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Items Description of Module

Subject Name Tourism and Hospitality

Paper Name Tour Guiding Essentials
Module Title How to deal with awkward questions
Module Id Module no-16
Pre- Requisites Basic knowledge of Tourism and its types
Objectives After completing this chapter you will
 Learn about the importance of tourism
 Know the historical background of tour guiding
 Basics of tour guiding

Keywords  Controversial questions

 Sensitizing
 Guide
 Tour Manager
 Coach
 Baggage
 Tour Leader
 Pausing
 Time sense
16.0 Introduction
16.1 Questions
16.2 What is an awkward question?
16.3 Awkward questions
16.4 How to handle awkward questions
16.5 Impact of handling such questions on the tour guide
16.6 Timings Indication
16.7 Apology
16.8 Keywords
16.9 Summary
16.10 Questions
Recommended books

16.0 Introduction
Anxious tourist is full of queries on landing at the destination. He has come with a lot of
expectations. It is a common happening in any group tour that tourist asks few questions
looks awkward to the guide. Now, it is a great problem for him. He must know how to
deal with complex questions. If he does not know, he may feel embraced. At first glance,
discussion appears to be sufficiently simple.
Many of the times, a guide may go through some awkward situations while dealing with
a group of tourist or tourists where he or she may face some questions and situations
drafted by tourists curiosity intentionally or unintentionally. The group dynamic of
tourists may also influence this type of crafted situations to deal with these situations, a
guide must do certain things as under:-

16.1 Questions
Question is a linguistic expression for request of response in the form of information.
Response in the form of information is provided by the respondent as answer.
16.2 What is an awkward question?
You talk, they argue, isn't that so? In any case, at that point, you wind up in one of those
cumbersome circumstances where you're quite recently gazing at somebody you scarcely
know and you need to make sense of how to keep the discussion intriguing. Here are the
most widely recognized missteps we as a whole make, and how to stay away from them.
Awkward questions are debatable questions. These questions may create controversies.
A tour guide must know- what is an awkward question. Any questions related to any
person, nation, religion, controversial topic is an awkward question, if it is a cause of
losing privacy of the topic. We can put following questions into the category of awkward
(i) Questions about personal life of any person?
(ii) Tourist asking for purchase of any product, which is banned in that area.
(iii) Questions related to any controversial issue.
16.3 Awkward questions
The Client is not always well behaved or fully informed. All clients do not have good
general knowledge of places, people or geography. They may ask you questions, which
are actually awkward or silly. A tour guide must have the tact to handle awkward
questions. Thinking and planning about awkward question will help you. You must stay
calm while handling awkward questions. These awkward questions may be:-
(i) Have you ever fired from the job?
(ii) How often have you driven with over speed?
(iii) What is your biggest regret?
(iv) Do you sing in the bathroom?
(v) What was your first impression about me?
(vi) Where does a wandering mind (thought) go?
(vii) About work experience
(viii) You are looking inexperienced?
(ix) Do you feel that you are overqualified for this job of tour guiding?
(x) Do you feel that you are under qualified for this job of tour guiding?
(xi) About age
(xii) You are very old for tour guiding.
(xiii) You are pretty young for tour guiding.
(xiv) About disability
(xv) Do not you feel that you cannot do guiding properly due to your problem?
(xvi) In the letter it is mentioned that you have eye sight problem.
(xvii) Question that should be avoided by the client
(xviii) Political affiliations
(xix) Personal circumstances
(xx) Spent conviction
(xxi) Religion
(xxii) Sexuality
(xxiii) Gender biasedness
(xxiv) Local rituals/ traditions
(xxv) Questions about superstition
(xxvi) Questions about belief system
(xxvii) How much do you earn presently?
(xxviii)What do you consider the deepest secret of your life?
(xxix) Do you speak Hindi in India?
(xxx) How can I go to Europe via road?
(xxxi) Will you take care of my Pen, while I am away from the place?
16.4 How to handle awkward questions
When client raised any awkward question; you feel that it is ridiculous. Get control over
yourself. Never argue with the tourists. Listen and let the client vent. Awkward questions
pose a challenge for a tour guide. Being a tour guide, you must invite questions and
handle strangest questions raised by the tourists. Listen to your client very carefully.
After listening, repeat the same, so that other can listen it (or it is just a confirmation that
no one has missed the questions). Now, frame answer in your mind. If the question is an
awkward question and you feel that you should not answer it. You can say that you are
not ready to answer it at the moment or you cannot answer it. It is better not to create any
controversy or debate. The First response to an awkward question is that one must smile
after listening the question.
But, if you are answering any question, which is awkward in nature, your answer should
i. Balanced answer.
ii. Tune into the client or tourists.
iii. Also show the tour group member that you care for them. Do not change your
treatment with the particular group member due to awkward question.
iv. Your answer should not provide cushion for controversy
v. Answer must be framed properly
vi. Do not take it personally.
vii. Present all schools of thoughts.
viii. Never even indulge in fight with the client on the question asked by him
ix. Choose proper words
x. Do not personalize answer
xi. Talk in proper tone
xii. Keep you volume low while answering, but, your voice should be audible.
xiii. Do not elaborate awkward questions
xiv. Give brief answer
xv. Do not repeat the awkward question again and again.
xvi. Do not remind the client asking awkward question again and again about his
xvii. Do not try to please any individual by answering
xviii. Awkward questions
A kind of questioning or curiosity generated by tourists which relates the subject matter
like- personal questions, questions related to controversial/ debatable topics, topics
related to religions, about their persona, questioning about sex, individual likings and
disliking and numerous other questions which can make someone uncomfortable while
answering the same. For example: Anil a tourists guide was asked in between during his
commentary that since how long you are married, how much money you earn by the
profession etc. All these types of questions may not necessarily have any relativity with
the ongoing commentary or site interpreted by tour guide.
Handling this type of questions may be a difficult task for a professional but, being a
service provider in tourism sector; a tour guide must not react aggressively on these
pinching personal questions or awkward questioning. Rather, one needs to approach this
entire situation very cautiously and simply bypass the question by smiling or dealing
diplomatically. Like: Mr. Anil may answer that marriage are fixed in heaven may not be
discussed…... and my curiosity for sex is little lesser than your expectation.., or he can
answer with smile that profession is for secrecy for money and wealth.
Such type of questions may not be treated to be answered directly rather disguise them
politely and with a huge smile and good sense of humor.
All such questions/ queries must be dealt with tactfulness and courtesy as under:-
Situation 1
Aggressive tourist placing personal remarks and putting awkward questions in public.

