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 Gregor Mendel (heredity)
 Thomas Hunt Morgan (flies, linkage)
 Frederick Griffith (1928: transformation and mice)
 Oswald Theodore Avery, Colin MacLeod and Maclyn
McCarty (1944: DNA as the transforming agent)
 Erwin Chargaff (late 40’s-early 50’s: base pairing=AT
 Alfred Hershey-Martha Chase (1952: DNA is not a
 Watson and Crick (1953: chemical structure of DNA –
secondary structure: double-helix)
 Meselson-Stahl (mid 1950’s: DNA Replication details:
semi-conservative replication model)
 Friedrich Miescher in 1869
 Isolated what he called nuclein from the nuclei of pus
 Nuclein was shown to have acidic properties, hence
it became called nucleic acid

Chromosomes, Genes, and Nucleic Acids

 Chromosomes The presence of cells makes a thing living.
 structure in the cell nucleus which is the visible Chromosomes within these cells makes it capable of doing
carrier of genetic information biological processes. Within these chromosomes are genes
 Genes that codes for specific proteins. Those genes are made up of
 portion of a chromosome that controlled a specific nucleic acids.
inheritable trait Long strands of nucleic acid (DNA) is organized
 Nucleic Acids through the protein histones. With the help of histones, the
 carries information which directs the process of DNA will be wrapped properly to be organize and form
protein synthesis genes. Then, it will be further wrapped and organized to form
 within the nucleic acids are the codes needed for a chromosome.
transcription and translation of proteins Every specie have 2 sets of chromosomes (pairs)
which are tied together through a protein called centromere.
Genome (entire set of genes of an organism) size is based The end of the chromosome is called a telomere, which are
on number of nucleotide pairs present made up of genes that are not coding for specific proteins
 Nucleotides are monomers of nucleic acids (protective caps of chromosomes because the sequences
 DNA is made up of repeating series of nucleotides present are not functional)

 C-value paradox: Among eukaryotes, there is no

consistent relationship on the C-value (DNA content of
the genome) and the metabolic, developmental, or
behavioural complexity of the organism

Criteria for the Genetic Material

1. It must contain information that controls the synthesis of
enzymes and other proteins;
 Base pairs present within the DNA codes for amino
acids which are needed for the synthesis of proteins
2. It must be able to self-replicate with high fidelity, yet allow
a low level of mutation;
 its base pairs are complementary to each other,
making a complementary pair using a single strand
of DNA alone
 Within the nucleus, chromosomes are located (as pairs)
 replication of DNA allows low level of mutation
allowing more room for improvement  One set from the mother, one set from the father
3. It must be located in the chromosomes, which had been  Chromosomes are tied together (by protein centromere)
found to carry traits from one generation to the next  Ends of the chromosome (Telomeres)
 Chromosomes are made up of DNA, they are also  Within the chromosome are genes (genes are specific
located in the nucleus to protect it from cellular portions of chromosome coding for a protein which
damage functions in various phase)
 In the genes are nucleic acids (DNA: double-helix
molecule containing base pair)

 DNA are wrapped around histones to be organized

 2 types of histone:
1. Responsible for organizing nucleosome (8 histones
with DNA wrapped around it)
2. Responsible for building up solenoid (structure made
up of 6 nucleosome and 6 histones)

Composition of Nucleic Acids

 Nucleic Acids (repeating series of nucleotide)
 Polymers (polynucleotides)

 Parts of Nucleotide
 A five-membered ring monosaccharide
 A nitrogen-containing cyclic compound (nitrogenous
 A phosphate group

 Types of Nucleic Acids

 DNA (genetic material – doesn’t function without
 Sugar + Base = Nucleoside
 Adenine + (deoxy)ribose = (deoxy)adenosine
 Guanine + (deoxy)ribose = (deoxy)guanosine
 Cytosine + (deoxy)ribose = (deoxy)cytidine
 Thymine + deoxyribose = deoxythymidine
 Uracil + ribose = uridine

