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12 Examples of Culture Shock in Indonesia You would Experience
When you visit a country that is typically different with the country where you get used to live,
you might experience some bad situations. It is called cultural shock. Although Indonesia is a
multicultural country, in fact it is not that easy to adapt. Some of foreign people even reveal
Indonesia is a great country but still needs improvement in some part of the service. Moreover,
you have to adapt with the culture of Indonesians who are likely to be close to others. Here are
the examples of cultural shocks in Indonesia you might feel.

1. Typical spicy foods

Almost of Indonesian foods are typically spicy. Don‟t be shock if you find sambal in every menu
you order in restaurant. For those who don‟t like spicy food, you should notice to the waitress or
seller not to put any sauce or sambal in it. However, you will find that almost of Indonesian
foods are also delicious. Some local Indonesian foods like rendang, ayam betutu, nasi goreng are
even very popular in the world.

2. Traffic jam is every where

If you visit some big cities in Indonesia such as Bali, Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, or Surabaya
you will experience traffic jam in every busy hour. The solution is, don‟t get out when the time
for people go or left their works. While you get out at 7:00 AM or 5 PM, the road would be
really crowded. Even more, in the weekend the traffic would be extremely bad. Avoid visit the
tourism place on Saturday or Sunday. It would be better for you to visit on weekdays.

3. Bad behavior of motorbike riders and drivers

If you are street walker, be careful when crossing the road in crowded area. You will probably
find some wild motorbike riders or car drivers. Traffic system in Indonesia is bad. It has been
popular for foreign people that they get mad toward Indonesian traffic system. The road is not
well managed. Moreover, breaking the traffic rule is a common thing in Indonesia. It is
recommended not to drive by yourself in Indonesia. Better to rend a professional driver.

4. Deep fried foods

You know that in Indonesia eating deep fried foods is very normal. You will find catfish is eaten
in deep fried until it is crunchy. However, the taste would be very good. Not only catfish, you
can find many other kinds of fishes that fried in really hot frying oil. While in Japan you can

easily find raw fish or meat, in Indonesia you will find them on a really deep fried. You must
think about the cholesterol, but it is delicious.

5. A pretty loud call for Islamic prayer 5 times in a day

Don‟t be bothered if you hear such an Arabic sound from a loud speaker in mosque once in
almost every 4-5 hours. It is a call for Islamic prayer. You have to get used to this since most
Indonesians are muslims. You may feel shocked, but you don‟t need to protest to them. Just
enjoy your livings there without being racist.

6. Too much attention toward “bule” (foreign people)

While you are at the public place, some people would call you “Bule” (Foreign people). You will
probably catch locals‟ attention since you are different with them. Many of locals would silently
video or take picture of you. Some of them even will come to you to interview or ask many
things. Don‟t be stressed with this, if you don‟t like their habits, you just need to say that you are
busy or something. They do this because they admire foreign people with the tall body and white
skin. They see you just like a celebrity.

7. Spending long days with local people wanting to pose for pictures with you

It has been said that locals attention toward bule is too much. For them, foreigner like you is
almost same like an artist. It is because your great body posture, noisy nose, white skin, and
blonde hair that is pretty different with theirs. You will suddenly become a celebrity since many
local people want to pose with you for picture. If you have an objection to this, just politely say
that you are busy.

8. Being on time for locals is not priority

Making an appointment to someone in Indonesia is sometimes stressful. While you date or make
an appointment with Indonesians, they would be probably late in several minutes even hours. It
is because the time in Indonesia is very flexible. When they say it should be at 7, that means at
7.30 or even more.

9. Everyone gonna smile to you

While you walking around public places, are you bothered toward everyone who smiles at you
even you don‟t know them? Don‟t worry since this is Indonesian culture. It is not like someone
wants you to date him/her. They just get used to be friendly to everyone. That is why they smile
each other. For them, smiling means respecting others. It is the form of respect in Indonesia.

10. Eat without spoon or fork

In some occasions, you will find there is no fork and spoon while eating. Some traditional
concepts in most of Indonesian restaurants are eating without any utensil on hand. Don‟t be

shocked if you find these kinds of restaurant. You can experience the different way to eat your
foods. Believe me it tastes more delicious.

11. No toilet roll

The next common cultural shocks in Indonesia is the different stuffs in toilets. While in western
country they use tissue or toilet roll to wipe the bum, in most of Indonesian toilets you will not
find any toilet rolls. You have to wash your bum with water that is available. Don‟t be mad with
this, you can solve this by always brings tissue everywhere.

12. Strict drug law

Indonesia has a really strict law for the drug use. If you consume a certain kind of drug or
medicines, the immigration staff would check it. It is better to stop consuming any kind of drug
while visiting Indonesia. If you are caught due to drug abuse, you will experience a really weight
punishment. Some of drug agent even got death penalty in Indonesia.

Those are the cultural shock you might have in Indonesia. To solve the problem, you just need to
be calm and don‟t be stressful. Just take a deep breath and relax, remember that the nature in
Indonesia is too beautiful. You get there for a vacation, not for being mad, see ?

17 Bad Cultures In Indonesia Needing To Be Avoided

Culture is very strong with the habits that characterize the nation. Indonesia is well-known for its
friendly culture and habits, friendly, helpful and tolerant among people. Here they are facts about
Javanese culture that you should know.

But behind the good and good culture, there is also a bad culture of the nation that became a
habit from the past until today. This is certainly not good to imitate, even should be removed
from cultural habits. Because it can be bad for the mindset, character and also the attitude that
has been very good and directed.

To know the bad culture in Indonesia that should not be done, here are some examples:

1. Likes Not on Time

Have you promised to meet with friends or clients on a given day and hour? Suddenly at the
meeting, it turns out your friends or clients arrive late. This often happens to the people of
Indonesia, not timely in making arrangements or meetings. This has become a bad habit both
home environment, office, school and government agencies themselves.

