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Solution Manual for Chemistry 10th Edition by Whitten

ISBN 1133610668 9781133610663

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Chapter 5—Chemical Periodicity


1. According to the periodic law the properties of elements repeat at regular intervals when the elements
are arranged in order of
a. their increasing atomic mass.
b. their increasing atomic size.
c. their increasing number of neutrons in the nucleus.
d. their increasing number of isotopes.
e. their increasing number of protons in the nucleus.
OBJ: Understand the periodic law.
TOP: More About the Periodic Table

2. Which electrons have the greatest influence on the properties of elements?

a. those electrons in s orbitals
b. those electrons in d orbitals
c. core electrons
d. the outermost electrons
e. none of these
OBJ: Understand the importance of the outermost electrons in chemistry.
TOP: More About the Periodic Table

3. Of the following, which element does not match its designation?

a. 38Sr / representative metal
b. 49In / representative nonmetal
c. 14Si / metalloid
d. 42Mo / d-transition metal
e. 90Th / f-transition metal
OBJ: Classify an element.
TOP: More About the Periodic Table

4. Of the following, which periodic group(s) do not match their designation?

Whitten 10e Test Bank 1

a. d-transition metals / IIIB  IIB
b. representative metals / IA, IIA
c. noble gases / VIIIB
d. alkaline earth metals / IIA
e. halogens / VIIA
OBJ: Match the family of elements with the group number(s).
TOP: More About the Periodic Table

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5. ____ is a d-transition metal.
a. Cr
b. Ga
c. Sn
d. Sb
e. Li
OBJ: Identify a d-transition metal.
TOP: More About the Periodic Table

6. ____ is a noble gas.

a. 22Ti
b. 42Mo
c. 81Tl
d. 54Xe
e. 92U
OBJ: Identify a noble gas.
TOP: More About the Periodic Table

7. ____ is an actinide.
a. 22Ti
b. 42Mo
c. 81Tl
d. 36Kr
e. 93Np
OBJ: Identify an actinide.
TOP: More About the Periodic Table

8. Which one of the following is an inner transition (f-transition) element?

a. Rb
b. Ho
c. Co
d. Ru
e. Bi
OBJ: Identify an inner transition element.
TOP: More About the Periodic Table

9. Which of the following is not a representative element?

a. Cl
b. Sr
c. Co
d. K
e. N
OBJ: Identify the element that is least representative of a family.
TOP: More About the Periodic Table

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10. Choose the response that includes all of the listed elements that are d-transition elements, and no
I. 22Ti
II. 42Mo
III. 81Tl
IV. 36Kr
V. 92U

a. I and II
b. II and III
c. III and IV
d. IV and V
e. I, III, and V
OBJ: Identify d-transition metals.
TOP: More About the Periodic Table

11. What would be the outer electron configuration of group VIA (O, S, Se, . . .)?
a. ns2np6
b. ns2np2
c. ns2np4
d. np6
e. ns0np6
OBJ: Determine the electron configuration beyond the noble gas core given the group number.
TOP: More About the Periodic Table

12. What would be the outer electron configuration of group IIIB (Sc, Y, La . . .)?
a. ns2nd2np0
b. nd1ns2
c. ns2(n  1)d1
d. ns1np3
e. (n  1)d1ns2
OBJ: Determine the electron configuration beyond the noble gas core given the group number.
TOP: More About the Periodic Table

13. What would be the outer electron configuration of alkaline earth metals?
a. ns2np2
b. np2
c. ns0np2
d. nd2
e. ns2
OBJ: Determine the electron configuration beyond the noble gas core given the group number.
TOP: More About the Periodic Table

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14. Choose the term that best describes all members of this series of elements:
Xe, Rn, He, Ne, Kr

a. metalloids
b. noble gases
c. alkaline earth metals
d. alkali metals
e. representative elements
OBJ: Classify a group of elements.
TOP: More About the Periodic Table

15. Which of the following statements is false?

a. The effective nuclear charge experienced by an electron in an outer shell is less than the
actual nuclear charge.
b. Within a family (vertical group in the periodic table) of representative elements atomic
radii increase from top to bottom.
c. Electrons in inner shells screen, or shield, electrons in outer shells from the full effect of
the nuclear charge.
d. The atomic radii of representative elements decrease from left to right across a period
(horizontal row in the periodic table).
e. Transition elements have larger atomic radii than the preceding IA and IIA elements in the
same period because transition elements have electrons in their d orbitals.
OBJ: Understand the term effective nuclear charge. | Understand the term shielding. | Understand the
general relationship between atomic radii and nuclear charge. TOP: Atomic Radii

16. Which element has the largest atomic radius?

a. Al
b. Si
c. P
d. S
e. Cl
OBJ: Identify the atom with the largest radius.
TOP: Atomic Radii

17. Which element has the largest atomic radius?

a. B
b. Al
c. Ga
d. In
e. Tl
OBJ: Identify the atom with the largest radius.
TOP: Atomic Radii

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18. Which element has the largest atomic radius?
a. At
b. Pb
c. As
d. Sn
e. Xe
OBJ: Identify the atom with the largest radius.
TOP: Atomic Radii

19. Which element has the largest atomic radius?

a. Ga
b. In
c. Ge
d. P
e. O
OBJ: Identify the atom with the largest radius.
TOP: Atomic Radii

20. Which element has the largest atomic radius?

a. 3Li
b. 11Na
c. 37Rb
d. 9F
e. 53I
OBJ: Identify the atom with the largest radius.
TOP: Atomic Radii

21. Which element has the largest atomic radius?

a. F
b. Cl
c. Sn
d. Kr
e. Se
OBJ: Identify the atom with the largest radius.
TOP: Atomic Radii

22. Which element has the largest atomic radius?

a. Ca
b. Sr
c. Cr
d. P
e. Na
OBJ: Identify the atom with the largest radius.
TOP: Atomic Radii

