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Reflection to John 20:1-9

Easter testifies to the power of God’s love. The Lord Jesus Christ’s rising from
the death will always be a meaningful reminder that evil was overcome by
God’s infinite power and God’s ultimate love for mankind that He let His only
begotten Son carry the heavy cross, to die and to save us from our sins. For
me, It implies that I can wholeheartedly trust and put my confidence on God
who knows everything about me and knows what is best for me especially
when He gave His amazing grace. As a believer, it also calls me to see and
believe through the eyes of faith.

This Lenten season always gives deeper opportunity to renew and deepen
our faith in God; be more reflective and appreciative for the passion of Christ
and to make personal sacrifices. This gospel reminds me that God does not
save all of us from suffering and death. God saves us through them. This
fallen, sinful world was brought back into the loving embrace of God through
the sufferings and death of Jesus, God's own Son.

The tomb was empty and, for the faithful ones, this was a sign of new life.
Some would remember Jesus saying he would rise from death. Others would
feel down, cheated or just lost. It is the same with myself: the tough times of
life such as the different challenges I encounter every day can bring me closer
to God, suffering can make me a better person or make me bitter and
isolated. I may feel a bit of both at times. The empty tomb is the message that
nothing is final in this life, not even death. God's love is stronger than any
human power, violence or cruelty. Love conquers all. In approaching the
mystery of God, I must stoke up my faith. Otherwise, what should cause hope
and courage will only wind up becoming a stumbling block for me. Only a
sincere and generous faith in Christ enables me to take the circumstances of
life in hope, confidence, and security.

Paulines Multimedia PH
April 4, 2021 Gospel
Rev. Fr. Mark Ivo Velasquez

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