2. Culture Lazy Queue

Often you see and feel when you are going to buy or pay for a thing, suddenly you get hacked by
someone who directly faces to pay or buy something without queuing behind you. Looks trivial,
but the impact is certainly very unethical.

At a time when other developed countries already understand the culture queued precisely the
state of Indonesia to date is very minimal awareness of queue and discipline in doing something.

3. Removing Waste Out of Place

No doubt the character of our nation in terms of this one is still left behind from neighboring
countries like Singapore. Often we encounter either schoolchildren who note bene educated
children or Those who sit sweetly in a luxury car (regardless of status) while his car drove down
the highway, from the car window out hand that throw bottles of drinks at will on the side of the

4. Smoking Haphazardly

This is often a dilemma for non-smokers. In an association in a crowded room with audiences,
the smokers do not hesitate to act out the smoke of their nicotine. Though around it there are
various kinds of human beings who are not always smokers, such as the Mothers, children, and
toddlers who finally inevitably have to inhale the smoke of harmful nicotine without their will.

Even in air-conditioned rooms though they often do not care, but plastered with clear text ” NO

5. Crossing The Road Is Out of Place

Though there is a bridge crossing the road, there are still many Indonesian people who like to
cross in the wrong way. This habit is dangerous and can lead to accidents and collisions on the

However still many people do not pay attention to it, although it is clear the road markings are
made with the writing is prohibited cross.

6. Trade At Any Place

Selling is not wrong, it is one of the halal ways to make a living for the family, but if the sale
place wrong and not the right, let alone selling on the sidewalk which is the right for pedestrians.
Of course, this is against the rules and makes the pedestrian uncomfortable and free to walk.

This is still a big scourge for the Indonesian government because it is not orderly and
irregular. You need to know Baduy tribe culture, customs, and traditions.

7. Less Awareness Will Be Discipline

The consciousness of the discipline of the Indonesian people is still lacking, in any case.
Examples are prohibited from littering, still being violated.

Culture queued, still lazy in line and many more examples. If this is left alone it will certainly
become a habit even a person‟s personal mental will be damaged due to awareness of bad

8. Culture Likes Others

The habit of looking face in front of others, especially in the office. An employee likes to seek
the face of his superiors with the intention that he is always trusted even the habit of vilifying
others that lead to slander is very often encountered.

It is indeed difficult to avoid, wherever we are we will find such a thing. It has become an
ingrained culture to this day. Top common habits fascinating Indonesian behavior you must to

9. The Culture of Corruption and Nepotism

Cultural habits of this one are very unfit to imitate. Even the punishment is very severe, but still,
this is not a cure for people who do corrupt culture and nepotism. Although in religious and
social terms this is very embarrassing and bad, not a few officials who do this.

How will the state be honest and true if the people of self-government apply and act fraudulently
and dishonesty? What hurts society and the state is corruption and nepotism. This is to be dealt
with firmly if necessary sanctions Fallon exacerbated so that the culprit deterrent.

10. Anarchist Culture

Another bad culture is anarchist and brutal. Not infrequently see the action of fighting, fights
between gangs, between tribes and so apply very anarchist. Not infrequently innocent people are
targeted, not infrequently also a frequent destruction of public places, homes, shops, even the
office of the police and military officers became a rampage.

Many vigilante events even arrive at brutal murders such as thieves burnt times, robbers who are
persecuted to death and many more. This becomes very common even has become a serious and
dangerous problem.


There is still some bad culture in Indonesia that is not very good, here‟s an example:

 In achieving a goal to achieve the best results would require a long process.
Unfortunately, not a few Indonesians who want to achieve something in an instant way.
For example, some time ago there was a fake diploma because those who want an instant

to reach the level of higher education. Until when would you want to be a person who
does not want to proceed if you just want something instant?.
 This dangerous habit is still underestimated by most Indonesians. Though the safety
factor is the most important when driving on the road. Do not let us regret when we
experience undesirable things on the road just for not wearing a helmet on the road.
 Neighboring countries, Singapore has strict rules about littering, even small things like
throwing cigarette butts or spitting indiscriminately. Unfortunately, since Indonesia does
not seem to have rules that discussed as much as that. This is also exacerbated by the
awareness of the people who are still low with this trivial but very disturbing thing.
 Gathered with friends, but not spent on sharing about work or other positive things. This
is one of the bad habits that exist in our society, that is talking about other people. If
talking about the accomplishments of others is certainly not a problem because it might
be able to motivate us. The worst thing is they will talk about stupid things, lack of
others, or even the disgrace of others.
 Not infrequently the various public facilities were destroyed intentionally or
unintentionally damaged by some people are not responsible. Starting from scribbling the
walls, brawl damaging public facilities, to throwing stones into trains.
 Bullying itself is a hard and cruel treatment to a particular individual or group. More
precisely to mock or insult other people or groups that are considered weak. Bullying
takes place in the school environment, work environment, and on the internet as in any
social media. Usually, that is often a lot of bully is a new child, whether it‟s a sister class
in the school environment, which is still junior if in the work environment.
 Indonesia is well acquainted with its consumptive country. If not wrong, since the 1970‟s
until now also still in the known country whose people are most fond of the named
shopping. So naturally, if our country becomes a prima donna productive countries like
Japan, China, Korea, to market their products.

Hopefully, the explanation of bad culture in Indonesia becomes our learning to be better cultured
and eliminate bad habits so as to create a regular and safe condition, this information caould be
useful for any tour guides.

13 Bad Manners in Indonesia You Must Avoid

There are some basic rules and guidelines that serve as Indonesian Etiquette. The etiquette that
Indonesians follow through help them to differentiate between the good manners and the bad
manners. The good manners can give good impression to the people around you. On the
contrary, the bad manners may cause annoyance and even make you look like a bad person. Here
are 13 Bad Manners in Indonesia.

