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[Test Case]
* Shopper have active session on `TDS-checkout`
* Shopper have item from `General` flow
* Shopper logout from `TDS-checkout`
* Shopper login to `TDS-checkout`

[Expected result]
* Redirected to General Cart

2.[Test Case]
* Shopper have active session on `TDS-checkout`
* Shopper have item from `Platform` flow
* Shopper logout from `TDS-checkout`
* Shopper login to `TDS-checkout`

[Expected result]
* Redirected to Platform Cart

3.[Test Case]
* Shopper have active session on `TDS-checkout`
* Shopper have item from `Platform` flow
* Shopper logout from `TDS-checkout`
* Shopper checkout item from `General` flow
* Redirected to TDS, fill out the phone number, then validate

[Expected result]
* Redirected to General Cart

4.[Test Case]
* Shopper have active session on `TDS-checkout`
* Shopper have item from `General` flow
* Shopper logout from `TDS-checkout`
* Shopper checkout item from `Platform` flow
* Redirected to TDS, fill out the phone number, then validate

[Expected result]
* Redirected to Platform Cart

5.[Test Case]
* Shopper don't have active session on `TDS-checkout`
* Shopper checkout a product from `General` flow
* Redirected to TDS, fill out the phone number, then validate

[Expected result]
* Redirect to General Cart

6.[Test Case]
* Shopper don't have active session on `TDS-checkout`
* Shopper checkout a product from `Platform` flow
* Redirected to TDS, fill out the phone number, then validate

[Expected result]
* Redirect to Platform Cart

7.[Test Case]
* Shopper have active session on `TDS-checkout`
* Shopper have item from `Platform` flow
* Shopper click `Back to Store`
* Shopper access URL `TDS-checkout`
[Expected result]
* Redirected to Platform Cart

8.[Test Case]
* Shopper have active session on `TDS-checkout`
* Shopper have item from `General` flow
* Shopper logout from `TDS-checkout`
* Shopper checkout item from `General` flow
* Redirected to TDS, fill out the phone number, then validate

[Expected result]
* Redirect to General Cart plus add new item from `General` flow to existing cart

9.[Test Case]
* Shopper have active session on `TDS-checkout`
* Shopper have item from `Platform` flow
* Shopper logout from `TDS-checkout`
* Shopper checkout item from `Platform` flow
* Redirected to TDS, fill out the phone number, then validate

[Expected result]
* Redirect to Platform Cart and found new cart with new item

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