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Biology The Dynamic Science 3rd Edition

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1. Zebrafish are a good model organism for vertebrate growth and development because
a. they grow larger than many other fish
b. they are at the top of the food chain
c. they can regenerate tissues that become damaged such as fins
d. they have more offspring than many fish
e. they undergo a different form of mitosis than most organisms
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.0: WHY IT MATTERS

2. The duplication of the complete set of chromosomes in an organism's cell, followed by the separation
of the duplicated chromosomes into two new cells is known as ____.
a. mitosis
b. cytokinesis
c. binary fission
d. meiosis
e. fertilization
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

3. A somatic cell divides to form two genetically identical daughter cells during mitosis. Prior to mitosis
occurring, which of the following must occur?
a. The cell must replicate its DNA.
b. The cell must first be fertilized.
c. The nucleus must divide.
d. Chromatids must be separated.
e. The nuclear envelope must disintegrate.
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Application


4. At the conclusion of mitosis, each daughter cell has ____.

a. twice the amount of DNA and half the cytoplasm of the parent cell
b. DNA identical to the parent cell
c. half the DNA and half the cytoplasm found in the parent cell
d. twice the cytoplasm and the same amount of DNA as the parent cell
e. DNA genetically different from the parent cell
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge | Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

5. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Saccharomyces cultures?

a. The cells are haploid.
b. The cells have a relatively short generation time.
c. Cells reproduce asexually by budding.
d. The cells can be induced to reproduce sexually.
e. All answers are true of Saccharomyces cultures.
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

6. Saccharomyces is a ____ cell.

a. prokaryotic
b. eukaryotic
c. bacterial
d. plant
e. protistan
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

7. If a diploid cell with 40 chromosomes undergoes meiosis, each of the daughter nuclei would have
______ chromosomes.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 40
d. 60
e. 80
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Application

8. A plant cell with three sets of chromosomes has a ploidy that is

a. haploid.
b. diploid.

c. triploid.
d. tetraploid.
e. hexaploid.
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Application

9. A diploid cell with 40 chromosomes will have ____ chromosomes and _____ chromatids after S
a. 20, 40
b. 20, 20
c. 40, 40
d. 40, 80
e. 80, 80
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Difficult
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Application

10. Chromatin condenses into chromosomes and the mitotic spindle begins to form during
a. interphase.
b. prophase.
c. metaphase.
d. anaphase.
e. telophase.
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

11. At the beginning of interphase in G1, a cell has 36 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would be
found in that same cell in G2 of interphase?
a. 36
b. 18
c. 72
d. 64
e. 44
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Application TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

12. Replication of DNA occurs during ____.

a. S phase
b. G1 phase
c. G0 phase
d. prophase
e. cytokinesis
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

13. Early in mitosis chromatin condenses into the compact, rodlike structures known as chromosomes.
Which of the following processes takes place more easily as a result?
a. disappearance of the nuclear envelope
b. replication of DNA

c. orderly distribution of DNA into the two new nuclei
d. formation of the mitotic spindle
e. disintegration of nucleoli
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Application TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

14. Chromosomes decondense into chromatin at which point in the cell cycle?
a. at the beginning of interphase
b. at the end of interphase
c. at the beginning of prophase
d. at the beginning of metaphase
e. at the end of telophase
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

15. A cell is committed to undergoing mitosis once it transitions from ____.

a. G2 to prophase
b. G1 to G0
c. G1 to S
d. S to G2
e. telophase to cytokinesis
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

16. DNA is found in its condensed form known as a chromosome in which of the following stages of the
cell cycle?
a. prophase only
b. prophase and metaphase
c. interphase
d. throughout the cell cycle
e. throughout mitosis until late telophase
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Synthesis TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

17. Once human nerve cells become mature, they normally exit the cell cycle and remain in ____.
a. G0
b. G1
c. G2
d. S phase
e. prophase
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

