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( date)

Zoha sheraz
Arroba Irfan
Faraz khan
M. Umar
M. Arsal
M. Zubair


Mr. Zaka-ur-Rehman

Department of computer science

Department of computer science, Riphah

University Lahore

A report submitted to the department of computer science


Computer science

Sr. # Enrollment No. Name semester/

1 AF21LHB1474 Zoha sheraz

2 AF21LHB1183 Arooba Irfan
3 AF21LHB1194 Faraz khan
4 AF21LHB1321 Muhammad Umar
5 AF21LHB1187 Muhammad Arsal
6 AF21LHB1193 Muhammad Zubair

Internal examiner. (Supervisor)

Mr. Zaka-ur-Rehman

Department of computer science

Table contents
chapter 1............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Introduction….................................................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Purpose…........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Document conventions…................................................................................................................................................7
1.4 Intended Audience and reading Suggestions…...............................................................................................................8
1.5 Project scope.................................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.6 Benefits......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.7 GOALS...........................................................................................................................................................................11
1.8 Software/hardware required for developing................................................................................................................12
chapter 2............................................................................................................................................................................. 13
2.1 Overall Description…......................................................................................................................................................14
2.2 Product Perspective.......................................................................................................................................................15
2.3 Product Features...........................................................................................................................................................16
2.4 User Classes and Characteristics….................................................................................................................................17
2.5 Operating Environment…..............................................................................................................................................18
2.6 Design and Implementation Constraints........................................................................................................................19
2.7 User Documentation…...................................................................................................................................................20
2.8 Assumptions and Dependencies....................................................................................................................................21
chapter 3............................................................................................................................................................................. 22
3.1 system feature............................................................................................................................................................... 23
3.2 system feature 2 (and so on).........................................................................................................................................24
chapter 4............................................................................................................................................................................. 25
4.1 External interface Requirements..................................................................................................................................26
4.2 user interface................................................................................................................................................................ 27
4.3 hardware interface........................................................................................................................................................28
4.4 software interface.........................................................................................................................................................29
4.5 communications interface.............................................................................................................................................30
chapter 5............................................................................................................................................................................. 31
5.1 Other Nonfunctional Requirements..............................................................................................................................32
5.2 Performance Requirements..........................................................................................................................................33
5.3 Safety Requirements.....................................................................................................................................................34
5.4 Security Requirements..................................................................................................................................................35
5.5 Software Quality Attributes...........................................................................................................................................36
Chapter 1
1.1 introduction
This documentation is like guiding map for the web based online application for YouTube which describe all the
working related to the project and also provides an overlook of the design and implementation phases at abstract
level. The proposed system will run on application area i.e.
Web based application
YouTube is a video-sharing platform that was created in 2005. It has grown to become one of the largest and most influential
online communities in the world, with over 2 billion active monthly users. On YouTube, users can upload, share, and view
videos on a wide range of topics, including music, entertainment, education, and politics. The platform has become a go-to
destination for people to discover new content, connect with others, and express their creativity. Whether you're looking for a
laugh, a new perspective, or a way to share your own work, YouTube offers endless possibilities for users of all ages.

Our website consists of several different sections or portions that make up the overall platform.
These include:
• Homepage: This is the first page that users see when they log in to their account. It features a feed of recommended videos,
channels, and playlists.
• Search bar: Users can use this bar to search for specific videos, channels, or topics.
• Channels: Channels are individual pages that represent creators and their content. Users can subscribe to channels to
receive updates on new videos.
• Video player: The video player is the main area of the YouTube site where videos are played.
• Comments section: Users can leave comments on videos, reply to comments, and engage with other users.
• Community tab: The community tab allows creators to interact with their audience through polls, Q&A sessions, and more.
• Library: This is where users can access their subscribed channels, playlists, and saved videos.
• Creator Studio: Creators can use this area to manage their channel, upload videos, and monitor their analytics.

These are the main sections of YouTube, but there are many more features and tools available on the platform.

Our app NEX is same as YouTube. NEX will be a video-sharing platform . On NEX, users can upload, share, and view videos on
a wide range of topics, including music, entertainment, education, and politics. The platform will become a go-to destination for
people to discover new content, connect with others, and express their creativity. Whether you're looking for a laugh, a new
perspective, or a way to share your own work, NEX offers endless possibilities for users of all ages.

