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Juntunen, Counseling Across the Lifespan, Second Edition Instructor Resource

Chapter 5

Counseling Across the Lifespan Prevention

and Treatment 2nd Edition by Juntunen
Schwartz ISBN 1483343774 9781483343778
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1. The impact of chronic illness in childhood can reach beyond the physiological and
into the psychological and social functioning realms.
@ Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Psychological and Social
Adjustment of Children With Chronic Illness; Question type: T/F

*a. True
b. False

2. Children who suffer from acute lymphocytic leukemia and children with cystic
fibrosis experience pain as a part of the treatment of chronic illness, which may, in
turn, affect their psychological well-being.
@ Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Adherence and Pain Management;
Question type: T/F

*a. True
b. False

3. Just under 65% of chronically ill children are compliant with treatment and the
number rises through early adulthood and then drops off dramatically.
@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Medical Adherence;
Question type: T/F

a. True
*b. False

4. A blood glucose monitor is not an effective tool for measuring medical adherence.
@ Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Assessing Medical Adherence;
Question type: T/F

a. True
Juntunen, Counseling Across the Lifespan, Second Edition Instructor Resource
Chapter 5
*b. False

5. Elisa has experienced the painful side effects of sickle cell anemia on and off for
the past there years. This type of pain is known as recurrent pain.
@ Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Pain management; Question
type: T/F

*a. True
b. False

6. Therapies designed to support children in accepting pain, such as Acceptance and

Commitment Therapy, have not been found to be helpful with children.
@ Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Interventions for Pain; Question
type: T/F

a. True
*b. False

7. When a child has a chronic illness he or she is impacted on a number of levels as

are the members of the family.
@ Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Psychosocial Adjustment of
Families of Children with Chronic Illness; Question type: T/F

*a. True
b. False

8. Parental stress concerning a child’s chronic illness generally does not impact the
well-being of the child struggling with a chronic illness.
@ Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Psychosocial Adjustment of
Parents of Children; Question type: T/F

a. True
*b. False

Multiple Choice & Fill-in-the-Blank

9. As many as ____ percent of children with chronic illness will experience some form
of psychological maladjustment as a result of illness?
@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Psychological & Social
Adjustment of Children With Chronic Illness; Question type: MC

*a. 37%
b. 24%
c. 16%
d. 10%

Type: F
Juntunen, Counseling Across the Lifespan, Second Edition Instructor Resource
Chapter 5
10. ______________________is a key factor in buffering children with chronic illness from
the potential psychological and social effects the illness and its repercussions.
*a. Social support
Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Psychological & Social
Adjustment of Children with Chronic Illness; Question type: FIB

11. When assessing children with chronic illnesses it is important that counselors
remember that endorsement of items related to physical symptoms may be related
to their illnesses and not to
@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Psychological & Social
Adjustment of Children With Chronic Illness; Question type: MC

a. overall maladjustment
*b. psychosomatic difficulties
c. pain tolerance
d. personal insight

12. Which of the following chronic illnesses results in pain directly from the function
of the illness as opposed to its treatment?
@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Adherence and Pain
Management; Question type: MC

a. diabetes
b. HIV
*c. sickle cell anemia
d. cystic fibrosis

13. Which of the following is not a key factor in medical adherence in children?
@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Medical Adherence;
Question type: MC

a. Developmental level
b. Financial resources of the family
c. A desire for friendships
*d. Religious orientation

14. Advanced electronic monitoring devices for use in the assessment of medical
adherence are not easily attainable and implemented because
@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Assessment of Adherence;
Question type: MC

*a. They can be cost prohibitive

b. Some states have outlawed these forms of assessment because they are intrusive
in people’s lives
c. They are easily “fooled” by savvy users
d. They are not allowed in schools
Juntunen, Counseling Across the Lifespan, Second Edition Instructor Resource
Chapter 5

15. Which of the following is not one of the major categories of medical adherence
@ Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Interventions for Adherence;
Question type: MC

a. Educational
*b. Cognitive
c. Communication/psychotherapeutic
d. Behavioral

16. Which of the following is not an example of procedural pain?

@ Cognitive domain: Applied; Answer location: Pain Management; Question type:

a. Danny experiences multiple finger-stick blood glucose level tests per day
b. Elliot experiences pain resulting from surgery on his left knee
*c. David experiences intense headaches as a result of a brain tumor
d. Kate must undergo painful chemotherapy treatments

17. Daisy experiences intense chronic pain that results from a neuropathy. Which of
the following is likely not a factor in how she experiences her pain?
@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Pain Management; Question
type: MC

a. Biological factors
b. Social factors
c. Psychosocial factors
*d. Economic Factors

18. Alan, age 5, has had surgery and his nurse would like to assess his pain. She
shows him four plastic chips and will ask him to rate his pain using the chips. Which
measure of pain is Alan’s nurse using?
@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Assessment of Pain;
Question type: MC

*a. Pieces of Hurt

b. Faces Pain Scale
c. Structured Interview
d. Pain Diary

19. Joanne is about to undergo a rather painful treatment. Her parents have met
with a doctor to consult about their concerns regarding the pain and have asked her
doctor to provide Joanne with the “first line of treatment” for her pain. What will her
doctor recommend?
Juntunen, Counseling Across the Lifespan, Second Edition Instructor Resource
Chapter 5
@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Interventions for Pain;
Question type: MC

a. Filling a prescription for pain medication and having it ready for her when the
procedure is over
*b. Preparing Joanne for the pain by providing information about what she might
expect to experience
c. Enrolling her in an ACT course for pain management
d. Invest in pain distractors, such as bubbles or party blowers

