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Unit 8 Questions

1. What four strategic trade routes are in the area?

2. How have mountains affected the region’s development?
3. What are the three primary rivers flowing through the area?
4. What is the most abundant resource in the region? The most valuable?
5. What is the climate like in most of Southwest Asia?
6. Where might people be able to grow crops in the region?
7. In which city was the Prophet Muhammad born?
8. Who took over the region after the fall of the Ottoman Empire?
9. What group today controls oil production and sales in the region?
10. Describe four limits placed on women in Saudi Arabia.
11. Why do all three monotheistic religions believe they have a claim to Jerusalem?
12. How did France contribute to instability in Southwest Asia?
13. Why did the United Nations decide to create Israel? How did this affect the region?
14. What area is the only fully Palestinian controlled region today?
15. Why did the Syrian civil war start?
16. What do we call the ancient civilization that developed along the Tigris and Euphrates?
17. Why does Iran tend to have more tensions with their neighbors?
18. Why did the US go to war in Afghanistan? Iraq? What were the three results of the Iraq
19. What three reasons explain why Turkey has been able to industrialize in an area plagued
by war?

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