Following listed features will be perform in order to achieve the NEX:

• Video upload: Users should be able to upload and publish their videos to the platform.
• Video player: A video player that can handle different video formats and provide a seamless viewing experience.
• Video search: A search feature that allows users to find videos based on keywords, tags, and categories.
• Channel creation: Users should be able to create their own channels and customise them with a profile picture, banner,
and description.
• Subscription and notification system: Users can subscribe to channels and receive notifications when new videos
are uploaded.
• Commenting system: A commenting system that allows users to share their thoughts and interact with others.
• Video analytics: Analytics tools that provide creators with insights into the performance of their videos, such as
views, engagement, and demographics.
• Video monetisation: Monetisation options that allow creators to earn money from their videos, such as advertising
and sponsorships.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of NEX is to provide a multimedia platform for users to upload, share, and view video content. The
primary purpose of NEX is to democratise video content creation and distribution. It aims to provide an
accessible and user-friendly platform for users to upload their videos, regardless of their level of technical
expertise or resources. This allows anyone with a camera and an internet connection to become a content creator
and share their ideas, thoughts, and experiences with the world.
NEX purpose is also to provide a source of entertainment and information for its users. The platform offers a
wide range of video content, including music videos, educational content, comedy skits, vlogs, and much more.
This enables users to find and watch videos that align with their interests and hobbies, and to learn about new
topics and ideas.
Another important purpose of NEX is to provide opportunities for content creators to reach a wide audience and
monetise their content. The platform offers tools and resources for creators to grow their audience, and monetise
their content through advertising, sponsorships, and other revenue streams. This enables creators to make a
living doing what they love, and to reach a large and diverse audience.
Furthermore, NEX’s purpose is to foster a sense of community, collaboration, and creativity. The platform
provides tools and resources for users to engage with others, build networks, and share their content and ideas.
NEX also encourages user interaction through features such as commenting, liking, and sharing, which allows
users to connect with and inspire each other.
In conclusion, the purpose of NEX is to provide a multimedia platform for users to upload, view, and share video
content, connect with others, express themselves creatively, and monetise their content. The platform aims to
bring together a global community of users who can engage with and inspire each other, and contribute to a
thriving and diverse online community.

1.3 Document conventions

NEX will have certain document conventions that content creators and users should follow in order to ensure a
positive and consistent user experience.
These conventions include:
Video Format: Videos should be in a format that is easily viewable on NEX, such as MP4, AVI, MOV, or
WMV. The platform also recommends using a specific resolution and aspect ratio to ensure optimal video
Video Length: Videos should be under 15 minutes in length, although some users may be able to
upload videos longer than this with approval.
Video Content: Videos should not contain any offensive or inappropriate material, such as hate
speech, violence, or nudity. NEX also has strict guidelines regarding copyright infringement and
Video Titles and Descriptions: Video titles and descriptions should accurately describe the content of
the video and be free of spam or irrelevant information.
Video Thumbnail: Videos should have a clear and representative thumbnail image that accurately
represents the content of the video.
Video Privacy Settings: Videos can be set to either public, unlisted, or private, and users should choose
the appropriate privacy setting for their content.
Video Ratings: Videos should be rated appropriately for their content, such as PG, PG-13, or R.
By following these document conventions, YouTube content creators can ensure that their videos are accessible,
1.4 Intendent Audience and reading Suggestions
The intended audience of NEX is a broad and diverse group of users that includes individuals, organisations, and
businesses. This audience can be broken down into several categories, including:

Content Creators: NEX’s primary audience is content creators who use the platform to upload, share,
and monetise their videos.
Viewers: NEX’s secondary audience is viewers who use the platform to watch and engage with video content.
Advertisers: NEX’s also targets advertisers who use the platform to reach a large and diverse audience
and promote their products and services.

In terms of reading suggestions, those who are interested in using NEX as a content creator or advertiser should
familiarise themselves with the platform's guidelines and policies, including the video format, video length, video
content, and video ratings conventions. Additionally, those who are interested in using NEX for viewing purposes
should consider familiarising themselves with the site's user interface, video recommendations, and engagement
features such as commenting and liking.
Ultimately, the intended audience of NEX and the recommended reading suggestions will vary based on the
individual's goals and motivations for using the platform. However, by understanding the platform's conventions and
resources, users can get the most out of their experience on NEX.

1.5 Project scop

The scope of NEX can be defined as the range of services and features that the platform offers to its users. This

• Video Uploading and Sharing: NEX's main function is to allow users to upload and share videos with a
global audience. This includes the ability to upload videos in a variety of formats and resolutions, and to share
videos through social media and embedding on other websites.
• Video Discoverability: NEX has various tools and features to help users discover new and relevant video
content. This includes recommended videos, search functionality, and video categorisation and labelling.
• Video Engagement: NEX provides users with various ways to engage with video content, including
commenting, liking, and sharing. The platform also has a recommendation algorithm that uses user engagement
data to suggest relevant and personalised video content.
• Video Monetisation: NEX provides users with the ability to monetise their videos through advertising,
sponsorships, and memberships. The platform also offers tools and resources to help users optimise
their monetisation efforts.
• Video Analytics: NEX provides users with insights into the performance of their videos, including metrics such as
views, engagement, and audience demographics.
• Video Management: NEX provides users with tools to manage their video content, including editing and
deleting videos, setting video privacy settings, and customising their channel design.
• Video Quality: NEX is committed to delivering high-quality video content to its users, and has strict guidelines
and policies regarding video quality and content. The platform also provides users with various tools and
resources to optimise their video content for better performance and engagement.