 Sugar + Base = NUCLEOSIDE

 Sugars
 2-deoxyribose (for DNA)
o 5th carbon – phosphate group
o 3rd – next nucleotide attached
 Ribose (for RNA)
o 2nd carbon - oxygen
 Nitrogenous Base
 Purines (2)
o Contains two-fused N-containing ring
 Adenine (A) o Adenosine: nucleoside formed after combination of
adenine with ribose
 Guanine (G)
 Pyrimidines (3)
o Has one nitrogen-containing ring
 Cytosine (C)
 Thymine (T)
 Uracil (U)

Bases Ribonucleosides Ribonucleotides

Adenine (A) Adenosine Adenosine 5’-
Guanine (G) Guanosine Guanosine 5’-
Cytosine (C) Cytidne Cytidine 5’-
Uracil (U) Uridine Uridine 5’-

 NUCLEOSIDE + Phosphate = NUCLEOTIDE Structures of Nucleic Acids

 Are the building blocks of nucleic acids  Primary Structure (from polymerization of monomers)
 Monomers of the DNA and RNA polymers  the repeating sequence of nucleotides form its
 Is a 5’-monophoshpate ester of a nucleoside primary structure (forming alternating ribose and
 Are named by adding 5’-monophosphate at the end phosphate backbone – providing structural stability)
of the name of the nucleoside  Nucleotides are connected through Carbon-3 of
ribose sugar (repeated until nucleic acid is form)
 Alternating deoxyribose and phosphate group
 Backbone of the molecule
 Provides structural stability
 the bases that are the side-chain groups
 carry all the information necessary for
protein synthesis
 Secondary Structure
 Based on:
o Chargaff rule
 Nucleotides
 A, T, G, and C (complimentary) are present
 Can add additional phosphate groups to form
in equimolar quantities (refers to similarity in
diphosphate or triphosphate esters (necessary to
molar concentration in DNA hydrolysis;
produce energy needed in transcription, translation
equal concentration)
and repli)
 If this 2 molecules are placed together, they
form hydrogen bonds
 Similar molar concentration upon DNA
o X-ray diffraction photographs
 Obtained by Rosalind Franklin and Maurice
 Diagonal image: helical structure of DNA

Bases Deoxyribonucleosides Deoxyribonucleotides

Adenine Deoxyadenosine Deoxyadenosine 5’-
(A) Monophosphate
Guanine Deoxyguanosine Deoxyguanosine 5’-
(G) Monophosphate
Cytosine Deoxycytidine Deoxycytidine 5’-
(C) Monophosphate  Double helix
(dCMP) o The 2 (single strand of DNA) polynucleotide
chains run in opposite directions
Thymine Deoxythymidine Deoxythymidine 5’-
o One 5’ – OH and one 3’ – OH terminal
(T) Monophosphate
o Bases are hydrophobic (non polar, tucked
o Sugar phosphate backbone is hydrophilic (polar,
exposed to environment)

o Sugar-phosphate backbone is exposed to the

aqueous environment

 Higher Structure 3 forms of the helical structure of DNA: A, B, Z

 Histones  X-ray photograph (Franklin and Wilkins) of DNA was in
o Basic protein to w/c the DNA is coiled around B form (common structure of DNA, followed by A)
 Nucleosome  Z form is rarest and is only obtained in experiments
o Further arrangement of DNA in order to organize
them in the chromosomes
o 8 histones wrapped together by DNA
 Histones are attracted to the DNA through
electrostatic force (basic protein = (+)
charge; DNA is acidic = (-) charge)
o Acidic DNA + basic histones
o Attract each other by electrostatic (ionic) forces

Hydrogen bonds present in base pairs:

 A form – 11 base pairs before helix rotates

 B form – 10 base pairs before helix rotates
 in both A&B, glycosidic bonds are in anti-manner or
o syn-orientation (glycosidic bond is above the
o anti-orientation (nitrogenous base below the
 3 hydrogen bonds ribose)
 Z form – 12 base pairs before helix rotates (glycosidic
bonds are anti and syn)