18. Which sequence of the cell cycle is correct?

a. prophase, metaphase, interphase, telophase, anaphase
b. prometaphase, anaphase, prophase, telophase, interphase, metaphase
c. anaphase, interphase, telophase, prometaphase, prophase, metaphase
d. interphase, prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
e. interphase, metaphase, prometaphase, prophase, telophase, anaphase

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

19. Generally, which phase of the cell cycle varies the most in length?
a. G1
b. S
c. G2
d. M
e. All phases are the same length among cells
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

20. Comparison of mitosis and cytokinesis in animal versus plant cells reveals ____.
a. sister chromatids are identical in animal cells, but they differ from one another in plants
b. a cleavage furrow is initiated in an animal cell, while a cell plate begins to form in plant
cells during telophase
c. in animal cells, chromosomes do not become attached to the spindle until anaphase,
whereas chromosomes become attached to the spindle at prophase in plant cells
d. the nuclear envelope disintegrates in prophase in animal cells, but remains intact in plant
e. There are no differences between animal and plant cells.
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Synthesis TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

21. Embryonic development begins with a single egg fertilized by a single sperm forming a zygote. The
zygote then undergoes mitosis; how many cells would be present at the conclusion of 4 mitotic
a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 16
e. 32
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Application TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

22. During which phases of mitosis are chromosomes composed of two sister chromatids?
a. prophase only
b. prophase and metaphase
c. prophase and anaphase
d. anaphase and telophase
e. chromosomes are composed of two sister chromatids during all phases of mitosis
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Synthesis TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

23. Each of two daughter cells that result from the normal mitotic division of the original parent cell
contains ____.
a. the same number of chromosomes but different genes than the parent cell

b. the same number of chromosomes and genes identical to those of the parent cell
c. half the number of chromosomes but different genes than those of the parent cell
d. half of the number of chromosomes and genes identical to those of the parent cell
e. twice the number of chromosomes and genes identical to those of the parent cell
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Application | Bloom's Taxonomy: Synthesis

24. Which of the following does NOT occur during prophase of mitosis?
a. the nuclear envelope disappears.
b. the mitotic spindle forms.
c. chromatin condenses into chromosomes.
d. centrioles migrate to opposite poles of the cell.
e. chromosomes decondense into chromatin.
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

25. Cytokinesis typically begins during which stage of mitosis?

a. prophase
b. prometaphase
c. metaphase
d. anaphase
e. telophase
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

26. Where in the cell would the centromere be found?

a. position where metaphase chromosomes align
b. location where the mitotic spindle forms
c. central region of a chromosome where the spindle microtubules attach
d. location where chromosomes cluster during telophase
e. center of the cell where the nucleus is found during prophase
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

27. A cell containing 84 chromatids at metaphase of mitosis would produce two nuclei containing how
many chromosomes each in late telophase?
a. 168
b. 84
c. 42
d. 21
e. cannot be determined from the information given
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Application TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

28. Which statement best describes the difference between cell division in plant and animal cells?
a. In animal cells but not plant cells, cytokinesis is accomplished by formation of a cleavage
b. In plant cells but not animal cells, cytokinesis is accomplished by formation of a cleavage

c. In plant cells, centrosomes have an important role in spindle formation, while in animal
cells centrosomes do not function during cell division.
d. In animal cells, replication of chromosomes occurs during interphase, while in plant cells
replication occurs when the nuclear envelope disintegrates.
e. Animal cells divide via the cell cycle whereas plant cells divide by binary fission.
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

29. Certain cell types in humans, such as skeletal muscle cells, have several nuclei per cell. Based on your
understanding of mitosis, how could this happen?
a. The cell undergoes repeated cytokinesis but not mitosis.
b. The cell undergoes repeated mitosis with concomitant cytokinesis.
c. The cell undergoes repeated mitosis but not cytokinesis.
d. The cell undergoes anaphase twice before entering telophase.
e. The cell goes through multiple S phases before entering mitosis.
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Application | Bloom's Taxonomy: Synthesis

30. The cells produced by mitotic divisions are considered to be ____.

a. genetically identical
b. genetically different
c. clones
d. similar but not exactly the same
e. both genetically identical and clones
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

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Use the figure above, which shows the various stages of mitosis in the blood lily Haemanthus, for the
following question(s).

