium hydrox- absence of apical seal) it would be indispens-
ide based dressing. The calcium hydroxide able to reevaluate the treatment performed,
placement technique is described under a to improve the root canal preparation and
topic about calcium hydroxide (Chapter 20). put back the calcium hydroxide.
Calcium hydroxide placement with a file, ab- Renewal of the calcium hydroxide paste
sorbent paper points and vertical pluggers is supported by the statement that when in
presented the lowest frequency of empty contact with the carbon dioxide of the tis-
spaces in the three thirds of the root canal. sues, this substance becomes calcium car-
14. Radiography to evaluate the quality bonate, altering its inductive capacity of
of the root canal filling, to check whether it mineralization32,40,41.
is complete or whether there are radiolucent Among the clinical-radiographic controls,
spaces that show absence of the paste. The the time interval ranges from 30 days, 60 days
presence of spaces in the root canal with cal- and 90 days24-27,71,87,90, depending on the vehicle
cium hydroxide paste is an indication of the used in the calcium hydroxide paste, the type
absence of intracanal dressing, which de- of lesion and stage of rhizogenesis. When the
mands more care during placement. When apical opening is quite wide, and there is the
well condensed, the calcium hydroxide will presence of periapical fluids determining the
make the lumen of the root canal disappear. faster solubilization of the paste, it is necessary
15. Temporary cavity sealing is of funda- to renew the calcium hydroxide after 30 days.
mental importance to avoid contamination and Radiolucent (empty) areas in the root canal
damage to the reparative process. Dissolution can be radiographically observed, mainly in
of the intracanal dressing and consequent con- the apical third, indicating calcium hydroxide
tamination of the root canal can result in new dispersion, and the need for replacing it17,30.
infection and determine clinical failure. Abbot1 emphasizes that the radiographic
16. After the placement of the intracanal image of the root canal filling with calcium
dressing, it is important to maintain clinical hydroxide paste is not reliable for determining
the presence of calcium hydroxide or to dem- of the apical barrier. Pass the memory instru-
40 onstrate whether or not the mineralized tis- ment again, smoothly against the walls of the
sue barrier is complete. He emphasizes that root canal, irrigate-aspirate, and dry with ab-
the regular changes present many advantag- sorbent paper cones.
es, and affirms that the ideal time interval for The period necessary for the apical closure
changes depends on the stage of rhizogen- can vary from 3 to 18 months87,90. Cvek17 said
esis at the time of treatment and the size of that the absence or the presence of periapi-
the apical diameter. cal lesions can be one of the decisive factors
The presence of the patient under treat- at / during this time.
ment for clinical-radiographic control is of 18. Because teeth with incomplete rhizogen-
fundamental importance. His/her absence esis usually present very wide root canals, they
Root Development

can lead to unexpected clinical and radio- are difficult to fill and there is the need to use
graphic results: partial sealing or periapical resources like: filling, using inverted gutta-per-
recurrence could occur. In the session fol- cha cones to get a better adaptation in the api-
lowing after absolute isolation and removal cal third, molding of the apical third of the root
of the temporary restoration, the root canal canal, by the superficial plastification with xylol
should be irrigated with saline solution with a of the selected gutta-percha cone, filling using
needle length ranging from 1 to 2 mm short gutta-percha cones of the third series, or filling
Chapter 2

of the working length. using a self-made main gutta-percha cone.

Using the memory file, the solution should In wide root canals, where even cones
be agitated inside the root canal, which will #140 are not adjusted to the apical diameter,
aid the removal of calcium hydroxide paste. a gutta-percha cone can be made. Three or
The file should be passed smoothly against more gutta-percha cones of the second se-
the walls of the root canal to remove the in- ries should be heated, uniting them to form a
tracanal dressing. The root canal should be single bunch. After quick heating, the bunch
dried with absorbent paper cones adapted of cones should be rolled between two glass
and refilled with calcium hydroxide. plates forming one homogeneous cone. After
17. In order to detect apical closure in a cooling and hardening, the cone is in condi-
radiographic exam, after the absolute isola- tion to be selected.
tion and removal of the temporary restora- In the case of using the classical filling tech-
tion, the root canal should be irrigated with nique with active lateral condensation, a great
saline solution and the intracanal dressing deal of care should be taken during the con-
removed. With the memory instrument, with- densation maneuvers not to exert excessive
out executing pressure, probe the presence pressure on the root canal walls (Fig. 2.6-2.9).

Endodontic Science
Chapter 2
a b

Figure 2.6 - (A-B) Apical closure by mineralized tissue formation of an incompletely formed tooth.

Figure 2.7 - (A-F) Apical closure by mineralized

tissue formation of an incompletely
formed tooth.

b c d e f

a b
Root Development
Chapter 2

c d e f

Figure 2.8 - (A-F) Apical closure by mineralized tissue formation of an incompletely formed tooth.