Ribonucleic Acids
 Single strand nucleic acids
 Usually located outside the nucleus (but made inside the
nucleus and transported to cytoplasm to do its function)
 The important intermediary player in the central dogma
 The only genetic material of viruses (viruses are
classified as non-living things because it only has one
genetic material)
 2 hydrogen bonds (easier to breakdown
than G and C pair)
Types of Ribonucleic Acids
 Messenger RNA (mRNA)
 Codes for protein
 Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
 Forms the core of the ribosomes

 Machinery for making proteins Complementary: mRNA is the exact

 Transfer RNA (tRNA) opposite of that one strand present in the
 Matches code for amino acid on mRNA and position DNA
the right amino acid in place during protein synthesis  Opposite in the sense of its complementary
 Transfers free amino acids to the polypeptide chain base pairs
 Ribozyme  If a single strand in the DNA codes for
 RNA with enzymatic properties AAGG, mRNA will code for UUCC
 Functions in mRNA splicing  mRNA now carries the code for the
formation of some protein
mRNA contains untranslated regions (regions that

do not code for amino acids), sequence usually starts few

mRNA carries the code needed for the production of amino acids from the 5’ end of the mRNA
specific protein, once it goes into the cytoplasm it merges
with rRNA to be read. The tRNA will carry the corresponding  Transfer RNA (tRNA)
amino acid coded by the codon present on the mRNA. Codon  Contains 73 to 93 nucleotides per chain
are the 3 consecutive nitrogenous base present in the  Can carry a single type of amino acid
mRNA.  Every amino acid have one tRNA carrier
Each codon codes for a specific amino acids. The  There is at least one different tRNA for each of the
delivery of the tRNA of this specific amino acid to the rRNA 20 amino acids
will now initiate the formation of primary structure of protein.  Transports amino acids to the site of protein
It is only the mRNA that can traverse the nucleus and synthesis in the ribosomes
cytoplasm. Since, tRNA and rRNA is only present in the
cytoplasm. Before mRNA is transferred to the cytoplasm it
undergoes a series of changes for it to be more refined and
efficient in being the code for protein formation.

 Most important parts: anticodon arm and acceptor arm

 Anticodon arm – complementary base pairs of mRNA
 3 nitrogenous base pairs present at the end
of tRNA is complementary to the codon
 Messenger RNA (mRNA) present in mRNA
 Carry the genetic information from the DNA in the  Each anticodon corresponds to a specific
nucleus directly to the cytoplasm type of amino acid carried by the tRNA
 Consists of a chain of nucleotides whose sequence  Amino acids are connected to the tRNA at the acceptor
is exactly complementary to one of the strands DNA arm (3’ end of tRNA)

 In the 3rd carbon, the amino acid will attach

to the tRNA

s = Svedberg unit (unit used to determine the sedimentation

rate of the different molecules or compound)
 60s ribosomes (large ribosomes) – it is heavier does
having a faste sedimentation rate

 Ribozymes
 Antiocodon: CGG  RNA with enzymatic capabilities
 Complementary to the codon present on the mRNA  Catalytic RNA – they can catalyse different reactions
(GCC) or initiate different reactions specifically splicing of
 Corresponds to the amino acid alanine mRNA
 Amino acid is connected to the 3’ end of transfer RNA  Catalyse the splicing of mRNA – refers to the
process of removing unnecessary parts of the
 Structural formula of tRNA: mRNA for it to become more efficient in protein
 Yellow – nitrogenous synthesis
 Blue – sugar How does the Ribozyme do its job?
phosphate backbone

 Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

 RNA that is complexed with proteins in ribosomes
 Main component of ribosome
 Complex machinery that is the site of protein
 2 subunits
o 1 large – catalyzes the peptide bond formation
o 1 small – binds mRNA and tRNA

 Joining up with mRNA

 It detects or scan which are the specific parts in that
mRNA that should be removed
 Once the ribozyme finds that specific part, it will
catalyse a reaction that will cause the mRNA to
Normally, when a ribosome doesn’t perform protein break at that specific portion that is not necessary for
synthesis, these subunits are separated in the cytoplasm. the coding a specific protein
They will merge once they decided to perform protein
 Small subunit – where mRNA will bind
 Large subunit – amino acids will combine in order to
form primary structure of proteins