31. Identify the stage of mitosis in photo A.

a. interphase

b. prophase
c. metaphase
d. anaphase
e. telophase
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Figure 10.5
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

32. Identify the stage of mitosis in photo B.

a. interphase
b. prophase
c. metaphase
d. anaphase
e. telophase
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Figure 10.5
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

33. Identify the stage of mitosis in photo C.

a. interphase
b. prophase
c. metaphase
d. anaphase
e. telophase
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Figure 10.5
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

34. Identify the stage of mitosis in photo D.

a. interphase
b. prophase
c. metaphase
d. anaphase
e. telophase
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Figure 10.5
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

35. Identify the stage of mitosis in photo E.

a. interphase
b. prophase
c. metaphase
d. anaphase
e. telophase
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Figure 10.5
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

36. Organisms that reproduce asexually usually do so through the process of ____.
a. mitosis
b. meiosis
c. gametogenesis
d. spore formation
e. fertilization
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

37. When plants are produced by cloning, which process is most directly involved?
a. mitotic cell division
b. binary fission
c. meiotic cell division
d. gamete production
e. budding
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: CHAPTER 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE

38. Which one of the following stages of mitosis is utilized for karyotype analysis?
a. prophase
b. prometaphase
c. metaphase
d. anaphase
e. telophase
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: METHOD RESEARCH

39. When cells undergoing mitosis are exposed to colchicine, a chemical extracted from the autumn crocus
(Colchicum autumnale), cell division is suppressed. Specifically, at which stage of mitosis will the
chromosomes be arrested?
a. anaphase
b. interphase
c. prophase
d. telophase
e. metaphase
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: METHOD RESEARCH

40. The mitotic spindle is primarily composed of ____.

a. actin
b. intermediate filaments
c. microtubules
d. keratin
e. motor proteins

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

41. The microtubule organizing center (MTOC) of an animal cell is an identifiable structure known as the
a. cell plate
b. centrosome
c. kinetochore
d. centromere
e. chromosome
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

42. Centriole replication occurs during ____.

a. G1
b. S
c. G2
d. prophase
e. telophase
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

43. The primary function of centrioles in animal cells is ____.

a. generation of flagella and cilia
b. spindle formation
c. to connect the two sister chromatids
d. to provide a point of attachment for spindle fibers on chromosomes
e. cell plate formation
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

44. Duplicated centrioles move to opposite poles of a(n) ____ cell during ____ of the cell cycle.
a. animal; prophase
b. plant; prophase
c. animal; metaphase
d. plant; metaphase
e. both animal and plant cells; prophase
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Application

45. The microtubules making up the mitotic spindle attach to specialized structures called ____ that are
found in the centromere region of the chromosome.
a. nucleosome
b. centrosome
c. kinetochore
d. chromatids

e. centrioles
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

46. Where do the microtubules of the mitotic spindle originate in both plant and animal cells?
a. microtubule organizing centers
b. centromere
c. chromatid
d. centriole
e. centrosome
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

47. Research conducted by G.J. Gorbsky and colleagues suggests that during anaphase, chromosomes
move as a consequence of ____.
a. a combined action of actin and microtubules
b. the disassembly of kinetochore microtubules
c. the movement of kinetochore microtubules
d. constriction of the contractile protein actin
e. sliding over or along kinetochore microtubules
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

48. Addition of mitosis-promoting factor (MPF) to germinal cells in the skin arrested in G2 would lead to
a. cessation of cell division
b. the cells entering prophase
c. the cells undergoing cytokinesis
d. cell death
e. nothing happening
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Application TOP: 10.4: CELL CYCLE REGULATION

