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Classmates and parents both plays significant role in the life of child.

Some people thinks

that classmates have more influence on child as compare to parents, I personally oppose the
statement for which reasons and examples are mentioned in the subsequent paragraph.
To embark, it is undeniable that classmates have an important influence on child’s behavior
and the success they achieve in the school. For example, when a child have problem and
queries they always take help of their friends to understand the things, another perfect
example is that in sports his friends might help him in practice and encourage them. Despite
all these positive sides, they could also bring negative side in the life like drugs, smoking
and many other bad habit and he could influence to use it and later may get addicted.
From the other side of the picture, parents have a great influence in children’s in school as
well as throughout the life. Most of time after school children spend their time with parents
so automatically they learn many things from their parents. Moreover, parents are more
experienced so they can teach well and help their child in motivating and guide them in a
better way. Another reason to support my viewpoint, children are emotionally connected
with their kids therefor they can understand their problem very well and easily. Further,
parents knows very well about the behavior, mood, weak point, strong point, abilities and
their interest. So they are the best mentor and tutor as well.
To sum up, children are image of their parents so I personally believe that parents have
more influence than their classmates in their success they achieve in the school.
To sum up, children are images of their parents, so parents provide the foundation for a
child's overall growth and development.

The statement that classmates are more important than parents to a child's success in school
is subjective and can vary depending on individual circumstances. While classmates do play
a significant role in a child's social and academic development, it is not accurate to overlook
the importance of parents in their child's success.

Parents are typically the primary caregivers and are responsible for creating a supportive
home environment that promotes learning and academic success. They provide emotional
encouragement, and guidance to their children.
Parents also actively engage in their child's education, attending parent-teacher meetings,
assisting with homework, and participating in school activities. Their involvement and
interest in their child's education can greatly impact their motivation to succeed.

Parents have first-hand knowledge of a variety of topics.

Parents have a wealth of knowledge in many areas.
Classmates, on the other hand, contribute to a child's social development and can have an
influence on their behavior, study habits, and academic progress. They can provide peer
support, collaboration in group projects, and valuable interactions that foster learning.
Classmates also play a role in promoting a sense of belonging and motivation within the
school environment.

It is essential to recognize that both parents and classmates play distinct but equally
important roles in a child's success in school. While classmates can offer peer support and
social interaction, parents provide the foundation for a child's overall growth and
development. It is the combined efforts and support from both parents and classmates that
contribute to a child's academic progress and success in school.

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