Type: F
20. The __________________________ inventory was initially validated with parents of
children with cancer and measures four basic factors including communication, role
function, medical care, and emotional functioning.
*a. Pediatric Inventory for Parents
Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Psychosocial Adjustment of
Parents of Children.; Question type: FIB

21. The ____________________ inventory is one that was initially validated with parents
of children with spina bifida, cerebral palsy, and diabetes. This scale has four
domains: concerns for the child, concerns for the family, concerns for the self, and
medical/legal concerns.
*a. Parents of Children With a Disability Inventory
Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Assessment of Psychosocial
Adjustment of Parents; Question type: FIB

22. Anita’s daughter is struggling with the effects of spina bifida. Her doctor notices
that she seems very tired, low energy and is not expressing much positive about the
family. She would like to assess Anita’s parenting stress. Her doctor is most likely to
use _______________________ an assessment tool.
*a. Parents of Children With a Disability Inventory
Cognitive domain: Application; Answer location: Assessment of Psychosocial
Adjustment of Parents; Question type: FIB

23. Delia’s younger sister is terminally ill and her parents would like her to be
assessed. Her counselor would like to use best practices in assessing her. The
counselor should do all of the following except
@ Cognitive domain: Application; Answer location: Psychosocial Adjustment of
Siblings of Children with Chronic Illness; Question type: MC

a. Assess the child’s self-perception of coping

b. Use a multi-informant approach to assessment
c. Use a multi-method approach to assessment
*d. Select the single best assessment and limit to that one
Juntunen, Counseling Across the Lifespan, Second Edition Instructor Resource
Chapter 5
24. Training in __________________ has been shown to help parents of children with
asthma and those with traumatic brain injury, for example, to better cope with their
child’s injury.
@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Treatment of Psychosocial
Adjustment of Parents; Question type: MC

a. Emotional Intelligence
b. Meditation and Mindfulness
*c. Problem-Solving Skills
d. Executive Function Skills

25. Which of the following is not an appropriate assessment tool for evaluating
sibling coping?
@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Assessment of Psychosocial
Adjustment of Siblings; Question type: MC

a. Beck Depression Inventory for Children

b. Child Behavior Checklist
c. The Sibling Perception Questionnaire
*d. The Pediatric Inventory for Parents

26. When dealing with the needs of chronically ill children and the needs of their
healthy siblings parents must learn to _____________ the needs of each.\
@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Interventions of
Psychosocial Adjustment of Siblings; Question type: MC

*a. balance
b. prioritize
c. alternate
d. evaluate

27. Families of children with chronic illness who report poor family functioning
were apt to report impairments in all of the following except
@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Family Functioning;
Question type: MC

a. Communication with one another

*b. Joblessness
c. Role functioning
d. Emotional involvement with one another

28. The Miller family has come to counseling to gain support while they navigate
their son’s terminal cancer. The counselor has a good sense for the coping strategies
the family is using but is less clear about family cohesion and communication. The
counselor has decided to assess the family. Since there are a wide variety of
Juntunen, Counseling Across the Lifespan, Second Edition Instructor Resource
Chapter 5
assessment tools available, how should the Millers counselor select her assessment
@ Cognitive domain: Application; Answer location: Assessment of Family
Functioning; Question type: MC

a. The ease of administration

b. The availability of the assessment (is it in her office)
*c. How well the tool answers her questions
d. The length of the assessment

29. The Bosch family is getting therapy in the home to support them as they provide
care for their daughter, Nina, who has severe diabetes. The therapy involves the
whole family and pulls from family strengths and community resources to support
the family. Which therapy is likely being used?
@ Cognitive domain: Application; Answer location: Interventions for Family
Functioning; Question type: MC

a. Behavioral Therapy
b. Family Systems Therapy
c. Emotion-Focused Therapy
*d. Multisystemic Therapy

Type: E
30. Sandra, age 17, has a seizure disorder and has been prohibited from driving.
While her peers all have jobs, she has had difficulty finding one in walking distance.
Consequently she has very little spending money and often can’t spend time with
her friends if the outings require money. Discuss the likelihood that Sandra will also
struggle with psychological effects thanks to her seizure disorder.
*a. Varies but should include the following four elements: the condition itself, the
impact the condition has on her functional independence, the psychological stress it
brings, and the coping process that she may embrace.
Cognitive domain: Analysis; Answer location: Introduction; Question type: SA

31. Describe why it is important that counselors assess parents of children with
chronic illness and be prepared to respond with interventions.
*a. Parenting stress can contribute to a loop of stress between child and parent.
Parenting stress can contribute to the stress in the chronically ill child, and that can
increase the stress in the parent.
Cognitive domain: Analysis; Answer location: Psychosocial Adjustment of Parents of
Children; Question type: ESS

32. How has Multisystemic Therapy been shown to be helpful to families with a
chronically ill child?
*a. MST has been shown to target the individual child and the family and impacts the
larger community. Since it is delivered in the home and is tailored to the individual
Juntunen, Counseling Across the Lifespan, Second Edition Instructor Resource
Chapter 5
family, it makes use of various systems of support, makes use of family strengths,
and supports illness management.
Cognitive domain: Application; Answer location: Interventions for Family Functioning;
Question type: ESS

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