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23. Which element has the largest atomic radius?
a. 9F
b. 16S
c. 11Na
d. 28Ni
e. 37Rb
OBJ: Identify the atom with the largest radius.
TOP: Atomic Radii

24. Which element has the smallest radius?

a. Na
b. Mg
c. Al
d. Si
e. P
OBJ: Identify the atom with the smallest radius.
TOP: Atomic Radii

25. Which element has the smallest radius?

a. F
b. Cl
c. Br
d. I
e. At
OBJ: Identify the atom with the smallest radius.
TOP: Atomic Radii

26. Which element has the smallest radius?

a. Mo
b. Au
c. Bi
d. In
e. Te
OBJ: Identify the atom with the smallest radius.
TOP: Atomic Radii

27. Which element has the smallest radius?

a. K
b. Na
c. Rb
d. Mg
e. Cl
OBJ: Identify the atom with the smallest radius.
TOP: Atomic Radii

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28. Arrange the following elements in order of increasing atomic radii.
Sr, Rb, Sb, I, In

a. Rb < Sr < In < Sb < I

b. I < Sb < In < Rb < Sr
c. In < Sb < I < Sr < Rb
d. Sb < I < In < Sr < Rb
e. I < Sb < In < Sr < Rb
OBJ: Arrange the atoms according to size (five atoms).
TOP: Atomic Radii

29. Arrange the following elements in order of increasing atomic radii.

K, Na, Mg, Cs, Cl

a. Na < Mg < Cl < K < Cs

b. Cl < Mg < Na < K < Cs
c. Cs < K < Cl < Mg < Na
d. Cl < Mg < Cs < K < Na
e. Cl < Mg < Na < Cs < K
OBJ: Arrange the atoms according to size (five atoms).
TOP: Atomic Radii

30. Arrange the following elements in order of decreasing atomic radii.

Pb, P, Cl, F, Si

a. Cl > F > Pb > Si > P

b. Pb > Si > P > F > Cl
c. Pb > Si > P > Cl > F
d. Pb > Cl > P > Si > F
e. Pb > Cl > P > Si > F
OBJ: Arrange the atoms according to size (five atoms).
TOP: Atomic Radii

31. As we move across the periodic table from left to right, atoms become smaller due to
a. increasing effective nuclear charge.
b. the p orbitals being filled.
c. electron-electron repulsions.
d. shell size increases.
e. none of these.
OBJ: Understand the effects of nuclear charge on atom size.
TOP: Atomic Radii

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32. The minimum energy required to remove the most loosely held electron is
a. first ionization energy.
b. electron affinity
c. potential energy
d. kinetic energy
e. electronegativity.
OBJ: Define first ionization energy.
TOP: Ionization Energy

33. The first ionization energy of sulfur is less than that of phosphorus. A reasonable explanation for this
fact involves
a. the stability of the half-filled subshell in atomic sulfur.
b. pairing of two electrons in one 3p orbital in sulfur atoms.
c. the smaller size of sulfur atoms relative to phosphorus atoms.
d. the ease with which phosphorus attains a noble gas electronic configuration.
e. the higher electronegativity of sulfur relative to phosphorus.
OBJ: Understand the causes of differences between ionization energies.
TOP: Ionization Energy

34. Which element has the lowest first ionization energy?

a. F
b. Cl
c. Br
d. I
e. At
OBJ: Identify the atom with the lowest ionization energy.
TOP: Ionization Energy

35. Which element has the lowest first ionization energy?

a. Cs
b. Rb
c. Ca
d. Ba
e. Na
OBJ: Identify the atom with the lowest ionization energy.
TOP: Ionization Energy

36. Which element has the lowest first ionization energy?

a. F
b. B
c. O
d. S
e. Sr
OBJ: Identify the atom with the lowest ionization energy.
TOP: Ionization Energy

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37. Which element has the lowest first ionization energy?
a. Be
b. B
c. C
d. N
e. O
DIF: Harder Question
OBJ: Identify the atom with the lowest ionization energy.
TOP: Ionization Energy

38. Which element has the highest first ionization energy?

a. B
b. Al
c. Ga
d. In
e. Tl
OBJ: Identify the atom with the highest ionization energy.
TOP: Ionization Energy

39. Which element has the highest first ionization energy?

a. Sn
b. Cd
c. As
d. Tc
e. Cl
OBJ: Identify the atom with the highest ionization energy.
TOP: Ionization Energy

40. Which element has the highest first ionization energy?

a. Li
b. Cs
c. Cl
d. I
e. Ar
OBJ: Identify the atom with the highest ionization energy.
TOP: Ionization Energy

41. Which element has the highest first ionization energy?

a. Be
b. B
c. C
d. N
e. O
OBJ: Identify the atom with the highest ionization energy.
TOP: Ionization Energy

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42. Arrange the following elements in order of increasing first ionization energy.
Mg, Al, Si, P, S

a. Al < Mg < Si < S < P

b. Mg < Al < Si < P < S
c. Al < Mg < Si < P < S
d. Mg < Al < Si < S < P
e. Al < Mg < P < Si < S
DIF: Harder Question
OBJ: Arrange the atoms according to ionization energy (five atoms).
TOP: Ionization Energy

43. Arrange the following elements in order of decreasing first ionization energy.
Rb, In, Sn, Sb, As

a. Sb > Sn > In > As > Rb

b. As > In > Sn > Sb > Rb
c. Rb > As > Sb > Sn > In
d. As > Sb > Sn > In > Rb
e. As > Sn > Sb > In > Rb
OBJ: Arrange the atoms according to ionization energy (five atoms).
TOP: Ionization Energy

44. Arrange the following elements in order of decreasing first ionization energy.
Be, Ca, Cs, Mg, K

a. Mg > Be > Ca > K > Cs

b. Be > Mg > Ca > K > Cs
c. Cs > K > Ca > Be > Mg
d. Ca > Mg > Be > Cs > K
e. Ca > Mg > Be > K > Cs
OBJ: Arrange the atoms according to ionization energy (five atoms).
TOP: Ionization Energy

