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Exercise Set 8 - Control Systems (5ESD0) Oct 2021

Note: The following Matlab functions are useful for dealing with systems in state-space

ss, tf2ss, ss2tf, zp2ss, ctrb, ctrbf, obsv, obsvf, canon, residue, ssdata, rank, step,
impulse, initial, place, acker

Type help function name in Matlab to see more details on the description of the func-
tions. If a function does not exist, then you have to install the Control System Toolbox.

1. State-Space Models, State Feedback:

Consider a system described by the state-space equations
0 1 1
ẋ = x+ u
 7 −4 2
y= 1 3 x

(a) Determine if the system is observable and/or controllable.

(b) Find the closed-loop characteristic equation if the feedback control law is
i. u = −[K1 , K2 ]x,
ii. u = −K3 y.
(c) Design a state-feedback control law (u = −Kx√= −[K1 , K2 ]x) such that the closed-

loop poles have a damping coefficient of ζ = 1/ 2 and natural frequency ωn = 2.
Investigate whether this is possible via output feedback (u = −K3 y).

(a) The system is both controllable and observable, since

C 1 3
rank (O) = rank = rank = 2,
CA 21 −11
  1 2
rank(C) = rank B AB = rank = 2.
2 −1

(b) Two types of feedback control laws are considered:

(i.) State-feedback case:

Plugging in the control law gives

ẋ = Ax − BKx = (A − BK) x

Hence we can compute the characteristic equation by

λ + K1 −1 + K2
det(λI − A + BK) = det
−7 + 2K1 λ + 4 + 2K2
= λ2 + λ(4 + 2K2 + K1 ) + (6K1 + 7K2 − 7) = 0.

Exercise Set 8 - Control Systems (5ESD0) Oct 2021

(ii.) Output-feedback case:

First we write the control law as function of x using

u = −K3 y = −K3 Cx = −K3 [1 3] x = −[K3 3K3 ] x,

which then leads to the characteristic equation

λ2 + λ(7K3 + 4) + (27K3 − 7) = 0.

(c) By taking into account the closed-loop specifications, the roots of the closed-loop
system will be s2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 = 0, hence s2 + 2s + 2 = 0.
By equating the coefficients of the closed-loop roots when employing a state-feedback
control law, we have

4 + 2K2 + K1 = 2
6K1 + 7K2 − 7 = 2,

hence K1 = 6.4, K2 = −4.2.

This is not possible for the output-feedback case, since there does not exist K3 ∈ R
that satisfies both the equations 7K3 + 4 = 2 and 27K3 − 7 = 2.
2. State-Space Reference Tracking:
The normalized equations of motion for an inverted pendulum at angle θ on a cart are

θ̈ = θ + u, ẍ = −βθ − u,

where x is the cart position and the control input is a force acting on the cart. The
measured state variable is x.
(a) With the state defined as x = [θ θ̇ x ẋ]⊤ , find the feedback gain K for the state
feedback control law (u = −Kx), that places the closed-loop poles at
s = −1, −1, −1 ± j.
(b) Assume that β = 0.5. Plot the responses of the closed- and open-loop system with
initial condition [θ θ̇ x ẋ]⊤ = [10◦ 0 0 0]⊤ , by using Matlab.
(c) Compute control law of the form u(x, r) = −Kx + N̄ r such that the plant output y
tracks a constant command input r, which denotes the desired cart position. Assume
that β = 0.5.


(a) The state space equations of motion are

      
θ̇ 0 1 0 0 θ 0
 θ̈   1 0 0 0   θ̇   1 
 ẋ  =  0 0 0 1   x
  0  u.
    

ẍ −β 0 0 0 ẋ −1

Exercise Set 8 - Control Systems (5ESD0) Oct 2021

We require the closed-loop characteristic equation to be

αc (s) = (s + 1)2 (s2 + 2s + 2) = s4 + 4s3 + 7s2 + 6s + 2.

From the above state equations, we obtain

det(sI − A + BK) = s4 + (k2 − k4 )s3 + (k1 − k3 − 1)s2 + k4 (1 − β)s + k3 (1 − β).

Comparing coefficients we have

10 − 8β 10 − 4β
k1 = , k2 =
1−β 1−β
2 6
k3 = , k4 = .
1−β 1−β

(b) By setting β = 0.5, we have

K = [12 16 4 12].

The time response to the indicated initial condition is shown in Figure 1.

Response to Initial Conditions




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (seconds)

Figure 1: Problem 3: Time response of the closed-loop system

(c) We have that N̄ = Nu + K Nx with

Nx A B 0
= .
Nu C 0 I
Since the output y tracks the cart position x we have C = 0 0 1 0 and hence
N̄ = 4.

