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[Pakistan is member of Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) and South Asian

Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) for past more than three decades. It is
also an observer of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and expected to get
full membership in June 2017. The track record so far and prospects ahead indicate
that SAARC will remain hostage to Pak-India tensions, and India’s quest for dominance.
ECO, while not having recorded a desirable progress either, signals comparatively
more potential. Cooperation with China and Russia from ECO’s platform seems a bright
possibility. SCO, with both security and economic cooperation in its scope, presents
even brighter prospects for Pakistan for a broader regional level engagement. Besides,
inter-organization cooperation and sub-regional initiatives can be explored and
fostered. – Author.]
Regional groupings are considered an important instrument for
promoting regional cooperation and integration. While the European
Union (EU) and Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) are
generally highlighted as two of the most successful examples, such
groupings have cropped up in all parts of the world, with varying degrees
of successes.
The region Pakistan is part of, i.e., South, West and Central Asia,
is not among the cherishable examples of integrated regions. Two
organizations for regional cooperation have existed in this region for well
over three decades now. Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) and
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) have both
completed thirty-one years of their existence at the end of 2016. Pakistan
is founding member in both these organizations. Another organization
that has emerged in this region over past one and a half decade (since
2001) is Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Pakistan is an observer at
SCO and is on the way to get full membership, expectedly in the
Irfan Shahzad is Lead Coordinator at the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Islamabad.
Policy Perspectives
organization’s coming summit in June 2017, to be held in Astana, the
capital of Kazakhstan.
While discussing Pakistan’s neighborhood and the country’s
relationship with its neighbors, it becomes pertinent to have an account
of as to how these organizations have fared so far, and what are the
prospects ahead. While the potential
of cooperation is well documented
and there can hardly be a second
opinion that all the countries stand to
gain immensely if this potential is
truly realized, it is also a matter of
fact that SAARC and ECO have so far
fallen significantly short of even a
desired pace to move towards this. It
is particularly so the case with
SAARC, which remains hostage to
what the observers see as India’s
dominant, rather hegemonic posture, and unresolved issues between
Pakistan and India 1 , which determine the core of their relationship and
also have their bearings on regional cooperation, overall, in South Asia.
ECO, while seemingly more successful in terms of economic cooperation
among its members, too finds a number of roadblocks – the most notable
among them being perpetual instability in Afghanistan – along the way
in its journey towards a closely integrated region. SCO is more of a
success story when seen in comparison with these two above mentioned
organizations, but in this case Pakistan is yet to experiment its full
This brief paper takes a quick look at the progress these three
organizations 2 have so far recorded and the prospects ahead in each
case. Based on these prospects, the paper proposes a course of action
that Pakistan may adopt, at policy level

Prerequisites for Regional Cooperation

While regional cooperation and integration are desired goals for any
region, experts have identified some prerequisites for a smooth sailing
towards these goals. Javid Husain identifies ‘community of interests’,
‘economic complementarities’, ‘geographic proximity’, ‘cultural affinities’,
‘absence of serious disputes’ and ‘non-existence of hegemonic designs’
as prerequisites for success of regional cooperation initiatives. 3 Others
have also pointed out factors like ‘political sociology’, ‘political
psychology’, ‘political culture’, and ‘authority structures (of the regional
mechanisms) and influence patterns’ as important for a closer regional
cooperation. 4
SAARC, ECO and SCO – A Brief Recap
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC):
SAARC was proposed by former Bangladeshi president Zia-ur-Rehman in
1980 and was initiated with its first summit in 1985, in Dhaka, which also
adopted the SAARC Charter. The founding members included
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. In
2007, Afghanistan was admitted as the eighth member, in the New Delhi
summit of the organization, a decision which came as surprise for many
because Afghanistan is seen as a part of Central Asia more than South
Asia, geographically. In the following years so far, Afghanistan has by
and large been toeing the Indian line – especially so vis-à-vis Pakistan,
and quite aggressively – from the platform of the organization.
Since its inception, the organization has recorded modest
achievements such as South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) agreement,
and Framework Agreement for Energy Cooperation along with regional
Standards Organization, agreements on avoidance of double taxation
and customs, and establishing thematic regional centers in all the
member countries as a few examples to note. However, the overall effort
aimed at integration of the region remains mired in hostile relations
between some of its members, especially Pakistan and India – the
reasons of which can be traced to unresolved issues such as Kashmir. A
reflection of this lack of any meaningful progress on part of SAARC,
despite the agreements and arrangements mentioned above, is that
intra-SAARC trade is less than 5% of the total international trade of its
members. In services trade, this proportion is hardly, a negligible, 0.2%.