45. Arrange the following elements in order of decreasing first ionization energy.
F, Be, O, N, C

a. F > O > N > C > Be

b. Be > C > O > N > F
c. F > N > O > C > Be
d. O > F > N > Be > C
e. Be > C > N > O > F
DIF: Harder Question
OBJ: Arrange the atoms according to ionization energy (five atoms).
TOP: Ionization Energy

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46. Which equation below depicts the reaction from which the first ionization energy would be
a. Ca(g)  Ca+(g) + e
b. Ca(s)  Ca+(g) + e
c. Ca(s) + e  Ca-(g)
d. Ca(g)  Ca2+ + e
e. None of these
OBJ: Identify a chemical equation representing the first ionization energy of an atom.
TOP: Ionization Energy

47. The amount of energy absorbed in the process in which an electron is added to a neutral gaseous atom
is defined as ____.
a. shielding effect
b. electronegativity
c. electron affinity
d. first ionization energy
e. standard reduction potential
OBJ: Know the definition of electron affinity.
TOP: Electron Affinity

48. Which of the following elements has the most negative electron affinity?
a. Si
b. P
c. S
d. Se
e. Te
OBJ: Identify the atom with the most negative electron affinity.
TOP: Electron Affinity

49. Which of the following elements has the most negative electron affinity?
a. As
b. Al
c. K
d. Se
e. Sn
OBJ: Identify the atom with the most negative electron affinity.
TOP: Electron Affinity

50. The general electron configuration for the element group that would have the largest negative value for
the electron affinity for its atoms is ____?
a. ns2np6
b. ns2np4
c. ns1
d. ns2np5
e. ns2np3

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OBJ: Determine the electron configuration beyond the noble gas core for the group of elements with
the most negative electron affinity.
TOP: Electron Affinity

51. Arrange the following elements in order of increasing values of electron affinity, i.e., from most
negative to least negative. (Note: None of these elements is an exception to the general trends of
electron affinities.)
Cl, Se, S, Cs, Rb, Te

a. Cl < S < Se < Rb < Te < Cs

b. Cl > Te > Se > S > Rb > Cs
c. Cl > Se > S > Te > Rb > Cs
d. Cl < S < Se < Te < Cs < Rb
e. Cl < S < Se < Te < Rb < Cs
OBJ: Arrange the atoms according to electron affinities (five atoms).
TOP: Electron Affinity

52. Which of the following statements about ionization energy and electron affinity is true?
a. Elements with very high ionization energies usually have very negative electron affinities.
b. IE1 and EA are equal in value but with the sign reversed.
c. It is very easy to measure both IE and EA values.
d. Elements with low IE, as well as very negative EA, tend to form cations easily.
e. All of these statements are true.
OBJ: Understand both electron affinity and ionization energy.
TOP: Electron Affinity

53. Which one of the following species is not isoelectronic with neon?
a. Mg2+
b. Na+
c. O2
d. Si2+
e. Al3+
OBJ: Determine all atoms or ions which are isoelectronic.
TOP: Ionic Radii

54. Which one of the following pairs contains isoelectronic species?

a. Na / Na+
b. S / Se
c. S2 / Se2
d. F2 / Cl2
e. Na+ / O2
OBJ: Determine atoms or ion pair which are isoelectronic.
TOP: Ionic Radii

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55. Which of the following ions is not isoelectronic with the others?
a. I
b. Sb3+
c. Te2
d. Ba2+
e. Cs+
OBJ: Determine all atoms or ions which are isoelectronic.
TOP: Ionic Radii

56. Which of the following ions is not isoelectronic with a noble gas?
a. Mg2+
b. P2
c. Cs+
d. Se2
e. Ba2+
OBJ: Determine all atoms or ions which are isoelectronic.
TOP: Ionic Radii

57. Which ion has the largest radius?

a. O2
b. S2
c. Se2
d. Te2
e. Po2
OBJ: Identify the ion with the largest radius.
TOP: Ionic Radii

58. Which ion has the largest radius?

a. F
b. Cl
c. Br
d. I
e. At
OBJ: Identify the ion with the largest radius.
TOP: Ionic Radii

59. Which ion has the largest radius?

a. Li+
b. Na+
c. Be2+
d. Mg2+
e. Al3+
OBJ: Identify the ion with the largest radius.
TOP: Ionic Radii

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60. Simple positively charged ions are always ____ than the neutral atoms from which they are formed.
a. smaller
b. larger
c. isoelectronic
d. the same size
e. more anionic
OBJ: Understand the relationship between the ionic radii and atomic radius of an atom.
TOP: Ionic Radii

61. Which ion has the smallest radius?

a. F
b. Cl
c. Br
d. I
e. At
OBJ: Identify the ion with the smallest radius.
TOP: Ionic Radii

62. Which ion has the smallest radius?

a. O2
b. S2
c. Se2
d. Te2
e. Po2
OBJ: Identify the ion with the smallest radius.
TOP: Ionic Radii

63. Which ion has the smallest radius?

a. As3
b. Se2
c. Br
d. Rb+
e. Sr2+
OBJ: Identify the ion with the smallest radius.
TOP: Ionic Radii

64. Which ion has the smallest radius?

a. K+
b. Cs+
c. Sr2+
d. Ba2+
e. Tl3+
DIF: Harder Question
OBJ: Identify the ion with the smallest radius.
TOP: Ionic Radii

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65. Which ion or atom has the largest radius?
a. S
b. S2
c. Se
d. Se2
e. Br
OBJ: Identify the ion or atom with the largest radius.
TOP: Ionic Radii

66. Which ion or atom has the largest radius?

a. Sr2+
b. Rb+
c. Kr
d. Br
e. Se2
OBJ: Identify the ion or atom with the largest radius.
TOP: Ionic Radii