 The proteins made are needed for various biological

processes and survival

 however, there are instances that ribozymes acts as

regulator in order to prevent the overproduction of  One gene = one protein
proteins  DNA should have the capacity to replicate itself to
 It does that by cutting large portions of the mRNA pass it from a single cell to daughter cells.
 If lots of parts of the mRNA were cut, including the
parts needed for the synthesis of protein, then that
mRNA will not be functional for protein synthesis
- Decreased rate for protein synthesis if ribozyme
cut large parts of the mRNA molecule

Exons and Introns

 Exons
 Coding sequence
 Expressed sequence
 Portion in the mRNA that codes for a specific amino
acid to make protein
 Introns
 Replication or the formation of duplicates of DNA to be
 Noncoding sequence
passed down from the mother to daughter cell is carried
 Part in the RNA that has no purpose; do not code for by DNA Polymerases
proteins  Transcription - process of transcribing DNA template to
 Intervening sequence mRNA is carried out by RNA polymerase
 Where DNA analysis happens  Translation = making proteins from the mRNA template
- Identifies specific identity in a person using DNA is carried out by the ribosomes
(to single out an individual they use introns)  RNA to DNA – enzyme reverse transcriptase (makes
- Because every individual have their own unique DNA from RNA
sequence of introns
 Transcription
 Occurs in the nucleus (to protect mRNA)
 Information encoded in a DNA molecule is copied
into an mRNA molecule
 Translation
 Information encoded in an mRNA molecule is used
to assemble a specific protein

Expression of Genes
 Some genes are transcribed in large quantities because
In splicing, the introns are removed
we need large amount of this protein
- In transcription, the first product is pre mRNA
 Some genes are transcribed in small quantities because
which contains introns
we need only a small amount of this protein
- If these introns is involved in protein translation,
 What makes expression of genes possible is the
protein synthesis won’t be efficient
presence of transcription factors and other proteins
that act intranuclearly (inside the nucleus)
Central Dogma of Life
- Ex. Steroid hormones (activate genes to create
 DNA acts as a “manager” in the process of making
protein), Vit E (retinoic acid binds with retinoid x
receptor will activate genes to increase
 DNA is the template or starting sequence that is copied
transcription of those genes and protein
into RNA that is then used to make the protein
synthesis will increase)

 Cell Cycle
Some genes are overly expressed in some individuals, there - G1 Phase – cell is metabolically active
are also underexpressed in some individuals - S Phase – DNA Replication (8 hours for normal
- This causes the different physical appearance of somatic cells: body cells)
individuals within a specie. - G2 Phase – cell growth continues
- Mitotic phase – where the cell will divide
DNA Replication
 Means to produce molecules that have the same base
 To distribute the DNA of the parent cells to its daughter
calls (cells die eventually – It needs to be passed to code
 Process that ensures the stability of an organism
 Producing two identical replicas of DNA

 Runs in opposing direction

- For the hydrogen bond between
complementary bases to meet
 DNA are made up of repeating sequences of
 Nucleotides are made of ribose (DNA: 2-
 5th carbon – phosphate is connected
 Next nucleotide is connected at Carbon-3 of the
 5’ to 3’ direction (exposed carbons)
 All DNA present is replicated (needed to pass to the  DNA strands run in opposite direction,
daughter cells) complementary strand runs in 3’ to 5’ direction
 Unwind DNA from binding with histones (remove  Anti-parallelism of the DNA
wrapping through the process of acetylation – makes the hydrogen bonds
addition of acetyl groups to the histone groups to meet
loosen its binding to DNA)
 DNA replication takes place in the S phase (intended for  The DNA backbone
DNA Replication)  Alternating phosphate-sugar
 S phase during interphase of the cell cycle backbone
(interphase and mitotic phase) o Refer to the 3’ and 5’ ends of
 Nucleus of eukaryotes (membrane-bound to protect the DNA

 Anti-parallel strands DNA Replication is semi-conservative

 Nucleotides in DNA backbone are bonded from  Replication of DNA
phosphate to sugar between 3’ and 5’ carbons  New strand is half-parent template and half-new
o DNA molecules has “direction” DNA
o Complementary strand runs in opposite  Replication is semi-conservative
direction  This is proven in the experiments of
o Meselsohn and Stahl
o Taylor