49. CDKs are protein kinases. They function to ____.

a. add phosphate groups to target proteins
b. check for the attachment of spindle fibers to chromosomes
c. remove phosphate groups from cyclins
d. arrest the cell cycle
e. allow the cell cycle to work forward or backward
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.4: CELL CYCLE REGULATION

50. If a cell in the root tip of a plant had no functional CDK2 gene product, which of the following would
be true?
a. The cell would be able to undergo DNA replication.
b. The cell would be able to enter G2.
c. The cell would be able to enter G1.

d. The cell would be able to enter mitosis.
e. The cell would be able to complete the cell cycle.
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Difficult
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Synthesis TOP: 10.4: CELL CYCLE REGULATION

51. If a cell's DNA becomes damaged by radiation or chemicals, it is unlikely to ____.

a. pass the G2 checkpoint
b. synthesize cyclin-dependent kinases
c. enter G1 from mitosis
d. become arrested in G1
e. activate DNA repair mechanisms
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

52. Progression through the phases of the cell cycle is regulated by fluctuating concentrations of ____.
a. microtubules
b. actin
c. cyclins
d. cyclin-dependent kinases
e. histones
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.4: CELL CYCLE REGULATION

53. Which of the following are characteristics of cyclins?

a. They are active only when combined with another cyclin molecule.
b. The levels of cyclins remain constant throughout the cell cycle.
c. The levels of cyclins fluctuate throughout the cell cycle.
d. Cyclins add phosphate groups to target proteins.
e. Cyclins remove phosphate groups from target proteins.
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

54. Signaling molecules such as peptide hormones and growth factors bind to receptors on the cell surface,
which subsequently triggers reactions in the cell. These reactions include ____.
a. initiation of cell division
b. stopping cell division
c. slowing the rate of cell division
d. causing cells to enter the G0 state
e. both initiation of cell division and causing cells to enter the G0 state
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.4: CELL CYCLE REGULATION

55. Contact inhibition is an important mechanism for maintaining cell growth in developed organs and
tissues. As long as the cells remain in contact with each other they remain in ____ and are prevented
from dividing.
a. prophase
b. G1
c. G2

d. G0
e. S
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

56. Contact inhibition is best explained by which of the following statements?

a. Contact between neighboring cells triggers reactions leading to inhibition of mitosis.
b. As neighboring cells become more tightly packed together, their size is restricted and
cytokinesis can no longer occur.
c. As cell number increases, the protein kinases they produce compete with neighboring
cells, inhibiting mitosis.
d. As cell number increases, the level of waste products increase, consequently slowing
metabolism leading to mitosis.
e. As cell number increases, size restrictions inhibit protein synthesis.
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Analysis TOP: 10.4: CELL CYCLE REGULATION

57. Which one of the following characterizes cancer cells?

a. Mitosis is strictly regulated.
b. Cancer cells form tumors that strongly adhere to surrounding tissues.
c. Cancer cells display uncontrolled cell division.
d. Tumors formed by cancer cells remain encapsulated and only grow in one location.
e. Cancer cells behave like normal cells.
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Evaluation TOP: 10.4: CELL CYCLE REGULATION

58. Vinblastine, a chemotherapeutic drug used to treat breast and testicular cancers, interferes with the
assembly of microtubules. Speculate how this drug works to inhibit cancer cell growth.
a. Vinblastine inhibits transition from G1 to S.
b. Vinblastine inhibits transition from S to mitosis.
c. Vinblastine inhibits cytokinesis.
d. Vinblastine disrupts mitotic spindle formation and consequently mitosis.
e. Vinblastine inhibits cyclin production.
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Evaluation TOP: 10.4: CELL CYCLE REGULATION