67. Arrange the following set of ions in order of increasing ionic radii.
Ca2+, Cl, K+, P3, S2

a. Ca2+ < K+ < P3 < S2 < Cl

b. Ca2+ < K+ < Cl < S2 < P3
c. K+ < Cl < Ca2+ < S2 < P3
d. Cl < S2 < P3 < Ca2+ < K+
e. P3 < S2 < Cl < K+ < Ca2+
OBJ: Arrange the ions according to size (five ions).
TOP: Ionic Radii

68. Arrange the following set of ions in order of decreasing ionic radii.
Al3+, Ga3+, Ca2+, Rb+, K+

a. Rb+ > Ga3+ > Ca2+ > K+ > Al3+

b. Rb+ > K+ > Ca2+ > Al3+ > Ga3+
c. Ga3+ > Al3+ > Ca2+ > Rb+ > K+
d. Rb+ > Ca2+ > K+ > Ga3+ > Al3+
e. Rb+ > K+ > Ca2+ > Ga3+ > Al3+
OBJ: Arrange the ions according to size (five ions).
TOP: Ionic Radii

69. Which of the lists of increasing ionic radii is not correct?

a. Cl < Br < I
b. Al3+ < Mg2+ < Na+
c. Ca2+ < Sr2+ < Ba2+
d. S2 < Cl < K+
e. Na+ < O2 < N3

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OBJ: Find the ions not arranged according to size (three ions).
TOP: Ionic Radii

70. Which of these comparisons according to radius is (are) correct?

I. Na+ > Mg2+
II. In3+ > Sr2+
III. Cl > K+
IV. Cl > K

a. I and II
b. II and IV
c. I and III
d. II and III
e. III and IV
OBJ: Identify the correct atom or ion size comparisons (two atoms or ions).
TOP: Ionic Radii

71. A property that measures the ability of an atom to attract electrons in a chemical bond is
a. binding energy.
b. mass defect.
c. electron affinity.
d. ionization energy.
e. electronegativity.
OBJ: Define electronegativity.
TOP: Electronegativity

72. Which element has the lowest electronegativity?

a. H
b. Li
c. Na
d. K
e. Cs
OBJ: Identify the atom with the lowest electronegativity.
TOP: Electronegativity

73. Which element has the lowest electronegativity?

a. Mg
b. Na
c. Rb
d. Y
e. Sc
OBJ: Identify the atom with the lowest electronegativity.
TOP: Electronegativity

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74. Which element has the lowest electronegativity?
a. K
b. Ca
c. Ga
d. Ge
e. As
OBJ: Identify the atom with the lowest electronegativity.
TOP: Electronegativity

75. Which element has the lowest electronegativity?

a. S
b. Sc
c. Sr
d. Se
e. Si
OBJ: Identify the atom with the lowest electronegativity.
TOP: Electronegativity

76. Which element has the highest electronegativity?

a. C
b. Si
c. Ge
d. Sn
e. Pb
OBJ: Identify the atom with the highest electronegativity.
TOP: Electronegativity

77. Which element has the highest electronegativity?

a. 3Li
b. 7N
c. 19K
d. 33As
e. 56Ba
OBJ: Identify the atom with the highest electronegativity.
TOP: Electronegativity

78. Which element has the highest electronegativity?

a. B
b. Ge
c. Ca
d. O
e. At
OBJ: Identify the atom with the highest electronegativity.
TOP: Electronegativity

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79. Which element has the highest electronegativity?
a. N
b. Si
c. As
d. P
e. C
OBJ: Identify the atom with the highest electronegativity.
TOP: Electronegativity

80. Arrange the following elements in order of increasing electronegativities.

Mg, Ra, P, Cl, Al

a. Mg < Ra < P < Al < Cl

b. Ra < Mg < Al < P < Cl
c. Mg < Ra < P < Cl <Al
d. Al < P < Cl < Mg < Ra
e. Al < P < Cl < Ra < Mg
OBJ: Arrange the atoms according to electronegativities (five atoms).
TOP: Electronegativity

81. Arrange the following elements in order of decreasing electronegativities.

Al, Cs, Mg, Na, P

a. P > Al > Mg > Na > Cs

b. Cs > Na > Mg > Al > P
c. Al > Mg > Na > Cs > P
d. P > Al > Mg > Cs > Na
e. P > Cs > Na > Mg > Al
OBJ: Arrange the atoms according to electronegativities (five atoms).
TOP: Electronegativity

82. Which comparison of electronegativities is not correct?

a. Br > Se
b. K > Mg
c. O > S
d. N > Be
e. I > Ba
OBJ: Identify the incorrect electronegativity comparison (two atoms).
TOP: Electronegativity

83. Which comparison of electronegativities is not correct?

a. Ge > Ga
b. Ba > Cs
c. O > N
d. F > Cl
e. B > C

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OBJ: Identify the incorrect electronegativity comparison (two atoms).
TOP: Electronegativity

84. Which of these elements has the greatest attraction for electrons in a covalent bond?
a. Ge
b. As
c. Se
d. Br
e. Kr
OBJ: Identify the atom with the highest electronegativity.
TOP: Electronegativity

85. Which of the following pairs of elements would be expected to form an ionic compound?
a. S / F
b. H / C
c. Rb / Cl
d. As / Br
e. C / I
OBJ: Identify the atom pair most likely to form an ionic compound.
TOP: Electronegativity

86. Which pair of elements below would be least likely to form an ionic bond between them?
a. Na / S
b. C / N
c. Al / F
d. Mg / Br
e. Cs / O
OBJ: Identify the atom pair most likely to form a covalent compound.
TOP: Electronegativity

87. Chlorine is most likely to form an ionic compound with ____.

a. F
b. O
c. C
d. N
e. Li
OBJ: Identify the atom pair most likely to form an ionic compound.
TOP: Electronegativity

88. Iodine is most likely to form an ionic compound with ____.

a. B
b. Si
c. Cl
d. N
e. Mg

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OBJ: Identify the atom pair most likely to form an ionic compound.
TOP: Electronegativity