Scene 01
First of all, situation needs to be read and handled carefully by tour guide.
Aggressiveness needs to be measured and simultaneously an effort of making a tourist
calm and relaxed, so far as his queries are concerned also needs to be answered but, the
moral of answering needs not to be straight rather in courteous manner, degree of
politeness is highly required to deal with such tourists and their queries. Even after
situation, a personal interaction may be confined by the tour guide, so that individual
(tourists) may always be empathetic with tour guide. The Degree of freedom for tourist is
nowhere bounded, but, of course tour guide must set his degree of patience for such
heating/ arguing touristic queries.
Scene 2
Another approach towards dealing with this type of touristic behavior is to be practical
enough and not to entertain such questions on direct notions, but, there is a great
difference between scene 1 and scene 2 to tackling the same situation. In this scene guide
must have a reputation among the tourists so that he or she may take the situation in such
critical manner where the tourists’ ego and angriness may be dealt with little
assertiveness and also try to make tourists feel respected while denying his or her type of
queries. But, here in second scene tour guide find himself more controlled as far as group
is concerned and his deal with the query may necessarily need to make rest of the tourists
happy always.
Situation 2
Queries on religious issues and practices.
Scene 1
To deal with this kind of situation a tourist’s guide must have a neutral behavior towards
all the religions philosophies and must not act prejudicially about any set of the religion
at any time. Even his own opinion need to be clearly quoted that this is “my personal
opinion” as an individual. Regions and religious philosophies needs to be expressed
accurately and without any mix and match (opinion), since, a tour guide is always a
cultural ambassador of the country and religion is always a very personal and sensitive
topic since it is also associated with the cultural diversity of the country as well. Example
like: if Mr. John is preaching about Buddhism site or Buddhist philosophy, he needs to be
neutral enough during his commentary, his discussion and handling questions concerned.
Even as an individual Mr. John the message needs to be provocative himself as a perfect
professional tour guide (beyond any prejudice) about the context. Even comparisons
between different religions aspect must not be entertained by tourists guide at any
situation though question may be entertained courteously with all dignity of religion
Situation 3
You are at Taj mahal, Agra. After finishing the commentary. Tourists started asking
questions to you.
Solution a:
If question is not known to you
Smile with good gesture.
Say him thanks for asking question.
Say- that is really a good query. I am happy that you have asked this.
So, if I understand you correctly, you have asked that ……………..
I am afraid that it is not my expertise field.
I am sure that someone else may answer this question.
Can anyone answer it?
Solution b- (If question is awkward)
If question is not known to you
Smile with good gesture.
Say him thanks for asking question.
Say- that is really a good query. I am happy that you have asked this.
I am afraid that it is not my expertise field.
This question is personal in nature, so it cannot be answered.
Situation 4
Question: “Do you have the latest forecast sales of tourist’s arrival in Bangladesh?”
Answer: Smile and say- “Thanks for asking question.
Just to make sure, I give you the answer, are you asking for the latest forecast sales of
tourist’s arrival in Bangladesh, (Clarification given by tourist who asked question?)
I don’t have the answer for that now, but I have a friend of mine who can answer that
Can we meet after the commentary and exchange contact details? I will then ask him and
get you the answer right away. (Tourist agrees). Thanks for the question.
Is there, any other questions?”