In conclusion, the scope of NEX is broad and encompasses various functions and features that allow users to upload,
share, and monetise video content. The platform provides users with tools and resources to optimise their video
content and reach a global audience, while also committing to delivering high-quality video content.
Access to a Wide Range of Content:
NEX will provides users with access to a vast library of videos that cover a wide range of topics, from educational
and informative content to entertainment and music.
Free and Convenient:
NEX will be free to use and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making it a convenient
platform for users.
User-Generated Content:
NEX will be a platform where users can upload their own videos and share them with a global audience. This has led
to an increase in creative and innovative content being produced.
Social Interaction:
NEX will provides a platform for users to engage with one another, share ideas and opinions, and connect with
others who have similar interests.
Increased Reach and Visibility:
NEX will provides users with the ability to reach a global audience, which can help to increase visibility and exposure
for individuals, businesses, and organizations.
Marketing and Advertising Opportunities:
NEX will provides businesses with the opportunity to advertise their products and services to a wide audience and
target specific demographics.
Professional Development and Education:
NEX will offers a wealth of educational resources and tutorials that can help users to improve their skills and
knowledge in a wide range of subjects.
Source of Income:
For content creators, NEX will be a source of income through advertising and sponsorship opportunities.

Goals of NEX is:
• To provide a platform for individuals, businesses, and organizations to share and distribute video content with
a global audience.
• To create a space where users can interact, connect, and engage with one another through comments, likes,
and other social features.
• To support and encourage the creation and distribution of diverse, high-quality video content that is accessible
to everyone.
• To provide a platform for content creators to earn revenue through advertising and other monetization methods.
• To foster creativity, innovation, and collaboration through the sharing and exchange of ideas and perspectives.
• To provide users with an easy-to-use, accessible platform for viewing, uploading, and sharing video content.
• To create a trusted and safe online community where users can feel confident sharing their opinions
and perspectives.
• To help content creators build their brand and grow their audience through promotion and
distribution opportunities.
• To constantly evolve and improve the user experience on the platform, making it easier and more convenient
for users to discover, watch, and share video content.
1.8 Software/hardware required for developing
To develop NEX, the following software and hardware are required:
Web Server: A web server such as Apache or Nginx is required to host the platform.
Database: A database management system such as MySQL or MongoDB is required to store the metadata

and content for the videos.

Programming Languages: The platform requires programming languages such as PHP, Ruby on Rails, or

JavaScript for server-side scripting and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for client-side scripting.
Video Encoding and Streaming Technology: To handle the video content, video encoding and

streaming technologies such as Adobe Flash or HTML5 are required.

CDN (Content Delivery Network): A CDN such as Akamai or Amazon CloudFront is required to ensure fast and

reliable delivery of videos to users.

Load Balancing: To handle the high volume of traffic, load balancing software such as HAProxy or NGINX

is required.
Cloud Computing Services: Cloud computing services such as Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Platform

are required to provide the necessary infrastructure and scalability.

Hardware: Powerful servers and storage systems are required to handle the large volume of video content

and user traffic.

Security: Strong security measures such as SSL certificates, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems are

required to ensure the safety and privacy of user data.

Chapter 2
2.1 Overall Description
NEX is a video-sharing application that is similar to YouTube in functionality and features. It allows users to
upload, share, and watch videos, as well as engage with other users and content creators.
NEX typically provide a user-friendly interface with easy navigation and search features to help users find the
content they are interested in. They also offer a personalized experience, with recommendations based on
viewing history and user preferences.
Like YouTube, NEX also allow users to create and manage playlists, subscribe to channels, and interact with
other users through comments, likes, and shares. They often have features to enable live streaming and
monetization, allowing content creators to earn money from their videos.
NEX also provide additional features, such as video editing tools and filters, to help users create and enhance
their videos. They may also offer social networking features, allowing users to connect with other users and
share their videos on other social media platforms.
Overall, NEX will a popular way for users to discover, create, and share video content on their mobile devices.
They offer a vast range of content and opportunities for both casual viewers and aspiring content creators,
making them a significant part of the online video landscape.