Figure 2.9 - (A-E) Apical closure by mineralized tissue

formation of an incompletely formed tooth.

b c d e
2.6 Decisive Factors in Root Development Pulpal condition
The process of periapical tissue repair af- When the pulp vitality is maintained,
ter endodontic treatment has been the object through conservative treatment, such as direct
of numerous studies7,27,39-41,51,60,71,86. One of the pulp protection or pulpotomy, there is great-
particularities of great interest in this subject er possibility of complete root formation, by
concerns teeth with incomplete rhizogenesis dentin deposition and root cementum23.
and pulp necrosis that have suffered endo-
dontic intervention. Stage of root formation
The mechanism of root completion and api- The embryonic structures existent in the
cal closure post-treatment in teeth with pulp apical area of teeth with pulp necrosis and in-
necrosis and incomplete rhizogenesis, still re- complete rhizogenesis can assume an impor-

Endodontic Science
mains obscure. Some authors believe that the tant role in the genesis of the morphologic
dental papilla and the Hertwig’s epithelial root alterations after root canal treatment68.
sheath stay intact and resume their functions When the dental papilla and Hertwig’s
when the infection is eliminated32,38. Klein & epithelial root sheath are preserved, even if
Levy48 believe that the cells of the dental follicle disorganized, their cells can differentiate into
around the root keep their genetic codes pre- odontoblasts, to produce dentin formation
disposing them to form cementoblasts, which and root completion23.

Chapter 2
consequently deposit cementum. Some re- However, when the pulp shows necrosis
searchers have suggested that calcium hydrox- at an early stage of rhizogenesis, the possi-
ide stimulates the undifferentiated mesenchy- bility of complete apical formation becomes
mal cells to differentiate into cementoblasts, reduced, and the result is usually a shortened
which begin the cementogenesis in the apex41. root. While teeth at more advanced stages of
Holland & Leonardo39, observed that af- root development can present a reparation
ter root canal treatment, in the reparative process to determine root completion similar
process of teeth with incomplete rhizogen- to that of normal teeth.
esis, root completion occurred exclusively
through the deposition of hard tissue, with Presence of periapical lesion
morphologic characteristics of cementum. During the physiological process of root
Steiner & Van Hassel79 also demonstrated completion, the Hertwig’s epithelial root
apical closure with the formation of a miner- sheath begins to disintegrate and follicle cells
alized tissue barrier that met the criteria for differentiate into cementoblasts, depositing
identification as cementum. cementum on the dentin. Since the root does
The occurrence of root completion seems not conclude its normal development, cells of
to maintain a close relationship with different the dental sack close to the open apex, which
factors. There are indispensable factors for retain the genetic code, predispose them to
the occurrence of apical and periapical repa- differentiate into cementoblasts69.
ration of teeth with incomplete rhizogenesis, Most of the authors have defended that
as well as important factors that make it the root formation is dependent on the presence
most organized and closest form of the mor- of Hertwig’s root sheath, which would remain
phology of a normal apical third. These fac- intact even in the presence of periapical le-
tors can be related to the pulpal status, stage sions16,38,86.
of root development at the time of endodon- For Heithersay38 because it is an epithelium,
tic intervention, presence of periapical lesion, Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath would be more
intensity of the traumatic injury suffered and resistant to inflammatory alterations, therefore
endodontic technique used in the treatment. it would be possible, in cases of teeth with
incomplete rhizogenesis, pulp necrosis and The fragmentation of Hertwig’s root sheath
44 periapical lesion, for Hertwig’s epithelial root and the disorganization of the dental papilla
sheath to survive and remain capable of con- are unfavorable conditions for restructuring
tinuing to organize root development when the normal dental anatomy23.
the inflammatory process is eliminated. An-
dreasen et al.4 suggest a regenerative poten- 2.7 Endodontic technique
tial of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath, where Some procedures performed during the
fragments of these remain viable in the face of treatment of these teeth are of considerable
certain aggressions, with the capacity to recre- importance in root completion: root canal
ate a new Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath and preparation, removal of the necrotic tissue,
then to complete root formation. decrease in the number of microorganisms in
Root Development