Meselsohn and Stahl Experiment

 Grew a bacteria in an isotope (variants of elements with

 Base pairing

different molecular weight)

 2 isotopes used:
 N15 – nitrogen weighing 15 amu
 N14 – nitrogen weighing 14 amu
 1st step: grew a bacteria in N15
 Sample of a bacteria from the medium at 0 minutes
 Sample subjected to DNA extraction
 DNA subjected to ultracentrifugation
 DNA settled at the bottom (heavy because it
contains N15)
 They took a sample from N15 and transferred it to N14
 N14 (Light medium)
 After 20 mins (1 cell division cycle), they extracted a
sample from the medium, subjected to DNA
 Base are paired because of hydrogen bonds
extraction then ultracentrifugation
 Adenine and Thymine: 2 H bonds
 It was found out that the DNA in N14 settled at the
 Guanine and Cytosine: 3 H bonds
 DNA formed is lighter compared to N15
DNA Replication Models
 Semiconservative Replication  Labeled it as Intermediate DNA
 DNA Replication would create two molecules  After 40 minutes (2 rounds of cell division), another
sample from N14 subjected to ultracentrifugation
 Each of them would be a complex of an old
(parental) and a daughter strand  Found out that there are 2 types of DNA formed
- Intermediate DNA (N14 and N15)
 Newly formed molecules is composed of 1 strand
- Light DNA (pure n14)
from parent and 1 strand from daughter.
 Result:
 Conservative Replication
 1st test tub is the parent DNA (n15)
 DNA Replication process would create a brand new
DNA double helix made of two daughter strands  2nd test tube is the first generation of cells from the
while the parental chains would stay together parent DNA (newly synthesize DNA)
 Dispersive Replication  3rd test tube: product of 2 replication cycles
 Replication process would create two DNA double-
chains, each of them with parts of both parent and
daughter molecules

Taylor Experiment

 Utilized a plant species: Vicia faba

- Isolate DNA from that plant
- Adds label (Label – radioactive or fluorescent
attached to a substance you want to test)
- For the experiment, he made a label that will Differentiating replication (prokaryotic vs eukaryotic cells)
attach to thymine (H-Thymidine)  Location
- After one round of cell division, one strand of the o Eukaryotic
chromosome is labelled (parent), and one is not - Replication happens within the
labelled (daughter dna) nucleus because the DNA is
located in the nucleus and to
DNA REPLICATION protect the DNA from cellular
 As the 2 DNA strands open at the origin, replication damages
bubbles form o Prokaryotic
o Prokaryotes (bacteria) have a single bubble - Replication happens within the
- Only one replication origin is cytoplasm. In that specific area of
needed that is because the cytoplasm termed as nucleoid
chromosomes of prokaryotes are  Stage of Cell Division
simple o Eukaryotic
- Because prokaryotes have single - Replication happens in S Phase in
replication origin. They can form a cell cycle
single replication bubble (the bubble o Prokaryotic
formed in replication because of the - Happens prior to binary fusion. So
separation of DNA strands) unlike eukaryotic cells there’s no
- Any activity requires spaces. In specific cell cycle and they do
replication, there is a space formed replication before binary fusion/ cell
in the DNA template because in that division
space that the replication happens  Origin
and because of that space there is o Eukaryote
a formation of replication bubbles - The replication origin are multiple
o Eukaryotic chromosomes have many because of the fact that
bubbles chromosomes of eukaryotes are
- Multiple replication origins are complicated
needed because the chromosomes o Prokaryotic
of eukaryotes are way more - The replication origin is only at a
complex than prokaryotes single point because of the
- Have multiple bubbles, because chromosomes of prokaryotic cells
multiple replication origins they are simple.
have multiple replication bubbles.  Replication Bubble
Because replication happens at o Eukaryotic
multiple sites in eukaryotic - Numerous due to multiple
chromosomes. replication origin
o Prokaryotic
- One due to single replication origin
 Replication fork
o Eukaryotic
- Numerous due to numerous
replication bubble
o Prokaryotic
- Two due to single replication origin
and single replication bubble
o What is Replication fork?