2.2 Product Perspective

From a product perspective, NEX will meet the demands of both content creators and viewers. NEX offer a
platform that is easy to use, reliable, and engaging, with features that encourage users to interact with the
content and with each other.
NEX also be designed to appeal to advertisers, who provide the primary source of revenue for the platform.
This means NEX provide data and analytics that can help advertisers target their ads effectively, as well as
ensuring that the platform is a safe and brand-friendly environment for their content.
In terms of competition, NEX will stay ahead of emerging competitors and respond to changes in user
behavior and preferences. This requires constant innovation and adaptation, as well as a deep understanding
of the market trends and dynamics.
Overall, the product perspective of NЕХ involves balancing the needs and expectations of users, creators,
advertisers, and stakeholders, while also staying ahead of the competition and responding to market trends
and changes. It requires a strategic and customer-centric approach to product development and
2.3 Product Features
The product features of NЕХ grouped into several categories, including:

• User Interface and Navigation: A user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation are essential for
ensuring that users can find the content they want quickly and easily. This includes features like search,
filters, and sorting options, as well as a well-organized and visually appealing layout.
• Content Creation and Management: The ability to upload and manage content is a critical feature of any
video-sharing app. This includes features like video uploading, editing, and publishing, as well as tools for
managing channels, playlists, and subscribers.
• Content Discovery and Recommendation: To keep users engaged and coming back for more, NEX provide
a range of content discovery and recommendation features. This includes personalized recommendations
based on viewing history, as well as curated playlists and channels.
• Social Interaction: NEX will also a social platform, and features that encourage social interaction are
critical for building and maintaining a vibrant community. This includes commenting, sharing, and liking
features, as well as features that allow users to follow, collaborate, and connect with other users and
content creators.
• Monetization and Advertising: Many content creators rely on video-sharing apps like YouTube as a source
of income, and features that support monetization and advertising are essential. This includes features
like ad placement, sponsorship and endorsement opportunities, and revenue sharing models.
• Security and Privacy: NEX will also provide robust security and privacy features to protect user data and
ensure a safe and secure environment. This includes measures to prevent spam and abuse, as well as
tools for managing privacy settings and reporting inappropriate content.
Overall, the product features of NEX will balance the needs of users, content creators, and advertisers, while
also ensuring a safe, engaging, and user-friendly experience for everyone.

2.4 User Classes and Characteristics

The user classes and characteristics of NЕХ will be similar to those of YouTube
itself. They include:
• Content Creators: These are users who create and upload videos to the platform. They may range from
amateur creators to professional content producers. Content creators may have different motivations for
using the platform, such as building a following, generating revenue, or promoting a brand or product.
• Viewers: Viewers are the primary audience for the content on the platform. They watch videos for
entertainment or educational purposes, and may also interact with creators and other viewers through
comments, likes, and shares.
• Advertisers: Advertisers are companies or organizations that place ads on the platform to promote their
products or services. They may have different goals for advertising, such as raising brand awareness,
increasing sales, or driving website traffic. Advertisers may also target specific user demographics or
interests to ensure that their ads reach the right audience.
• Moderators: Moderators are users who are responsible for monitoring and enforcing the platform's
community guidelines and policies. They may remove inappropriate content, respond to user complaints,
and take action against users who violate the platform's rules.
• Developers: Developers are users who create third-party applications or services that integrate with the
platform. They may develop tools to help content creators manage their channels, analyze user data, or
automate certain tasks.
• Influencers: Influencers are users who have built a significant following on the platform and have the
ability to influence the opinions and behavior of their audience. They may work with brands and
advertisers to promote products or services.
• Educators: Educators are users who create and upload educational content to the platform. They may
include teachers, trainers, and experts in various fields who share their knowledge and expertise with
Overall, NEX will cater to the needs and expectations of each user group while ensuring that the overall
experience is safe, engaging, and user-friendly.

2.5 Operating Environment

The operating environment for NEX would likely be influenced by several factors, including:

• Technological advancements: Advances in technology, such as improvements in video streaming quality,

increased availability of mobile devices, and the growth of social media platforms, will create new
opportunities for NEX to attract and engage users.
• Legal and regulatory factors: Laws and regulations related to content moderation, data privacy, and
intellectual property will impact the development and distribution of NEX.
• Competition: The online video market is highly competitive, with several established players like
YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion, as well as newer entrants. The competition can affect the user
acquisition, monetization options, and content quality of the app.
• Social and cultural factors: Changes in consumer behavior and preferences, such as the rise of short-form
videos, can influence the popularity and success of NEX.
• Demographic factors: The demographics of the target audience, such as age, gender, and location, will
impact the design, marketing, and content of the app.
• Economic factors: The state of the economy, including factors such as inflation, interest rates, and
consumer spending, can impact the advertising revenues and pricing strategies of the app.
Understanding the operating environment is critical for NEX to succeed. Companies need to adapt and
innovate in response to changes in the operating environment to remain relevant and successful.
Additionally, they need to develop strategies to differentiate their app from competitors and meet the
evolving needs and preferences of their target audience.

