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EDU 801

Research Methods in Education

Solution to Revision Questions
Research is a systematic way of finding solution to Educational problem. Discuss.
Research is indeed a systematic way of finding solutions to educational problems. It involves a
structured and organized process of gathering information, analyzing data, and drawing
meaningful conclusions. In the field of education, research plays a crucial role in identifying
challenges, exploring potential solutions, and improving the overall quality of the educational
In summary, research provides a systematic and structured approach to identifying,
understanding, and finding solutions to educational problems. It generates knowledge, informs
policy and practice, evaluates interventions, advances knowledge and innovation, and promotes
evidence-based decision-making. Through research, the field of education can continuously
evolve and improve, leading to better educational outcomes for learners.

Distinguish between literature review and methodology.
A literature review and methodology are two distinct components of a research paper or study.
A literature review is a comprehensive summary and analysis of existing scholarly publications
and sources related to a specific research topic or question. Its purpose is to provide an overview
of the current state of knowledge, identify gaps or areas of disagreement, and establish a
foundation for the research study.
Methodology refers to the systematic approach or framework used to conduct research, gather
data, and analyze information in order to answer the research questions or achieve the research
objectives. The methodology section explains how the study was designed and carried out.
In summary, a literature review provides an overview of existing research on a topic,
while the methodology section explains the specific methods used to conduct the research study.
The literature review establishes the context and knowledge base for the study, while the
methodology outlines the procedures followed to collect and analyze data. Both components are
essential in research papers as they contribute to the overall credibility and validity of the study.

Justify the inclusion of theory in literature review.
The inclusion of theory in a literature review is essential for several reasons. Theory provides a
conceptual framework that helps to organize and interpret the existing body of knowledge in a
particular field of study. By including theory in a literature review, researchers can establish a
foundation upon which their own research can build, contribute, or challenge existing theories.
The inclusion of theory in a literature review is crucial as it provides a foundation for
understanding the existing knowledge, identifies research gaps, offers a conceptual framework
for organizing the literature, guides methodological choices, and enables intellectual contribution
to the field. By engaging with theories, researchers can situate their work within the broader
scholarly conversation and demonstrate the significance of their research problem.

Discuss the rational of background of the study in a research report.
The rationale of background of the study in a research report provides a context for
understanding the purpose and significance of the research. It outlines the reasons why the
research is being conducted, the gaps or limitations in current knowledge, and the potential
benefits or implications of the study. The background section is typically found near the
beginning of the research report and serves as an introduction to the research topic.
Overall, the rationale or background of the study sets the stage for the research and
provides a clear justification for why the study is necessary and valuable. It helps readers
understand the motivation behind the research and provides a foundation for evaluating the
research's findings and implications.

Why significant of the study? Give five reasons.
N.B: I itemize ten, you can choose any five.
The significance of a study refers to the importance or relevance of its findings and contributions
to a particular field or topic. Here are some reasons why a study might be significant:
Advancing knowledge: The study may contribute to the existing body of knowledge by
providing new insights, theories, or concepts.
Practical applications: The findings of the study can have practical implications and be applied to
solve real-world problems or improve current practices.
Addressing a research gap: The study may fill a gap in existing research by exploring an area
that has not been extensively studied or understood.
Informing policy-making: The study's results can provide valuable information for policymakers,
helping them make informed decisions and develop effective strategies.
Improving human health: If the study focuses on a medical or health-related topic, its findings
can lead to improved diagnosis, treatment, or prevention strategies.
Social impact: The study may have broader societal implications by shedding light on social
issues, cultural phenomena, or factors influencing human behavior.
Economic significance: If the study relates to an economic topic, its findings can inform
decision-making in business, finance, or government, potentially leading to economic growth or
improved efficiency.
Innovations and advancements: The study may contribute to technological advancements,
innovation, or the development of new products or services.
Enhancing academic understanding: The study can provide a deeper understanding of a specific
discipline or contribute to the development of new research methods or approaches.
Influence on future research: The study's findings may inspire or guide future research efforts,
building on the study's results and expanding the knowledge in the field.

Justify the use of Craigie and Morgan sampling table in term of his benefits to the studies.
The use of the Craigie and Morgan sampling table can provide several benefits to studies,
particularly in the field of survey research including randomization, representative sampling,
efficiency, precision, statistical validity, replication, comparability, and ethical considerations.
By incorporating this sampling technique, researchers can enhance the quality and reliability of
their findings, leading to more accurate and robust conclusions.
Why is statement of the problem importance in a research or study?
The statement of the problem is an essential component of any research or study because it
establishes the need for research, defines the research focus, justifies the significance of the
study, guides the research objectives and methods, and facilitates effective communication. It is
the starting point that sets the direction for the entire research process and ensures the study's
relevance and contribution to the field.