89. Which one of the following reactions does not produce H2(g)?
a. electrolysis of H2O
b. zinc with HCl(aq)
c. combustion of ethane, C2H6
d. iron with steam
e. steam cracking of hydrocarbons
OBJ: Recognize the reactions that produce hydrogen.
TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides

90. Which of the following statements about hydrogen is false?

a. Hydrogen occurs as a diatomic molecule.
b. Hydrogen can be produced by the reaction of an active metal and HCl(aq).
c. NH3, the binary hydride of nitrogen, is called ammonia.
d. Hydrogen forms only molecular compounds.
e. Metal hydrides are basic.
OBJ: Know the qualitative chemical facts about hydrogen.
TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides

91. Which pair of gases is the product of the "water gas reaction"?
a. H2O + H2
b. CO + H2O
c. O2 + H2O
d. CO + H2
e. H2 + O2
OBJ: Know the products of the water gas reaction.
TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides

92. Which one of the following reactions is the "water gas" reaction?
a. C(s) + H2O(g) CO(g) + H2(g)
b. 2CH4(g) + 3O2(g) 2CO(g) + 4H2O(g)
c. CH4(g) C(s) + 2H2(g)
d. 2Na(s) + 2H2O  2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)
e. C4H10(g) 2C2H2(g) + 3H2(g)

OBJ: Know the chemical equation for the water gas reaction.
TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides

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93. Which one of the following (pure) compounds of hydrogen is ionic?
a. HF
b. HCl
c. NaH
d. H2O
e. H2Se
OBJ: Identify the ionic compound.
TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides

94. Which one of the following is an ionic hydride?

a. CH4
b. H2Se
c. AsH3
d. BaH2
e. B2H6
OBJ: Identify the ionic compound.
TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides

95. Which of the following responses lists only the molecular hydrides?
I. LiH
II. B2H6
V. BaH2

a. I
b. I, V
c. II, III
d. II, III, IV
e. I, II, V
OBJ: Identify the covalent (molecular) hydrides.
TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides

96. Which one of the following is a molecular hydride?

a. RbH
b. SrH2
c. KH
d. PH3
e. MgH2
OBJ: Identify the covalent (molecular) hydride.
TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides

Whitten 10e Test Bank 22

97. Which of the following is incorrectly classified?
a. KH / ionic hydride
b. CH4 / ionic hydride
c. HI / molecular hydride
d. CsH / ionic hydride
e. H2S / molecular hydride
DIF: Harder Question
OBJ: Identify the incorrect compound classification.
TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides

98. Which response includes all the elements below whose compounds with hydrogen would be expected
to be molecular hydrides, and no others?
Br, K, P, B

a. K, B
b. Br, P
c. K, Br
d. Br, P, B
e. Br
OBJ: Identify the elements which produce covalent (molecular) hydrides.
TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides

99. Which one of the following hydrides is basic?

a. H2Te
b. B2H6
c. CaH2
d. HI
e. CH4
OBJ: Classify a hydride as basic, acidic, or neutral.
TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides

100. Which one of the following hydrides is not acidic?

a. HF
b. HCl
c. H2S
d. CaH2
e. H2Se
OBJ: Classify a hydride as basic, acidic, or neutral.
TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides

101. What would be the general balanced equation for the reaction of the ionic hydride MH2 with excess
a. MH2(s) + H2O  MOH(aq) + H2(g)
b. MH2(s) + H2O  MO(s) + 2H2(g)
c. MH2(s) + H2O  MH2(s) + H2O(g)
d. MH2(s) + 2H2O  M(OH)2(aq) + 2H2(g)
e. MH2(s) + 3H2O  MO(s) + 4H2(g) + O2(g)

Whitten 10e Test Bank 23

DIF: Harder Question
OBJ: Know the products of reaction between an ionic hydride and water.
TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides

102. Write the balanced formula unit equation for the reaction of nitrogen with hydrogen at high
temperature and pressure. What is the sum of the coefficients? (Do not forget coefficients of one.) Use
the smallest whole number coefficients.
a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 4
e. 5
OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of a nonmetal with hydrogen. | Sum the
TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides

103. Write the balanced formula unit equation for the reaction of magnesium with hydrogen at high
temperature. What is the sum of the coefficients? (Do not forget coefficients of one.) Use the smallest
whole number coefficients.
a. 5
b. 6
c. 3
d. 4
e. none of these
OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of a metal with hydrogen. | Sum the
TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides

104. Write the balanced formula unit equation for the reaction of magnesium with hydrochloric acid.
What is the sum of the coefficients? (Do not forget coefficients of one.) Use the smallest whole
number coefficients.
a. 5
b. 6
c. 3
d. 4
e. none of these
OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of a metal with an acid. | Sum the
TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides

105. Write the balanced formula unit equation for the reaction of sodium hydride with water. What is the
sum of the coefficients in the balanced equation? Use the smallest whole numbers possible. (Do not
forget coefficients of one.)
a. three
b. four
c. five
d. six
e. eight

Whitten 10e Test Bank 24

OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of an ionic hydride with water. | Sum the
TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides

106. Magnesium hydride is ____.

a. basic
b. neutral
c. acidic
d. inert
e. non-reactive with water
OBJ: Classify a hydride as basic, acidic, or neutral.
TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides

107. Oxygen was discovered by Priestley in 1774 when he observed the ____.
a. electrolysis of water
b. thermal decomposition of mercury(II) oxide, HgO
c. reaction of sulfuric acid, H2SO4, with sodium
d. results of fractional distillation of air
e. the thermal decomposition of potassium chlorate, KClO3
OBJ: Know how Priestley discovered oxygen.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

108. Which of the following statements about oxygen is false?

a. The most common form of oxygen is a diatomic molecule.
b. Ozone is an allotrope of oxygen.
c. Oxygen forms basic metal oxides.
d. Oxygen forms binary compounds with nonmetals called acid anhydrides.
e. Oxygen always forms 2 ions with metals.
OBJ: Know the qualitative chemical facts about oxygen.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