2.6 Design and Implementation Constraints

Design and implementation constraints are factors that can limit the design and development of a product. Some
potential design and implementation constraints for NEX include:
• Technical limitations: The NEX's design and development may be constrained by technical limitations such as
available hardware, software, and network resources. This may impact the NEX's functionality, performance, and
• Platform compatibility: The app may need to be compatible with different platforms such as mobile devices, web
browsers, and operating systems. This can present design and development challenges, particularly in ensuring a
consistent user experience across different platforms.
• Data privacy and security: The app may need to comply with data privacy and security regulations, which can
impose design and development constraints. This may include implementing security features such as encryption,
access controls, and secure data storage.
• Content moderation: The app may need to implement content moderation features to ensure that user-generated
content complies with the app's policies and legal regulations. This can require sophisticated machine learning
algorithms and human moderators, which can be costly to implement and maintain.
• Monetization: The app may need to generate revenue through advertising or other means. This can impose design
and development constraints, such as implementing ad serving platforms or developing subscription-based
revenue models.
• User interface design: The app's user interface needs to be intuitive, easy to use, and visually appealing.
However, design constraints such as limited screen space on mobile devices can make it challenging to
create an optimal user experience.
• Time and budget: The app's design and development may be constrained by time and budget limitations.
This may require making difficult trade-offs between features, functionality, and development resources.
Understanding these constraints is important for designing and developing a successful YouTube-like app.
Companies need to carefully consider these constraints when developing their app and make decisions that
prioritize user experience, security, and functionality while staying within time and budget constraints.

2.7 User Documentation

NEX provides user documentation in the form of help articles and tutorials that are available on the
platform's Help Center.Here are some key aspects of user documentation for NEX:
• Getting Started: Provide clear instructions on how users can create an account and start using the
app. This should include information on how to search for videos, create playlists, and upload
their own content.
• Features and Tools: Explain the different features and tools available on your app, such as video
editing tools, analytics, and monetization options. Provide step-by-step instructions on how to use
these features and how they can benefit users.
• Content Moderation: Provide clear guidelines on what types of content are allowed on the app
and what types of content are prohibited. Explain how you will moderate user-generated content
to ensure that the platform remains safe and appropriate for all users.
• Copyright Infringement: Provide clear instructions on how users can upload content without
infringing on any copyright laws. Explain what types of content are subject to copyright laws and
what users should do if they receive a copyright infringement notice.
• Troubleshooting: Provide troubleshooting guides to help users resolve issues they may encounter
while using the app. This should include information on how to report bugs, how to contact
support, and how to resolve common issues such as video playback problems.
• User Community: Encourage users to connect with each other and share best practices. Provide
access to forums, user groups, and other resources to help users learn from each other and build
a community around your app.
Overall, the user documentation for NEX will be comprehensive, easy to understand, and regularly
updated to reflect changes to the app and policies. By providing clear instructions and guidelines,
you can ensure that users can get the most out of your app and have a positive experience.
2.8 Assumptions and Dependencies
Assumptions and dependencies refer to factors that are assumed to be true or required for the successful
implementation of NEX. Here are some common assumptions and dependencies for NEX:
• Users have access to a reliable internet connection to stream and upload videos.
• Users are interested in consuming and/or creating video content.
• Users are comfortable with creating and managing an online account.
• The app's video hosting and streaming infrastructure can handle a large volume of traffic and data.
• The app requires access to video hosting and streaming infrastructure to function properly.
• The app relies on external APIs to enable features such as video search, content recommendations, and
user authentication.
• The app depends on a team of developers, designers, and support staff to build and maintain the platform.
• The app may depend on partnerships with advertisers, content creators, or other third-party providers to
generate revenue or provide content.
Overall, it is important to identify and account for these assumptions and dependencies when planning and
developing an app like YouTube. By doing so, you can ensure that the app is built on a strong foundation
and can provide a high-quality experience for users.
Chapter 3
3.1 system feature
In NEX here are several key system features that we may want to consider implementing to provide users with a
high-quality experience.
• Video Hosting and Streaming: Your app will need a robust video hosting and streaming infrastructure to
ensure that users can upload and watch videos seamlessly. This may include features such as video
transcoding, adaptive streaming, and video compression.
• User Accounts and Authentication: To enable users to upload, like, and comment on videos, your app will
need to implement user accounts and authentication. This will allow users to create profiles, manage their
content, and engage with other users on the platform.
• Search and Discovery: Your app should include a robust search and discovery engine that allows users to find
videos based on keywords, topics, and user preferences. This may include features such as personalized
recommendations, trending videos, and video categories.
• Content Moderation: To ensure that the app remains safe and appropriate for all users, you will need to
implement content moderation tools. This may include features such as flagging, reporting, and automated
content review.
• Monetization: To generate revenue and provide incentives for content creators, your app may include
monetization features such as advertising, sponsorships, and premium subscriptions.
• Analytics and Insights: To enable users to track the performance of their content, your app should include
analytics and insights tools. This may include features such as video view counts, engagement metrics, and
revenue reports.
Overall, these system features are essential to the success of NEX. By implementing these features, you can
provide users with a high-quality experience and enable content creators to build and grow their audience on
your platform.