Distinguish between recommendation and suggestions for further Study in a research.
In the context of research, the terms "recommendations" and "suggestions for further study" have
distinct meanings and purposes.
Recommendations: Recommendations in research refer to specific actions or measures that are
proposed based on the findings and conclusions of a study. These are often presented as
actionable steps or guidelines that aim to address a problem, improve a situation, or provide
guidance for future actions or decision-making. Recommendations are typically derived from the
implications and significance of the study's results and are intended to offer practical solutions or
suggestions for implementation.
Suggestions for further study: Suggestions for further study, on the other hand, are ideas or
directions proposed by researchers for future research endeavors that could build upon the
current study. These suggestions arise from the limitations, gaps, or unanswered questions
identified during the research process. They are intended to guide and inspire subsequent
researchers to explore new aspects or dimensions related to the topic.
In summary, recommendations provide practical actions or measures based on the
findings of a study, while suggestions for further study propose new avenues for research to
explore unanswered questions or address limitations identified in the current study. Both aspects
contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the continuous development of research in a
particular domain.
How would a researcher of M.Ed. dissertation makes his findings known to the outside world or
When a researcher completes their M.Ed (Master of Education) dissertation and wants to share
their findings with the outside world or society, there are several effective ways to do so. Here
are some common strategies:
Publish in academic journals: Researchers can submit their findings as articles to reputable
academic journals in the field of education. Journals provide a platform for sharing research with
other scholars, professionals, and interested individuals. The peer-review process ensures the
quality and credibility of the work.
Present at conferences: Researchers can present their findings at relevant conferences and
symposiums in the field of education. This allows them to reach a wider audience of scholars,
practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders. Conference presentations often involve
sharing key aspects of the research and engaging in discussions with attendees.
Publish a book or book chapter: If the findings of the dissertation are substantial and
comprehensive, the researcher may consider publishing a book or contributing a chapter to an
edited volume. This provides an opportunity to delve deeper into the research and reach a
broader audience, including educators, students, and policymakers.
Disseminate through institutional channels: Many educational institutions have platforms for
sharing research conducted by their faculty and students. Researchers can utilize these channels
to disseminate their findings to the educational community within their institution.
Create a personal website or blog: Establishing a personal website or blog allows researchers to
share their work directly with the public. They can write summaries of their research, provide
key findings, and engage in discussions with readers through comments or social media. This
approach is especially useful for connecting with practitioners and interested individuals outside
the academic sphere.
Collaborate with organizations and professionals: Researchers can actively seek partnerships
with relevant organizations, such as educational associations, non-profit organizations, or
government agencies. Collaborating with these entities can help disseminate the research
findings to a wider audience and facilitate the translation of research into practice.
Engage with the media: Researchers can reach out to journalists or media outlets to share their
findings. This can involve writing press releases, giving interviews, or participating in radio or
television programs. Working with the media can help increase the visibility and impact of the
research on a broader scale.

Write 5 researchable topic from your teaching subject and identity the independent and
dependent variables in each.
i. The impact of hands-on laboratory experiences on students' understanding of scientific
Independent Variable: Hands-on laboratory experiences
Dependent Variable: Students' understanding of scientific concepts.
ii. Investigating the effectiveness of flipped classrooms in science education.
Independent Variable: Flipped classroom approach
Dependent Variable: Effectiveness of learning
iii. Examining the relationship between teacher-student interaction patterns and student
engagement in science classrooms.
Independent Variable: Teacher-student interaction patterns
Dependent Variable: Student engagement in science classrooms
iv. Assessing the impact of project-based learning on students' problem-solving skills in
Independent Variable: Project-based learning
Dependent Variable: Students' problem-solving skills in science
v. Investigating the influence of science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge on student
achievement in science.
Independent Variable: Science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge.
Dependent Variable: Student achievement in science
vi. Examining the effects of formative assessment strategies on students' learning outcomes in
Independent Variable: Formative assessment
Dependent Variable: Students' learning outcomes in science
vii. Investigating the relationship between students' self-efficacy beliefs and their achievement in
Independent Variable: Students' self-efficacy beliefs in science.
Dependent Variable: Achievement in science.
viii. Assessing the impact of multimedia resources on students' retention of scientific knowledge.
Independent Variable: Multimedia resources
Dependent Variable: Students' retention of scientific knowledge
ix. Investigating the effects of cooperative learning strategies on students' collaborative and
critical thinking skills in science.
Independent Variable: Cooperative learning strategies
Dependent Variable: Students' collaborative and critical thinking skills in science
x. Examining the impact of inquiry-based teaching approaches on students' attitudes towards
Independent Variable: Inquiry-based teaching approaches
Dependent Variable: Students' attitudes towards science

Treated and Compiled by: M. I. Ladan

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