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Name: Palita Pichetsophon

Nickname: Ingko
Age: 17
Country: Thailand

Little Big World

But wait, there's more! In our peaceful paradise, women take center stage, ready to conquer any
activity alongside their male counterparts. It's time to unleash the full potential of the female

population. When we give women equal opportunities to participate, contribute, and lead, we

unlock a treasure trove of diverse perspectives, talents, and accomplishments. It's not about
competing against one another; it's about joining forces, like a superhero squad, to tackle the
challenges that lie ahead. Together, we can conquer the world—and maybe even some dance
battles along the way!

Ah, music—the sweet, soul-stirring elixir that unites us all. In this whimsical world, I propose a
music festival like no other. Picture a vast gathering where people come together, not just to

listen to music, but to immerse themselves in its healing power. We'll have enchanting melodies,
infectious beats, and soulful harmonies that transcend language and cultural barriers. We'll feast

on delectable treats from around the globe, dance like nobody's watching, and engage in a

plethora of group activities that will have us laughing, bonding, and creating memories to last a
lifetime. This festival won't just be about the music; it will be a celebration of our shared

humanity, a reminder that we're all in this crazy journey together.

In conclusion, the "Little Big World" revolution promises a society where class structures crumble,

respect thrives, women soar, and music unites. It's time to embrace the absurdity and create a
world where equality reigns supreme and laughter echoes in every corner. So, let's put on our

dancing shoes, leave our egos at the door, and march forward into a future that's as bright as a
disco ball. Are you ready to join the revolution? Welcome to the "Little Big World," where harmony

knows no bounds!

Satreesiriket School
Sisaket, Thailand
Name: Palita Pichetsophon
Nickname: Ingko
Age: 17
Country: Thailand

Little Big World

Gender equality is paramount for a peaceful society. Empowering women and granting them
equal opportunities to participate in all aspects of life ensures the realization of their full

potential. When women are given a voice, society benefits from their unique insights and talents.

By dismantling gender-based barriers, we forge a path towards a more equitable and inclusive
world, where the contributions of all individuals, regardless of gender, are celebrated and valued.

Music possesses a remarkable ability to transcend boundaries and unite people. By encouraging a

shared appreciation for calming and uplifting melodies, we create spaces where individuals can
find solace, joy, and connection. Organizing a music festival provides an avenue for people from
diverse backgrounds to come together, celebrate artistic expression, and engage in activities that

foster a sense of camaraderie and unity. It becomes an opportunity for intergenerational

collaboration, where people of all ages and professions can actively participate in planning and

executing events, fostering a spirit of collective ownership and cooperation.

In conclusion, the realization of a peaceful world lies within our grasp. By embracing equality,

respect, and gender inclusivity, and harnessing the unifying power of music, we can create a
society that celebrates diversity, values every individual, and fosters harmony. Let us embrace

the vision of a Little Big World, where small acts of kindness and inclusivity ripple outward,

shaping a future that is brighter, fairer, and more peaceful for all.

Satreesiriket School
Sisaket, Thailand

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