- Areas within the replication bubble - DNA A Protein

wherein the DNA is being  Unwinding of DNA Double Helix
separated in two strands real-time. o Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic
- Basically, replication fork is the end - Helicase (Requires ATP); For both
of the replication bubble cells’ helicase will separate
helicase in unwinding the double
helix of DNA
 Stabilization of unwound template strands
o Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic
- Single strand DNA-binding protein;
are used to keep the separated
DNA separated strands and
 Okazaki Fragments prevent them from being wounded
o Eukaryotic again
- Shorter but produced in a slower  Synthesis of RNA primers
rate o Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic
o Prokaryotic - Primase
- Longer but ironically in faster rate o Eukaryotic
 Termination Site - Its primase is a part DNA
o Eukaryotic polymerase alpha
- Multiple termination site along the  Synthesis of DNA Leading Strand and Lagging
chromosome corresponding to Strand
each origin of replication o Eukaryotic
o What is termination - Leading strand
- Part of the replication cycle where  DNA Polymerase δ
active replication stops - Lagging Strand
o Prokaryotic  DNA Polymerase α
- Single termination site 180 degree o Prokaryotic
from the origin. - Leading strand
 DNA Polymerase III
- Lagging strand
 DNA Polymerase III
 Removal of RNA Primers
o Eukaryotic
- Unknown; Varies from species to
o Prokaryotic
- DNA Polymerase I (5’ to 3’
 Joining of Okazaki Fragments
o Eukaryotic
- DNA Ligase which requires ATP
Specific steps in replication cycle (Eukaryotic vs o Prokaryotic
Prokaryotic) - DNA Ligase which requires NAD
 Recognition of Origin of Replication  Removal of positive supercoils ahead of advancing
o What is recognition of origin replication forks
- In order for replication to begin. o Eukaryotic
Protein should recognize/mark the - DNA Topoisomerase II
origins of replication o Prokaryotic
- Origin of Replication is rich with - DNA Topoisomerase II (DNA
Adenine, Thymine sequences. That Gyrase)
is because AT sequences contain
2 hydrogen bonds which is easier Eukaryotic DNA Replication
to break. Thus, making them the  Origins of replication is characterized by the
best site for origin of replication presence of A-T rich sites
- AT Sequences site is where DNA o Parts of dna where adenine and thymine
begin its separation are rich this origins should be marked with
o Eukaryotic different proteins in order to recruit
- It is not established what specific  Once the replication proteins are recruited at the
protein is used in marking origin of site origin of replication the replication bubbles will
replication now be formed
o Prokaryotic

o Replication bubbles are formed because bacterium to another using various

the DNA strands are already separated mechanism
 The replication bubble will continue to grow until o This plasmid is what makes bacteria
each replication bubble will merge capable of antibiotic resistance
o Replicate through rolling circle replication
 Begins in a protein nicks one strand of a DNA
o That nicking leads to formation of 3 prime
end and 5 prime ends
 A helicase like protein will come to the nick in order
to separate these 2 DNA strands
 A DNA polymerase will bind to 3 prime end in order
to synthesize the new DNA strand.
 So, while helicase is separating the two DNA
strand. This DNA strands will gradually form a circle
 Once it is fully separated it is then furthered
rejoined and from that single DNA strand a news
DNA Strand will form

Prokaryotic DNA Replication

 Begins at a single origin
 From the origin a replication bubble will form
- Within that replication bubble is where
replication happens and the synthesis of
new DNA template happen
 So, the replication bubble will increase in size until
the replication bubble will meet its end in a
termination site
- The site of termination site of prokaryote is  Rolling Circle Replication Beings when RepA goes
180 degree from the site of origin to the site of plasmids wherein the origin will begin
 After the termination of replication there are 2 that specific point in the plasmid is origin of
chromosomes that is formed replication
- Chromosomes are made up of DNA, if the
DNA is replicated so is the chromosomes.
These chromosomes will be distributed in
its daughter cells.