1. Littering on the Street

Although many Indonesians still litter the street, many others have become aware of how bad
this behaviour actually is. Littering the street ruins the scenery of the surrounding environment.
Also, it may cause a build up of trash that will eventually become smelly. The number of trash

cans have increased to handle public littering and Indonesians are expected to throw their trash
there. People who still litters are seen as uncivilised and ignorant.

2. Throwing Garbage into Rivers

Throwing garbage into rivers is an unacceptable behaviour. There are even signs forbidding
people to dump their garbage in the river. Some people break the rules to the point where it
becomes a cultural habits in Indonesia. But a lot of people have tried to throw their garbage
somewhere else as to not cause flooding and unnecessary river blockage.

3. Riding Vehicles in Opposite Direction

Sometimes there are people who would ride their vehicles in the opposite direction just so they
can get to their destination faster. This dangerous behaviour is actually against the law. They
might cause danger to themselves and accidents where other people could get hurt. It‟s always
wise to follow the traffic rules that have been set out for the safety of everyone.

4. Parking Vehicle on the Sidewalk

Indonesians would sometimes park their vehicle such as the motorcycle on the sidewalk. The
reason for this is that it is just easier to get back into their vehicle when they have to. This bad
manner is frowned upon since the sidewalk is not meant to be a parking space. It causes
disturbances to people who are using the sidewalk.

5. Calling the Elderly by Their First Name

It is very rude to call the elderly by their first name especially if you are not close to them. In
Indonesia, treating the elderly is not the same as treating a best friend. There is a certain level of
respect when treating the elderly. Upon calling the elderly, titles such as Bapak or Ibu must be
used before using their first names. It is a social norms in Indonesia to do so. For those who are
really old, you can use the term Mbah which has a similar meaning to grandfather or

6. Shouting

Shouting is seen as a rowdy behaviour. It is best to avoid shouting in public places at all cost
since there are also a lot of people around that might get annoyed by it. Moreover, shouting can
make you seem uncivilised too. Indonesians prefer peace instead of the act of shouting which
might cause fights to happen.

7. Cutting Off People‟s Conversations

A good conversation is when people are able to freely express their opinions to each other.
However, a conversation might turn sour when someone keeps interrupting when other people
are talking. Indonesians are very sociable people but cutting off people‟s words can be seen as

rude. The best thing to do is to patiently wait for your turn to talk or learn more
of Communication Etiquette in Indonesia to avoid cutting off people‟s conversations.

8. Spitting on the Street

Plenty of Indonesians do this, especially men but this manner is not one to be proud of. Many
people in Indonesia do not like it when people spit on the street as it seems to be unhygienic. The
spit can make the streets dirty too. Moreover, spitting may accidentally get on other people.

9. Cutting Queues

Some people can‟t hold themselves back to cut queues simply because they do not have the
patience for it. Others may unawarely cut queues without even realising that there is even a
queue. Cutting someone else‟s turn is seen as impolite. Thus, many Indonesians try to be aware
of the people around them when queuing as to not steal someone‟s turn to move up the line.

10. Putting Feet on Tables or Chairs

Putting feet on tables or chairs is a bad behaviour in Indonesia that even some Indonesians still
do. But the truth is our feet are considered dirty and should be placed only on the ground. Tables,
chairs or other furnitures are not supposed to be dirtied with feet.

11. Using Left Hand

Using the left hand to give and receive thing is rude in Indonesia. The left hand is always
associated with bathroom purposes. The right hand is the good hand that is allowed to give and
take things. Even if you must use your left hand for whatever reason, give a small apology for it.

12. Talking Back to Elders

The act of listening and obeying to whatever the older person is telling you is a manner that is
still strongly valued especially in Indonesian family values. When you disagree, you should not
voice your disagreement openly. It is expected to keep it to yourself. Some Indonesians may find
themselves talk back to the elders, especially in this modern age. But that is still an unacceptable
behaviour in the society.

13. Cursing

Some Indonesians may find it hard to control their emotions which cause them to curse. Others
may curse for the fun of it. In Indonesia, cursing in public is seen as a bad manner. It might even
give off the impression that you do not have class and people can look down on you.

Some Indonesians may still actively contribute to these bad manners in Indonesia while some are
always trying to change for the better. As for visitors or tourists in Indonesia, it might be best to
keep these bad manners in your mind so you can avoid doing them in public.

Tipping Etiquette in Indonesia – Characteristics
Indonesia becomes one of the tourism destinations for some people to visit. It is because the
cheap accommodation, beautiful place, and friendly environment. When people want to visit
Indonesia, they will normally seek some information about the culture, the accommodation, and
even some recommended hotels or restaurants. One more important thing that people usually
neglect is tipping etiquette.

Tipping is a flexible payment for a waiter or waitress in a various places. Actually, tipping is not
mandatory in Indonesia, but it is like a social agreement that travelers usually do it to appreciate
their hard work. The rate of tipping is usually depends on the place and the job. However, there
is general etiquette of tipping in Indonesia.

Notice the Place Before Giving Tip

Before giving a tip, the traveler should notice the place first. There are some suitable rates of
giving a tip. It also depends on the city where you visit. In the big city like Jakarta, it would have
higher rate of tipping. You should consider the base salary first before tipping.

1. In restaurant

The most common place for giving a tip is in restaurant. Some restaurants will add 10-15% of
the bill for service charge. But, if they don‟t do a service charge, the traveler could tip between
Rp20.000 to 15% of their bill. Besides, if you need a delivery order service, you could give a tip
for the courier. Giving the courier 10% -15% of your bill will be enough.