59. Comparison of a cancer cell and a normal cell reveals that ____.
a. cancer cells undergo contact inhibition, normal cells do not
b. cancer cells do not undergo contact inhibition, normal cells do
c. cancer cells cannot metastasize, normal cells can
d. regulation of mitosis is strictly regulated in cancer cells, mitosis is unregulated in normal

e. cancer cells remain adherent to other cells, normal cells do not
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Analysis TOP: 10.4: CELL CYCLE REGULATION

60. Three internal checkpoints during the cell cycle include

a. the mitotic spindle checkpoint during G1/S.
b. the DNA damage checkpoint during late S phase.
c. the DNA damage checkpoint during G2/M.
d. the mitotic spindle checkpoint during G2/M.
e. the DNA damage checkpoint during anaphase.
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.4: CELL CYCLE REGULATION

61. During the mitotic spindle checkpoint,

a. cells are in anaphase.
b. cells arrest if chromosomes are attached properly to the mitotic spindle.
c. cells become irreversibly committed to S phase.
d. cells are checked for proper spindle attachment to chromosomes.
e. cells enter G0.
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.4: CELL CYCLE REGULATION

62. Oncogenes are

a. mutant forms of cell cycle genes
b. normal forms of cell cycle genes
c. needed for normal cells to metastasize
d. required for normal contact inhibition of cells
e. not used during cell division
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Analysis TOP: 10.4: CELL CYCLE REGULATION

63. The first eukaryotic genome to be elucidated was from ____.

a. Escherichia coli
b. Caenorhabditis elegans
c. Drosophila melanogaster
d. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
e. Schizosaccharomyces pombe
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: FOCUS ON MODEL ORGANISMS

64. Research with the herpes virus herpesvirus 8 focused on the transition from ____.
a. G1 to S
b. S to G2
c. G1 to G0
d. G2 to prophase
e. telophase to cytokinesis.
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge


65. Herpesvirus 8 encodes a protein that acts as a(n) ____.

a. tumor suppressor
b. transcription factor
c. cyclin
d. polymerase
e. enzyme
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

66. Hereditary information is encoded in a single, circular DNA molecule in most prokaryotes. Which of
the following is FALSE regarding the bacterial chromosome?
a. The DNA of the bacterial chromosome is replicated prior to segregation.
b. Bacterial cells can replicate their DNA very rapidly.
c. Bacterial cells utilize a mitotic spindle to segregate their replicated DNA.
d. The bacterial chromosome has genes that control binary fission.
e. DNA replication begins at the origin of replication.
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.5: CELL DIVISION IN PROKARYOTES

67. Some bacteria produce the enzyme Beta-lactamase, which results in resistance to certain antibiotics
such as penicillin. Since these same organisms reproduce asexually, they produce offspring that ____.
a. can be killed by penicillin
b. have an abnormally high rate of mutation
c. are resistant to penicillin
d. have variable numbers of chromosomes
e. can make penicillin
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Synthesis TOP: 10.5: CELL DIVISION IN PROKARYOTES

68. During prokaryotic cell division, two chromosomes separate and are distributed to the two ends of the
cell by ____.
a. the action of the mitotic spindle
b. an unknown mechanism
c. attachment to actin
d. attachment to separating membrane regions
e. formation of a newly made cell wall
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.5: CELL DIVISION IN PROKARYOTES

69. Replication of a bacterial chromosome begins at a specific region called the ____.
a. ter
b. replication fork
c. beg
d. ori
e. rep
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Easy

OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.5: CELL DIVISION IN PROKARYOTES

70. Which of the following is true about binary fission?

a. It is thought to have evolved from mitosis.
b. It is used in gamete formation.
c. It results in the production of two identical daughter cells.
d. It requires spindle formation.
e. It is used during eukaryotic cell growth.
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.5: CELL DIVISION IN PROKARYOTES