The lingering hostility between the two arch-rival neighbours, divergent

opinions on issues like terrorism, and more so India’s very visible
hegemonic postures 5 , have also sabotaged some of the organization’s
summits – the highest decision-making forum – the recent most example
of which is indefinite postponement of the summit that was scheduled to
be held in Islamabad, in November 2016. 6
It has been noted that South Asian region and its states have
none of the prerequisites of regionalism outlined above, except
geographic proximity. 7 The member
states can easily find ways to dodge
the responsibilities and obligations
set-forth in the agreements and
documents, not to come to terms
with one another, and these remain
just that, the documents. Another
important aspect is that SAARC
Charter excludes bilateral contentious issues from being discussed at this
forum, meaning minimal, rather no, progress towards confidence
building. Even there is a feeling now that continuing to remain within
SAARC in such an atmosphere means a gradual loss of a peculiar identity
that Pakistan was supposed to maintain, and what was one of the basic
reasons for the Muslims of the undivided India to seek a separate
homeland for them, in 1947. 8
Considering the evolving nature of Pak-India relations, tensions
between Pakistan and Afghanistan and continuous anti-Pakistan postures
in capitals such as Dhaka, any journey towards a positive atmosphere for
SAARC to prosper seems invisible in the foreseeable future
Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO): The journey towards
ECO of today started in 1964 when Pakistan, Iran and Turkey together
established Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD), with its
headquarters in Tehran. Launched with quite a bit of fanfare, RCD, while
coming up with positive initiatives in a quick span of time that fostered
trade and economic cooperation between the three members, met with
serious challenges such as Pakistan’s disintegration (fall of its eastern
wing, that became Bangladesh) and emergence as a new country in
1971, and Iranian Revolution in 1979. Having then gone into a sort of
dormant state during these turbulent years, the organization was revived
by the three founding members in 1985, with Economic Cooperation
Organization as its new name. The six Muslim majority states of
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and
Uzbekistan that emerged as independent nations after the disintegration
of former Soviet Union, in 1991, along with Afghanistan, were given the
membership in 1992. Thus, the total membership increased to 10.
ECO too, during this period of past more than three decades, has
not been any notable success story, either. It is true that as compared
to SAARC, intra-ECO trade as a proportion of total external trade of ECO
members is rather higher at 8.7% in 2015. However, while this figure in
itself is very low, there is hardly anything to note with regard to a region-
wide infrastructural connectivity and any dependable regional
mechanisms. At bilateral and sub-regional level, however, some of the
ECO members are more integrated than the region as a whole, for
instance Turkey-Azerbaijan, CARs amongst themselves, Uzbekistan-
Afghanistan and Pakistan-Afghanistan cooperation.
As against SAARC, ECO owes its less than desired progress
primarily to a continuous foreign involvement in Afghanistan, and
resultant instability. However, with the latest ECO Summit held in
Islamabad, on March 1, 2017 the interest of the member nations seems
to be revived. The Declaration announced at this Summit, and the ECO
Vision 2025 approved on this occasion are forward looking documents.
And importantly, these come on the back of three important
developments unfolding in recent years: 1) a noted upsurge in Turkish
economy, making it an important member of the G-20 forum, 2) Iran-
P5+1 deal that has started the process of gradual removal of sanctions
from Iran, and more importantly, the advent of China-Pakistan Economic
Corridor (CPEC), which, though a bilateral initiative between Islamabad
and Beijing, has ignited the interest of all the ECO member countries.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): The leaders of China,

Russia and three Central Asian Republics (CARs) sharing border with
China namely Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan started a
cooperative process that was named as Shanghai Five, in 1996. The basic
purpose as stated was to resolve boundary delimitations issues 10 , and to
make joint efforts against what these nations saw as extremism,
terrorism, and separatism. Uzbekistan joined in 2001, and the
organization was formally renamed as Shanghai Cooperation
Organization (SCO). In 2005, the organization gave observer status to
Pakistan, India, Iran and Mongolia, thus starting formal interaction with
these four countries.
In its 2015 Summit, SCO announced its willingness to initiate the
process to admit Pakistan and India, as full members. The Summit the
following year (2016) saw the two
countries sign a Memorandum of
Obligations with the organization,
thus moving towards full
membership. The membership of the
two countries is expected to be
formalized in the June 2017 Summit
of SCO, scheduled in Astana,
Kazakhstan. The membership takes
fulfilment of a few obligations by Pakistan and India. Pakistani officials
dealing with the matter state that Islamabad has fulfilled all its
obligations towards the membership and will abide by the requirements
of its membership in future. 11
During this period of around 16 years, SCO has evolved into a
potent regional organization, so much so that some of the observers see
it as NATO’s equivalent in Asia/Eurasia, and others as emergence of a
second pole in an otherwise unipolar world of the post-Soviet Union era.
After achieving a notable semblance of regional stability, besides
resolution of most of border/territorial disputes among its members, SCO
is now geared towards closer economic cooperation, hence expansion,
besides security and political cooperation remaining high on its agenda.
Analysts see bright prospects 12 for Pakistan as a full member of
SCO (in addition to India), which include but are not limited to: provision