Exercise Set 8 - Control Systems (5ESD0) Oct 2021

Different solution:
If we have u = −Kx + N̄ r then we can write our state space equations as
ẋ = (A − BK)x + B N̄ r
y = (C − DK)x + DN̄ r

We want to have zero steady state error. Steady state means that ẋ = 0 and hence

ẋ = (A − BK)x + B N̄ r
0 = (A − BK)x + B N̄ r
(A − BK)x = −B N̄ r
x = −(A − BK)−1 B N̄ r

Substituting x in the output equation then gives

y = (C − DK)x + DN̄ r
= −(C − DK)(A − BK)−1 B N̄ r + DN̄ r
= D − (C − DK)(A − BK)−1 B N̄ r

Note that we want zero offset, which means r = y and hence

y = D − (C − DK)(A − BK)−1 B N̄ r = r

1 = D − (C − DK)(A − BK)−1 B N̄
N̄ = D − (C − DK)(A − BK)−1 B

which for D = 0 also equals to 4.

3. Observer Design:
The equations of motion for a station-keeping satellite (such as a weather satellite), as
shown in Figure 2, are

ẍ − 2ω ẏ − 3ω 2 x = 0
ÿ + 2ω ẋ = u,

where x is the radial perturbation, y is the longitudinal position perturbation, and u is the
engine thrust in the y-direction.

If the orbit is synchronous with the Earth’s rotation, then ω = 3600·24 rad/s. Define
x = [x ẋ y ẏ]⊤ as the state vector and output y as the longitudinal position perturba-
tion. Design a full-order observer with poles placed at s = −2ω, −3ω and −3ω ± 3ωj.

The state-space equations are
      
ẋ1 0 1 0 0 x1 0
 ẋ2   3ω 2 0 0 2ω   x2   0 
 ẋ3  =
     +  u
 0 0 0 1   x3   0 
ẋ4  0 −2ω 0 0 x4 1
z = 0 0 1 0 x

Exercise Set 8 - Control Systems (5ESD0) Oct 2021

Figure 2: A station-keeping satellite in orbit.

First, we check the observability to verify that we can arbitrarily place the estimator poles.
The observability matrix is
 
0 0 1 0
 0 0 0 1 
O= ,
 0 −2ω 0 0 
−6ω 3 0 0 −4ω 2

hence the system is observable since O is full rank. The desired estimator characteristic
equation is
αdes (s) = s4 + 11ωs3 + 54ω 2 s2 + 126ω 3 s + 108ω 4 ,
while the estimator characteristic equation is

αest (s) = s4 + l3 s3 + (l4 + ω 2 )s2 + (−2ωl2 + ωl32 )s + (−3ω 2 l4 − 6ω 3 l1 ).

By equating the coefficients, we obtain

l1 = −44.5ω
l2 = −57.5ω 2
l3 = 11ω
l4 = 53ω 2 .

4. Dynamic Output Feedback:

A certain process has the transfer function
G(s) =
s2 −4
(a) Find the matrices A, B and C for this system in observer canonical form (see page
493, 7th Edition).
(b) If u = −Kx, compute K such that the closed-loop control poles are located at s =
−2 ± 2j.
(c) Compute L such that the estimator poles are located at s = −10 ± 10j.

Exercise Set 8 - Control Systems (5ESD0) Oct 2021

(d) Determine the transfer function of the resulting controller, i.e., the transfer function
from y(t) to u(t), when

x̂˙ = (A − BK − LC)x̂ + Ly
u = −K x̂.


(a) We can construct the state space matrices directly from the transfer function in ob-
servability cannonical form:
0 1 0  
A= ,B = ,C = 1 0 .
4 0 4

Note that there is duality between the controlability and observability canonical form
Ao = A⊤ c Bo = Cc⊤ Co = Bc⊤ Do = Dc⊤
(b) By setting u = − k1 k2 x, we can write the characteristic equation as

det (λI − A + BK) =

λ2 + 4k2 λ − 4 + 4k1 = (s + 2 + 2j) (s + 2 − 2j)
= s2 + 4s + 8

Equating the coefficients then gives k1 = 3 and k2 = 1.

(c) The estimator roots are determined by the characteristic equation of the closed-loop
system. By taking L = l1 l2 we get

det (λI − A + LC) =

λ2 + l1 λ − 4 + l2 = (s + 10 + 10j)(s + 10 − 10j)
= s2 + 20s + 200

Again, equating the coefficients, we obtain l1 = 20, l2 = 204.

(d) We have (
x̂˙ = (A − BK − LC) x̂ + Ly
u = −K x̂
Applying Laplace we can rewrite this as

sx̂ = (A − BK − LC) x̂ + Ly
(sI − A + BK + LC) x̂ = Ly

x̂ = (sI − A + BK + LC) 1Ly

and thus
u = −K x̂

= −K (sI − A + BK + LC) 1Ly

and hence the transfer function from y to u is given by

Exercise Set 8 - Control Systems (5ESD0) Oct 2021

U (s)
D(s) = = −K(sI − A + BK + LC)−1 L
Y (s)
 s + 20 −1 −1 20

=− 3 1
212 s+4 204
−264s − 692
= 2 .
s + 24s + 292

This can be verified using the ss2tf command in Matlab.

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