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Kennedy Robinson

Mrs. Meeusen

ENGL 3690

28 February 2023

The significance of sentence design is covered in chapter 10 of Steve Graham's Best

Practices in Writing Instruction. Additionally, this chapter offers a fantastic illustration of how to

teach pupils to form sentences correctly. Helping students understand when and how to plan their

writing is the responsibility of the teacher of this section. The three processes in the writing

process should be recognized by students, who should also learn how to employ them efficiently.

Additionally, students need to acquire a range of planning techniques. Understanding what you

want to convey, coming up with ideas for your paper, and structuring those thoughts are the three

processes. Each step can be taught using a variety of methods, but it's crucial for teachers to ask

questions about each one so that students can respond right away. Because I enjoyed

understanding phrases through examples and case studies, I started reading more. It forces you to

consider how a sentence is put together and can help you improve your teaching abilities by

providing examples of each form of sentence.

In my future classroom, I'd like to use a concept from chapter ten that will assist students

develop the abilities necessary to correctly combine sentences on their own. The teacher first

demonstrates how sentence combinations are created, followed by scaffolded practice in which

the teacher reads out a brief text to the class and then autonomous practice in which the students

collaborate independently. This strategy aids pupils in acquiring the abilities necessary for

carrying out fruitful exchanges when reading independently.

In chapter 11, I thought the author showed a strong grasp of the material and was able to present

it in a very cohesive manner. His justifications focused on the necessity of employing efficient

study techniques and instruments when composing an essay. I've personally used a few of the

suggestions made, so I'm glad to see that this information has been passed down from one

generation of authors to another. Having a variety of resources at their disposal can help students

when it comes to writing written assignments, for sure. They will be able to incorporate several

methods into their own writing process and enhance their overall writing skills if they have

access to a variety of strategies.

I now know that a student's preference can determine whether a piece of writing is

planned or spontaneous. Students may be encouraged to share their thoughts with peers and

delve into their own ideas during a brainstorming session. If a writer makes plans for a certain

genre, he or she will be ready to adhere to the rules created for that genre.

Overall, in these chapters, we talk about how most students prefer to rush or skip the

planning stage of the writing process. Setting objectives, generating ideas, and organizing ideas

are all parts of the planning process. Because I enjoyed understanding phrases through examples

and case studies, I started reading more. It forces you to consider how a sentence is put together

and can help you improve as an educator by providing examples of each form of writing.

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