Despite its ostensible

failures and bleak
prospects, shunning
SAARC, or for that
matter any organization,
is not a wise option.
of a regular forum of dialogue with all the members including India,
raising hopes for resolution of issues; increased market access and
diversified sources of energy, and an opportunity to capitalize upon
Pakistan’s transit potential.
While there are frictions and tension among the SCO members as
well, the presence of two major powers of the world, China and Russia,
makes it a balanced organization. It may be pointed out here that four
of the ten ECO members are already SCO’s member too, while Pakistan
is on way to becoming the fifth such country having membership of both
the groupings. Iran is an Observer and Turkey is a Dialogue Partner.
Possibilities and Policy Options
The above discussion on the journey of the three regional organizations
so far, and a glimpse of the prospects ahead that it gives, leads us to the
following options for Pakistan to be examined, vis-à-vis its engagement
with regional cooperation organizations:
The first option is that Pakistan lets the status quo prevail and remains
engaged with these organizations, the way things have been in past
decades and continue today. It is an overwhelmingly prevailing argument
in Pakistan that despite its ostensible failures and bleak prospects,
shunning SAARC, or for that matter any organization, is not a wise
option. Leaving SAARC aside would mean giving a freehand to India to
use the forum against Pakistan more aggressively and effectively. But at
the same time there are now voices in/from other members of SAARC
that call for, at least point towards the possibility of, a SAARC minus
Pakistan. 13 Similarly, the trouble that India tried to create in the way of
the Secretary General nominated by Pakistan, in early 2017, does not
bode well for the future of the organization, either.
This takes us to the second option, i.e., Islamabad clearly defines
its priorities and determines a course of action to work more aggressively
with one, or more of these organizations, while remaining engaged with
the other(s) as it is. This second option implies that the door to saying
good bye to any grouping should also remain open. It is time to
contemplate at national level that while regional cooperation is
imperative, what region does Pakistan make a part of, more. The state
of affairs of past seven decades tells us that while South Asia is a ‘region
of necessity’, and a ‘region by default’, it is the West and Central Asia
that becomes a ‘region of choice’ for Pakistan.

The third option is to foster and facilitate inter-organization

cooperation between any two, and if possible all three, to create a unified
platform of regional cooperation between them, that would of course be
with a much more expanded scope and scale. In this respect, ECO and
SCO seem to be more synergetic and in sync with each other. However,
considering that both Pakistan and India would soon be members of SCO
too, the fear that a replay of the
environment at SAARC – to some
extent at least, because the
organization undoubtedly would
remain an outfit dominated by China
and Russia together – becomes a
kind of a concern. In view of this, it
sounds more advisable to explore
the possibility of ECO+1 (ECO and
China) and ECO+2 (ECO plus China
and Russia), on the lines of
ASEAN+1 and ASEAN+3 mechanisms. Such possibilities also exist at and
may be explored from the SAARC platform. China desires, and countries
such as Pakistan and Nepal support, China’s full membership of SAARC.
But India and other members under New Delhi’s influence have been
hesitant. Similarly, as far as the expansion in SAARC is concerned,
inclusion of Iran, Myanmar and notions such as ‘Greater South Asia’ have
also been brought forward, with little on-the-ground moves.
Similarly, the presence of the US, China, Japan, South Korea and
the European Union as observers of SAARC has exhibited little
meaningfulness so far. Considering that China shares direct land borders
with 5 out of eight members of SAARC, an effective and result-oriented
SAARC+1 14 (SAARC and China) mechanism may seriously be promoted
on part of Pakistan. 15
The fourth is to focus on sub-regional initiatives within one or
more of these organizations to catalyze the rejuvenation of the very
organization the countries engaging in targeted sub-regional initiative
are part of and making the organization more effective by encouraging
other members to engage in similar initiatives. Pakistan-Afghanistan-
Iran, Pakistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan, and Pakistan-Afghanistan-

While South Asia is a

‘region of necessity’,
and a ‘region by default’,
it is the West and
Central Asia that
becomes a ‘region of
choice’ for Pakistan.
Uzbekistan present feasible examples of such potential sub-regional
initiatives, from a Pakistani perspective.
In terms of sub-regional initiatives, though, it is not necessary to
keep the focus within the membership of ECO. For instance, since August
2016, Pakistan, China, Afghanistan and Tajikistan have initiated a
Quadrilateral Cooperation and Coordination Mechanism (QCCM) to
counter terrorism. The scope of QCCM is limited to single point agenda,
security threats emanating out of terrorist activities. A broad-based
approach is possible, exploring the possibility of a Pakistan-Afghanistan-
China-Tajikistan (PACT) sub-regional cooperation forum. 16
The fifth option would be to initiate efforts for a new regional
grouping with clearer scope and more effective agenda of action. One
such idea can be Association of South-West Asian Nations (ASWAN)
comprising Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey and GCC states as well
as Iraq and Yemen. In view of the nature of relations between Iran on
one side and GCC countries of the Arabian Peninsula on the other, the
possibility of such an outfit seems farfetched, in the near future. Yet – as
it of course will be the free will of the nations whether to opt to join such
an organization or otherwise, considering their own interests – there is
no harm in giving it a shot.
Closer interaction with Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which
Pakistan has accelerated with the help of Oman, Kuwait and Qatar in
recent months, is also feasible. In this connection, a cooperation
mechanism on the lines of GCC+1 (GCC members and Pakistan) may
also be explored.
Last but not the least, both SAARC and ECO will primarily remain
focused on economic cooperation and security cooperation being brought
into their ambit at the moment looks a far-fetched idea, SCO, provided
that Pakistan’s full membership gets through, will have more of a
relevance as it combines the two spheres of cooperation at regional level.