2. In Airport

When the people go to airport, some of them usually bring a lot of luggage. They might need a
porter to help them. It is not a must to use them, but they will kindly help if you give a tip to
them. You could give them Rp 30.000 – Rp 50.000 for 1-2 suitcases. However, some airports in
Indonesia recently prohibit the traveler to give a tip to porter. It would better if the traveler notice
the rule in each airport.

3. In Hotel

Several Hotel in Indonesia usually charge 21% of the bill for the customer. 10% is for the
government and 11% for service charge. However, some travelers will need a bellboy to help
them bringing their luggage. It would better for the traveller give Rp 30.000 – 20% of the hotel
bill. You could also rate the tipping by their service. If you feel comfortable to their service, you
could give them more tips.

Do and Don’ts when Tipping Indonesia

Then, consider what you should do and not to do before giving a tip to someone.

1. Refusing to give tip will hurt them

Some service company might relay on tipping as their main income. When you don‟t give some
tip to them, it maybe will hurt them.

2. Use the suitable currency

If you visit Indonesia, make sure to prepare a lot of rupiahs money. When you give them with
dollar or others currency, it will be difficult for them to use it.

3. Good Timing of Tipping

When you give the tip in appropriate time, they will really thankful of it. However when you
couldn‟t consider the good timing, they will mean it as the humiliating thing.

4. Don‟t give tip at the crowd

Although some service workers have no objection accepting tip at the crowd, it would better for
you to give without being seen by others. You could suddenly insert the money on their hand
when they stand near a desk or exit door. When you are in restaurant, you could just leave the tip
on the table.

5. Tipping to a taxi driver

It is not mandatory for you to give a tip for every taxi driver you use. You could give a taxi
driver tip if he gives the good service, especially when they help you to bring your luggage.
Tipping to a taxi driver when he does an extra effort to reach your destination, for example he
could find the alternative route to avoid a traffic jam.

Considering a tipping in Indonesia is not difficult to do, alright ? The traveler just needs to
follow some etiquette of tipping in Indonesia.

Communication Etiquette in Indonesia

Indonesia is a country with a lot of etiquette. The etiquette are established from a mutual
agreement of Indonesians people. Indonesians could do anything, but unconsciously they have a
limitation for it. Unwritten rules are made to guide their habit in doing something. If someone
doesn‟t follow the rules, it maybe will not send him or her into jail. However, other people will
give a bad judgment.

One of the etiquette is the etiquette of communication. People could have a good looking, but it
will be nothing without having good habit in communication. Bad communication way could
trigger a misunderstanding or even a quarreling. That‟s why when you want to visit Indonesia
you should pay attention at communication etiquette in Indonesia.

1. Say something friendly and politely

Indonesians typically like to be friendly to everyone. They would be kindly helping when they
see others in a problem. They would greet everyone whom they know, even sometimes they
haven‟t known before. They would ask a general question like “what are you doing?”, “where
are you going?” when they meet someone whom they know. In addition, if they want to ask
something to a people whom they haven‟t known before, they will say it in a polite way. They
also respect elder people by speaking politely even they really closed with them.

2. Give a nice greeting

Greeting is the beginning of the conversation. They would like say “good morning”, “good
afternoon”, and islamics would say “Assalamualaikum”. They will give a greeting when they
meet someone, accept phone call, and visit someone‟s house.

3. Shaking hand for a hospitality

When they meet or introduce to someone, they like to shake a hand. Shaking hand is a sign that
they respect others. It is aimed of showing hospitality to others. And for a children to elder
people, the children should kiss their hand when shaking hand.

4. Make a good eye contact

When Indonesian has a conversation to someone, they will never miss to make a good eye
contact. They will pay attention carefully to what other talking about.

5. Say sorry when you do a mistake, say please when you need a help

„Sorry‟ and „please „are the two miracle words that is really important in a human being, so is for
Indonesians. When they do even a small mistake, they will directly say sorry for it. They would
also say please when they ask for a help.

6. Honor the elder people

Indonesian has so many languages for communication. Each language has the different rule to
speak to elder people. They will speak more politely to elder people.

7. Say „Excuse me‟ or “Permisi !”when passing in front of others

They would say excuse me when they have to pass in front of someone. It shows how they really
respect others really well.

8. Choose a good conversation topic

Good conversation topic could create a warm atmosphere toward the people. They usually will
talk about their family, foods, local communities, places, and weather. It is the general topic that

they would likely to discuss. If you are a foreigner and going to visit Indonesia, you could also
ask their experiences in abroad.

9. Avoid to talk about negative issue

Indonesia doesn‟t like to talk about negative issue that could build their anger. It would better for
you avoid some sensitive topics like sex. Sexual activity in Indonesia is something taboo. They
don‟t like to share their sexual activity as a topic of conversation.

10. Ask them back

Indonesian culture is not individualism. They like to be in a group or collective. That‟s why they
always have a good way in honoring others. If someone asks them, they would like to give some
questions too to respect others. Honoring others is not only answering their questions but also
being interested to listen at their perception.

Those are ten etiquette of communication in Indonesia. It would better for you to learn a culture
and etiquette in a country before you get there. It might be different with yours.

If you want to learn a culture, you have to learn how to like what it likes, rather than go looking
for something that you like. – John Barnes.

Social Etiquette in Indonesia – Characteristics

According to Ancient Greek, ethics is derived from the word ethikos which means “arising from
habit”. Ethics is the main branch of philosophy that studies the value or quality of standards and
moral judgments. Ethics includes analysis and application of concepts such as right, wrong,
good, bad, and responsibility.