3.2 system feature 2(and so on)

Here are some additional system features that NEX will include:
• Social Media Integration: Your app could integrate with popular social media platforms such as Facebook,
Twitter, and Instagram to enable users to share their videos and engage with their followers across different
• Video Editing Tools: Your app could include basic video editing tools that enable users to edit their videos
directly within the app. This could include features such as trimming, cropping, and adding text overlays.
• Messaging and Notifications: Your app could include a messaging system that allows users to communicate
with each other, as well as notifications to keep users updated on new content and engagement on their
• Personalization and Customization: Your app could provide users with the ability to personalize their profiles
and customize their video settings. This could include features such as profile themes, video thumbnails, and
video descriptions.
• Community Management: Your app could provide community management tools that enable users to
moderate their own communities and report inappropriate content. This could include features such as
community guidelines, automated content review, and community moderators.
• Cross-Platform Support: Your app could be available on multiple platforms, including web, mobile, and smart
TVs, to enable users to access the platform from a range of devices and locations. This could include features
such as cross-device syncing and universal search.
Chapter 4
External interface Requirements
4.1 External interface Requirements
External interface requirements refer to the interactions between the NEX and external systems or interfaces.
Here are some examples of external interface requirements:
• Social Media Platforms: NEX interfaces with social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram to enable users to share their videos and engage with their followers across different platforms.
• Payment Gateways: NEX includes monetization features, NEX interface with payment gateways such as
PayPal or Stripe to enable creators to receive payments for their content.
• Video Hosting and Streaming Services: NEX interface with third-party video hosting and streaming services
such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Vimeo to provide users with reliable and scalable video hosting and
streaming capabilities.
• Analytics and Insights Services: NEX interface with third-party analytics and insights services such as Google
Analytics or Mixpanel to provide creators with detailed data on their video performance and audience
• Advertising Networks: NEX includes advertising features, NEX interface with advertising networks such as
Google AdSense or Facebook Ads to serve ads and generate revenue for creators.
• Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): NEX interface with CDNs such as Cloudflare or Akamai to deliver videos
and other content to users quickly and efficiently.
• Authentication and Authorization Services: NEX interface with authentication and authorization services
such as OAuth or OpenID Connect to enable users to log in securely and access their account information.
• Search Engines: NEX interface with search engines such as Google or Bing to ensure that videos are
discoverable and optimized for search.

4.2 User interface

User interface (UI) refers to the visual and interactive design of the NEX that enables users to interact with the
system. Here are some key elements that could be included in the user interface of NEX:
• Home Screen: The home screen will be visually appealing and provide users with easy access to popular
videos, trending content, and personalized recommendations.
• Video Player: The video player will be user-friendly and intuitive, providing users with easy access to
playback controls, full-screen mode, and video quality settings.
• Search Bar: The search bar will be prominently displayed and provide users with the ability to search for
specific videos or channels.
• Navigation Menu: The navigation menu will be easy to access and provide users with quick access to
different sections of the app, such as the user's channel, subscriptions, and playlists.
• User Profile: The user profile will be easy to customize and provide users with the ability to upload profile
pictures, edit their bio, and manage their videos and playlists.
• Comment Section: The comment section will be easy to read and provide users with the ability to leave
comments, reply to comments, and report inappropriate content.
• Notifications: The notifications section will be easily accessible and provide users with notifications for new
videos, comments, likes, and other types of engagement.
• Subscription Management: The subscription management section will be easy to navigate and provide users
with the ability to subscribe to channels, manage their subscriptions, and receive notifications for new
• Playback History: The playback history section will allow users to see the videos they have recently watched
and provide easy access to revisit them.
• Help and Support: The help and support section will provide users with easy access to FAQs, tutorials, and
contact information for customer support.
4.3 Hardware interface
NEX is same like YouTube.So, As an online platform, YouTube does not have hardware
interfaces in the traditional sense, as it does not require any specific hardware components to
function. However, users may need to have certain hardware components to access and use
the platform, such as:
• Computer: Users need a computer or mobile device with an internet connection to access the
YouTube website or app.
• Display and Speakers: Users may need a display and speakers to watch videos on YouTube.
• Microphone and Camera: Creators may need a microphone and camera to record and upload
videos to YouTube.
• Mobile Device: Users may access YouTube using a mobile device, such as a smartphone or
tablet, and may require additional components such as a touchscreen and mobile data
• Internet Connection: Users need a reliable internet connection to stream videos on YouTube.
It's important to note that these are not hardware interfaces in the traditional sense, but
rather the basic hardware components that users need to access and use the YouTube

