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Committee: WHO

Topic: The WHO Pandemic Preparedness Global Treaty and Countermeasures to Prevent
Malicious Virus Propagation
Country: Federal Republic of Germany

Malicious Virus Propagation refers to the spreading of hazardous airborne viruses or infections diseases
intentionally aiming to cause harm. Airborne diseases usually pass through respiratory droplets,
aerosols, close contact with an infected person, or through air circulation. Sometimes these viruses can
be man-made which makes them even more hazardous to a person’s health. Some examples of man-
made viruses are the HINI virus and the SARS-CoV-2. The Pandemic Preparedness global treaty was
drafted by the World Health Organization (WHO) to fortify pandemic deterrence and preparedness
response. In December 2021, the 194 WHO member states decided to initiate negotiations on a global
accord with equity being the centre principle for the instrument. This was an important decision by the
organization as the Covid-19 pandemic caused massive devastation and many states wanted a stronger
International Framework which would be able to help deal with future pandemics. The new treaty will
affect the globe and will implement a new and improved method to prevent the outbreak of another

Previously, the UN has dealt with many global health crisis and alleviate virus propagation. One such
instance was done during the HIV/AIDS pandemic, the UN took action using it’s Joint United Nations
Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). It provided international cooperation and prescribed increased
funding, provided support to the treatment programs and raised awareness. When Ebola broke out in
West Africa, the UN, guided by the WHO and the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER)
coordinated international aid, supplied medical personnel and resources which helped the struggling
local healthcare centres and also controlled the spread of the virus. Another action taken by the UN,
mainly through the WHO, was during the Covid-19 pandemic. The WHO provided guidance and technical
support to member states and distributed vaccines.

Germany is a major supporter of the WHO. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Germany maintained strict
pandemic measures as per the guidance of the WHO. In 2020-2021 Germany increased it’s support for
the WHO and their partnership played a critical role. Since 2020, Germany had provided about US$750
million to the WHO. However, their new partnership rose Germany’s contribution to more than US$1
billion for the biennial 2020-2021 which made Germany the largest donor to the WHO.

Germany believes that the UN should implement certain laws on laboratories which deal with genetic
engineering and create designer viruses to prevent the outbreak of another pandemic. Firstly, they
should set up a level of security for these laboratories to prevent any designer virus leakage. Secondly,
the scientists working in these laboratories should be made aware of the dangers associated with
designer viruses. Lastly, the government of any country with a laboratory working on designer viruses
should be transparent with their work and engage in ethical deliberation regarding its risks.


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