Ethics begins when humans reflect on elements in their spontaneous opinions. The need for
reflection will be felt, partly because our ethical opinion is not uncommonly different from the
opinions of others. That is why ethics is needed, that is to find out what should be done by
humans. Methodologically, not every judging acts can be said as ethics. Ethics requires a critical,
methodical, and systematic attitude in reflection. That is why ethics is a science. As a science,
the object of ethics is human behavior. But unlike other sciences that examine human behavior,
ethics also has a normative point of view. It means that ethics looks from good and bad angles to
human actions.

Below will be explained some of the known etiquette applied in Indonesia.

1. Kissing the hands of parents before doing activities outside

This behavior has become a habit for the many people of Indonesia. Since childhood, we have
been taught by the teacher to kiss the hands of people older than us, especially our own parents.
It‟s like asking for blessings to keep our activities outside running smoothly and without any

2. Saying greeting before and after entering the house

In Indonesia, the majority of people are Muslim, thus this behavior must be done because it‟s
already taught in their religion. And this behavior also acts as a courtesy as this greeting behavior
is always done when someone wants to get out or enter into someone else‟s home.

3. Apologize when making a mistake

Apologizing is a commendable deed and must be done humbly. When we make mistakes then
don‟t forget to apologize, but frequently people who make mistakes do not apologize and they
are considered to be selfish. As they are more concerned with prestige than to apologize, but
everyone must have done wrong things and need to apologize for their mistake so as not to hurt
other people.

4. Smoking in every place

Things like this often happen especially in Indonesia, as in public places people there smoking
comfortably. Though this behavior is disturbing to others who do not like to smoke cigarettes
thus it is not only annoying but also harmful. If those passive smokers inhaling other‟s cigarette
smoke then it‟ll be very detrimental to their health as the effect of nicotine tar might enter their
breathing system.

5. Take out the garbage and put it in its place

Lack of public awareness to throw garbage in its rightful place is what causes frequent flooding
during the rainy season and the environment becomes dirty. Garbage get scattered on the streets,
rivers, and lakes that should be a reservoir of water thus get clogged with all kind of rubbish
when the rain comes. Many people need to get used to throwing garbage at its rightful place so
as not to get unnecessary flooding.

6. Provide a place/space to people in need

Often when in public transport we see people who are still healthy that do not provide
opportunities to give the seat to the needy like elderly, pregnant women, and mothers who bring
children. Those who are strong and healthy seem to close their eyes and pretend not to know that
someone needs the seat more. If they had been reprimanded then they‟ll realize their mistake and
give their seat to those who need it most.

7. Say Thank you

People can often forget to say thank you when they borrowing goods or be given help by others.
Maybe it‟s a trivial thing but if we thank the person who helped us or borrowed us any goods,
then that person would be happy to give us their help and then feel appreciated. Thus this
gratitude acts always need to be said to appreciate others who have helped you and you‟ll get
their help again in the future.

8. Do not cut the queue

Cutting queues is not very polite, although you may be in a hurry you still need to appreciate
others who have been queuing up first. Because everyone also has their own interests and their
own valuable time, therefore the attitude of queuing is imperative to be enacted.

9. Burping in front of many people

Belching is a natural thing done by humans, but if it is done in front of many people then such
behavior is not natural. It‟d look rude as it might disturb other people who see you done this
despicable acts.

10. No spitting

This is a very unkind, disrespectful and even disgusting behavior. The person who spit anywhere
he likes is a disrespectful person and if he wants to spit out, then find the right place like a toilet.

11. Listen when others speak

When someone speaks to us, let us listen to their words till they are done. Do not ignore or
disregard the person, because it is a very disrespectful behavior. This is what polite people
usually do when someone speaks to them as they try to listen well.

12. Not interrupt other people‟s conversation

When people are talking then we should not cut off the conversation because it is very
disrespectful. Better listen to people talk when there is a chance for them to finish before we do
the talking and always try not to cut off other people‟s conversations as it‟s considered very rude.

13. Respect older people

As younger people, we have to respect the elderly. As it‟s taught since childhood and if we are
talking to an older person then the language intonation should be more polite than we are talking
to our normal peers.

14. Appreciate others

If we want to be respected by others, then we must respect other people. That‟s what most people
would want in their social interaction. As the elder said that the easy way to being able to

accepted by society is learn to appreciate other first as a person. Therefore, it can lift up the
mood and make other happier than usual.

15. Not talking while eating

Although there are so many people out there who while they are eating then they are also talking
simultaneously, thus this behavior is not good. Supposedly if we want to talk, we should finish
first our food then just talk.

16. Pray before eating

For a Muslim or Christian then we are always taught to read the prayer and give thanks to god
for eating our meals. On the other hand, Pray is one of activities that can protect and prevent us
from any bad situation which may happened or occurred when we do something.

17. Knock on the door before entering the room

This behavior needs to be done as a sign of excuse and asking for permission before entering the
room. meanwhile, knocking door is one of common habits that most of Asian people do before
entering someone‟s house. It could be marked as greeting manners .

18. Wear polite clothing in public places

As an Indonesian society with an eastern culture, then wearing polite clothing in a public place is
mandatory. In addition to maintaining modesty, it also prevents us from negative thinking.

19. Do not visit people until late at night

It is very unkind and disrespectful if you went to someone else‟s home at midnight. If you want
to visit then you should choose the right time such as afternoon or evening, which does not
interfere with the time of the occupants of the house resting schedule.

20. Raise your hand when you ask

When in a discussion then the behavior of raising a hand when you are about to ask something is
very important to do. Do not directly speak or ask but request permission first by raising a hand.

Others known social etiquette (21-25)

Here other social etiquette which also exist in Indonesian society, as follows:

 Do not laugh at anyone else. Most of the laughter that is rude is due to witnessing the
trouble others are having.
 Be careful with unrestrained anger that can hurt other people‟s feelings. This can
certainly damage or destroy relationships in any environment.