4.4 Software interface

Software interfaces refer to the methods and protocols that the NEX uses to interact with other
software components or systems. Here are some examples of software interfaces:
• APIs: The will use Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to interface with other systems or
services, such as Google APIs to access YouTube's video data or social media APIs to enable social
• Operating System: The NEX interface with the user's operating system to enable basic functionality
such as file access, network connectivity, and device drivers.
• Web Technologies: NEX will be web-based, it will interface with web technologies such as HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, and other web programming languages.
• Database: NEX interface with a database to store and retrieve user data, video metadata, and other
app-related information.
• Authentication and Authorization: NEX will use authentication and authorization protocols, such as
OAuth or OpenID, to authenticate users and enable access control.
• Multimedia Frameworks: NEX will use multimedia frameworks, such as FFmpeg or GStreamer, to
encode, decode, and process video and audio data.
• Content Delivery Networks: NEX interface with content delivery networks (CDNs) to optimize video
streaming and reduce latency.
It's important that the specific software interfaces required will depend on the features and
functionalities of the NEX.
4.4 Communications interface
NEX is same like YouTube.we also use same communication interface like YouTube. YouTube uses a
variety of communication interfaces to provide its video-sharing platform and related services. Some
examples of communication interfaces used by YouTube include:
• HTTP and HTTPS: YouTube primarily uses HTTP and HTTPS to communicate with web servers and
transmit data.
• RTMP and HLS: YouTube uses Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) and HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)
to enable live streaming functionality.
• WebSockets: YouTube may use WebSockets to enable real-time communication between the client
and server.
• Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS): YouTube uses SSL/TLS to establish
secure communication channels and protect data in transit.
• Domain Name System (DNS): YouTube uses DNS to translate domain names to IP addresses.
• Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): YouTube uses CDNs to optimize video streaming and reduce
• APIs: YouTube offers APIs for developers to interact with YouTube's video data, search
functionality, and user information, among other features.
It's important that the specific communication interfaces used by YouTube may vary based on its
various features and functionalities.
Chapter 5
other Nonfunctional Requirements
5.1 Other Nonfunctional Requirements
Nonfunctional requirements are the criteria that define the quality attributes of the system or
application. Here are some other nonfunctional requirements for NEX:
• Speed: NEX will load and display content quickly to provide a seamless user experience.
• Searchability: NEX will have a powerful search function that allows users to find videos quickly and
• Personalization: NEX will be able to personalize recommendations and content based on a user's
interests and preferences.
• User engagement: NEX will encourage user engagement through features such as comments,
likes, and shares.
• Accessibility: NEX will be accessible to users with disabilities, with support for assistive
technologies and accessibility standards.
• Responsiveness: NEX will be responsive to user inputs and able to provide feedback in real-time.
• Multilingual support: NEX will support multiple languages, including translations for video titles,
descriptions, and captions.
• Content distribution: NEX will have the ability to distribute content to different platforms and
channels, including social media and email.
• Data management: NEX will manage data efficiently and effectively, with systems in place to store,
retrieve, and analyze data.
• Social integration: NEX will integrate with social media platforms to allow users to share content
and engage with others.
These nonfunctional requirements are important for ensuring that NEX provides a high-quality user
experience, attracts and retains users, and stays competitive in the video-sharing market.