However, histological studies have not the root canal, the intracanal dressing used,
demonstrated the presence of Hertwig’s root and root canal filling.
sheath in the cases of teeth with periapical le- The inflammatory process presents a
sion22,37,41,42. Diab & Stallard20 reported that ce- vascular-exudative phenomenon, associat-
mentum formation does not depend on the ed with cellular and humoral phenomenon,
presence or absence of Hertwig’s root sheath, which interact with the aggressor agent
and this would explain the root completion, that promotes destructive events in the api-
Chapter 2

mainly in teeth with periapical lesion. cal and periapical area. Infection of the root
Esberard et al.23 related that teeth with in- canal of teeth with incomplete rhizogenesis
complete rhizogenesis with periapical lesion exacerbates these destructive events. The
tend to have apical and periapical reparation persistence of the infection leads to a pro-
exclusively due to cells originated from the gressive destruction of the osteogenic api-
periodontal ligament, only capable of produc- cal structures and periapical remainders,
ing hard tissue of the cementoid type. The ex- impeding their functions, among them root
tent of the lesion can influence this process, completion. Infection is always undesirable,
because the larger the root involvement of the and when it is present, the possibility of api-
periapical lesion, the smaller will be the num- cal completion, morphologically similar to
ber of cells with the capacity of synthesizing normality, is reduced; therefore it becomes
cementoid matrix, migrating to the root apex indispensable to removal all necrotic tissue
in order to reconstitute it. present in the root canal, by appropriate bio-
mechanical preparation23,86.
Intensity of traumatic injury The use of irrigant solutions and medica-
Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath is usu- tions that are harmful to the apical and pe-
ally sensitive to the traumatic dental inju- riapical tissues, also make the desired apical
ries, but because of the vascularization and completion difficult.
amount of cells in the apical area, root for- Therefore, the factors inherent to the en-
mation can continue in the presence of pulp dodontic technique used, which can be de-
inflammation or necrosis63. cisive in root completion are: absence of in-
In addition to inducing the inflammatory fection in the root canal, use of medications
process in the apical area, associated with or solutions non aggressive to the apical and
pulp necrosis, traumatic injury can disorga- periapical tissues, biomechanics appropriate
nize the dental papilla still present in the final to the biology of the remaining tissues, her-
phase of the rhizogenesis, as well as disartic- metic root canal filling and compatible filling
ulate the components Hertwig’s root sheath, material, and if possible, stimulation of hard
fundamental for the formation of the root. tissue matrix synthesis.
2.8 Forms of Periapical Repair condition usually occurs when there is pulp
The periapical reparation and the forma- necrosis and the root is at an initial stage of
tion of hard tissue after treatment with cal- rhizogenesis, with the maximum formation of
cium hydroxide occur, in long term, in 79% to the medium third23.
96% of the cases. However, the permanence The dental papilla in this condition is wide
of these teeth in the buccal cavity is reduced and its destruction is partial. Thus, elimina-
by the potential of cervical fracture due to tion of the necrotic pulp offers biological
the thinness of the dental walls87. conditions for the remainders of the dental
Reconstruction of the apical third in teeth papilla and Hertwig’s root sheath to promote
with incomplete rhizogenesis, due to several the apical completion, but without reestab-
factors previously discussed, can promote lishing the normal length of the root23.

Endodontic Science
several forms of root completion.6,32 For Hei-
thersay38 a greater number of types of miner- Apical completion with a mineralized
alized tissue, which can be deposited in the tissue barrier
apical area, and varied forms of repair seem In some cases, the apical closure is a min-
to be possible. The periapical environment eralized barrier, but without root develop-
and its response seem to dictate a particular ment90. Complete destruction of Hertwig’s
pattern of repair individually in each case. root sheath results in cessation of normal

Chapter 2
root development. Once the dental papilla is
Complete and normal root completion destroyed there will be no differentiation of
This completion takes place when the cells into odontoblasts. However, hard tissue
root pulp is preserved in the root canal after can be formed by cementoblasts, which are
a direct pulp protection, pulpotomy or when usually present in the apical area and by fi-
endodontic intervention is performed in a broblasts of the dental follicle and periodon-
tooth in which the root was already formed, tal ligament, which differentiate into hard tis-
however, with the apical foramen still open23. sue producer cells86.
Radiographic and clinical evidence of the
Complete and normal root completion, complete formation of the hard tissue barri-
with pulp necrosis er, and histological analyses have shown that
In this form of reparation there is a great the barrier is porous, and sometimes partial.
formation of mineralized tissue, even with However, for the clinical success, a barrier of
pulp necrosis. This occurs when the apical tis- impermeable material is not necessary79.
sues have not suffered significant damage and
the cells in the area have been preserved. In Absence of apical completion
the etiopathogenesis of these cases there is This clinical condition can occur in teeth
usually a history of light traumatic injury, but in which the apical and periapical area have
sufficient to have caused pulp necrosis, with- suffered extensive damage with necrosis of
out infection37,38. the cells that had the potential to promote
the formation of hard tissue. After the harmful
Root and apical completion with agents have been eliminated, none of these
foreshortening of the root cells remain in the apical area of dental papilla
In these cases apical completion is in- or even in periodontal ligament cells, which
complete, because when compared with the could favor the formation of hard tissue, even
homologous tooth, the root is shorter. This if they were rudimentary and disorganized23.

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