 Respect a person who is fasting by not eating or drinking in front of them. However, due
to lack of awareness, this is rarely done by people who do not fast.
 Say hello when you meet with a person you known on the street.
 Respect other religious people who are worshiping or celebrating their religious holidays.
So that religious tolerance would increase among many people.

Social etiquette needed to be spread so as to become a standard in doing interaction with other
people in Indonesia. This is intended to create the harmonious relationship between people and
also to increase social awareness between each other. By learning this social etiquette at school
thus will make Indonesia children become much more understanding of their surroundings and
grow up to be great people.

Cultures in Bali – Traditions – Ceremonies

Bali? Who doesnt know about Bali? So many tourists make it as their first destination when
come to Indonesia. Many people also make it as their honeymoon destination because Bali is
beautiful and have so much culture inside which make them different with another islands, thats
why its called as The Island of The Gods. Bali is one province in Indonesia with Denpansar as it
capital city and total of the area is around 5.636,66 km2 or 0,29% part of Indonesia. Before we
will know about Cultures in Bali, lets we talk about the their religion, which is the very basic
thing and affect the whole culture in there.

1. Balinese-Hinduism

Balinese-hinduism also called as agama Hindu Dharma which originated come from Java and as
result of Shivaism and Buddhism. The theological foundation for the religion in Bali comes from
Indian philosophy while the indigenous beliefs come from the backbone for the rituals. In
Balinese Hinduism, indigenous beliefs is come to believe which nature is a “power” and each

elements has influence from spirits. Balinese also believe if there have ancestor and they have to
remember as part of them and respect it with doing some feted with give them some agricultural
products sometime or when theres a special ceremonies.

Balinese-hinduism also have some pillars for what they believed, which are belief in the one
supreme God, belief in the soul as apart of universal principle of life and consciousness, belief in
the fruition of one‟s deeds, belief in theres process of birth and death, also believe in ultimate

People in there also has some variety names for their God, which are multiples and all pervadin
called as ultimate void as Surya and other can called as Sung Hyang Embang or Sang Hyang
Paramakawi. However, Balinese also believe theres some God for different sources, like Brahma
for God of creation, Wisnu for God of providence, and Siwa for bad one which is God of

Those Balinese also make caste in their social life but more simpler than the original which come
from India. There are four caste which can we see here, theyre: Sundas – the caste who
comprises over 50% population, Wesias – the warrior caste which also include trades of kings,
and the highest caste is Pedanas – the holy men and priest. We also can know someone caste
from their name, such as Ida Bagus for Brahman, Anak Agung or Dewa for satrias, and the last is
I Gusti for wesias.

2. Bali Traditional House (Kuren)

Like another region, Bali also has their traditional house which we can called as Kuren and have
five basic elements, which are: the door way with screen on and split arch, the main sleeping
area with open verandah, raised barn for storing rice, and the last is room to do their needs:
kitchen and bathing. Theres may also extra area, which are usually work shop and family temple.
To build this Bali traditional house, theres a holy guidance and the oldest guidance called as
Lontar Asta Kosala Kosali and theres another guidance for another structure too.

Like we can see in those picture, room number 1 is family temple which we called as Sanggah or
Merajan is place to worship the ancestor. We can see theres place to receiving guest for family
ceremony, and theres protective wll or aling-aling which behind the gates to deflect the malign

The kitchen in the house should be south part because the assiciation with Brahma (God of fire).
Some of Bali traditional house still made from alang-alang, sewn into the ribs or coconut palm
leaves which set closely together and tied into bamboo or coconut wood roof frame with hard-
wearing sugar palm fibre. This roof can last up until 50 years.

3. Balinese Ceremonies

Some people said theres never a day without ceremony in Bali. We can say its true because Bali
has lot ceremonies in ther life cycle rites, start from baby ceremonym puberty rides, weddings,
cremation, also temple festivals. Bali is not only beatiful of the scenery, but also for the
uniqueness of the ceremony. Theres also some family celebrations but we cant see that in short
time because we need to become close friends with local people then we can invited to some
sacred ceremonies. But dont worry, theres also lot (more than enough) public ceremonies we can
attend and we can enjoy that with free!

A. Temple ceremony (Odalan)

Every temples and srine in Bali has annual ceremony which blessed for the first time or the day
when Balinese Hindus come to bring offerings and pray in those temple. This ceremony usually
lasts for three days but the larger one (which only occur in 5, 10, 30, or even 100 years) can last
until 11 days or longer.

The temple will be dressed up in colorful clothes which showed us with the duties taken to the
local holy spring to be bathed and dressed in their best, shrinnes are cleaned, committees are

form then the ceremony is start! People will take the offerings in their heads, which consist of
some fruits, rice cakes, also flower and will be placed in strategic points around the temple.

After that, the offering wlll be blessed by the temple priest and they can bring offering to home
again and share it with their family because God already leaving the “left overs” for humans to

This ceremony isnt over yet because in the evening we will watch another spectacular
performance of music and dance by local groups. We can see this ceremony all around Bali
because every village at least have three major temples and there will be religious activity every
210 days. What we have to remember during the ceremony are not to bring any food inside,
being ill (mentally or physically), being in state of mourning, or having given birth within the
past 42 days.

B. Nyepi

Nyepi is popular ceremony as the largest celebration in Bali and claimed as most unique one
because everyone can experience the most enjoyable 24 hours with clean air and zero emissions,
because everyone who stays in Bali not to be allowed to do anything and go anywhere in that
day. On this new years‟ eve, the villages are cleaned, food is cooked for two days, and in the
evening as much noice is mad as possible to scare away the evil spirits.

Tourist who stays in Bali during Nyepi also not allowed to leave hotel complexes. Every year,
Nyepi is celebrated according to cake luna callendar and falls at the time of new moon in the
months of March or April.

