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CMHS Band Update - Aug.

11, 2023
Beginning of School Year

Important Messages
● Everyone has officially survived band camp 2023! WOOT! The Marching Eagles had a great week
overall at camp: students were hardworking and goal oriented. Because of this, we were able to put
all of 1st movement and 2nd movement on the field with music and marching, as well as part of
3rd movement drill ( just marching). Nice work, band!

● Thank you to all parent/guardian volunteers during band camp! The Marching Eagles cannot be
successful without your help. Please continue to volunteer by referring to Jen Gross’ emails.

● Percussion + Color Guard - percussion only rehearsals and color guard only rehearsals have yet to
be scheduled. We will inform you as soon as we can. If less than a two week notice is received,
grace will be given to those who have conflicts. As always, please communicate!

Things to Remember
● An updated rehearsal/performance calendar can be found by CLICKING HERE.

● School starts this week and with the school year starting comes graded rehearsals and
performances. If your child will be absent from any after school event, you MUST:
○ Communicate with me via email PRIOR to the absence
○ Explain why your child will be absent to ensure that it’s an excused absence

● For students involved in other activities, COMMUNICATE with me about the other activity and
what conflicts may exist. We will work them out together to ensure that you can make it to all

● A note on call time. Call time is the time you should be at the school ready to go. Call time is NOT
the time you are arriving.

Upcoming Events
● Aug. 15 - Marching Eagles Rehearsal (5:30pm-8:30pm)
● Aug. 17 - Marching Eagles Rehearsal (5:30pm-8:30pm)
● Aug. 18 - Purple + Gold Scrimmage (5pm call time, 6:30pm performance)
● Aug. 22 - Marching Eagles Rehearsal (5:30pm-8:30pm)
● Aug. 24 - CM Open House (5:30pm-6:30pm)
● Aug. 26 - GSL Percussion Festival (Call time TBD, Percussion + Drum Majors Only)
● Aug. 29 - Marching Eagles Rehearsal (5:30pm-8:30pm)

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, Musically yours,

please do not hesitate to contact me! Michaela Davis

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