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Your professor is teaching a class on English literature

Write a post responding to the professor's question. In

:your response you should

Express and support your opinion

.Make a contribution to the discussion

.An effective response will contain at least 100 words

Mr. Barkley

Weve been studying different literary devices such as "

symbolism, foreshadowing, and irony. I'd like to know what

".you think about the use of these devices in literature

Do you think that using these devices enhances the "

?reading experience? Why or why not



think that the use of literary devices can 1"

make a text more engaging and

,thought-provoking. Symbolism, for example

.can help to deepen the meaning of a story

while irony can help to create a sense of

surprise or tension. I think that these

devices add richness and complexity to

literature that makes it more rewarding to


While I agree that literary devices can make

a text more interesting, I also think that

sometimes they can be overused or

distracting. Sometimes authors try to be too

clever with their use of symbolism or

foreshadowing, and it can take away from

the enjoyment of the story. I think it's

important to strike a balance between using

literary devices effectively and not letting

".them overshadow the story itself


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