71. The mechanism of prokaryotic growth, DNA replication, and cell division resulting in two identical
daughter cells is called ____.
a. mitosis
b. meiosis
c. binary fission
d. budding
e. zygote formation
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.5: CELL DIVISION IN PROKARYOTES

72. Regarding transitions between stages of the cell cycle, scientists have
a. already discovered many of the proteins involved
b. figured out how the proteins communicate with each other
c. determined how the proteins operate as small nano-machines to perform their functions
d. shown that mammalian cells are easier to work with than Saccharomyces cerevisiae
e. no idea which proteins are needed
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: UNANSWERED QUESTIONS

73. In general, microtubules disassemble and consequently pull the chromatids to the ends of the spindle
during ____.
a. prophase
b. interphase
c. anaphase
d. metaphase
e. telophase
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: Section 10.2 | Section 10.3
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Synthesis MSC: Integrative Multiple Choice

74. Which of the following processes is not necessary for highly accurate mitotic cell division to occur in
eukaryotic cells?
a. cell cycle regulation
b. formation of the mitotic spindle
c. two rounds of DNA replication
d. condensation of genetic material into chromosomes
e. segregation of sister chromatids into separate cells
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
REF: Section 10.2 | Section 10.3 | Section 10.4

OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Synthesis MSC: Integrative Multiple Choice

75. Bacterial cells typically have ____ while eukaryotic cells have ____.
a. a single circular chromosome; many linear chromosomes.
b. several circular chromosomes; many linear chromosomes.
c. one linear chromosome; many circular chromosomes.
d. two circular chromosomes; numerous circular chromosomes depending on the species.
e. numerous circular chromosomes depending on the species; many linear chromosomes.
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: Section 10.2 | Section 10.5
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Synthesis MSC: Integrative Multiple Choice

Select the Exception

76. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the cell cycle?
a. M phase is after S phase
b. In S phase, all the DNA in the cell is duplicated
c. G1 and G2 together encompass interphase
d. Prophase is part of M phase
e. Cells not actively growing are in G0
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Synthesis TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE
MSC: Select the Exception

77. The stages of nuclear division include all of the following activities EXCEPT ____.
a. movement of chromosomes into alignment on the metaphase plate
b. separation of sister chromatids
c. condensation of DNA into chromosomes
d. cytokinesis
e. disappearance of the nucleolus
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Difficult
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Synthesis | Bloom's Taxonomy: Evaluation
TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE MSC: Select the Exception

78. All of the following events occur during mitosis EXCEPT ____.
a. alignment of chromosomes at the spindle midpoint
b. disappearance of the nuclear envelope
c. formation of the spindle
d. DNA synthesis
e. separation of sister chromatids
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.2: THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE
MSC: Select the Exception

79. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about sister chromatids?
a. Sister chromatids separate from one another during prometaphase
b. Two sister chromatids make up one chromosome
c. Sister chromatids are generated during S phase
d. Sister chromatids are physically attached by the centromere
e. Sister chromatids normally end up in separate daughter cells

ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge TOP: 10.2 THE MITOTIC CELL CYCLE
MSC: Select the Exception


For the following question(s), identify the stage of mitosis where each of the following activities
a. prophase
b. prometaphase
c. metaphase
d. anaphase
e. telophase
80. Nuclear envelope disappears
81. Duplicated chromosomes condense into chromosomes
82. Mitotic spindle disassembles
83. RNA synthesis shuts down
84. Spindle fiber begins to form
85. Chromosomes align at the center of the cell
86. Sister chromatids are pulled to opposite spindle poles
87. Daughter chromosomes decondense and the nuclear envelope reforms

80. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Section 10.2

OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge MSC: Choice
81. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Section 10.2
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge MSC: Choice
82. ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Section 10.2
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge MSC: Choice
83. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Section 10.2
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge MSC: Choice
84. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Section 10.2
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge MSC: Choice
85. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Section 10.2
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge MSC: Choice
86. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Section 10.2
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge MSC: Choice
87. ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Section 10.2
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge MSC: Choice