breakdown the text below paragraphs with headings : Pakistan and Shanghai Cooperation
Organization (SCO): An Analysis: JRSP, Vol. 58, No 2 (April-June 2021) 107 disputes with the help of
Russia in the Central Asian region and to decrease troops among the border regions. To achieve this
purpose established two committees in 1993, one of them was for assurance construction and
weapons reduction; and the other committee was for shared borderline demarcation. According to
the Dr. Aman Memon, the chief aim of the Organization was clearance of boundary clashes between
the adjacent countries. In this way the Organization and states positively determined the boundary
clashes and shaped a 7400 kilo meters lengthy boundary of peace, prosperity, harmony and stability.
A meeting was held on June 7, 2002 at St. Petersburg, Russia, in which the leaders SCO member
countries signed the Charter of the SCO (khan, 2013). On the other hand, when we see the Pakistan
position in the region During Afghan jihad the most important country for America was Pakistan.
America launched Afghan jihad with the help of Pakistan. In the result of this war many terrorist
groups had been launched, which called mujahedeen. Afghan war forced Russia to go back and last
decade of 20th century Russia went back. After afghan war, Pakistan fallen a prey to terrorism,
extremism, religious anarchy, political instability etc. Furthermore, Pakistan worsened her relations
with neighbor states like Afghanistan, Russia and with India through Kashmir dispute. Pakistan got
loss billions of dollars. (Michael, 2007) Almost Pakistan collapsed to the level of fifty years back. In
the result of Afghan war, Pakistan involved again war on terrorism, in which Pakistan has lasted at
least 60,000 peoples due to terror attacks, as well as the financial, economic and commercial
damages have estimated almost one twenty billion dollars. Thus, from 2001, the nation has also
hosted lacs of Afghan migrants who came in Pakistan during the conflict in Afghanistan. In the result
of that Pakistan is facing economic losses like 120 billion dollars due to terrorism in 17 years, losses
in export and import, foreign reserve decline, rupee loses, foreign investment losses etc. due to
economic losses Pakistan is declining continuously in the eyes of nations. This is the condition, in
which Pakistan has fallen and on the other hand Pakistan has tasted the flavor of American friendship
many times from 1947 to 2019. So now it is a crying need of the hour that Pakistan should meditate
her economic condition and maintain that so that Pakistan could face coming future challenges in
every field of life. Alleviation of poverty, unemployment, and load shedding and energy crisis are the
major issues in Pakistan now. In this regard, General Pervez Musharraf established Pakistan’s
relations more strong with China and did joint venture agreements with Chinese government
indifferent fields. Regarding Pakistan military government Chinese Prime Minister Zhou Rongji said
that presence of army control in the country would not disturb both countries associations and
clearly described that “In our nation building endeavors, our two countries have supported each
other and have carried out fruit full cooperation”. (Kataria & Naveed, 2014) One more major issue
American influence in the region and its ambition to prevail on the region is a big issue.
Afghanistan’s condition is in front of us, in which, Taliban, American forces and other elements are
disturbing Pakistan’s stability, integrity and economy. This is the reason which Pakistan will have to
elucidate all these complications at war footing basis; for this, Pakistan will have to be independent
from American political romance and in this regard, it is true step of Pakistan to join Shanghai
Cooperation Organization and get permanent membership (Rehman, 2014). It is good chance to gain
many opportunities for Pakistan in Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Dr. Muhammad Saif-ur
Rahman writes in his article, Pakistan has a unique physical features and this quality can be a great
blessing for Pakistan as well as for the Central Asia, East and South Asia. In this perspective, Pakistan
is like a crossroad and can play a very accountable, productive and progressive role. After 9/11,
Pakistan severely hurt due to extremism and terrorism, so she obviously decided to join the SCO
(Rehman, 2014). Dr. Saif-ur Rahman gives more views on Pakistan and SCO relationship that
Pakistan’s position according to security and stability is an essential for SCO states and without
Pakistan to acquire SCO’s objectives would be a hard task (Rehman, 2014). So need of the project is
that to explore the more significant steps and relations in which Pakistan can play an important role
to institute regional stability. Goals of the work Pakistan and Shanghai Cooperation Organization
(SCO): An Analysis: JRSP, Vol. 58, No 2 (April-June 2021) 108 The purpose of the research is that to
describe solution of different kinds of Pakistan’s problems and issues at the platform of SCO and
narrate the history and background of Shanghai Cooperation Organization so that actual power and
strength of the organization could be vivid. Similarly, to discuss the social, economic and political
impacts on Pakistan. One more big issue which Pakistan faces that is dispute between India and
Pakistan, without solving this problem there is no way to set peace in the region so how can Pakistan
get a way to solve this issue, it would be discussed. Same like the greatest curse in the region is that
instability and Pakistan is a great victim of that so how Pakistan can solve the problem at the SCO
platform? These objectives are given below.  To investigate the socio-economic and political
impacts on Pakistan after joining SCO.  To study the impact of Pakistan’s role regarding stability in
South Asian and surrounding region. Research Questions  What is importance of Shanghai
Cooperation Organization for South Asian Region?  Why Pakistan is important for SCO and SCO for
Pakistan?  How American policies forced Pakistan to join SCO?  What is the impact of SCO
regarding solving the socio-economic and security issues in Pakistan? 1.4. Significance of the Study:
 Shanghai cooperation organization is a very significant development in the world political scenario
and regional environment. It would be a ray of hope to eradicate terrorism, separatism and
extremism in the region. On the other hand, Pakistan is a victim of terrorism, separatism, extremism
and socio-economic devastation in every sector. So this study would deliberate how Pakistan can
play an imperative role at the platform of Shanghai Cooperation Organization.  Thus, SCO countries
would also gain an opportunity to resolve the regional unrest situation in the region particularly
Afghanistan with the help of Pakistan. One more thing, of which, Pakistan is facing from the
beginning, that is American and Western influence at a wide scale, to come out from the American
and Western effects would be a great task for Pakistan at the SCO platform. So this study describes
how SCO and Pakistan are essential for each other and how Pakistan can get rid of Western
influence? Concept of Pakistan about Regionalism Pakistan is an obviously situated nation on such
place in the world which is connection of Central Asian states, South and West Asian region.
Similarly, Pakistan's certifications are very splendid by virtue of geo-vital, geo political and socio-
economic viewpoints. Pakistan is a characteristic connection among Shanghai Cooperation
Organization nations, particularly land bolted Central Asian states, Xinxiang which is the province of
China and Afghanistan as well as towards southern states for example Bedouin sea and the states of
the Middle East. Same like Pakistan's interesting topography schemes are the significant for the
region. Pakistan can accept critical work for emerging from north to south exchange plus vitality
passage with the encouraging chances, pipelines and rail interface up to Gwadar. As of late closed
Pakistan and China on building up of Kashghar and Gwadar Street rail arrange is a permitting
advancement and correct way for benefit of every single territorial partner. Being a vitality shortage
nation, Pakistan vitality requests is developing continuously. Right now 'vitality emergency's is
defined significant matters of the nation. To join Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Pakistan
means to see its vitality lack on never-ending premise. Right now, afghan pipeline venture commonly
recognised as TAP would go about as an achievement (Rehman, 2014). SCO and Pakistan Geo-
deliberately and geo-strategically, Pakistan and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization share
normal welfares and handle basic dangers. For Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the matters of
dissent, combativeness, fanaticism, psychological warfare as well as medication dealing are of grave
