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Nucleic Acid & Protein Synthesis

DNA or deoxyribonucleic acids are molecules that carries genetic information

macromolecule are also polymers, made up of many similar, smaller molecules joined
into a long chain.

DNA found in nucleus

DNA and chromosome have different structure

Dna is called molecule of life because dna is made up of protein

How DNA is organized in human cell:

DNA molecules consists of two parallel strands twisted around each other to form
double helix.

DNA wrapped around proteins to form a single chromatin thread

During cell division, chromatin threads coil tightly into structure called chromosome.

Smallest protein that made DNA is nucleic acid.

Basic unit of DNA is nucleotides, therefore nucleotides made up of:

Pentose sugar (deoxyribose utk dna, ribose utk rna)

Phosphate group

nitrogen containing base

Types of nitrogen base:

Adenine (A)

Cytosine (C)

Nucleic Acid & Protein Synthesis 1

Guanine (G)

Thymine (T)

Uracil (pengganti T di RNA)

Rule Pairing

1. Adenine always bond with thymine (A with T)

2. Guanine always bond with cytosine (G with C)

Differences between DNA and RNA:


1. made up of deoxyribose sugar

2. dna fixed ratio (nitrogen base semuanya 1)

3. contain thymine instead of uracil

4. insoluble

5. double strand

6. permanent


1. Made up of ribose sugar

2. contain uracil Instead of thymine

3. no fixed ratio

4. refers solubility, soluble

5. refers to strand, single strand

6. time period, temporary

DNA replication:


Nucleic Acid & Protein Synthesis 2

semi conservative


related with inheritance during meiosis, semi conservative because there is the old one
from the parent and new one is because meiosis produce new characteristics

During meiosis it is a semi conservative because one of the helix comes form the
parents and the other helix is the one that is conserved from the parents

Nucleic Acid & Protein Synthesis 3

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