This ritual begin from two days before Nyepi which we called it as Melasti ceremony, which in
this ceremony hundreds of people who come from each village will carry temple artifacts to
beaches or purification. Those procession start from early morning and people will wear bright
clothes and join the procession. The women carry tall offerings which consist of fruits, cooked
rice, and some natural foods of their heads while the man walk along them and holding long
sheet of yellow and white cloth symbolizing the Bridge of God. This ceremony will end in the
early evening and intended as spiritual purification for the whole village.

Theres also a ceremony one day before Nyepi which we called as Tawur Kesanga or
Pengerepuk, is the day which evil spirits are driven away. Villages and neighborhoods are
cleaned, food served for 2 days, and at dusk people start to bang pots and pans also carry torches
through their houses. After that, they will get outside and join the others to make fearful sounds
and sprinkling rice over the alley ways and roads. We also can see Ogah-ogah, which demon
represent the mythical giant Bhuta kala and symbolized evil. This also become the day when
cock fighting is permitted because the spelling of bloods is important for the purpose of
purifications. The offerings will be totally different than Melasti ceremony because its smelly
and include bloods, like small chickens which sacrificed and will be put in the roads. Everybody
join in to help by beating pots and tin cans, make lot noise which called as mabuu-buu and
children go around the village to meet their friends.

On Nyepi day, Hindu Balinese will stop all their worldly and physical activities for 24 hours and
use that day for practice yoga semedi and catur berata penyepinan of the four absences. Everyone
will stays inside their house but theyre not allowed to speak to each others, answer the telephone,
receiving any guest, watch television, use any appliances, lights also not allowed to be turn on;
including stoves or even cigarettes. They also not allowed to eat and drinking and not supposed
to do any work. Its a day of self control and instropection in order to achieve spiritual
purification. Only emerging services and hospitals are allowed to operate as usual, and all
airports also closed for 24 hours with no flight arriving or departing. After that day over, they
will visit their family and friends to ask for forgiveness to the mistakes theyve made and we
called it as Ngembak Geni.

4. Balinese Dance

Dance from Bali also famous one because really showed the culture and how religious people in
Bali are. We usually can see this dance while in tour and have to some tickets to watch it. So,
whats the popular dance in Bali?

A.Kecak fire dance

Visiting Bali without watch their art performances wont be wonderful experiences. Kecak fire
dance is one of most iconic Balinese dance and its dominant use of human vocals in place of
gamelan instruments to accompany the dance-drama at its core.

The best place to watch this dance is at the cliff top amphiteatre located in south of Uluwatu
temple and we also need buy a ticket which the price range from Rp.70.000-Rp.100.000,00. This
dance usually will be start around 10 AM and we gonna watch the trope of around 75 males
dancer descent into the stage with extended arms and shaking hands up in the air while chanting
their fast-paced and shout “chak!” repetitively.

In those trope, some people has some important roles, such as someone who give the tones early
as we know he is a leader, someone as a suppressor in charge of pressure of high or low tone,
someone as solo singer, and someone else act as mastermind behind to tell the story.

In kecak fire dance, theres a story behind it and the synopsis is about Sri Rama, prince of Ayodya
kingdom was sent into exile by his father, King Dasaratha following an evil trick by his step
mother, Karkeyi. In monkey forest, Ramayana is accompanied by Sita, his wife and also
Laksamana, which is his younger brother. Rahwana who also has a crush with Sita know about
this news and try to kidnap her but its failed because Ramayana get a help from Hanoman and
his monkey troops. Finally, Ramayana and Sita can be back together right after the sunrise.

B. Barong

Barong is the mythological lion considered to be a good king. In traditional Balinese, Barong
representing good and fight against the evil spirits, and defeats it. In this dance, the dancer wear
the mask of lion and this performance begins with two monkey teasing Barong in the forest. In
next few scenes, we will see a keris dane, its when evil of spirit, Randa cast the black costumes
and these end with the ommited suicide by stabbing themselves.

In the final scene, we can know if the good win over the evil which means Randa ran away from
the kingdom. Gamelan also played in this performance which make it more unique. We can

watch this dance in Batu bulan village, in the morning around 9.30 AM and usually last for an
hour. Somebody can die or seriously injured in Barong dance because when Randa‟s spell is too
strong, a weak soilders may not be able to resist it and end up hurting himself wiith his own

Thats what we should know about Cultures in Bali, The Island of Gods with lot of cultures and
more when we are visiting there. Interesting and beautiful one, right ?

30 Facts About Indonesian Lifestyle That Are Very Unique

We as humans of course live in a cycle that is always done every single day. Because of the
evryday use of that cycle, we create like habits, which is sometimes the same and not the same
with the other people on another countries.

With those habits that done almost everyday, we having this kind of unique lifestyle. And now,
we‟re going to talk about the lifestyle of Indonesians in this article. Some on the list are can not
be found on other countries, even your own country. And sometimes, the lifestyle is very strange
to people, but still, it‟s the way of life of Indonesians. So here it is, the facts about Indonesian

1 There‟s only few numbers of people who becoming entrepreneur

The first fact that we‟re gonna discuss is the facta about the Indonesian economic. Many
economist said that the reason why Indonesia is ot being the developed country is because the
mindset of the most Indonesian people, who don‟t want to start being an entrepreneur. Maybe
this one reason is so important, because by being an entrepreneur, they can increase their wealth,
the enomic level of people around them, and finally increasing the economic level of the country.
The reason why they won‟t to start is afraid of losing and also the other one is not gaining much

2 The people are very curious about something

This is the one habit that mostly Indonesian have. Even though there are several people who tend
to be individuals, there are some people also who like to know everything about anything. This
“disease” in Indonesia is called Kepo. Sometimes, it‟s okay if they do curios about something
that maybe they don‟t know about. But sometimes, it can be too annoying when they want to
gain the information in any way they like, including stalking.

