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How do you feel about your overall experience using Meraki’s online store?

Excellent: 15%

Very Good: 20%

Good: 10%

Satisfactory: 30%

Poor: 25%

Considering your complete experience with our company, on a scale of 1-5

how likely would you be to recommend us to a friend or colleague?

1 (Never): 20%

2 (Not Likely): 50%

3 (Somewhat likely): 10%

4 (Likely): 15%

5 (Very LIkely): 5%

What types of products were you looking for that you couldn’t find on the
ecommerce site?
Percentage of survey respondents who answered the following:

Pharmaceuticals: 85%

Beauty and Cosmetics: 70%

Clothing: 40%

Groceries: 20%

Please rate the below parameters as compared to our

competitors. (Average answer from a scale of 1-10 where 10
means Meraki does a better job than its competitors)
Website performance: 9

Product catalog: 3

Product information: 8

Pricing: 7

Shipping options: 8

Payment experience: 8

Online help: 7

Overall: 5


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