concern, though Pakistan is at the cutting edge of the considerable number of fights against these
difficulties. This shared characteristic of direction has facilitated possibilities for upgraded
collaboration between the two, which fortifies Pakistan's case for full enrolment. Against this scenery,
SCO part states have additionally upheld Pakistan's situation as a part nation. Pakistan and Shanghai
Cooperation Organization (SCO): An Analysis: JRSP, Vol. 58, No 2 (April-June 2021) 109 Pakistan is
presently a spectator state, and its full enrolment status is getting looked at. China, right now,
attested its help for the augmentation of full enrolment to Pakistan (cpgs, 2015). Pakistan's risk factor
and benefit in Shanghai Cooperation Organization is similarly significant. Open doors for Pakistan
opposite SCO are plot in the succeeding sections. In the wake of withdrawal of International Security
Assistance Force (ISAF) from Afghanistan by December 2014, the rising regional security condition
warrant quick consideration of all the partners. Keeping the chief security motivation of the union
that is, staying away from strife through shared certainty constructing and countering the danger of
fear mongering; Pakistan can pick up advantage from the two objectives of the association on behalf
of vital increases. In the first place, the take-off of the Taliban from Afghanistan expelled a significant
aggravation in Pak-Focal Asian relations. What's more, also, the union of interests among Pakistan
and SCO individuals on the worldwide war against fear based oppression. The move in its
international strategy, particularly concerning stretching out participation to all part nations on the
issue of hostile to fear monger endeavours helped Pakistan in introducing a right position in the
multilateral gathering. Pakistan joined the SCO in 2005. With the progression of time, SCO end up
being a significant association from the perspective security, financial, vital and social purposes as to
contain this wonders, strategic mastery picked up by Shanghai Cooperation Organization safety
faculty below the opportunity of Regional Anti Terrorists Structure can be reached out toward
Pakistani safekeeping offices. Pakistan can profit by differentiated operating preparing to additionally
augment safety processes (Rehman, 2014). Pakistan esteems exceptionally its relations with the SCO
and completely shares in its targets for advancing financial participation among the part states.
Pakistan was the principal nation to apply for a "Spectator" status in the SCO. Pakistan's confirmation
was first crippled by the Focal Asian individuals for their help of the "Northern Coalition" (ethnic
Tajiks and Uzbeks) against Pushtoon-overwhelmed Taliban in Afghanistan. Pakistan not just
bolstered the Taliban, who controlled very nearly 80 percent of Afghanistan, yet in addition agreed
accepted acknowledgment to their legislature. Tajikistan unequivocally contradicted Pakistan's
participation because of its solid help for Taliban in Afghanistan. Two advancements extraordinarily
encouraged Pakistan's entrance into SCO. In the first place, the take-off of the Taliban from
Afghanistan expelled a significant aggravation in Pak-Focal Asian relations. What's more, also, the
union of interests among Pakistan and SCO individuals on the worldwide war against fear based
oppression. The move in its international strategy, particularly concerning stretching out participation
to all part nations on the issue of hostile to fear monger endeavours helped Pakistan in introducing a
right position in the multilateral gathering. Pakistan joined the SCO in 2005. With the progression of
time, SCO end up being a significant association from the perspective security, financial, vital and
social purposes (Rehman, 2014). Geo-Strategic Location of Pakistan Pakistan is located at such place
which is intersection in the region particularly in South, West, and Central Asia and this position
makes Pakistan very significant state in the SCO states and due to being as an intersection makes
Pakistan a geo-monetary, geo-vital as well as geo-political pivot in the region. Many Central Asian
states are land locked as well as Xinxiang which is the province of China and Afghanistan. The trade
of that states and other regions which are located in the same region are depended on Pakistan. This
the reason, outstanding location of Pakistan deals with interconnectivity with other countries of the
region and it is a golden chance for Pakistan to gain benefits and to get other occasions from the
regional states and can make its economic and political position very well in the world. By the by,
other than exchange stream of vitality would be the highest need zone. For this purpose, Pakistan
can establish different infrastructure with the help of China and Russia like railway line and roads as
well as gas pipeline from Central Asian states to Gwadar. As of late finished up China-Pak MoU on
setting up from Kashghar to Gwadar street rail organize would be the empowering improvement and
correct way for every single regional partner. Similarly, Pakistan having a vitality shortfall nation, her
vitality requests is developing continuously. Right now vitality emergency's is the most important
and thoughtful problem of a nation. To join Shanghai Cooperation Organization Pakistan plans to
see its vitality inadequacy on ceaseless premise. Right now, afghan pipeline venture commonly
recognised as TAP would go about as an achievement. Reasonable augmentation of that pipeline to
the region and India, would additionally upgrade reasonability as well as significance of the
undertaking. Therefore, Pakistan underpins Shanghai Cooperation Organization's vitality. Pakistan
having insightful of her safety goals, constantly aware of keeping up key equalization versus India.
SCO would be a fitting opportunity to start safety exchange among the member states and India. To
join the Organization Pakistan can get a chance to recover Pakistan and Russia associations. Pakistan
means to adopt helpful job in Pakistan and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): An Analysis:
JRSP, Vol. 58, No 2 (April-June 2021) 110 Afghanistan for U.S or NATO soldier’s removal in the month
of December 2014. Shanghai Cooperation Organization would give a chance to Pakistan to assume
significant job in the direction of harmony, soundness, safety and restoration under the banner of
Organization whereas concentrating on correspondence foundation, public area (wellbeing and
instruction) just as preparing of work force from open division organizations. Ultimately,
psychological oppression is a shared adversary as well as testing the safety condition for district.
Whereas holding hands with Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Pakistan would have the choice to
fortify her safety tool with reestablished force (Rehman, 2014). The War against Terrorism and
Pakistan Presently Islamabad rethought its approach and chose to terminate its help for the Taliban
and rather become a bleeding edge state in the "war against psychological warfare." Following these
advancements, Pakistan, alongside Iran and India, was acknowledged into the SCO as a spectator in
2005. Nonetheless, many accept that the incorporation of Islamabad was just a "show of power" by
China and Russia, since this extended the SCO to incorporate five atomic forces (counting the
eyewitnesses) enveloping about portion of the total populace. Also, after Pakistan's enrolment in the
ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), the SCO turned into the second security gathering which included
both Pakistan and India. These systems can be utilized to examine respective issues between the two
adversaries at various levels as an afterthought lines of authentic gatherings. Since the underlying
motivation behind the Shanghai 5 was to determine fringe issues among China and Central Asian
expresses, the association has broad involvement with the goals of limit contest. Whenever made
individuals from the SCO, India and Pakistan could examine the structure utilized by China and the
CARs for settling these sorts of issues and check whether they can use it in settling issues, for
example, Sir Creek. Under the SCO structure, Pakistan might extend its resistance and security
relations with Russia, which have stayed immature because of the Indo-Russian vital relationship and
India Pakistan threatening vibe. The SCO may likewise contribute fundamentally to the further
advancement of Pakistan's enemy of fear mongering abilities, particularly through the SCO Regional
Anti-psychological oppression Structure (RATS). In spite of the fact that Pakistan has marked two-
sided against fear based oppression participation concurrences with some SCO part states, RATS
could assist Pakistan with institutionalizing hostile to psychological oppression collaboration in a
progressively thorough way and on a more extensive scale