109. Which one of the following will not react with oxygen to form a peroxide?
a. Be
b. Ca
c. Sr
d. Ba
e. all of these form peroxides
OBJ: Identify the element which will not form a peroxide.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

Whitten 10e Test Bank 25

110. Which statement does not accurately describe ozone?
a. Its molecules are angular.
Its density is about 1 times that of O2.
c. Its two oxygenoxygen bond lengths are 1.23 Å and 1.48 Å.
d. It is unstable.
e. It is a very strong oxidizing agent.
OBJ: Know the structure, physical properties, and reactivity of ozone.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

111. Which of the following anions represents a peroxide?

a. O
b. O2
c. O2
d. O22
e. O3
OBJ: Identify the peroxide ion.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

112. Which one of the following compounds is a superoxide?

a. Na2O2
b. SrO
c. KO2
d. Li2O
e. Cl2O7
OBJ: Identify the superoxide.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

113. What is the principal product of the reaction of sodium with oxygen?
a. NaO
b. Na2O
c. Na2O2
d. NaO2
e. Na2O3
OBJ: Identify the principal product of reaction of sodium and oxygen.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

114. Which one of the following does not represent correctly the major product formed by the reaction of
an alkali metal with oxygen at ordinary temperatures and pressures?
a. Li2O2
b. Na2O2
c. KO2
d. RbO2
e. CsO2

Whitten 10e Test Bank 26

OBJ: Identify the incorrect principal product of an alkali metal and oxygen reaction.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

115. Which of the following statements about binary oxides is false?

a. Basic oxides are molecular.
b. Some oxides like BeO are amphoteric.
c. Nonmetal oxides are usually acidic.
d. Metal oxides are usually basic.
e. Acid anhydrides are molecular.
OBJ: Know the qualitative chemical facts about binary oxides.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

116. Which response includes all the oxides below that are ionic and none that are molecular?
I. Na2O
III. As2O5

a. II and IV
b. I, II, and III
c. I and II
d. III and IV
e. II and III
OBJ: Identify the ionic oxides.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

117. Which response contains all the basic oxides listed below and no others?
V. P4O10

a. I and IV
b. II and IV
c. I, III, and IV
d. IV and V
e. II and III
OBJ: Identify the basic oxides.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

118. Which of the following oxides is a basic anhydride?

a. N2O
b. P4O6
c. CaO
d. OF2
e. H2O

Whitten 10e Test Bank 27

OBJ: Identify the basic anhydride.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

119. Which response includes all of the following oxides that are acid anhydrides?
I. CO2
IV. Tl2O3

a. I and III
b. II and IV
c. I and IV
d. II, III, and IV
e. I
OBJ: Identify the acid anhydrides.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

120. Which of the following oxides does not give an acidic solution when dissolved in water?
a. SO2
b. CO2
c. N2O5
d. P4O10
e. Na2O
OBJ: Identify the basic anhydride.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

121. An amphoteric compound exhibits

a. acidic properties.
b. acidic and basic properties.
c. metallic properties.
d. basic properties.
e. ionic properties.
OBJ: Define amphoteric.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

122. Which one of the following oxides is amphoteric?

a. Li2O
b. BeO
c. CO2
d. P4O6
e. Cl2O
OBJ: Identify the amphoteric oxide.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

Whitten 10e Test Bank 28

123. Which of the following oxides is not amphoteric?
a. Al2O3
b. BeO
c. SnO2
d. Br2O7
e. PbO2
OBJ: Identify the non-amphoteric oxide.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

124. One of the following oxides is insoluble in water. Which one?

a. CO2
b. N2O5
c. SO2
d. SiO2
e. SO3
DIF: Harder Question
OBJ: Identify the aqueous insoluble compound.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

125. Arrange the following in order of increasing ionic character (most ionic at right).
BaO, SiO2, SO2

a. BaO < SiO2 < SO2

b. SO2 < BaO < SiO2
c. SiO2 < SO2 < BaO
d. BaO < SO2 < SiO2
e. SO2 < SiO2 < BaO
OBJ: Order the compounds with respect to ionic character (three compounds).
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

126. Arrange the following in order of decreasing basicity.

MgO, Cs2O, Cl2O7, SnO2, P4O10

a. Cs2O > MgO > SnO2 > P4O10 > Cl2O7

b. MgO > Cs2O > P4O10 > SnO2 > Cl2O7
c. Cs2O > SnO2 > MgO > P4O10 > Cl2O7
d. MgO > Cs2O > SnO2 > P4O10 > Cl2O7
e. Cl2O7 > P4O10 > SnO2 > Cs2O > MgO
OBJ: Order the compounds with respect to basic character (five compounds).
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

Whitten 10e Test Bank 29

127. Arrange the following in order of increasing acidic character (most acidic at the right).
Al2O3, Na2O, N2O5

a. Al2O3 < Na2O < N2O5

b. N2O5 < Al2O3 < Na2O
c. Al2O3 < N2O5 < Na2O
d. Na2O < Al2O3 < N2O5
e. Na2O < N2O5 < Al2O3
OBJ: Order the compounds with respect to acidic character (three compounds).
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

128. Which one of the following compounds would be expected to react with oxygen at elevated
temperatures to produce both an acidic oxide and a basic oxide?
a. CH4
b. CS2
c. CaS
d. NO
e. H2S
OBJ: Identify the compound that combines with oxygen to form acidic and basic oxides.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

129. The acid formed by dissolving Cl2O7 in water is ____.

a. HClO
b. HClO2
c. HClO3
d. HClO4
e. HCl
OBJ: Identify the acid produced from dissolution of a molecular oxide.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

130. Write the balanced formula unit equation for the reaction of sodium with oxygen (use the major
product). What is the sum of the coefficients?
a. 2
b. 7
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of a metal with oxygen. | Sum the
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

Whitten 10e Test Bank 30

131. Write the balanced formula unit equation for the reaction of rubidium, Rb, with oxygen (use the
major product). What is the sum of the coefficients?
a. 3
b. 7
c. 8
d. 4
e. 5
OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of a metal with oxygen. | Sum the
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

