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The tea shop

CRACK!! The glass shattered and there was the secret recipe here after all these years. One week before as the customers took off
their shoes the floor squeaked when they took their shoes off, Aki seated the customer quickly like it was a sport and took the order
of one of the customers.

“One of the secret green teas” she asked

“Hai” (yes) she responded.

She walked to the back with her dad the owner and made the family recipe. Only the family knew the recipe it would be quicker to
tell the employees but no with tradition it can’t be revealed.

The tea shop had once been owned by just Aki’s mum and dad but after mum passed dad had to run it with Aki, he always said the
only way he saved the tea shop is he never gave up. With the tea shop being so popular they owned a beautiful house surrounded
by cherry blossoms at the was side of the shrine separated by the torii. It was the blossoms were her mom’s favorite and, in the
center, lowed the tea recipe their great grandma made.

As the sun rose her face shriveled as she looked down at the mountain of customers in a line but as she looked a bit closer, she
noticed that they were not at their tea shop but another. She immediately ran down the road to their tea shop and went to the
back to and investigated.

“Dad” she yelled

“Aki it’s ok we will be fine”.

Her dad reassured her she sighed with relief

The next week she woke up to her dad with red eyes of tears. As he cried on the bed, she noticed the regulars in the other line she
grit her teeth in anger she looked closer. She saw the owner the sick man was stood there with a grin in his kimono. Then the last
straw was that the recipe was stolen, and the glass had been shattered everywhere the holder for the recipe stared silently.

She laid there in anger as she thought about the sick man who stole the recipe, she quickly changed emotion to sadness because
they would be homeless. She walked down to the study where her mom wrote she looked at the thick draw and tugged strongly
with one final push a book popped out her mom’s recipe book and flicked to tea there was the green tea and a Blossom tea? She
made the recipe It was amazing even with only one sip. she ran to her still crying father and gave him the tea he smiled and spoke

“Aki you saved the tea shop, you saved mums dream.”

Getting customers was hard at first but with the tea it was possible. They advertised around the street and Aki and her father were
working double the competitors but with the blossom tea she had confidence. The next day with their customers gone the other tea
shop closed because her and her dad never gave up, they could overcome obstacles.

A few years later with the new tea the customers came back to the shop Aki smiled with knowing mom dream is saved. Now she
appreciated lots of customers she greets them with a smile. Now she’s made her own tea at this point her father getting older. She
will never forget her and her dad’s little tea shop. The only reason she and her dad were here is that they did not give up and
overcome obstacles.

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