 RepA will create a nick in the DNA strand will for a

3 prime end and a 5 prime end

Rolling Circle Replication

 Prokaryote specifically bacteria contain
extrachromosomal DNA which are called plasmids.
o Plasmid replicate separately from the
bacteria’s main chromosomes
o Plasmids are DNA are way simpler  In the 3 prime end, DNA polymerase III will bind
compared than bacteria’s main
chromosome at the same time these
plasmids can be passed from one

- At this point the DNA is double stranded

before a new DNA strand was made

 At the 5-prime end, UVR will bind to separate the

DNA strands.
- While the strand is being separate, single
strand binding proteins will bind to prevent
it from binding or pairing with itself
- While separating, the DNA polymerase III Enzymes in Replication
will catalyze the formation of a new strand.  Helicase
- Unwinds the DNA double helix
- Helicase will cut the paired DNA strands.
Helicase is the equivalent of the UVR in the
Rolling Circle Replication
 Topoisomerase
- Prevents supercoiling; relaxes the part of
the DNA that is not yet separated.
- Types of Topoisomerase
 TYPE I Topoisomerase
 So when it reaches the end of termination, the - Breaks one DNA strand
protein RepA will cut the strand in order to fully and will connect another
separate the two separate strands strand to became a very
loose strand in a part of the
- Although the DNA strand is
loose and can be coiled
again it will not be
supercoiled unlike before
 Then a loop will be formed, in order for the DNA - Prevents supercoiling in
polymerase III to begin the synthesis of this new the DNA strand
strand so a 2 copy of plasmid will be formed  TYPE II Topoisomerase
- Breaks double strands of
the DNA and pass another
loop over it
- Prevent supercoiling within
2 DNA pairs

 The DNA ligase will finalize the newly formed DNA

strand in fixing the gaps in order for it to be intact
and continuous

 Primase
- Synthesize short oligonucleotides (primers)
 Clamp Protein (PCNA/Proliferating Cell Nuclear
Antigen for Eukaryote
- A.k.a. Processivity clamps allows the
There are 2 so called origin of the plasmid replication
leading strand to be threaded through.
 Single Stranded Origin
- At the same time makes the process in the
- Present on the separated DNA strand and
leading strand efficient. This clamp protein
while the new DNA is being made for the
helps keep the replication protein in place.
separated DNA strand the DNA template is
 DNA polymerase
single stranded thus making it single
- Joins the assembled nucleotides in order to
from nucleic acids
 Double Stranded Origin

- The main enzyme needed in the synthesis  Attach and keep the 2 DNA
of the new DNA strands strands separated and
- DNA Polymerase enzymatic activity untwisted
 (1) Polymerase o Topoisomerase
- Polymerizing the new DNA  Relieves the tension at the
strand by adding site where DNA is still
nucleotides wound in order to relieve
 (2) Exonuclease the stress in the DNA
- Break the sugar-phosphate molecule as it separates
backbone in the end of a  Attaches to the 2 forks of
nucleotide strand the bubble to relieve stress
- Proof reading capacity of on the DNA molecule as it
DNA polymerase. separates
- Nucleotides removed from
the ends
 Endonuclease
- Remove nucleotide from
the middle nucleotide
- Internal cuts
 Ligase
- Joins Okazaki fragments in the lagging
Replication  Elongation
 Initiation o Before new DNA strands can form, there
o Formation of Pre-replication complex must be RNA primers present to start the
formation addition of new nucleotide
- Are the combination of proteins in - Primers are the starting point of
the origin site to prepare the origin new DNA strands and are RNA in
site for replication nature.
- ORC (origin recognition complex), - DNA polymerase need primers
binds to the origin of replication because they cannot add
and that area is AT rich site. nucleotides into the new DNA
- Once ORC binds to that region the strand
protein CDC6 and CDT 1 then bind - RNA primers because if ever there
to it in order to recruit the protein are errors in the complementary
MCM (minichromosomal base pairs it can still be checked
maintenance) helicase-like o Primase
o Phosphorylation - Synthesizes the RNA Primer
- Once MCM binds together with the o DNA polymerase
proteins it will wait for further - Add the new nucleotides
phosphorylation to activate the  As the DNA nucleotides
complex are synthesized it is still
- Once it will be added with being checked
phosphate and will activate the - DNA polymerase III
MCM. Thus, the unwinding begins  In prokaryotes the
o Helicase polymerase that will add
 Unwinds part and nucleotides is the DNA
separates the 2 DNA polymerase III.
strands by breaking the - DNA polymerase a
weak hydrogen bonds  While in eukaryotes is DNA
 Remember that polymerase alpha
complementary base pairs  However, synthesis is
are bound by hydrogen complicated in the leading
bonds strand of eukaryotes.
o Single Strand Binding proteins  DNA polymerase Alpha is
 Will now bind to the single changed to DNA
stranded DNA in order to polymerase Delta. Due to
keep them separated and DNA polymerase is not
to prevent them from sticky and has the
winding back together tendency to lose focus in
synthesizing the strand.