132. Write the balanced formula unit equation for the reaction of barium with a limited amount (low
pressure) of oxygen. What is the sum of the coefficients?
a. 2
b. 6
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of a metal with limited oxygen. | Sum the
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

133. Write the balanced formula unit equation for the reaction of barium with an excess (high pressure) of
oxygen. What is the sum of the coefficients?
a. 2
b. 8
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of a metal with excess oxygen. | Sum the
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

134. Write the balanced formula unit equation for the reaction of copper with excess O2 at elevated
temperatures. What is the sum of the coefficients?
a. 6
b. 8
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of a metal with excess oxygen. | Sum the
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

Whitten 10e Test Bank 31

135. Which of the following metal oxides would not be expected to form under conditions of limited
a. FeO
b. PbO
c. Cu2O
d. CrO3
e. SnO
OBJ: Identify the oxide that is unlikely to be formed in limited oxygen.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

136. Write the balanced formula unit equation for the reaction of arsenic, As4, heated with an excess of
oxygen (The molecular formula for the product is the same as the empirical formula). What is the sum
of the coefficients?
a. 7
b. 8
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of a nonmetal with excess oxygen. | Sum
the coefficients.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

137. Write the balanced formula unit equation for the reaction of barium oxide with water. What is the
sum of the coefficients?
a. 6
b. 8
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of a metal oxide with water. | Sum the
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

138. Write the balanced formula unit equation for the reaction of lithium oxide with water. What is the
sum of the coefficients?
a. 2
b. 6
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of a metal oxide with water. | Sum the
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

Whitten 10e Test Bank 32

139. Lithium hydroxide is sometimes used to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere of disabled
submarines. Write the balanced formula unit equation for this reaction if the products are lithium
carbonate and water. What is the sum of the coefficients?
a. 7
b. 6
c. 5
d. 4
e. 8
OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation given the reactants and products. | Sum the coefficients.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

140. Write the balanced formula unit equation for the reaction of dichlorine heptoxide with water. What is
the sum of the coefficients?
a. 7
b. 8
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of a nonmetal oxide with water. | Sum the
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

141. Write the balanced formula unit equation for the reaction of dinitrogen pentoxide with water. What is
the sum of the coefficients?
a. 6
b. 8
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of a nonmetal oxide with water. | Sum the
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

142. Octane, C8H18, is a major component of gasoline. Write the balanced formula unit equation for the
reaction of the complete combustion of octane. What is the sum of the coefficients?
a. 49
b. 73
c. 17
d. 61
e. 30
OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation for the combustion of a hydrocarbon in excess oxygen. |
Sum the coefficients.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

Whitten 10e Test Bank 33

143. Write the balanced formula unit equation for the reaction of the complete combustion of ethane,
C2H6. What is the sum of the coefficients?
a. 19
b. 16
c. 17
d. 4
e. 5
OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation for the combustion of a hydrocarbon in excess oxygen. |
Sum the coefficients.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

144. Write the balanced formula unit equation for the reaction of the complete combustion of pentane,
C5H12. What is the sum of the coefficients?
a. 16
b. 19
c. 20
d. 21
e. 22
OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation for the combustion of a hydrocarbon in excess oxygen. |
Sum the coefficients.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

145. Write the balanced formula unit equation for the reaction of nitrogen oxide with oxygen. What is the
sum of the coefficients?
a. 3
b. 6
c. 8
d. 4
e. 5
OBJ: Write a balanced chemical equation for the combustion of a nonmetal oxide. | Sum the
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

146. Most of the air pollution resulting from combustion of (non-lead-containing) fossil fuels is due to
oxides of ____.
a. N, P, and S
b. C, N, and S
c. C, P, and S
d. P and C
e. P, C, and N
OBJ: Know the oxides that result from the combustion of fossil fuels.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

Whitten 10e Test Bank 34

147. Combustion of fossil fuels and the roasting of metal ores often both produce oxides of
a. P
b. N
c. S
d. Si
e. C
OBJ: Know the oxides that result from the combustion of fossil fuels and roasting of ores.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

148. The brownish color of photochemical smog is due to ____.

a. CO
b. NO2
c. NO
d. SO2
e. SO3
OBJ: Know the components of smog.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

149. Combustion of fossil fuels contaminated with sulfur leads to what phenomena?
a. greenhouse effect
b. global warming
c. ozone destruction
d. photochemical smog
e. acid rain
OBJ: Know the effect of sulfur contamination in fossil fuels.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

150. The two acids that are major contributors to "acid rain" are ____.
a. H2CO3 and HNO3
b. H2SO4 and H3PO4
c. H2CO3 and H2SO4
d. H2SO4 and HNO3
e. H3PO4 and HNO3
OBJ: Identify the acids which contribute to acid rain.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

151. The ground-state valence-shell configuration of a particular atom is 4s24p6. This valence-shell
electron configuration identifies the atom as

a. a noble gas.
b. a d-transition element.
c. an f-transition element.
d. an s-block representative element.
e. a p-block representative element.