1. Introduction
 Background of the research
 Purpose of the research
 Research questions
 Significance of the study
2. Pakistan's Position in the Region
 Pakistan's role during the Afghan jihad
 Consequences of the Afghan war on Pakistan
 Economic losses and challenges faced by Pakistan
3. Pakistan's Relations with China and SCO
 General Pervez Musharraf's efforts to strengthen relations with China
 Importance of Pakistan's relationship with China for SCO
 American influence and Pakistan's decision to join SCO
4. Opportunities for Pakistan in SCO
 Pakistan's unique geographical location and its significance
 Pakistan's role in regional stability and security
 Potential benefits for Pakistan in joining SCO
5. Geo-Strategic Location of Pakistan
 Pakistan as an intersection in the South, West, and Central Asian regions
 Importance of trade and connectivity for Pakistan
 Energy cooperation and pipeline projects
6. The War against Terrorism and Pakistan
 Change in Pakistan's stance and support for the "war against terrorism"
 SCO's role in strengthening Pakistan's security capabilities
 Potential for resolving bilateral issues through the SCO framework
7. Conclusion
 Summary of key findings
 Implications of Pakistan's membership in SCO
 Future prospects and recommendations for Pakistan

in paragraphs
Paragraph 1: The introduction provides background information on the research and outlines its
purpose. It highlights the need to describe solutions to Pakistan's problems within the context of the
Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and provides an overview of the organization's history
and significance. The paragraph also mentions the social, economic, and political impacts on Pakistan
and identifies the unresolved dispute between India and Pakistan as a major issue in the region.

