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Good evening class before we start may I request everyone to please stand up

And joined Mr. Alvin rebusada in leading the prayer. In the name of the father and of the son and the
holy sprit amen.

So once again Good Evening class, I am Rito Anthony Oblig Sultan, your science teacher, but you can call
me teacher Rito.

So before you take your seat please pick up some pieces of paper and also arrange your chair's
properly….. okay you may sit down.

Now let me check your attendance first please say present when your name is called let's begin with
Daya, Pajal, Rebusada, Labadan and Riray, Very good, everyone is present. Let's give a round of
applause to everyone.

Now, before we go into our next lesson, let me introduce my classroom rules. Firstly, when the
teacher is speaking, it is important to listen carefully. Secondly, let's respect one another. And
lastly, remember to raise your hand if you wish to answer a question. Are we all clear? Excellent.

Did I assign any homework in our last meeting? Yes, I did. Please pass your assignments forward
in the count of five, four, three, two, and one.

But before we proceed to our next lesson, let's quickly review what we discussed in our previous
meeting. Mr. Pajal, can you recall what we covered last time?

 Okay thank you , Yesterday we discussed all about the phases of matter.


 Now, I have a picture here. Can anyone identify this instrument?

 -Well done, Ms. Ladra. It is a microscope.
 And what is the purpose of a microscope?

-Yes, Miss Salon, exactly. Microscopes are used to observe small objects that are not
visible to the naked eye.
 The microscope is an important investigative tool used for studying objects
and organisms around us microorganisms like bacteria can be observed
through the use of microscope.


Now I have here some scrambled letters. I want you to arrange the following words. I
will give you three minutes to do that.

Okay, very good class for your participation. The first word is "mechanical," the second
word is "illuminating," and the last word is "magnifying."

So, what would be the topic for today's lesson? Yes, lab apparatus. Another hand? Yes,
Miss ejara very good. It is all about the parts of the compound microscope and their

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

a. identifying the three main parts of the compound microscope according to their functions:

b. create a Spider's web organizer about the three main parts of compound microscope; and

c. recognizing the use of microscope in the determining some diseases.


Now you are going to have your group activity, I will divide the class into three groups. Each group will be
given Manila paper, a pen, and a module to create a spider web organizer about the parts of the
compound microscope

: This will be the group 1, 2 and 3

Group 1 will do the mechanical parts.

Group 2 will cover the illuminating parts.

And lastly, Group 3 will focus on the magnifying parts

Do we understand each other? Any questions about your task? Okay, none. Now,
proceed to your groups and begin your task.

Okay, time's up! Can you all go back to your seats and arrange your chairs properly?

Now it's time to present your output, let start with group 1.

 Okay very good , the information’s are clear. very nice presentation.. lets give a hands to group 1.
 Okay next group, well done group 2 You have a nice idea.
 Lastly the group 3 Exactly youve got right answer.

Thank you for your participation class , I’m glad that you understand our topic today, so since all of you
have participated, all of you got a perfect score, let's clap our hands.

To sum up class mechanical parts is to support and adjust other parts, while Illuminating parts is to
regulate the amount of light lastly magnifying parts is to magnify and enlarge the image.


I have here a picture, what can you see in this picture?

 A bacteria, an organism another answer.?

 Yes miss bajao? Yes very good , the picture shows the urine with UTI..

Can we see them in our naked eye?

 Yes miss daya, We can only see them in the microscope, Because We don’t have a capability to
see the bacteria or viruses in our naked eyed.
 Astronomer/Scientist

What should we do to avoid this disease?

 Yes Mr. Pajal Always practice good hygiene like washing our hands before eating.

And also Wash your food and drink clean water.

Microscopes contribute to various learning areas by enabling students to explore the microscopic world
in science, medicine, environmental science, materials science, forensics, geology, education, art, history,
language, communication, and environmental awareness. They promote skills development, data
analysis, ethical reflection, artistic representation, historical understanding, language proficiency, and
environmental investigation. Microscope use by professionals drives knowledge and technological
advancements through observation-based generalizations.


To deepen your knowledge to our topic today, I have here a short video clip about the compound
microscope, and their function. listen carefully because later on we will have a short quiz.
Okay so what are those parts of microscope?

 Yes miss oba, Base, body and tube

Another answer?

 Yes miss acuzar, Diaphragm, mirror and and stage clip, lower and higher power objective and etc.

Do you have any questions? Clarifications?

 Okay none,


So since all of you already know the parts and function of microscope, get one half sheet of paper and
answer the following.

: Okay times up, pass your paper in the count of 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.


Now for your assignment, please read your module.

And answer page 8 what I have Learned.

That’s all for today class , Good bye and see you tomorrow

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