3 It‟s not polite to stare at somebody

There‟s also staring habit in Indonesia. And it‟s for everybody, not just for the teenagers toward
the old. Well, if you being stared by a person you don‟t know, what do you think? It‟s pretty
annoying right? And sometimes can be scary too. Staring for a while is of course a okay. But, if

stare at someone for too long, you can invite some problems. So, be sure to gaze at someone
properly to respect this one habit.

4 “Besok”

Well, this one is also one habit that is really annoying especially for the foreigners who want to
have a meeting or the other activities with Indonesians. Sometimes, we Indonesian people use
the term of “Besok” or tomorrow, when we want to decline someone‟s invitation. Like for
example, “lihat besok lah ya” (let‟s see for tomorrow), or “besok besok deh” (maybe later). We
use these words in order to respect the people who invite us. But in the same time , the foreigners
will be confuse with our respond.

5 Very elastic time

This one is also included as one habit of Indonesians. Sometimes, it‟ll invite some laugh if we
remembering about the event of this elastic time. Elastic time in here means that Indonesians is
very usual with the late of time. The discipline level in Indonesia can be considered low
compared to the other countries, like Japan, with its respect towards time. That‟s why, there will
be some punishments or penalty for the people who always late at school or work.

6 It‟s good to ask somebody for directions

In Indonesia, there‟s a phrase “ Malu bertanya sesat dijalan” (to shy for asking directions, you‟ll
be lost). And that very simple phrase is still exist in our own soul. With that, we as Indonesians
don‟t feel so shy when asking people for directions, even though now there‟s application like
google maps. We just start to ask somebody and they will give us very heplful responds. With
that, you‟ll never get lost.

7 Always showing respects

Respect is the main thing in Indonesia. Since child, the people of Indonesia already told the
importance to respect towards somebody older. It‟s stronger because the people connect it to
other element of religion. So, it‟s not a strange thing to watch kids or teenagers saying hi to the
older persons next to them that they‟ve known when they‟re meeting them on the street.

8 Avoid all form of conflicts with laugh and generosity

Actually, as Indonesians, we don‟t like to be in a conflict. Beside it‟s so tiring, the conflict itself
doesn‟t have any use for the life of the people. So, we try to calm our mind and make the
atmosphere more fun with laugh and generosity. With that, we can strat further from the fire of

9 The Shaman practice

Even though there are problem solvers already, some people in Indonesia still believe in the old
way, visiting Shaman, asking him or her for resolutions. In Indonesia, there are some pratices of

it in some certain place around the countries. Even though with the modernization era that keeps
growing with education and technology, some people still hoping on the help of a shaman, which
mostly use black magic for the patients.

10 The power of Kerokan

When the weather is so confusing, going from rain, and then dry, and rain comes again, people
ususally got caught in a flu. We Indonesians usually refer this disease as Masuk Angin. Actually
in here, Masuk Angin and flu are different thing, even though scientifically they are the same. To
make this disease goes away, people usually do the activity of Kerokan. It‟s basically just
scrapping the body with coins, or some other non pointy stuff.

11 Don‟t like to do much walk

If you look at the traffic in Indonesia, maybe you‟ll be blown up by how crowded, how stressful
and how annoying it is. That has the relation with one if the facts about Indonesian lifestyle, who
doesn‟t like to do much walking. Some people prefer to having theiw own vehicles, and the ride
them on the street that already filled with so many vehicles.

12 Always wake up early

The good thing is, many Indonesians prefer to wake more early. During 4am in the morning, the
muslims should take the Shubuh pray. Some people then continue to sleep afer that, but the other
productive people like to spend the time for preparing stuff before going to work. Wifes wil
usually already present in the kitchen for making breakfast, the husband who usually see the
news at televisiom after taking a pray, and the kids preparing their book. This can also be a
training for discipline.

13 Toilet tissue has so many functions

Don‟t be surprised by any other functions of toilet tissue in here. For Indonesians, there are no
difference between the usual tissue, and the toilet tissue. They even don‟t know it‟s a toilet tissue
because mainly, the toilet in Indonesia is using water, not tissue. Maybe because of this culture,
many stalls in Indonesia provide the tissue toilet that usually used after eating.

14 Having a lot of stuff on motorcycle

This happens during the activity of Mudik or going home days before the Eid. In Indonesia, there
are many people who can only afford a motorcycle. With so many stuff that they want to bring
to their home, usually they just put everything on motorcyle and then tied them down with a
rope. This is dangerous way of riding, even police warn it.

15 Taking a bath more than once in a day

Taking a bath during the morning is a must. But sometimes, after work or school, our body
usually has bad smell. To release it, taking a bath is necessary.

Aside from those 15 facts about Indonesian lifestyle that the locals always have, we want to
provide another list filled with the other 15 facts to make a full list that contains 30 of the unique
lifetyle the indonesians always have.

1. Polite in answering
2. Really concern about the other person
3. Humble with new comers
4. Spitting habbit
5. Smoking habbit
6. Some times don‟t wear maks when having flu
7. Having very long thumbnail
8. The five seconds rule also valid
9. The way of taking bath is also unique
10. Teenagers love to hanging around the cafes, even stalls just beside the main road
11. Some couples would gather on the bridge (that is also work as romantic place)
12. The soap operas are too mainstream
13. But also famous
14. There‟s one group of noisy girls called Cabe-cabean
15. Ilegal road races are so many

That is the total 30 facts about Indonesian lifestyle, which is very unique, even for the some
Indonesians. So what do you think about it? Is there a same habit or lifestyle that is also can be
found in your country?

Part of the facts of Indonesian lifestyle maybe a bit annoying for somebody, especially for the
elactic time one. But, the politeness, the funny character, and also very humble can cover all of
those bad habits that Indonesians have.


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