Keeping these things in mind when handling awkward questions in commentary will
allow you to seem more prepared and make your commentary go more smoothly. Want
more info on how to be a better tour guide?

16.5 Impact of handling such questions on the tour guide

After handling awkward questions, you will feel confident enough to deal with clients
and their queries. These queries mats are absurd for you or award for you. But, in many
cases the client is also not aware that question is awkward or absurd (as they are from
different culture). You will improve your commentary making. You will have more
confidence to understand the psyche of the client. You will be able to optimize your
commentary timings. You will be boosted to prepare, draft and present a good
commentary. You will be able to sharpen your delivery expertise and leave a good and
long lasting image in the heart of tour group members. You will be able to perfect your
commentary and achieve the target. You will be able to embed key message about the
tourism destination to attract the client more. Infect, governments, stake holder tries to
maximize repeat rate of tourists in India. You will also be able to merge your message
with tourists’ interest area. You will learn to anticipate questions. Hence, it will become
easier to answer in a better way. You will learn telling stories with appropriate words.
You will be able to connect with the group members.
It will help and equip you with skills to handle difficult situations.
16.6 Timings Indication
In tourism, timings are very important. A tour guide must start well in advance to the
assign place. One of my friend working as a tour guide said that he has habit to wake up
04 hours before the reporting time. So that he can reach there on time and get ready for
the assignment mentally, physically and psychologically. Time sense of people varies
with country to country.
It is the duty of the tour guide to intimate reporting time and meeting or assembly place
of the next day. He must also give proper time to the coach driver. Tourists habituated to
come late must be informed repeatedly to get confirmation that they will co-operate and
will not disappoint their colleagues accompanying them. Punctuality about timings
depends on culture to culture. So, tour guide must do some homework and find out what
is the culture of that country (from where group is arriving) and handle them accordingly.
In few places relationship is important, but, at few places timeliness is must.
While guiding a tour you must be conscious about timings. Be on time. Before starting
attending questions of the tour group tell them the time for question answer to avoid any
disappointment. Follow itinerary given to you.
Some group members never come on time give by the tour guide. They must be dealt
tactfully. Otherwise, if they are left with the same habit, others will also start coming late
and purpose of the tour will be spoiled. It may also infuriate other group members.
Therefore, you must discuss with them separately and resolve the problem. (Stevens
Laurence, 1990)
16.7 Apology
Apology is a regretful acknowledgement of any offence. Apology is a magic word. In
case of any complaint, first of all, meet the complainant. Offer him a glass of water. Ask
or enquire problem area. It is an act of saying sorry. It is an expression of regret for
wrong doing. It shows remorse for your action. It acknowledges the hurt that your action
has created for someone else.
16.8 Pausing
Temporary stop while speaking is pause. When a tour guide is talking to tourists or he is
delivering commentary, it is important to take pause time to time. It is important for
clients. If being a tour guide, you are speaking and taking pause to get confirmation or
acknowledgement from clients that they can ere you or they can understand your words.
Pause is very important in sentence formation. It is a cessation of activity due to some
uncertainty or doubt also. It also implicates momentary hesitation.
16.10 Summary
Bring a tour guide; you have to be careful about handing questions from your clients.
When you feel that a particular question is awkward, you cannot answers, you must
bypass it.
Timing is very important in tourism industry. A person must be punctual about timings.
A tourist cannot wait for a tour guide. But, Tour guide has to wait if flight is delayed.
Apology is an act of excuse from or regret-fullness.
1. Stevens Laurence, (1990), Guide to Starting and Operating a successful Travel
Agency, Delmar Publishers, Incorporation, New York, ISBN-0-8273-4039-7,

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