Whitten 10e Test Bank 35

DIF: easy
OBJ: Classify a group of elements based on thier valence shell electron configuration.
TOP: More About the Periodic Table

152. An element that has the same ground state valence-shell electron configuration as silicon is

a. lead.
b. argon.
c. lithium.
d. magnesium.
e. gallium.
DIF: easy
OBJ: Determine the configuration of an atom using the period and group numbers.
TOP: electronic structure of atoms

153. Rank the following atoms in order of the largest to smallest atomic radius: Se, K, As, Rb.

a. Rb > K > As > Se

b. K > Rb > As > Se
c. As > K > Rb > Se
d. K > As > Se > Rb
e. Rb > As > K > Se
DIF: moderate
OBJ: Arrange the atoms according to size (four atoms).
TOP: Atomic Radii

154. The change in energy for which of the following processes corresponds to the first ionization
energy of magnesium?

DIF: easy
OBJ: Identify the equation depicting the first ionization of an element.
TOP: Ionization Energy

155. An atom of which of the following elements has the largest second ionization energy?
a. Cs
b. At
c. Po
d. Pb
e. Ba

Whitten 10e Test Bank 36

DIF: moderate
OBJ: Identify the element with the largest second ionization energy.
TOP: Ionization Energy

156. Which of the following form the most stable anion in the gas phase?

a. Cl (electron affinity = -349 kJ/mol)

b. As (electron affinity = -77 kJ/mol)
c. P (electron affinity = -72 kJ/mol)
d. Al (electron affinity = -44 kJ/mol)
e. Na (electron affinity = -53 kJ/mol)
DIF: easy
OBJ: Identify the most stable anion based on atom electron affinities.
TOP: Electron Affinity

157. Which of the following statements is true concerning a concentrated solution of lithium oxide
in water?
a. The resulting solution is strongly basic.
b. The resulting solution is weakly acidic.
c. The resulting solution is neither acidic nor basic.
d. The resulting solution is weakly basic.
e. The resulting solution is strongly acidic.
DIF: easy
OBJ: Recognize a basic oxide.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

158. Which of the following species is isoelectronic with Ar?

e. Ne
DIF: easy
OBJ: Identify the atom or ion that is isoelectronic with the given element.
TOP: electronic structure of atoms

159. Which of the following species would you expect to have the largest radius?
b. P

Whitten 10e Test Bank 37

DIF: easy
OBJ: Identify the element or ion with the largest radius.
TOP: Ionic Radii

160. Rank the following ions in order of decreasing ionic radii: K+, Cl-, Se2-, Br-.

a. Br- > Se2- > Cl- > K+

b. Se2- > Br- > Cl- > K+
c. K+> Cl- > Se2- > Br-
d. Br- > Cl- > Se2- > K+
e. Cl- > Se2- > K+ > Br-

DIF: easy
OBJ: Rank the ions in order of decreasing ionic radius.
TOP: Ionic Radii

161. Which of the following elements would have the highest first ionization energy?
a. Beryllium b. Boron c. Carbon d. Lithium e. Silicon
OBJ: Identify the element with the highest first ionization energy.
TOP: Ionization Energy

162. Choose the statement that is true:

a. Outer electrons efficiently shield one another from nuclear charge
b. Core electrons effectively shield outer electrons from nuclear charge
c. Valence electrons are most difficult of all electrons to remove
d. Core electrons have the lowest ionization energies of all electrons
e. Two of the above are true.
OBJ: Identify the correct statement about shielding.
TOP: Ionization Energy

163. Arrange the following atoms in order of increasing atomic radius:

arsenic oxygen bromine
a. arsenic < bromine < oxygen
b. arsenic < oxygen < bromine
c. oxygen < bromine < arsenic
d. oxygen < arsenic < bromine
e. bromine < arsenic < oxygen
OBJ: Rank the elements according to atomic radii.
TOP: Atomic Radii

Whitten 10e Test Bank 38

164. What is the oxidation state of arsenic in arsenic acid, H3AsO4?
a. +1 b. -1 c. +3 d. -5 e. +5
OBJ: Determine the oxidation state of an element in a compound.
TOP: Oxidation States

165. What is the oxidation state of sulfur in sulfur dioxide, SO2?

a. +1 b. -1 c. +2 d. -2 e. +4
OBJ: Determine the oxidation state of an element in a polyatomic ion.
TOP: Oxidation States

166. What is the oxidation state of phosphorus in POCl3?

a. 0 b. +3 c. -3 d. +5 e. -5
OBJ: Determine the oxidation state of an element in a compound.
TOP: Oxidation States

167. Arrange the following elements in order of lowest to highest electronegativity:

Sodium, rubidium, potassium, cesium
a. Na < Rb < K < Cs
b. Na < K < Rb < Cs
c. Cs < Rb < K < Na
d. Rb < Cs < Na < K
e. Cs < K < Na < Rb
OBJ: Rank the elements according to electronegativity.
TOP: Electronegativity


1. Use the screening effect to explain why a sodium atom has a larger radius than a lithium atom.

OBJ: Explain nuclear shielding and its effect on the size of an atoms in the same group.
TOP: Atomic Radii

2. Explain why the 1st ionization energy of N is larger than that of O.

OBJ: Contrast the first ionization energies of nitrogen and oxygen.

TOP: Ionization Energy

3. The 2nd ionization energy is the energy to remove a second electron. Why is IE2 of potassium much
larger than IE1? Comment on the relative values of IE1 of Ne and the IE2 of Na.

OBJ: Explain the large increase in the second ionization energy of the alkali metals.
TOP: Ionization Energy

Whitten 10e Test Bank 39

4. Why are electronegativity values not usually given for Group VIIIA elements?

OBJ: Explain the dearth of electronegativity values for the noble gases.
TOP: Electronegativity

5. Burning fossil fuels produces SO2, a pollutant responsible for acid rain. SO2 is formed when sulfur in
the fossil fuels combines with oxygen during combustion. Give several ways to reduce the amount of
acid rain produced by SO2.

OBJ: Suggest ways to minimize the formation acid rain from sulfur dioxide pollution.
TOP: Oxygen and the Oxides

6. H2O2 fuel cells are gaining popularity as "zero emission" methods of powering an automobile.
Electricity is generated when H2 and O2 forms water. Describe some ways that hydrogen and oxygen
could be produced for this reaction. Would these fuel cell cars really be zero emission?

OBJ: Detail several methods for production of hydrogen and oxygen.

TOP: Hydrogen and the Hydrides | Oxygen and the Oxides

7. Explain why the ionic radii of cations is smaller than the atomic radii while the ionic radii of the
anions are larger than the atomic radii.

OBJ: Explain the size trends between ionic and atomic radii of the same element.
TOP: Ionic Radii | Atomic Radii

Whitten 10e Test Bank 40

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