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Duergar King's Derby

Tony Ohrazda

Introduction when contestants return the six adult shardfin to him. Damage or
capture of younger fish is punishable by death.
Algmark, a duergar warlord, guards the sole access to the habitat
of the legendary shardfin, a fish species once native to the Inner Derby Awards. The group’s sponsor keeps their captured shardfin.
The sponsor with the most shardfin receives Algmark’s prize.
Mini-Dungeon #265: Duergar King's Derby

Planes, but now extinct in those realms. Adult shardfin have

gemstone scales with esoteric properties. Annually, Algmark invites
stelect petitioners to compete in a derby to harvest the adults. Grittle offers a 300 gp reward for collecting three shardfin, and a
150 gp bonus for each additional fish. The party can keep Algmark’s
Grittle Rumblefoot, a deep gnome envoy for a powerful stone giant prize, should it win it. She reveals an exceptional rod and reel, a
wizard, is primarily tasked with finding and gathering rare spell tacklebox with bone hooks and crafted lures, and a woven basket
components, such as the scales of an adult shardfin. Armed with (bag) of holding some two feet across and four feet deep.
her charismatic influence and a generous tribute, Grittle secured a
spot in Algmark’s tournament. Seeking a skilled team to compete Capturing Shardfin
as her proxy, Grittle’s research led her to meeting the characters.
Each group prepares its tool, then fishes for an adult shardfin.
The Job Creatures can pass gear to adjacent allies in tandem with their
movement and action. The party uses its rod with bait; the
Grittle explains the job: capture and return with at least three kobolds use a clockwork harpoon; and the drow use a pole-net. If
mature shardfin. She knows Algmark has bred six adult fish this a group’s registered tool becomes unavailable, Algmark teleports
season, and that two other groups will compete. them a spear. It takes an action to gather the line and a bonus
action to aim before a capture check. This tool is unwieldy and
Shardfin. These four feet-long, “living earth” fish breathe water imposes disadvantage to capture checks.
and weigh 80lbs on average. The gemstone scales of adult
shardfin bio-luminesce an iridescent glow. Prepare and Target. How each group prepares and targets
shardfin looks different but is mechanically identical. Prepare is to:
Derby Rules. Algmark's rules must be heeded, or his royal guards bait, load and lower, respectively. Target is to: cast, aim and dip,
intervene. Each group must register, and only use, one fishing respectively. A creature uses an action to prepare the tool. The
tool. The derby begins when Algmark blows his horn and ends same or a different creature can use a bonus action to target the
tool with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check.
Capture. The targeting creature uses an action and succeeds at a DC 3. Pool
18 Strength (Athletics) check, to capture the fish. Once captured, the
80lb beast lays adjacent to the capturing creature. Upon failure the The steep sided pool’s waters amplify the bioluminescence of a
fish escapes and the tool must be re-prepared. school of fish resembling mineral shards. Creatures suffer 3 (1d6) acid
damage when they enter the pool and the same if they end their turn
Creatures receive a bonus to their capture check if the tool was well- in the corrosive liquid.
targeted. Allies can use the help action as normal.

Capture Bonus 4. Northeast Exit

The elite kobolds load, aim and try to capture a shardfin with their
Action <DC 10 DC 10+ DC 15+ DC 20+ harpoon. If a kobold cannot fish, they attack the character holding
Target Bonus Fail 0 +2 Advantage the fishing rod. The gnoll slaver attacks the party or drow. As a
weapon the harpoon has a range of 60/120, does 9 (2d8) piercing
damage, and has the loading and ammunition properties.
1. Registration
Grittle leads the party to a humid cavern alive with excited
5. Southeast Exit
Underworld denizens. Gnomes, drow, kobolds, dwarves, and others The drow lower, dip and try to capture a shardfin with their pole net.
press together. Algmark and his entourage, drinking gregariously If a drow cannot fish, it attacks the character holding the fishing rod.
from massive tankards, are flanked by two armory golems , The drow evoker attacks the party or the goblinoids.
bristling with weapons and armor, that monitor the motley audience.
Allies. If desperate, the evoker attempts to ally with another group,
Grittle excuses herself and elbows her way to a stout table helmed double-crossing them when advantageous.
by a dour grey dwarf. She presents her invitation and converses
quietly while registering the party and its gear.
Beyond the table, etched across the cavern floor, is an arcane rune. A
successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals the circle allows Algmark presents the winner with his horn of blasting, lets survivors
creatures to pass through from this direction. The other side of the collect their dead, and then abruptly ushers everyone out. If the
rune operates as a wall of force extending to the ceiling. characters bring Grittle at least three shardfin, she pays them, and
gives them the basket of holding. Otherwise, she leaves the party,
Cavern. Past the rune, the rocky floor becomes a sandy beach (Area shaking her head and muttering gnomish obscenities.
2) cradling a radiant aquamarine pool (Area 3). The pool’s turquoise
luminescence bathes the cavern with dim light. In Area 4, four
bickering elite kobolds assemble a small clockwork cannon armed
with harpoons. A gnoll slaver hovers, providing motivational
whippings. In Area 5, five drow assemble a long pole net. A drow
evoker (RotDCE) contemptuously appraises the other teams.

Fish On! Grittle gives the characters an adamantine coin and explains
it will get them back across the arcane rune when they are ready
to turn in their catch. She warns the party that the pool, the ideal
shardfin habitat, is highly corrosive. She hands over the fishing gear,
wishes the party luck, then hurries it across the rune to Area 2.

2. Beach
After the party is prepared, silence washes over the cavern as
Algmark moves to the rune’s edge and pierces each group with a
steely stare, confirming readiness, before raising a battered brass
horn and blasting a near-concussive deep tone.

Initiative. Each group, including the adventurers, makes one

unmodified initiative roll. Creatures in that group determine their
order on their turn.

© 2023 AAW Games, LLC.

Author: Tony Ohrazda, Artist: Mates Laurentiu, Cartography: Sean MacDonald Creature Codex, Kobold Press
Publisher: Jonathan G. Nelson, Editor: Stephen Yeardley, Layout: Roo Thompson
RotDCE = Rise of the Drow, AAW Games
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e) at, and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered
trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artwork, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content or are in the public
domain are not included in this declaration.) Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this AAW Games, LLC game product are Open Game Content, as defined in
the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d) No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission. Creature Codex. © 2018, Open
Design LLC; Authors Wolfgang Baur, Dan Dillon, Richard Green, James Haeck, Chris Harris, Jeremy Hochhalter, James Introcaso, Chris Lockey, Shawn Merwin, and Jon Sawatsky. Rise of the Drow: Collector's Edition. © 2022
Open Design LLC; Authors Michael Allen, Curtis Baum, Thomas Baumbach, Chris Bayes, Brian Berg, Todd Gamble, Thilo Graf, Joshua Gullion, Steve Helt, Justin Andrew Mason, Kevin Mickelson, Will Myers, Mike Myler, Jonathan
G. Nelson, Owen K. C. Stephens, Christina Stiles, Jason Stoffa, Rory Toma, Stephen Yeardley.

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