For each of the following statements, choose the most appropriate component of cell cycle regulation
from the choices below.
a. CDK
b. cyclins

c. CDK/cyclin complex
d. growth factors
88. Levels remain constant throughout the cell cycle
89. Turns CDK on or off
90. Levels fluctuate throughout the cell cycle
91. Regulates cell division

88. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: Section 10.4

OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge MSC: Choice
89. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: Section 10.4
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge MSC: Choice
90. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: Section 10.4
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge MSC: Choice
91. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: Section 10.4
OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge MSC: Choice


92. What is the difference between a chromosome and a chromatid?

A chromosome is a linear DNA molecule. Once replicated, each chromosome is composed of two
exact copies called sister chromatids.

PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: Section 10.1 | Section 10.2

OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Analysis

93. How is cell division different in plants versus animal cells?


1. Unlike animal cells, no centrosome or centrioles are present in most types of plants.
Instead, the spindle forms from microtubules originating from multiple MTOCs
surrounding the nucleus.
2. Cytokinesis occurs by different pathways in plants and animals; animals (including
protists and many fungi) form a cleavage furrow composed of microfilaments of actin,
which surround the cell and gradually deepen until it cuts the cytoplasm in two. In plants,
a new cell wall called the cell plate forms between the daughter nuclei and grows until it
divides the cytoplasm.

PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: Section 10.1

OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Analysis

94. What is the purpose of mitosis in living organisms?

Multicellular organisms mainly use cell division for growth and for cell replacement and repair.

PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: Section 10.1 | Section 10.2

OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

95. What external factors influence a cell to divide?

A variety of external chemical and physical factors can influence cell division. Particularly important
for mammalian cells are growth factors, proteins released by one group of cells that stimulate other
cells to divide. Each cell type responds specifically to a certain growth factor or combination of

PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: Section 10.4

OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

96. Prokaryotic binary fission includes what two main features?

Replication of the single circular chromosome followed by division of the cytoplasm.

PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Section 10.5

OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

97. What is the main functional difference between kinetochore microtubules and nonkinetochore

Kinetochore microtubules connect spindle poles to the kinetochores of chromosomes whereas
nonkinetochores originate from the spindle poles but overlap with in the center of the spindle without
connecting to the kinetochores of chromosomes.

PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: Section 10.3

OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge


98. An otherwise normal yeast cell with a diploid number of 32 chromosomes does not undergo
replication prior to M phase. What would be the result after mitosis and cytokinesis, assuming that all
processes after S phase occur properly?

Without replication, there will not be enough DNA to divide between the two daughter cells. If the
spindle fibers are attaching to each chromosome from different spindle poles, some chromosomes will
end up in one cell after mitosis and cytokinesis and the rest of the chromosomes will end up in the
other cell. It is unlikely that either daughter cell will have enough DNA to be viable.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficult REF: Section 10.1 | Section 10.2

OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Analysis

99. What are the three checkpoints of the cell cycle and what is being “checked” during each one?


The G1/S checkpoint is when the cell assesses the DNA for radiation or chemical damage. The G2/M
checkpoint is when the cell assesses the DNA for radiation or chemical damage, and also ensures that
the DNA was fully replicated during S phase. The mitotic spindle checkpoint is when the cell
determines whether each chromosome is properly attached to the mitotic spindle.

PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: Section 10.4

OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

100. Cancer is caused by rapid cell division that results in tumor formation. Cancer cells often have
mutations in CDK genes. Explain how a mutation in a CDK might help lead to uncontrolled cell

CDKs normally cause the progression of the cell from one stage of the cell cycle to the next by binding
to a stage specific cyclin. A mutant CDK could allow the progression from one cell cycle stage to the
next without binding to the cyclin first.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficult REF: Section 10.4

OBJ: Bloom's Taxonomy: Analysis


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