Paragraph 2: This paragraph discusses Pakistan's position in the region, specifically focusing on its
role during the Afghan jihad and the consequences of the war on Pakistan. It mentions the
emergence of terrorist groups and the negative impact on Pakistan's relations with neighboring
states like Afghanistan, Russia, and India. The paragraph highlights the economic losses suffered by
Pakistan due to terrorism and the challenges it faces, such as poverty, unemployment, and energy

Paragraph 3: The third paragraph explores Pakistan's relations with China and its involvement with
the SCO. It mentions General Pervez Musharraf's efforts to strengthen ties with China and the joint
venture agreements between Pakistan and China in various fields. The paragraph also discusses the
influence of the United States in the region and Pakistan's decision to join the SCO as a means to
gain independence from American political influence.

Paragraph 4: This paragraph focuses on the opportunities that Pakistan can gain from its
membership in the SCO. It highlights Pakistan's unique geographical location as an intersection in
the South, West, and Central Asian regions, emphasizing its potential to play a significant role in
promoting regional stability. The paragraph also mentions the importance of Pakistan's participation
in addressing security issues and achieving SCO's objectives.

Paragraph 5: The fifth paragraph delves deeper into the geo-strategic location of Pakistan and its
significance. It emphasizes Pakistan's role as a crucial link between the SCO countries, particularly
landlocked Central Asian states, China's Xinjiang province, Afghanistan, and the southern states such
as those bordering the Arabian Sea and the Middle East. The paragraph mentions the potential for
infrastructure development, trade, and energy cooperation, including the establishment of railways,
roads, and gas pipelines.

Paragraph 6: This paragraph discusses the impact of the war against terrorism on Pakistan and its
implications for joining the SCO. It highlights Pakistan's shift in policy to become a frontline state in
the fight against terrorism. The paragraph suggests that SCO membership can enhance Pakistan's
security capabilities, particularly through cooperation within the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorism
Structure (RATS). It also mentions the potential for resolving bilateral issues through the SCO

Paragraph 7: The conclusion paragraph summarizes the key findings of the analysis. It highlights the
implications of Pakistan's membership in the SCO, including opportunities for regional cooperation
and addressing Pakistan's challenges. The paragraph concludes by offering future prospects and
recommendations for Pakistan, emphasizing the importance of leveraging SCO membership to
navigate future challenges and improve various aspects of national life.
into detailed paragraphs with headings
Here's a breakdown of the text into detailed paragraphs with headings:


The introduction provides background information on the research and outlines its purpose. It
highlights the need to describe solutions to Pakistan's problems within the context of the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization (SCO) and narrates the history and background of the organization to
provide a clear understanding of its power and strength. Additionally, it mentions the social,
economic, and political impacts on Pakistan that will be discussed. The introduction also identifies
the unresolved dispute between India and Pakistan as a major issue in the region that needs to be

Pakistan's Position in the Region

This section focuses on Pakistan's position in the region, specifically highlighting its role during the
Afghan jihad and the consequences of the war on Pakistan. It explains that Pakistan was a crucial
country for America during the Afghan jihad and the launch of terrorist groups. The paragraph also
highlights how the Afghan war led to negative outcomes for Pakistan, including terrorism,
extremism, political instability, and strained relations with neighboring states like Afghanistan, Russia,
and India. It emphasizes the economic losses suffered by Pakistan and the challenges it faces.

Pakistan's Relations with China and SCO

In this section, the focus is on Pakistan's relations with China and its involvement with the SCO. It
mentions General Pervez Musharraf's efforts to strengthen ties with China and the joint venture
agreements between Pakistan and China in various fields. The paragraph also discusses the influence
of the United States in the region and Pakistan's decision to join the SCO to gain independence from
American political influence. It emphasizes the significance of Pakistan's relationship with China for
the SCO and highlights the support of China for Pakistan's membership in the organization.

Opportunities for Pakistan in SCO

This section explores the opportunities that Pakistan can gain from its membership in the SCO. It
emphasizes Pakistan's unique geographical location as an intersection in the South, West, and
Central Asian regions, which provides opportunities for trade, connectivity, and energy cooperation.
The paragraph highlights the potential for infrastructure development, such as railways, roads, and
gas pipelines, to enhance regional connectivity. It also mentions Pakistan's role in promoting
regional stability and addressing security issues, which align with the objectives of the SCO.

Geo-Strategic Location of Pakistan

This section delves into the geo-strategic location of Pakistan and its significance. It emphasizes
Pakistan's position as a crucial link between the SCO countries, particularly landlocked Central Asian
states, China's Xinjiang province, Afghanistan, and the southern states bordering the Arabian Sea and
the Middle East. The paragraph mentions the potential for Pakistan to play a vital role in trade,
energy transit, and economic integration in the region. It also highlights the importance of energy
cooperation and pipeline projects to address Pakistan's energy shortfall.