5.2 Performance Requirements

Performance requirements describe how well the system needs to perform in terms of speed,
responsiveness, reliability, and other performance-related factors. Here are some performance
requirements foe NEX:
• Response time: The app should load quickly and be responsive to user input, with a maximum
response time of 2 seconds.
• Concurrent users: The app should be able to handle a large number of concurrent users, with a
minimum capacity of 1,000 users at peak times.
• Video streaming quality: The app should support high-quality video streaming, with a minimum
resolution of 1080p and a maximum buffering time of 5 seconds.
• Upload speed: The app should allow users to upload videos quickly, with a minimum upload speed
of 10 Mbps.
• Search speed: The app should return search results quickly, with a maximum search time of 2
• Reliability: The app should be highly reliable and available at all times, with a minimum uptime of
• Scalability: The app should be scalable to accommodate increasing user demand, with the ability
to add additional servers and resources as needed.
• Network performance: The app should perform well over different types of networks, including
4G, 5G, and Wi-Fi.
• Security: The app should be secure and protect user data from unauthorized access or breaches.
• Compatibility: The app should be compatible with different devices, operating systems, and
browsers, to ensure a broad reach to users.
These performance requirements are critical for ensuring that YouTube provides a high-quality user
experience, attracts and retains users, and stays competitive in the video-sharing market.

5.4 Safety Requirements

Safety requirements for NEX will include guidelines for user-generated content, privacy policies, and
measures to prevent harmful behavior . Here are some specific examples:
• Content guidelines: NEX will have clear guidelines for what type of content is allowed on the
platform. This will include rules around hate speech, bullying, violence, nudity, and other
inappropriate content. The guidelines should be clearly communicated to users, and enforced
• Age restrictions: NEX will have clear age restrictions in place to ensure that children and
teenagers are not exposed to inappropriate content. This could involve verifying the age of users,
and limiting access to certain types of content based on age.
• Privacy policies: NEX will have a comprehensive privacy policy that outlines how user data is
collected, stored, and used. This will include information on how user data is protected, who has
access to it, and how users can control their own data.
• Reporting and moderation tools: NEX will robust reporting and moderation tools in place to allow
users to report inappropriate content or behavior. These reports will be reviewed promptly and
action taken to remove or restrict access to harmful content.
• Community guidelines: NEX will have clear community guidelines that outline expected behavior
from users. This will include rules around respectful discourse, language use, and other
community standards.
• User education: NEX will provide educational resources to users on how to use the app safely,
including how to protect their privacy, avoid harmful content, and report inappropriate behavior.
By implementing these safety requirements, NEX create a safe and positive environment for users
to share and view content.

5.5 Security Requirements

Security requirements for NEX will include measures to protect user data, prevent unauthorized
access, and detect and respond to security threats.
Here are some specific examples:
• Secure login: NEX will require strong authentication mechanisms, such as multi-factor
authentication, to prevent unauthorized access to user accounts.
• Encryption: NEX will encrypt all sensitive user data, such as login credentials, videos, and personal
information, both in transit and at rest, to protect it from unauthorized access or theft.
• Secure payment processing: NEX offers payment processing for premium content, it will use
secure payment methods and encrypt all payment data to protect it from theft or fraud.
• Regular software updates and patches: NEX will keep its software up to date with the latest security
patches to prevent security vulnerabilities.
• User privacy: NEX will have a comprehensive privacy policy that outlines how user data is collected, stored, and
used. This will include information on how user data is protected, who has access to it, and how users can
control their own data.
• Security testing and assessments: NEX will conduct regular security testing and assessments to identify
vulnerabilities and weaknesses in its security systems.
• Incident response plan: NEX will have an incident response plan in place to respond quickly and effectively to
security breaches or incidents.
• Employee training and awareness: All employees who have access to user data or sensitive information will
receive regular security training to ensure they are aware of security risks and best practices.
By implementing these security requirements, NEX will ensure that user data and sensitive information are
protected from unauthorized access or theft, and that users can use the app with confidence.

5.6 Software Quality Attributes

Software quality attributes are characteristics or properties of software that define its overall quality,
usability, and performance. For NEX, here are some of the important software quality attributes that
should be considered:
• Usability: NEX will be easy to use, with intuitive navigation and user-friendly interfaces that make it
easy for users to find, watch, and share videos.
• Reliability: NEX will be reliable, with minimal downtime, and will be able to handle high traffic loads
without crashing or becoming unstable.
• Performance: NEX will be fast and responsive, with quick video load times and minimal buffering.
• Scalability: NEX will be scalable, with the ability to handle increasing traffic loads and data storage
requirements as the app grows.
• Security: NEX will be secure, with robust security measures in place to protect user data, prevent
unauthorized access, and detect and respond to security threats.
• Compatibility: NEX will be compatible with a wide range of devices and operating systems, allowing
users to access it from their preferred device or platform.
• Maintainability: NEX will be easy to maintain and update, with well-documented code, clear software
architecture, and minimal technical debt.
• Accessibility: NEX will be accessible to users with disabilities, with features such as closed captions,
audio descriptions, and keyboard navigation.
By prioritizing these software quality attributes, NEX will deliver a high-quality user experience that is
reliable, scalable, and secure, while also being accessible and easy to maintain.

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