That is why processivity

clamps to clump the
different polymerase to the
strand they are
- Replication Factor C (RFC)
assembles Proliferating Cell
nuclear Antigen (PCNA) at the end
of the primer
 PCNA is the processivity o Differentiate the Synthesis of Leading
clamp of the leading Strand (Prokaryote vs Eukaryote)
strand, this protein anchors - Prokaryote
the DNA polymerase Delta  After the primer is added
which is an enzyme that is by the primase. DNA
efficient in building DNA polymerase III will begin
strand than DNA the synthesis of nucleotide
polymerase Alpha - So that DNA polymerase III would
- PCNA displaces DNA pol alpha be effective, clump protein will be
 DNA polymerase alpha will recruited in the site and will clump
be changed into DNA DNA polymerase III to be efficient.
polymerase Delta
- DNA polymerase ẟ binds to PCNA,
recognized and begins leading
strand synthesis
o Build daughter DNA strand
- Add new complementary bases
- DNA polymerase III
- DNA polymerase ẟ

o Eukaryote
- After the primer is added, DNA
polymerase Alpha will add
nucleotides to that primer
- But because DNA polymerase
Alpha is not efficient it will recruit
- PCNA is equivalent of Clump
protein and will displace DNA
polymerase Alpha and will change
it into DNA polymerase Delta which
will be anchored./clump by PCNA
o DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides for DNA pol delta to be efficient
to the 3’ end of DNA - The leading strand has a template
o This causes new strand to be built in a 5’ to running from 5’ to 3’ direction
3’ direction

o The leading strand is synthesized as a

single strand from the point of origin toward
the opening replication fork
- Has a DNA template running in a 3’
to 5’ direction (3 is leading 5)

o The lagging strand is syn thesized

o Energy for Replication
discontinuously against overall direction fo
- Triphosphate of nucleotides is
where energy for bonding came
o This strand is made in many short
segments and is replicated from the
 Nucleotides can be in replication fork toward the origin
triphosphate, from this
nucleotide triphosphate
ENERGY could be obtained
- How? That is when the triphosphate is
broken down. When triphosphate is
separated energy will be released
- So when ATP is converted to AMP
(Adenosine Mono Phosphate) an
energy is released in the process
- Same is true for GTP -> GMP, TTP ->
o Okazaki fragments
- Series of short segments on the
lagging strand
- Must be join together by an
enzyme ligase

o Ligase joins the okazaki fragment together

to make one strand
o DNA Polymerase can Only add from 3’ to 5’
- Adding bases
 Can only add nucleotides to 3’
end of a growing DNA strand o Proteins (prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes
- Need a starter nucleotide bond
 Strand only grows 5’ -> 3’

 Termination
o The end-replication problem

- Loss of DNA in each eukaryotic

replication cycle because of primer
- The answer to this problem are
o Telomeres
- Regions of repetitive DNA close to
the ends and help prevent loss of
genes due to this shortening
- G-C rich

o Telomeric repeat-binding factor

- Binds and stabilizes the double -
stranded telomeric DNA
- Helps the overhangs to form
protective loops
o Telomerase
- Enzyme normally present on stem cells
and germ cells which catalyzes the
formation of telomeres
o Hayflick Limit
- The number of cell division an
organism can make
- Caused by the limited and
consumable presence of telomeres
on somatic cells

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