The War against Terrorism and Pakistan

In this section, the focus is on the war against terrorism and its implications for Pakistan's
involvement with the SCO. It explains that Pakistan rethought its approach and decided to terminate
its support for the Taliban, positioning itself as a frontline state in the "war against terrorism." The
paragraph mentions the potential for Pakistan to enhance its security capabilities through
cooperation within the SCO, particularly through the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure (RATS).
It also discusses the potential for using the SCO framework to address bilateral issues, such as the Sir
Creek dispute.


The conclusion paragraph summarizes the key findings of the analysis. It highlights the implications
of Pakistan's membership in the SCO, including opportunities for regional cooperation and
addressing Pakistan's challenges. The paragraph concludes by offering future prospects and
recommendations for Pakistan, emphasizing the importance of leveraging SCO membership to
navigate future challenges and improve various aspects of national life
Here's a breakdown of the text into detailed paragraphs with headings:

Heading: Pakistan's Performance

This section highlights Pakistan's performance within the Shanghai Cooperation

Organization (SCO). It discusses how Pakistan's enrollment in the SCO has eliminated
India's attempts to isolate Pakistan internationally. It mentions that regional actors like
Russia and China have recognized Pakistan's commitment and sacrifices in the fight
against terrorism. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of building compassionate
commitments and fostering people-to-people exchanges within the SCO framework. It
also suggests that facilitating dialogue between India and Pakistan within the SCO can
positively influence their bilateral relations.

Heading: Scenarios and Prospects for Pakistan

This section explores the scenarios and prospects for Pakistan within the SCO. It
discusses key objectives and security concerns for Pakistan, particularly in light of the
withdrawal of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) from Afghanistan. It
suggests that the SCO can provide strategic cooperation and training opportunities to
enhance Pakistan's security measures. The paragraph also mentions the potential for
increased defense collaboration and technology transfer within the SCO framework. It
highlights the importance of SCO's joint efforts against drug trafficking in curbing the
narcotics trade that affects Pakistan.

Heading: Economic Opportunities

This section focuses on the economic opportunities for Pakistan within the SCO. It
mentions the possibilities of mutually beneficial economic cooperation between
Pakistan and the SCO member states. It highlights the importance of trade and energy
corridors, such as the TAP (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan) pipeline and the
development of infrastructure connecting Gwadar Port. The paragraph also mentions
potential collaborations in the fields of trade, science, business technology, and other
economic sectors.

Heading: Political Goals

This section discusses the political goals that Pakistan can pursue within the SCO. It
emphasizes that SCO membership can improve relations with India and facilitate
discussions on the Kashmir dispute and other conflicts. The paragraph suggests that the
SCO can play a role in resolving these issues, which are hindering development in both
countries and impacting regional stability. It also mentions that SCO membership can
enhance Pakistan's diplomatic activities and elevate its stature among the community of


The conclusion paragraph summarizes the key findings of the analysis. It emphasizes the
positive prospects and opportunities for Pakistan within the SCO. The paragraph
highlights the potential for economic cooperation, security collaboration, and political
dialogue that can contribute to regional stability and development. It concludes by
emphasizing the significance of SCO membership for Pakistan's diplomatic endeavors
and its overall position in the region
Heading: Conclusion and Recommendations

In the conclusion, the text highlights the significance of the Shanghai Cooperation
Organization (SCO) for Pakistan and provides recommendations for maximizing its
The paragraph suggests that Pakistan should prioritize rebuilding its relations with
Russia and focus on common objectives to strengthen their collaboration within the
SCO. It emphasizes the importance of mutual support between Pakistan and Russia in
international organizations like the OIC and the SCO.

The text emphasizes the need for increased economic collaboration, particularly in
sectors such as energy, heavy industry, automobiles, aviation, textiles, and agriculture. It
mentions the potential for Russia's expertise in energy exports and pipeline projects to
enhance regional economic integration.

The paragraph also highlights the importance of Pakistan-China relations within the
SCO. It acknowledges China's support for Pakistan's admission to the SCO and
emphasizes the need to further strengthen the partnership between the two countries. It
suggests that closer military cooperation between India and Pakistan at higher levels
can contribute to regional stability.

Furthermore, the text discusses the potential for expanding social and cultural
exchanges, promoting tourism, enhancing media and trade interactions, and
strengthening security cooperation within the SCO. It emphasizes the significance of
addressing issues of terrorism, extremism, and radicalization through collaborative

The text concludes by highlighting the potential role of the SCO in improving relations
between Pakistan and India, resolving outstanding issues, and promoting peace and
stability in the region. It suggests that the SCO can play a significant role in regional and
global affairs and should engage with the media to communicate its policies, objectives,
and achievements effectively.

The text acknowledges the challenges and complexities that Pakistan faces, particularly
in its relationship with India, and emphasizes the need for consistent policy approaches
and efforts towards regional development and cooperation. It also recognizes the
importance of Afghanistan's stability and suggests that the SCO, with Pakistan's
involvement, can contribute to the reconstruction and revitalization of Afghanistan.

In summary, the conclusion underscores the potential benefits and opportunities for
Pakistan within the SCO while highlighting the importance of strategic partnerships,
economic cooperation, security collaboration, and diplomatic efforts to maximize its
participation in the organization.
Pakistan role in eco
Pakistan role in saarc

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